Create timeline or timeline templateedit

Creates a new timeline or timeline template.

The Kibana Console supports only Elasticsearch APIs. You cannot interact with the Kibana APIs with the Console and must use curl or another HTTP tool instead. For more information, refer to Console.

Use the timeline object’s timelineType field to determine whether a timeline or a timeline template is created, where:

  • default creates a new timeline ("timelineType": "default")
  • template creates a new timeline template ("timelineType": "template")

If you do not specify the timelineType field, a new timeline is created.

Request URLedit

POST <kibana host>:<port>/api/timeline

Request bodyedit

A JSON object defining the timeline or timeline template query and time filter.

For detailed information about the Timeline object schema and its corresponding UI components, see Timeline schema.

Name Type Description Required



The timeline object, which defines the search criteria and time range. The only required field is title.

When you are creating a timeline template, provide these fields to so you can easily import template updates:

  • templateTimelineId: Unique identifier (UUID, for timeline templates only)
  • templateTimelineVersion: Template version number (for timeline templates only)




If provided, must be null for a new timeline or template.




If provided, must be null for a new timeline or template.


Example requestsedit

Example 1

Creates a new timeline:

POST api/timeline
  "timeline": {
    "columns": [
        "id": "@timestamp"
        "id": ""
        "id": "event.category"
        "id": "event.action"
        "id": ""
    "dataProviders": [ 
        "and": [
            "name": "event.category",
            "enabled": true,
            "excluded": false,
            "queryMatch": {
              "field": "event.category",
              "value": "process",
              "operator": ":"
            "name": "",
            "enabled": true,
            "excluded": false,
            "queryMatch": {
              "field": "",
              "value": "SYSTEM",
              "operator": ":"
        "enabled": true,
        "excluded": false,
        "name": "host.os.platform",
        "queryMatch": {
          "field": "host.os.platform",
          "value": "windows",
          "operator": ":"
    "dateRange": {
      "end": 1594005719000,
      "start": 1593832919000
    "description": "Gets Windows system processes from all hosts",
    "title": "Windows system processes"

To ensure the timeline is displayed correctly in the UI, specify these fields in all dataProviders objects:

  • and (can be empty)
  • name
  • enabled
  • excluded
  • queryMatch

    • field
    • value
    • operator

Example 2

Creates a new timeline template:

POST api/timeline
  "timeline": {
    "columns": [
        "id": "@timestamp"
        "id": ""
        "id": "event.category"
        "id": "event.action"
        "id": ""
    "dataProviders": [
        "and": [
            "name": "event.category",
            "enabled": true,
            "excluded": false,
            "queryMatch": {
              "field": "event.category",
              "operator": ":",
              "value": "process" 
            "name": "",
            "enabled": true,
            "excluded": false,
            "queryMatch": {
              "field": "",
              "operator": ":",
              "value": "SYSTEM"
        "enabled": true,
        "excluded": false,
        "name": "host.os.platform",
        "queryMatch": {
          "field": "host.os.platform",
          "operator": ":",
          "value": "windows"
    "dateRange": {
      "end": 1594005719000,
      "start": 1593832919000
    "description": "Template for investigating host events",
    "templateTimelineId": "6acb2c90-a01c-11ea-8e47-5dc21077d10c", 
    "templateTimelineVersion": 1, 
    "timelineType": "template", 
    "title": "Host event template"

To ensure the timeline template is displayed correctly in the UI, specify the value field even though it is replaced when alerts are investigated in Timeline.

Template UUID.

Template version number.

To create templates, the timelineType field value must be template.

Example 3

Creates the a timeline template that uses the kqlQuery object (KQL bar in the UI) to ensure only Windows alerts are displayed when alerts are investigated in Timeline:

POST api/timeline
  "timeline": {
    "columns": [
        "id": "@timestamp"
        "id": ""
        "id": "event.category"
        "id": "event.action"
        "id": ""
    "dataProviders": [
        "and": [
            "enabled": true,
            "excluded": false,
            "name": "",
            "queryMatch": {
              "field": "",
              "operator": ":",
              "value": "SYSTEM"
        "enabled": true,
        "excluded": false,
        "name": "event.category",
        "queryMatch": {
          "field": "event.category",
          "operator": ":",
          "value": "process"
    "dateRange": {
      "end": 1594005719000,
      "start": 1593832919000
    "description": "Template for investigating Windows events",
    "kqlMode": "filter",
    "kqlQuery": {
      "filterQuery": {
        "kuery": {
          "expression": "host.os.platform : windows",
          "kind": "kuery"
    "templateTimelineId": "6f9a3480-bf4f-11ea-9fcd-ed4e5fd0dcd1",
    "templateTimelineVersion": 1,
    "timelineType": "template",
    "title": "Windows event template"

Response codeedit

Indicates a successful call.

Response payloadedit

A JSON timeline object with a unique savedObjectId and its version.

Example 1

Timeline response payload:

  "data": {
    "persistTimeline": {
      "code": 200,
      "message": "success",
      "timeline": {
        "savedObjectId": "7f069820-bf57-11ea-9fcd-ed4e5fd0dcd1",
        "version": "WzQwMiwxXQ==",
        "columns": [
            "id": "@timestamp"
            "id": ""
            "id": "event.category"
            "id": "event.action"
            "id": ""
        "dataProviders": [
            "and": [
                "name": "event.category",
                "enabled": true,
                "excluded": false,
                "queryMatch": {
                  "field": "event.category",
                  "value": "process",
                  "operator": ":"
                "name": "",
                "enabled": true,
                "excluded": false,
                "queryMatch": {
                  "field": "",
                  "value": "SYSTEM",
                  "operator": ":"
            "enabled": true,
            "excluded": false,
            "name": "host.os.platform",
            "queryMatch": {
              "field": "host.os.platform",
              "value": "windows",
              "operator": ":"
        "dateRange": {
          "end": 1594005719000,
          "start": 1593832919000
        "description": "Gets Windows system processes from all hosts",
        "title": "Windows system processes",
        "created": 1594019310069,
        "createdBy": "LiverpoolFC",
        "updated": 1594019310069,
        "updatedBy": "LiverpoolFC",
        "timelineType": "default",
        "status": "active"

Example 2

Timeline template response payload:

  "data": {
    "persistTimeline": {
      "code": 200,
      "message": "success",
      "timeline": {
        "savedObjectId": "75b6cf30-bf82-11ea-9fcd-ed4e5fd0dcd1",
        "version": "WzQ4MiwxXQ==",
        "columns": [
            "id": "@timestamp"
            "id": ""
            "id": "event.category"
            "id": "event.action"
            "id": ""
        "dataProviders": [
            "and": [
                "enabled": true,
                "excluded": false,
                "name": "",
                "queryMatch": {
                  "field": "",
                  "operator": ":",
                  "value": "SYSTEM"
            "enabled": true,
            "excluded": false,
            "name": "event.category",
            "queryMatch": {
              "field": "event.category",
              "operator": ":",
              "value": "process"
        "dateRange": {
          "end": 1594005719000,
          "start": 1593832919000
        "description": "Template for investigating Windows events",
        "kqlMode": "filter",
        "kqlQuery": {
          "filterQuery": {
            "kuery": {
              "expression": "host.os.platform : windows",
              "kind": "kuery"
        "templateTimelineId": "6f9a3480-bf4f-11ea-9fcd-ed4e5fd0dcd1",
        "templateTimelineVersion": 1,
        "timelineType": "template",
        "title": "Windows event template",
        "created": 1594037762797,
        "createdBy": "LiverpoolFC",
        "updated": 1594037762797,
        "updatedBy": "LiverpoolFC",
        "status": "active"