Get associated rulesets

GET /deployments/traffic-filter/associations/{association_type}/{associated_entity_id}/rulesets

Retrieves the rulesets associated with a deployment.

Path parameters


  • Rulesets in the deployment were successfully returned

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object

    The rulesets to apply to all resources in this cluster. When specified, the set of rulesets is updated and the same rulesets will be applied to Kibana and APM clusters as well. If not specified, the rulesets remain as they were set previously.

    • rulesets array[string] Required

      IDs of the traffic filter rulesets

  • Invalid association type. (code: traffic_filter.invalid_association_type)

    Hide headers attribute Show headers attribute
    • The error codes associated with the response

      Value is traffic_filter.invalid_association_type.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • errors array[object] Required

      A list of errors that occurred in the failing request

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
      • code string Required

        A structured code representing the error type that occurred

      • message string Required

        A human readable message describing the error that occurred

      • fields array[string]

        If the error can be tied to a specific field or fields in the user request, this lists those fields

  • Error fetching traffic filter rulesets. (code: traffic_filter.request_execution_failed)

    Hide headers attribute Show headers attribute
    • The error codes associated with the response

      Value is traffic_filter.request_execution_failed.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • errors array[object] Required

      A list of errors that occurred in the failing request

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
      • code string Required

        A structured code representing the error type that occurred

      • message string Required

        A human readable message describing the error that occurred

      • fields array[string]

        If the error can be tied to a specific field or fields in the user request, this lists those fields

GET /deployments/traffic-filter/associations/{association_type}/{associated_entity_id}/rulesets
curl \
 -X GET{association_type}/{associated_entity_id}/rulesets
Response examples (200)
  "rulesets": [
Response examples (400)
# Headers
x-cloud-error-codes: traffic_filter.invalid_association_type

# Payload
  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "fields": [
Response examples (500)
# Headers
x-cloud-error-codes: traffic_filter.request_execution_failed

# Payload
  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "fields": [