75 structure changes including:
11 Additions
64 Modifications
GET /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
datafeeds property Modified
timing_stats property Modified
- Property is no longer required
timing_stats property Modified
datafeeds property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
datafeeds property Modified
timing_stats property Modified
- Property is no longer required
timing_stats property Modified
datafeeds property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
data_frame_analytics property Modified
- _meta property Added
data_frame_analytics property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
data_frame_analytics property Modified
- _meta property Added
data_frame_analytics property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots/{snapshot_id}/_upgrade/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model_snapshot_upgrades property Modified
- node property Modified
model_snapshot_upgrades property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots/{snapshot_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- analysis_limits property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- analysis_limits property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ingest/geoip/database/{id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
databases property Modified
database property Modified
- Property is no longer required
database property Modified
databases property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ingest/geoip/database
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
databases property Modified
database property Modified
- Property is no longer required
database property Modified
databases property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_cat/thread_pool/{thread_pool_patterns}
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/thread_pool
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/templates/{name}
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
Type went from
Type went from
application/json content type Modified
PUT /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
inference_config property Modified
text_classification property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
zero_shot_classification property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
fill_mask property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
- vocabulary property Added
ner property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
pass_through property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
text_embedding property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
- vocabulary property Added
text_expansion property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
- vocabulary property Added
question_answering property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
text_classification property Modified
inference_config property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
inference_config property Modified
- text_classification, zero_shot_classification, fill_mask, ner, pass_through, text_embedding, text_expansion, question_answering properties Modified
- model_package property Added
inference_config property Modified
application/json content type Modified
PUT /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
- _meta property Added
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
- _meta property Added
application/json content type Modified
PUT /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:ByteSize, _types:ByteSize alternatives Added
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
- job_id property Added
analysis_limits property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
application/json content type Modified
- Query
- allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards, ignore_throttled, ignore_unavailable query parameters Added
POST /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/deployment/_update
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
assignment property Modified
- routing_table, task_parameters properties Modified
- adaptive_allocations, reason properties Added
assignment property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/deployment/_start
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
assignment property Modified
- routing_table, task_parameters properties Modified
- adaptive_allocations, reason properties Added
assignment property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
POST /_ml/datafeeds/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots/{snapshot_id}/_update
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots/{snapshot_id}/_revert
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots/{snapshot_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_update
- Body
application/json content type Modified
detectors property Modified
detector_index property Modified
Property is now required Breaking
Property is now required
by_field_name, detector_description, exclude_frequent, field_name, function, over_field_name, partition_field_name, use_null properties Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- description property Added
detector_index property Modified
detectors property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_data
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
- Property is no longer required
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
- Property is no longer required
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
- Property is no longer required
Name is no longer
- _types:UnitMillis, _types:UnitMillis, _types:UnitMillis properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/_validate
- Body
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:ByteSize, _types:ByteSize alternatives Added
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
GET /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
- deployment_stats property Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_configs property Modified
- inference_config property Modified
- model_package property Added
trained_model_configs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
- Query
- include_model_definition query parameter Added
GET /_ml/trained_models/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
- deployment_stats property Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/trained_models
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_configs property Modified
- inference_config property Modified
- model_package property Added
trained_model_configs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
- Query
- include_model_definition query parameter Added
GET /_ml/info
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
limits property Modified
max_model_memory_limit, effective_max_model_memory_limit, total_ml_memory properties Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
- max_single_ml_node_processors, total_ml_processors properties Added
max_model_memory_limit, effective_max_model_memory_limit, total_ml_memory properties Modified
limits property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_cat/aliases
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/aliases/{name}
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/allocation
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/allocation/{node_id}
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/component_templates
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/component_templates/{name}
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/indices
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/indices/{index}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/master
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/ml/trained_models
- Query
- time query parameter Added
GET /_cat/ml/trained_models/{model_id}
- Query
- time query parameter Added
GET /_cat/nodeattrs
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/templates
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/tasks
- Query
node_id query parameter Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- nodes, time, timeout, wait_for_completion query parameters Added
GET /_cat/snapshots/{repository}
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/snapshots
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/shards/{index}
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/shards
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/segments/{index}
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/segments
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/repositories
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/recovery/{index}
- Query
- time query parameter Added
GET /_cat/recovery
- Query
- time query parameter Added
GET /_cat/plugins
- Query
- include_bootstrap, local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/pending_tasks
- Query
- local, master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/nodes
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
DELETE /_ingest/ip_location/database/{id}
GET /_ingest/ip_location/database
GET /_ingest/ip_location/database/{id}
GET /_text_structure/find_field_structure
GET /_text_structure/find_message_structure
POST /_text_structure/find_message_structure
PUT /_connector/_sync_job/{connector_sync_job_id}/_check_in
PUT /_connector/_sync_job/{connector_sync_job_id}/_claim
PUT /_connector/_sync_job/{connector_sync_job_id}/_error
PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_features
PUT /_ingest/ip_location/database/{id}
45 structure changes including:
11 Additions
34 Modifications
GET /_cat
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
Type went from
Type went from
application/json content type Modified
GET /_cat/nodeattrs
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/nodes
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/pending_tasks
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/plugins
- Query
- include_bootstrap, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/recovery
- Query
- time query parameter Added
GET /_cat/recovery/{index}
- Query
- time query parameter Added
GET /_cat/repositories
- Query
- local, master_timeout query parameters Added
GET /_cat/segments
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/segments/{index}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/shards
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/shards/{index}
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/snapshots
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/snapshots/{repository}
- Query
- master_timeout, time query parameters Added
GET /_cat/tasks
- Query
node_id query parameter Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- nodes, time, timeout, wait_for_completion query parameters Added
GET /_cat/templates
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/templates/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/thread_pool
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/thread_pool/{thread_pool_patterns}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_ingest/geoip/database
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
databases property Modified
database property Modified
- Property is no longer required
database property Modified
databases property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ingest/geoip/database/{id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
databases property Modified
database property Modified
- Property is no longer required
database property Modified
databases property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_eql/search
- Body
application/json content type Modified
- allow_partial_search_results, allow_partial_sequence_results properties Added
- Query
- allow_partial_search_results, allow_partial_sequence_results query parameters Added
POST /{index}/_eql/search
- Body
application/json content type Modified
- allow_partial_search_results, allow_partial_sequence_results properties Added
- Query
- allow_partial_search_results, allow_partial_sequence_results query parameters Added
GET /_cat/aliases
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/aliases/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/allocation
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/allocation/{node_id}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/component_templates
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/component_templates/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/indices
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/indices/{index}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/master
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/ml/trained_models
- Query
- time query parameter Added
GET /_cat/ml/trained_models/{model_id}
- Query
- time query parameter Added
DELETE /_ingest/ip_location/database/{id}
GET /_ingest/ip_location/database
GET /_ingest/ip_location/database/{id}
GET /_text_structure/find_field_structure
GET /_text_structure/find_message_structure
POST /_text_structure/find_message_structure
PUT /_connector/_sync_job/{connector_sync_job_id}/_check_in
PUT /_connector/_sync_job/{connector_sync_job_id}/_claim
PUT /_connector/_sync_job/{connector_sync_job_id}/_error
PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_features
PUT /_ingest/ip_location/database/{id}
11 structure changes including:
11 Modifications
GET /_cat
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
Type went from
Type went from
application/json content type Modified
GET /_cat/aliases
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/aliases/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/component_templates
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/component_templates/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/indices
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/indices/{index}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_cat/ml/trained_models
- Query
- time query parameter Added
GET /_cat/ml/trained_models/{model_id}
- Query
- time query parameter Added
GET /{index}/_eql/search
- Body
application/json content type Modified
- allow_partial_search_results, allow_partial_sequence_results properties Added
- Query
- allow_partial_search_results, allow_partial_sequence_results query parameters Added
POST /{index}/_eql/search
- Body
application/json content type Modified
- allow_partial_search_results, allow_partial_sequence_results properties Added
- Query
- allow_partial_search_results, allow_partial_sequence_results query parameters Added
This documentation update aligns with the 8.17.0 release. Refer to the Kibana Release Notes and Highlights
21 structure changes including:
12 Additions
9 Modifications
PUT /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
monitoring property Modified
- run property Modified
snooze_schedule property Modified
- rRule property Modified
monitoring property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}/disable
- Response
200 response Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- 204 response Added
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}/_reset
- Response
204 response Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- 200 response Added
POST /api/apm/services/{serviceName}/annotation
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
@timestamp property Modified
Property is now required Breaking
Property is now required
service property Modified
Property is now required Breaking
version property Modified
Property is now required Breaking
Property is now required
Property is now required
@timestamp property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
_source property Modified
annotation property Modified
Type went from
Type went from
annotation property Modified
_source property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- 400, 401, 403, 404 responses Added
- Header
- elastic-api-version, kbn-xsrf headers Added
POST /api/apm/agent_keys
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
name, privileges properties Modified
Properties are now required Breaking
Properties are now required
name, privileges properties Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
api_key, encoded, expiration, id, name properties Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- agentKey property Added
api_key, encoded, expiration, id, name properties Removed
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- 400, 401, 403, 500 responses Added
- Header
- elastic-api-version, kbn-xsrf headers Added
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
monitoring property Modified
- run property Modified
snooze_schedule property Modified
- rRule property Modified
monitoring property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/apm/services/{serviceName}/annotation/search
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Added
- Response
- 400, 401, 500 responses Added
GET /api/alerting/rules/_find
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
monitoring property Modified
- run property Modified
snooze_schedule property Modified
- rRule property Modified
monitoring property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
monitoring property Modified
- run property Modified
snooze_schedule property Modified
- rRule property Modified
monitoring property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PUT /api/apm/settings/agent-configuration
POST /api/cases/{caseId}/files
POST /api/apm/sourcemaps
POST /api/apm/settings/agent-configuration/search
POST /api/apm/fleet/apm_server_schema
GET /api/apm/sourcemaps
GET /api/apm/settings/agent-configuration/view
GET /api/apm/settings/agent-configuration/environments
GET /api/apm/settings/agent-configuration/agent_name
GET /api/apm/settings/agent-configuration
DELETE /api/apm/sourcemaps/{id}
DELETE /api/apm/settings/agent-configuration
This documentation update aligns with the 8.17.0 release. Refer to the Elasticsearch Release Notes: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/8.17/release-notes-8.17.0.html
59 structure changes including:
59 Modifications
GET /_component_template
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
component_templates property Modified
- component_template property Modified
component_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_component_template/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
component_templates property Modified
- component_template property Modified
component_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_index_template
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
index_templates property Modified
- index_template property Modified
index_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_index_template/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
index_templates property Modified
- index_template property Modified
index_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_migration/deprecations
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
- data_streams property Added
application/json content type Modified
GET /_search
- Body
application/json content type Modified
retriever property Modified
- rule property Added
retriever property Modified
GET /_security/_query/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
- role_descriptors, limited_by, access properties Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/_query/role
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
roles property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
roles property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
- role_descriptors, limited_by, access properties Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/privilege/_builtin
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
- remote_cluster property Added
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/role
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster properties Added
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/role/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster properties Added
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/service
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- role_descriptor property Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/service/{namespace}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- role_descriptor property Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/service/{namespace}/{service}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- role_descriptor property Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/user/_privileges
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
indices property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
names property Modified
indices property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_settings
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_settings/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_transform/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_transform/{transform_id}/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_migration/deprecations
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
- data_streams property Added
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_search
- Body
application/json content type Modified
retriever property Modified
- rule property Added
retriever property Modified
GET /{index}/_settings
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_settings/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_async_search
- Query
keep_alive, pre_filter_shard_size query parameters Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
POST /_component_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
defaults property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
POST /_index_template/_simulate
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
- settings property Modified
template property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_index_template/_simulate/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
- settings property Modified
template property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_index_template/_simulate_index/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
- settings property Modified
template property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_index_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
POST /_search
- Body
application/json content type Modified
retriever property Modified
- rule property Added
retriever property Modified
POST /_security/_query/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
- role_descriptors, limited_by, access properties Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_security/_query/role
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
roles property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
roles property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_security/api_key
- Body
application/json content type Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
* property Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
POST /_security/api_key/grant
- Body
application/json content type Modified
api_key property Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
- object-1, array-2 alternatives Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
api_key property Modified
POST /_security/cross_cluster/api_key
- Body
application/json content type Modified
access property Modified
replication property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
names property Modified
search property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
names property Modified
replication property Modified
access property Modified
POST /_security/role
- Body
application/json content type Modified
roles property Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
* property Modified
roles property Modified
POST /_security/role/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
indices property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
names alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:IndexName, array-2 alternatives Added
Combinator is now
names property Modified
remote_indices property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
names alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:IndexName, array-2 alternatives Added
Combinator is now
names property Modified
- remote_cluster property Added
indices property Modified
POST /_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}/_restore
- Body
application/json content type Modified
index_settings property Modified
mapping property Modified
- total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
index_settings property Modified
POST /_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
settings property Modified
mapping property Modified
- total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
POST /_transform/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_transform/{transform_id}/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /{index}/_async_search
- Query
keep_alive, pre_filter_shard_size query parameters Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /{index}/_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
POST /{index}/_search
- Body
application/json content type Modified
retriever property Modified
- rule property Added
retriever property Modified
PUT /_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
PUT /_component_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
defaults property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
PUT /_index_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
PUT /_security/api_key
- Body
application/json content type Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
* property Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
PUT /_security/api_key/{id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
* property Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
PUT /_security/cross_cluster/api_key/{id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
access property Modified
replication property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
names property Modified
search property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
names property Modified
replication property Modified
access property Modified
PUT /_security/role/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
indices property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
names alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:IndexName, array-2 alternatives Added
Combinator is now
names property Modified
remote_indices property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
names alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:IndexName, array-2 alternatives Added
Combinator is now
names property Modified
- remote_cluster property Added
indices property Modified
PUT /_settings
- Body
application/json content type Modified
mapping property Modified
total_fields property Modified
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
PUT /_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
settings property Modified
mapping property Modified
- total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
PUT /{index}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
settings property Modified
mapping property Modified
- total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
PUT /{index}/_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
PUT /{index}/_settings
- Body
application/json content type Modified
mapping property Modified
total_fields property Modified
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
36 structure changes including:
36 Modifications
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- analysis_limits property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- analysis_limits property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots/{snapshot_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots/{snapshot_id}/_upgrade/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model_snapshot_upgrades property Modified
- node property Modified
model_snapshot_upgrades property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
data_frame_analytics property Modified
- _meta property Added
data_frame_analytics property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
data_frame_analytics property Modified
- _meta property Added
data_frame_analytics property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
datafeeds property Modified
timing_stats property Modified
- Property is no longer required
timing_stats property Modified
datafeeds property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
datafeeds property Modified
timing_stats property Modified
- Property is no longer required
timing_stats property Modified
datafeeds property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/info
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
limits property Modified
max_model_memory_limit, effective_max_model_memory_limit, total_ml_memory properties Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
- max_single_ml_node_processors, total_ml_processors properties Added
max_model_memory_limit, effective_max_model_memory_limit, total_ml_memory properties Modified
limits property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/trained_models
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_configs property Modified
- inference_config property Modified
- model_package property Added
trained_model_configs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
- Query
- include_model_definition query parameter Added
GET /_ml/trained_models/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
- deployment_stats property Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_configs property Modified
- inference_config property Modified
- model_package property Added
trained_model_configs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
- Query
- include_model_definition query parameter Added
GET /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
- deployment_stats property Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/_validate
- Body
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:ByteSize, _types:ByteSize alternatives Added
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_data
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
- Property is no longer required
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
- Property is no longer required
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
- Property is no longer required
Name is no longer
- _types:UnitMillis, _types:UnitMillis, _types:UnitMillis properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_update
- Body
application/json content type Modified
detectors property Modified
detector_index property Modified
Property is now required Breaking
Property is now required
by_field_name, detector_description, exclude_frequent, field_name, function, over_field_name, partition_field_name, use_null properties Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- description property Added
detector_index property Modified
detectors property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots/{snapshot_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model_snapshots property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots/{snapshot_id}/_revert
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/model_snapshots/{snapshot_id}/_update
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
model property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
model property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/datafeeds/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
POST /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
POST /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/deployment/_start
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
assignment property Modified
- routing_table, task_parameters properties Modified
- adaptive_allocations, reason properties Added
assignment property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/deployment/_update
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
assignment property Modified
- routing_table, task_parameters properties Modified
- adaptive_allocations, reason properties Added
assignment property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /{index}/_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
PUT /_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
PUT /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:ByteSize, _types:ByteSize alternatives Added
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
- job_id property Added
analysis_limits property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
application/json content type Modified
- Query
- allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards, ignore_throttled, ignore_unavailable query parameters Added
PUT /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
- _meta property Added
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
- _meta property Added
application/json content type Modified
PUT /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
inference_config property Modified
text_classification property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
zero_shot_classification property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
fill_mask property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
- vocabulary property Added
ner property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
pass_through property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
text_embedding property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
- vocabulary property Added
text_expansion property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
- vocabulary property Added
question_answering property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
text_classification property Modified
inference_config property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
inference_config property Modified
- text_classification, zero_shot_classification, fill_mask, ner, pass_through, text_embedding, text_expansion, question_answering properties Modified
- model_package property Added
inference_config property Modified
application/json content type Modified
PUT /{index}/_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
26 structure changes including:
26 Modifications
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- analysis_limits property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- analysis_limits property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
jobs property Modified
- model_size_stats property Modified
jobs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
data_frame_analytics property Modified
- _meta property Added
data_frame_analytics property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
data_frame_analytics property Modified
- _meta property Added
data_frame_analytics property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
datafeeds property Modified
timing_stats property Modified
- Property is no longer required
timing_stats property Modified
datafeeds property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
datafeeds property Modified
timing_stats property Modified
- Property is no longer required
timing_stats property Modified
datafeeds property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/trained_models
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_configs property Modified
- inference_config property Modified
- model_package property Added
trained_model_configs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
- Query
- include_model_definition query parameter Added
GET /_ml/trained_models/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
- deployment_stats property Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_configs property Modified
- inference_config property Modified
- model_package property Added
trained_model_configs property Modified
application/json content type Modified
- Query
- include_model_definition query parameter Added
GET /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/_stats
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
- deployment_stats property Modified
trained_model_stats property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_update
- Body
application/json content type Modified
detectors property Modified
detector_index property Modified
Property is now required Breaking
Property is now required
by_field_name, detector_description, exclude_frequent, field_name, function, over_field_name, partition_field_name, use_null properties Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- description property Added
detector_index property Modified
detectors property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/datafeeds/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
POST /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_preview
- Body
application/json content type Modified
job_config property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
job_config property Modified
POST /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/deployment/_start
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
assignment property Modified
- routing_table, task_parameters properties Modified
- adaptive_allocations, reason properties Added
assignment property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/deployment/_update
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
assignment property Modified
- routing_table, task_parameters properties Modified
- adaptive_allocations, reason properties Added
assignment property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /{index}/_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
PUT /_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
PUT /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:ByteSize, _types:ByteSize alternatives Added
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
- job_id property Added
analysis_limits property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
model_memory_limit property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
model_memory_limit property Modified
analysis_limits property Modified
application/json content type Modified
- Query
- allow_no_indices, expand_wildcards, ignore_throttled, ignore_unavailable query parameters Added
PUT /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
- _meta property Added
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
- _meta property Added
application/json content type Modified
PUT /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
inference_config property Modified
text_classification property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
zero_shot_classification property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
fill_mask property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
- vocabulary property Added
ner property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
pass_through property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
text_embedding property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
- vocabulary property Added
text_expansion property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
- vocabulary property Added
question_answering property Modified
- tokenization property Modified
text_classification property Modified
inference_config property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
inference_config property Modified
- text_classification, zero_shot_classification, fill_mask, ner, pass_through, text_embedding, text_expansion, question_answering properties Modified
- model_package property Added
inference_config property Modified
application/json content type Modified
PUT /{index}/_bulk
- Query
- list_executed_pipelines, require_data_stream query parameters Added
137 structure changes including:
5 Additions
132 Modifications
GET /api/fleet/agents/setup
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/delete
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/outputs
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/copy
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- monitoring_http property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/actions/{actionId}/cancel
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/bulk_reassign
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/bulk_request_diagnostics
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/bulk_unenroll
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/bulk_update_agent_tags
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/bulk_upgrade
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/setup
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/actions
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/reassign
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/request_diagnostics
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/unenroll
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/upgrade
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/security/role/{name}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/spaces/space
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/spaces/space/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/status
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/actions/connector/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/actions/connector/{id}/_execute
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}/_disable
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}/_enable
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}/_mute_all
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}/_unmute_all
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}/_update_api_key
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/alerting/rule/{rule_id}/alert/{alert_id}/_mute
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/alerting/rule/{rule_id}/alert/{alert_id}/_unmute
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agent_download_sources
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
monitoring_http property Modified
enabled property Modified
- Property is no longer required
enabled property Modified
monitoring_http property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- monitoring_http property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/_bulk_get
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- monitoring_http property Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/service_tokens
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/setup
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/security/roles
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/spaces/space
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/actions/connector/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/fleet/agent_download_sources/{sourceId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
monitoring_http property Modified
enabled property Modified
- Property is no longer required
enabled property Modified
monitoring_http property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- monitoring_http property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
upgrade_details property Modified
Type went from
toobject | null
Type went from
upgrade_details property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts/{itemId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/fleet/outputs/{outputId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/fleet/package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/fleet/proxies/{itemId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/fleet/settings
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/security/role/{name}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/spaces/space/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/epm/bulk_assets
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/epm/custom_integrations
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/epm/packages
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/epm/packages/_bulk
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/transforms/authorize
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/health_check
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/logstash_api_keys
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/message_signing_service/rotate_key_pair
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/outputs
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/package_policies
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/package_policies/_bulk_get
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/package_policies/delete
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/package_policies/upgrade
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/package_policies/upgrade/dryrun
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
POST /api/fleet/proxies
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agents/files/{fileId}/{fileName}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agents/available_versions
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agents/action_status
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agents
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
upgrade_details property Modified
Type went from
toobject | null
Type went from
upgrade_details property Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agent_status/data
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agent_status
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/outputs
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/full
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/download
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- monitoring_http property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- monitoring_http property Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agent_download_sources/{sourceId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agent_download_sources
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/alerting/rules/_find
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/actions/connectors
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/actions/connector_types
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/actions/connector/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/spaces/space/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/security/role/{name}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/fleet/proxies/{itemId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/fleet/package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/fleet/outputs/{outputId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts/{itemId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys/{keyId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/fleet/agents/files/{fileId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/fleet/agent_download_sources/{sourceId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
DELETE /api/actions/connector/{id}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/security/role
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/uninstall_tokens/{uninstallTokenId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/uninstall_tokens
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/settings
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/proxies/{itemId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/proxies
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/package_policies
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/outputs/{outputId}/health
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/outputs/{outputId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/outputs
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/kubernetes/download
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/kubernetes
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts/{itemId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/epm/verification_key_id
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agents/tags
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
upgrade_details property Modified
Type went from
toobject | null
Type went from
upgrade_details property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/uploads
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/check-permissions
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/data_streams
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys/{keyId}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/epm/categories
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/epm/data_streams
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages/installed
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages/limited
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/stats
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/{filePath}
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
GET /api/fleet/epm/templates/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/inputs
- Header
- elastic-api-version header Removed
PUT /api/dashboards/dashboard/{id}
POST /api/dashboards/dashboard/{id}
GET /api/dashboards/dashboard/{id}
GET /api/dashboards/dashboard
DELETE /api/dashboards/dashboard/{id}
9 structure changes including:
9 Modifications
GET /_async_search/status/{id}
- Query
- keep_alive query parameter Added
GET /_migration/deprecations
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
cluster_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
index_settings property Modified
- * property Modified
node_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
ml_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
cluster_settings property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_nodes
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
nodes property Modified
- * property Modified
nodes property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_nodes/{metric}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
nodes property Modified
- * property Modified
nodes property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_nodes/{node_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
nodes property Modified
- * property Modified
nodes property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_nodes/{node_id}/{metric}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
nodes property Modified
- * property Modified
nodes property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_migration/deprecations
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
cluster_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
index_settings property Modified
- * property Modified
node_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
ml_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
cluster_settings property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_async_search
- Query
scroll query parameter Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /{index}/_async_search
- Query
scroll query parameter Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
57 structure changes including:
57 Modifications
GET /_alias
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_alias/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_async_search/status/{id}
- Query
- keep_alive query parameter Added
GET /_component_template
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
component_templates property Modified
- component_template property Modified
component_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_component_template/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
component_templates property Modified
- component_template property Modified
component_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_health_report
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
indicators property Modified
- file_settings property Added
indicators property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_health_report/{feature}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
indicators property Modified
- file_settings property Added
indicators property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_index_template
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
index_templates property Modified
- index_template property Modified
index_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_index_template/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
index_templates property Modified
- index_template property Modified
index_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_migration/deprecations
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
cluster_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
index_settings property Modified
- * property Modified
data_streams property Modified
- * property Modified
node_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
ml_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
cluster_settings property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_nodes
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
nodes property Modified
- * property Modified
nodes property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_nodes/{metric}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
nodes property Modified
- * property Modified
nodes property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_nodes/{node_id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
nodes property Modified
- * property Modified
nodes property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_nodes/{node_id}/{metric}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
nodes property Modified
- * property Modified
nodes property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/_authenticate
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_key property Modified
name property Modified
- Property is no longer required
creation, expiration, invalidated, realm, realm_type, username, profile_uid, metadata, role_descriptors, limited_by, _sort properties Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
name property Modified
api_key property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/_query/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
invalidated, username, realm, metadata properties Modified
Properties are now required Breaking
Properties are now required
- type, _types:UnitMillis, access properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
invalidated, username, realm, metadata properties Modified
Properties are now required Breaking
Properties are now required
- type, _types:UnitMillis, access properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_settings
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_settings/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_transform/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_transform/{transform_id}/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_watcher/_query/watches
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
watches property Modified
- watch property Modified
watches property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_watcher/watch/{id}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
watch property Modified
- trigger property Modified
watch property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_alias
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /{index}/_alias/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /{index}/_migration/deprecations
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
cluster_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
index_settings property Modified
- * property Modified
data_streams property Modified
- * property Modified
node_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
ml_settings property Modified
details property Modified
- Property is no longer required
- resolve_during_rolling_upgrade, _meta properties Added
details property Modified
cluster_settings property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_settings
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_settings/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
HEAD /_alias/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
HEAD /{index}/_alias/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
POST /_async_search
- Query
keep_alive, pre_filter_shard_size, scroll query parameters Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /_component_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
defaults property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
POST /_index_template/_simulate
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
- settings property Modified
template property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_index_template/_simulate/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
- settings property Modified
template property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_index_template/_simulate_index/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
- settings property Modified
template property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_index_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
POST /_security/_query/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
invalidated, username, realm, metadata properties Modified
Properties are now required Breaking
Properties are now required
- type, _types:UnitMillis, access properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_snapshot/{repository}/{snapshot}/_restore
- Body
application/json content type Modified
index_settings property Modified
mapping property Modified
- total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
index_settings property Modified
POST /_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
settings property Modified
mapping property Modified
- total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
POST /_transform/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_transform/{transform_id}/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_watcher/_query/watches
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
watches property Modified
- watch property Modified
watches property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_watcher/watch/_execute
- Body
application/json content type Modified
watch property Modified
trigger property Modified
- schedule property Modified
trigger property Modified
watch property Modified
POST /_watcher/watch/{id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
trigger property Modified
schedule property Modified
- timezone property Added
schedule property Modified
trigger property Modified
POST /_watcher/watch/{id}/_execute
- Body
application/json content type Modified
watch property Modified
trigger property Modified
- schedule property Modified
trigger property Modified
watch property Modified
POST /{index}/_async_search
- Query
keep_alive, pre_filter_shard_size, scroll query parameters Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /_component_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
defaults property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
PUT /_index_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
PUT /_settings
- Body
application/json content type Modified
mapping property Modified
total_fields property Modified
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
PUT /_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
settings property Modified
mapping property Modified
- total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
PUT /_watcher/watch/_execute
- Body
application/json content type Modified
watch property Modified
trigger property Modified
- schedule property Modified
trigger property Modified
watch property Modified
PUT /_watcher/watch/{id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
trigger property Modified
schedule property Modified
- timezone property Added
schedule property Modified
trigger property Modified
PUT /_watcher/watch/{id}/_execute
- Body
application/json content type Modified
watch property Modified
trigger property Modified
- schedule property Modified
trigger property Modified
watch property Modified
PUT /{index}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
settings property Modified
mapping property Modified
- total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
PUT /{index}/_ccr/follow
- Body
application/json content type Modified
settings property Modified
mapping property Modified
- total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
PUT /{index}/_settings
- Body
application/json content type Modified
mapping property Modified
total_fields property Modified
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
29 structure changes including:
29 Modifications
GET /_alias
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_alias/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_component_template
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
component_templates property Modified
- component_template property Modified
component_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_component_template/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
component_templates property Modified
- component_template property Modified
component_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_index_template
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
index_templates property Modified
- index_template property Modified
index_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_index_template/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
index_templates property Modified
- index_template property Modified
index_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_settings
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_settings/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_transform/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_transform/{transform_id}/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_alias
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /{index}/_alias/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /{index}/_settings
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_settings/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
HEAD /_alias/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
HEAD /{index}/_alias/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
POST /_component_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
defaults property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
POST /_index_template/_simulate
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
- settings property Modified
template property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_index_template/_simulate/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
- settings property Modified
template property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_index_template/_simulate_index/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
- settings property Modified
template property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_index_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
POST /_transform/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_transform/{transform_id}/_preview
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
- settings, defaults properties Modified
generated_dest_index property Modified
application/json content type Modified
PUT /_component_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
defaults property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
PUT /_index_template/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
template property Modified
settings property Modified
- mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
template property Modified
PUT /_settings
- Body
application/json content type Modified
mapping property Modified
total_fields property Modified
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
PUT /{index}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
settings property Modified
mapping property Modified
- total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
settings property Modified
PUT /{index}/_settings
- Body
application/json content type Modified
mapping property Modified
total_fields property Modified
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
limit, ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit properties Modified
total_fields property Modified
mapping property Modified
161 structure changes including:
1 Breaking change
5 Additions
155 Modifications
1 Removal
GET /api/timeline/_copy
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
data property Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- columns, created, createdBy, dataProviders, dataViewId, dateRange, description, eqlOptions, eventType, excludedRowRendererIds, favorite, filters, indexNames, kqlMode, kqlQuery, savedQueryId, savedSearchId, status, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, title, updated, updatedBy, savedObjectId, version, eventIdToNoteIds, noteIds, notes, pinnedEventIds, pinnedEventsSaveObject properties Added
sort property Added
- Security_Timeline_API_SortObject, array-2 properties Added
data property Removed
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
monitoring_http property Modified
enabled property Modified
- Property is no longer required
enabled property Modified
monitoring_http property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- monitoring_http, package_policies properties Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/_bulk_get
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- monitoring_http, package_policies properties Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/delete
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/outputs
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/copy
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- monitoring_http, package_policies properties Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/actions/{actionId}/cancel
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/bulk_reassign
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/bulk_request_diagnostics
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/bulk_unenroll
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/bulk_update_agent_tags
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/bulk_upgrade
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/setup
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/actions
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/reassign
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/request_diagnostics
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/unenroll
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/upgrade
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/timeline/_draft
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
data property Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- columns, created, createdBy, dataProviders, dataViewId, dateRange, description, eqlOptions, eventType, excludedRowRendererIds, favorite, filters, indexNames, kqlMode, kqlQuery, savedQueryId, savedSearchId, status, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, title, updated, updatedBy, savedObjectId, version, eventIdToNoteIds, noteIds, notes, pinnedEventIds, pinnedEventsSaveObject properties Added
sort property Added
- Security_Timeline_API_SortObject, array-2 properties Added
data property Removed
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/timeline/resolve
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
property Modified
Removing polymorphism is always breaking Breaking
Removing polymorphism is always breaking
property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
results property Modified
- settings property Modified
results property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
settings property Modified
- syncField property Added
settings property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PATCH /api/note
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
data property Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- note property Added
data property Removed
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PATCH /api/pinned_event
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- Security_Timeline_API_PinnedEvent, object-2 alternatives Added
alternative Removed
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PATCH /api/timeline
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
data property Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- columns, created, createdBy, dataProviders, dataViewId, dateRange, description, eqlOptions, eventType, excludedRowRendererIds, favorite, filters, indexNames, kqlMode, kqlQuery, savedQueryId, savedSearchId, status, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, title, updated, updatedBy, savedObjectId, version, eventIdToNoteIds, noteIds, notes, pinnedEventIds, pinnedEventsSaveObject properties Added
sort property Added
- Security_Timeline_API_SortObject, array-2 properties Added
data property Removed
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PATCH /api/timeline/_favorite
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
data property Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- favorite, savedObjectId, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, version properties Added
data property Removed
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/actions/connector/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/actions/connector/{id}/_execute
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}/_disable
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}/_enable
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}/_mute_all
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}/_unmute_all
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/alerting/rule/{id}/_update_api_key
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/alerting/rule/{rule_id}/alert/{alert_id}/_mute
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/alerting/rule/{rule_id}/alert/{alert_id}/_unmute
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/agent_download_sources
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/epm/bulk_assets
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/spaces/_copy_saved_objects
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/spaces/_disable_legacy_url_aliases
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/spaces/_get_shareable_references
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/spaces/_update_objects_spaces
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/spaces/space
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/timeline
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
data property Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- columns, created, createdBy, dataProviders, dataViewId, dateRange, description, eqlOptions, eventType, excludedRowRendererIds, favorite, filters, indexNames, kqlMode, kqlQuery, savedQueryId, savedSearchId, status, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, title, updated, updatedBy, savedObjectId, version, eventIdToNoteIds, noteIds, notes, pinnedEventIds, pinnedEventsSaveObject properties Added
sort property Added
- Security_Timeline_API_SortObject, array-2 properties Added
data property Removed
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/timeline/_draft
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
data property Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- columns, created, createdBy, dataProviders, dataViewId, dateRange, description, eqlOptions, eventType, excludedRowRendererIds, favorite, filters, indexNames, kqlMode, kqlQuery, savedQueryId, savedSearchId, status, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, title, updated, updatedBy, savedObjectId, version, eventIdToNoteIds, noteIds, notes, pinnedEventIds, pinnedEventsSaveObject properties Added
sort property Added
- Security_Timeline_API_SortObject, array-2 properties Added
data property Removed
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
settings property Modified
- syncField property Added
settings property Modified
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}/_reset
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
settings property Modified
- syncField property Added
settings property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PUT /api/actions/connector/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/fleet/agent_download_sources/{sourceId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
monitoring_http property Modified
enabled property Modified
- Property is no longer required
enabled property Modified
monitoring_http property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- monitoring_http, package_policies properties Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
upgrade_details property Modified
Type went from
toobject | null
Type went from
upgrade_details property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts/{itemId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/fleet/outputs/{outputId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/fleet/package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
object-1 alternative Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
object-2 alternative Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
object-1 alternative Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/fleet/proxies/{itemId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/epm/custom_integrations
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/epm/packages
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/epm/packages/_bulk
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/transforms/authorize
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/health_check
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/logstash_api_keys
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/message_signing_service/rotate_key_pair
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/outputs
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/package_policies
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
object-1 alternative Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
object-2 alternative Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
object-1 alternative Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/package_policies/_bulk_get
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/package_policies/delete
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/package_policies/upgrade
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/package_policies/upgrade/dryrun
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
diff property Modified
- object-1, object-2 alternatives Modified
diff property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/proxies
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/service_tokens
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/fleet/setup
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/security/roles
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
settings property Modified
- syncField property Added
settings property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
settings property Modified
- syncField property Added
settings property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/actions/connector_types
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/actions/connectors
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/alerting/rules/_find
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/entity_store/status
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
engines property Modified
Property is now required Breaking
- components property Added
Property is now required
status property Modified
Property is now required Breaking
Property is now required
engines property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Query
- include_components query parameter Added
GET /api/fleet/agent_download_sources
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agent_download_sources/{sourceId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- monitoring_http, package_policies properties Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- monitoring_http, package_policies properties Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/download
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/full
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/outputs
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agent_status
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agent_status/data
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- Query
- pkgName, pkgVersion query parameters Added
GET /api/fleet/agents
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
upgrade_details property Modified
Type went from
toobject | null
Type went from
upgrade_details property Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agents/action_status
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agents/available_versions
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agents/files/{fileId}/{fileName}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agents/setup
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/spaces/space/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/security/role/{name}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
PUT /api/fleet/settings
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
use_space_awareness_migration_started_at property Modified
Type went from
tostring | null
Type went from
use_space_awareness_migration_started_at property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/actions/connector/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/alerting/rule/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/fleet/agent_download_sources/{sourceId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/fleet/agents/files/{fileId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys/{keyId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts/{itemId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/fleet/outputs/{outputId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/fleet/package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/fleet/proxies/{itemId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/note
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Removed
DELETE /api/security/role/{name}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/spaces/space/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
DELETE /api/timeline
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Removed
GET /api/actions/connector/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/kubernetes
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/kubernetes/download
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/outputs
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/outputs/{outputId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/outputs/{outputId}/health
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/package_policies
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/proxies
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/proxies/{itemId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/settings
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
use_space_awareness_migration_started_at property Modified
Type went from
tostring | null
Type went from
use_space_awareness_migration_started_at property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/uninstall_tokens
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/uninstall_tokens/{uninstallTokenId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/note
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
property Modified
Removing polymorphism is always breaking Breaking
Removing polymorphism is always breaking
property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/security/role
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/security/role/{name}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/spaces/space
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/spaces/space/{id}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/status
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/timeline
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
object-1, object-2 properties Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- Security_Timeline_API_TimelineResponse property Added
object-1, object-2 properties Removed
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/fleet/agents/tags
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
upgrade_details property Modified
Type went from
toobject | null
Type went from
upgrade_details property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/agents/{agentId}/uploads
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/check-permissions
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/data_streams
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys/{keyId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/epm/categories
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/epm/data_streams
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages/installed
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages/limited
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/stats
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/{filePath}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/epm/templates/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/inputs
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/epm/verification_key_id
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
GET /api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts/{itemId}
- Header
elastic-api-version header Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /api/entity_store/engines/{entityType}/stats
- Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
PUT /api/dashboards/dashboard/{id}
POST /api/dashboards/dashboard/{id}
GET /api/dashboards/dashboard/{id}
GET /api/dashboards/dashboard
DELETE /api/dashboards/dashboard/{id}
109 structure changes including:
109 Modifications
DELETE /_scripts/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
DELETE /_search/scroll
- Operation is no longer beta
DELETE /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}
- Operation is no longer beta
DELETE /_security/role/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
DELETE /{index}
- Operation is no longer beta
DELETE /{index}/_alias/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
DELETE /{index}/_aliases/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
DELETE /{index}/_doc/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_alias
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_alias/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_analyze
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_async_search/status/{id}
- Query
- keep_alive query parameter Added
GET /_cat
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_cat/aliases
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_cat/aliases/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_cat/count
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_cat/count/{index}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_cat/indices
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_cat/indices/{index}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_count
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_license
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_mapping
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_mtermvectors
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_refresh
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_render/template
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_render/template/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_scripts/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_search
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_search/scroll
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_security/_authenticate
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_key property Modified
name property Modified
- Property is no longer required
creation, expiration, invalidated, realm, realm_type, username, profile_uid, metadata, role_descriptors, limited_by, _sort properties Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
name property Modified
api_key property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/_query/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
invalidated, username, realm, metadata properties Modified
Properties are now required Breaking
Properties are now required
- type, _types:UnitMillis, access properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
invalidated, username, realm, metadata properties Modified
Properties are now required Breaking
Properties are now required
- type, _types:UnitMillis, access properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/role
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_security/role/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_settings
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /_settings/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_alias
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_alias/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_analyze
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_count
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_doc/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_explain/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_graph/explore
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_mapping
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_mtermvectors
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_refresh
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_search
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_settings
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_settings/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_source/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_termvectors
- Operation is no longer beta
GET /{index}/_termvectors/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
- Operation is no longer beta
HEAD /_alias/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
HEAD /_index_template/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
HEAD /{index}
- Operation is no longer beta
HEAD /{index}/_alias/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
HEAD /{index}/_doc/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_analyze
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_async_search
- Query
keep_alive, pre_filter_shard_size, scroll query parameters Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /_bulk
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_count
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_index_template/_simulate
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_index_template/_simulate/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_mtermvectors
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_query
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_refresh
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_render/template
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_render/template/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_scripts/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_scripts/{id}/{context}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_search
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_search/scroll
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /_security/_query/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
invalidated, username, realm, metadata properties Modified
Properties are now required Breaking
Properties are now required
- type, _types:UnitMillis, access properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_security/role/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_alias/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_aliases/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_analyze
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_async_search
- Query
keep_alive, pre_filter_shard_size, scroll query parameters Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
POST /{index}/_bulk
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_count
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_doc
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_doc/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_explain/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_graph/explore
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_mapping
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_mtermvectors
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_pit
- Query
- allow_partial_search_results query parameter Added
POST /{index}/_refresh
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_search
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_termvectors
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_termvectors/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
POST /{index}/_update/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /_bulk
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /_scripts/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /_scripts/{id}/{context}
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /_security/role/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /_settings
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /{index}
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /{index}/_alias/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /{index}/_aliases/{name}
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /{index}/_bulk
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /{index}/_doc/{id}
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /{index}/_mapping
- Operation is no longer beta
PUT /{index}/_settings
- Operation is no longer beta
35 structure changes including:
34 Modifications
1 Removal
DELETE /api/note
- Response
200 response Modified
- application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Removed
DELETE /api/timeline
- Response
200 response Modified
- application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Removed
GET /api/entity_store/status
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
engines property Modified
- Property is now required
- components property Added
status property Modified
- Property is now required
engines property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- Query
- include_components query parameter Added
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- package_policies property Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- package_policies property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/fleet/agent_status/data
- Query
- pkgName, pkgVersion query parameters Added
GET /api/fleet/package_policies
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/fleet/package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/fleet/settings
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
use_space_awareness_migration_started_at property Modified
Type went from
tostring | null
Type went from
use_space_awareness_migration_started_at property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/note
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
property Modified
Removing polymorphism is always breaking Breaking
Removing polymorphism is always breaking
property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/timeline
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- object-1, object-2 properties Removed
- Security_Timeline_API_TimelineResponse property Added
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/timeline/_copy
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- data property Removed
- columns, created, createdBy, dataProviders, dataViewId, dateRange, description, eqlOptions, eventType, excludedRowRendererIds, favorite, filters, indexNames, kqlMode, kqlQuery, savedQueryId, savedSearchId, status, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, title, updated, updatedBy, savedObjectId, version, eventIdToNoteIds, noteIds, notes, pinnedEventIds, pinnedEventsSaveObject properties Added
sort property Added
- Security_Timeline_API_SortObject, array-2 properties Added
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/timeline/_draft
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- data property Removed
- columns, created, createdBy, dataProviders, dataViewId, dateRange, description, eqlOptions, eventType, excludedRowRendererIds, favorite, filters, indexNames, kqlMode, kqlQuery, savedQueryId, savedSearchId, status, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, title, updated, updatedBy, savedObjectId, version, eventIdToNoteIds, noteIds, notes, pinnedEventIds, pinnedEventsSaveObject properties Added
sort property Added
- Security_Timeline_API_SortObject, array-2 properties Added
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/timeline/resolve
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
property Modified
Removing polymorphism is always breaking Breaking
Removing polymorphism is always breaking
property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
results property Modified
- settings property Modified
results property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
settings property Modified
- syncField property Added
settings property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PATCH /api/note
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- data property Removed
- note property Added
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PATCH /api/pinned_event
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- alternative Removed
- Security_Timeline_API_PinnedEvent, object-2 alternatives Added
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PATCH /api/timeline
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- data property Removed
- columns, created, createdBy, dataProviders, dataViewId, dateRange, description, eqlOptions, eventType, excludedRowRendererIds, favorite, filters, indexNames, kqlMode, kqlQuery, savedQueryId, savedSearchId, status, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, title, updated, updatedBy, savedObjectId, version, eventIdToNoteIds, noteIds, notes, pinnedEventIds, pinnedEventsSaveObject properties Added
sort property Added
- Security_Timeline_API_SortObject, array-2 properties Added
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PATCH /api/timeline/_favorite
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- data property Removed
- favorite, savedObjectId, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, version properties Added
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- package_policies property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/_bulk_get
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- package_policies property Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/copy
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- package_policies property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/package_policies
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
object-1 alternative Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
object-2 alternative Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
object-1 alternative Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/package_policies/_bulk_get
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/package_policies/upgrade/dryrun
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
diff property Modified
- object-1, object-2 alternatives Modified
diff property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/timeline
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- data property Removed
- columns, created, createdBy, dataProviders, dataViewId, dateRange, description, eqlOptions, eventType, excludedRowRendererIds, favorite, filters, indexNames, kqlMode, kqlQuery, savedQueryId, savedSearchId, status, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, title, updated, updatedBy, savedObjectId, version, eventIdToNoteIds, noteIds, notes, pinnedEventIds, pinnedEventsSaveObject properties Added
sort property Added
- Security_Timeline_API_SortObject, array-2 properties Added
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/timeline/_draft
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- data property Removed
- columns, created, createdBy, dataProviders, dataViewId, dateRange, description, eqlOptions, eventType, excludedRowRendererIds, favorite, filters, indexNames, kqlMode, kqlQuery, savedQueryId, savedSearchId, status, templateTimelineId, templateTimelineVersion, timelineType, title, updated, updatedBy, savedObjectId, version, eventIdToNoteIds, noteIds, notes, pinnedEventIds, pinnedEventsSaveObject properties Added
sort property Added
- Security_Timeline_API_SortObject, array-2 properties Added
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
settings property Modified
- syncField property Added
settings property Modified
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}/_reset
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
settings property Modified
- syncField property Added
settings property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PUT /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- package_policies property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PUT /api/fleet/package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
object-1 alternative Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
object-2 alternative Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
object-1 alternative Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- supports_agentless property Added
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PUT /api/fleet/settings
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
use_space_awareness_migration_started_at property Modified
Type went from
tostring | null
Type went from
use_space_awareness_migration_started_at property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PUT /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
settings property Modified
- syncField property Added
settings property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
settings property Modified
- syncField property Added
settings property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/entity_store/engines/{entityType}/stats
This documentation update aligns with the following release: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/cloud/current/ec-release-notes-2024-11-21.html
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
GET /deployments/{deployment_id}
- Query
- show_instance_metrics query parameter Added
This documentation update aligns with 8.16.1, which has the following release notes: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/release-notes-8.16.1.html
14 structure changes including:
14 Modifications
DELETE /_autoscaling/policy/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout, timeout query parameters Added
GET /_autoscaling/capacity
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_autoscaling/policy/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_index_template
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
index_templates property Modified
- index_template property Modified
index_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_index_template/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
index_templates property Modified
- index_template property Modified
index_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_query_rules
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
results property Modified
- rule_type_counts property Added
results property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/_authenticate
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_key property Modified
name property Modified
- Property is no longer required
creation, expiration, invalidated, realm, realm_type, username, profile_uid, metadata, role_descriptors, limited_by, _sort properties Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
name property Modified
api_key property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/_query/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
invalidated, username, realm, metadata properties Modified
Properties are now required Breaking
Properties are now required
- type, _types:UnitMillis, access properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
invalidated, username, realm, metadata properties Modified
Properties are now required Breaking
Properties are now required
- type, _types:UnitMillis, access properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_security/_query/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
Name is no longer
Name is no longer
invalidated, username, realm, metadata properties Modified
Properties are now required Breaking
Properties are now required
- type, _types:UnitMillis, access properties Added
_types:UnitMillis property Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_security/cross_cluster/api_key
- Body
application/json content type Modified
access property Modified
replication property Modified
- allow_restricted_indices property Added
replication property Modified
access property Modified
POST /{index}/_pit
- Query
- allow_partial_search_results query parameter Added
PUT /_autoscaling/policy/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout, timeout query parameters Added
PUT /_security/cross_cluster/api_key/{id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
access property Modified
replication property Modified
- allow_restricted_indices property Added
replication property Modified
access property Modified
32 structure changes including:
32 Modifications
DELETE /_autoscaling/policy/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout, timeout query parameters Added
GET /_autoscaling/capacity
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_autoscaling/policy/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout query parameter Added
GET /_index_template
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
index_templates property Modified
- index_template property Modified
index_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_index_template/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
index_templates property Modified
- index_template property Modified
index_templates property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_migration/deprecations
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
- data_streams property Added
application/json content type Modified
GET /_query_rules
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
results property Modified
- rule_type_counts property Added
results property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/_authenticate
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_key property Modified
- role_descriptors, limited_by properties Modified
api_key property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/_query/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
- role_descriptors, limited_by properties Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/_query/role
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
roles property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
roles property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
- role_descriptors, limited_by properties Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/privilege/_builtin
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
- remote_cluster property Added
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/role
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster properties Added
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/role/{name}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster properties Added
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/service
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- role_descriptor property Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/service/{namespace}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- role_descriptor property Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/service/{namespace}/{service}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
* property Modified
- role_descriptor property Modified
* property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /_security/user/_privileges
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
indices property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
names property Modified
indices property Modified
application/json content type Modified
GET /{index}/_migration/deprecations
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
- data_streams property Added
application/json content type Modified
POST /_security/_query/api_key
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
api_keys property Modified
- role_descriptors, limited_by properties Modified
api_keys property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_security/_query/role
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json content type Modified
roles property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
roles property Modified
application/json content type Modified
POST /_security/api_key
- Body
application/json content type Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
* property Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
POST /_security/api_key/grant
- Body
application/json content type Modified
api_key property Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
- object-1, array-2 alternatives Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
api_key property Modified
POST /_security/cross_cluster/api_key
- Body
application/json content type Modified
access property Modified
replication property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
- allow_restricted_indices property Added
names property Modified
search property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
names property Modified
replication property Modified
access property Modified
POST /_security/role
- Body
application/json content type Modified
roles property Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
* property Modified
roles property Modified
POST /_security/role/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
indices property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
names alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:IndexName, array-2 alternatives Added
Combinator is now
names property Modified
remote_indices property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
names alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:IndexName, array-2 alternatives Added
Combinator is now
names property Modified
- remote_cluster property Added
indices property Modified
POST /{index}/_pit
- Query
- allow_partial_search_results query parameter Added
PUT /_autoscaling/policy/{name}
- Query
- master_timeout, timeout query parameters Added
PUT /_security/api_key
- Body
application/json content type Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
* property Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
PUT /_security/api_key/{id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
* property Modified
- indices property Modified
- remote_indices, remote_cluster, restriction properties Added
* property Modified
role_descriptors property Modified
PUT /_security/cross_cluster/api_key/{id}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
access property Modified
replication property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
- allow_restricted_indices property Added
names property Modified
search property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
Combinator is now
names property Modified
replication property Modified
access property Modified
PUT /_security/role/{name}
- Body
application/json content type Modified
indices property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
names alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:IndexName, array-2 alternatives Added
Combinator is now
names property Modified
remote_indices property Modified
names property Modified
Combinator is now
names alternative Removed
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before Breaking
Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
- _types:IndexName, array-2 alternatives Added
Combinator is now
names property Modified
- remote_cluster property Added
indices property Modified
9 structure changes including:
2 Additions
7 Modifications
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/full
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- object-2 alternative Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
advanced_settings property Modified
- agent_logging_files_interval, agent_logging_files_keepfiles, agent_logging_files_rotateeverybytes, agent_logging_to_files properties Added
advanced_settings property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/_bulk_get
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/copy
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PUT /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
advanced_settings property Modified
- agent_logging_files_interval, agent_logging_files_keepfiles, agent_logging_files_rotateeverybytes, agent_logging_to_files properties Added
advanced_settings property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/entity_store/status
POST /api/entity_store/enable
17 structure changes including:
3 Additions
8 Modifications
6 Removals
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/full
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- object-2 alternative Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
GET /api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
- list property Added
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
advanced_settings property Modified
- agent_logging_files_interval, agent_logging_files_keepfiles, agent_logging_files_rotateeverybytes, agent_logging_to_files properties Added
advanced_settings property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/_bulk_get
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
items property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
items property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/copy
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
PUT /api/fleet/agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
- Body
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
advanced_settings property Modified
- agent_logging_files_interval, agent_logging_files_keepfiles, agent_logging_files_rotateeverybytes, agent_logging_to_files properties Added
advanced_settings property Modified
- Response
200 response Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
item property Modified
- advanced_settings property Modified
item property Modified
application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31 content type Modified
POST /api/endpoint/unisolate
POST /api/endpoint/suggestions/{suggestion_type}
POST /api/endpoint/isolate
GET /api/endpoint/policy/summaries
GET /api/endpoint/metadata/transforms
GET /api/endpoint/action_log/{agent_id}
POST /api/entity_store/enable
POST /api/cases/{caseId}/files
GET /api/entity_store/status