Get stack versions

GET /stack/versions

By default, retrieves only the available Elastic Stack versions. To retrieve all of the Elastic Stack versions, use the show_deleted parameter.

Query parameters

  • Whether to show deleted stack versions or not

    Default value is false.

  • Whether to show versions that are unusable by the authenticated user

    Default value is false.


  • The list of all available Elastic Stack versions are retrieved, including the template version and structure.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object

    The details for multiple Elastic Stack configurations.

    • stacks array[object] Required
      Hide stacks attributes Show stacks attributes object

      The details for an Elastic Stack configuration.

      • version string

        Stack version

      • template object Required

        The template information for an Elastic Stack version.

        Hide template attributes Show template attributes object
        • Template version

        • hashes array[object]

          Relative paths of files with SHA-256 hashes that contains the template

          Hide hashes attributes Show hashes attributes object

          The template file hash for an Elastic Stack version.

          • path string Required

            File path relative to template's root

          • hash string Required

            SHA-256 hash of a file

      • elasticsearch object Required

        The Elasticsearch configuration for an Elastic Stack version.

        Hide elasticsearch attributes Show elasticsearch attributes object
        • docker_image string Required

          Docker image for the Elasticsearch

        • plugins array[string] Required

          List of available plugins

        • default_plugins array[string] Required

          List of default plugins

        • blacklist array[string] Required

          List of configuration options that cannot be overridden by user settings

        • node_types array[object]

          Node types that are supported by this stack version

          Hide node_types attributes Show node_types attributes object

          The configuration for an Elastic Stack node type.

          • node_type string Required

            Type of the node (master, data, ...)

          • name string Required

            Name of the node type

          • description string Required

            Description of the node type

          • settings object

            Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type

          • WARNING This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

            Capacity constraints for the node type

            Hide capacity_constraints attributes Show capacity_constraints attributes object
            • min integer(int32) Required

              Min capacity of the instances

            • max integer(int32) Required

              Max capacity of the instances

          • Node types that are compatible with this one

          • mandatory boolean

            Flag to specify a node type is mandatory in a cluster's plan

        • settings object

          Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type

        • WARNING This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

          Capacity constraints for the node type

          Hide capacity_constraints attributes Show capacity_constraints attributes object
          • min integer(int32) Required

            Min capacity of the instances

          • max integer(int32) Required

            Max capacity of the instances

        • Node types that are compatible with this one

      • kibana object Required

        The Kibana configuration for an Elastic Stack version.

        Hide kibana attributes Show kibana attributes object
        • version string

          Version of Kibana

        • docker_image string Required

          Docker image for the kibana

        • blacklist array[string] Required

          List of configuration options that cannot be overridden by user settings

        • settings object

          Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type

        • WARNING This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

          Capacity constraints for the node type

          Hide capacity_constraints attributes Show capacity_constraints attributes object
          • min integer(int32) Required

            Min capacity of the instances

          • max integer(int32) Required

            Max capacity of the instances

        • Node types that are compatible with this one

      • apm object

        The APM Server configuration for an Elastic Stack version.

        Hide apm attributes Show apm attributes object
        • version string

          Version of APM

        • docker_image string Required

          Docker image for the APM

        • blacklist array[string] Required

          List of configuration options that cannot be overridden by user settings

        • settings object

          Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type

        • WARNING This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

          Capacity constraints for the node type

          Hide capacity_constraints attributes Show capacity_constraints attributes object
          • min integer(int32) Required

            Min capacity of the instances

          • max integer(int32) Required

            Max capacity of the instances

        • Node types that are compatible with this one

      • AppSearch related configuration of an Elastic Stack version

        Hide appsearch attributes Show appsearch attributes object
        • version string

          Version of AppSearch

        • docker_image string Required

          Docker image for the AppSearch

        • blacklist array[string] Required

          List of configuration options that cannot be overridden by user settings

        • settings object

          Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type

        • WARNING This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

          Capacity constraints for the node type

          Hide capacity_constraints attributes Show capacity_constraints attributes object
          • min integer(int32) Required

            Min capacity of the instances

          • max integer(int32) Required

            Max capacity of the instances

        • Node types that are compatible with this one

        • node_types array[object]

          Node types that are supported by this stack version

          Hide node_types attributes Show node_types attributes object

          The configuration for an Elastic Stack node type.

          • node_type string Required

            Type of the node (master, data, ...)

          • name string Required

            Name of the node type

          • description string Required

            Description of the node type

          • settings object

            Settings that are applied to all nodes of this type

          • WARNING This endpoint is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in the next major version. This field will soon be removed in favor of having a global capacity constraint for all node types.

            Capacity constraints for the node type

            Hide capacity_constraints attributes Show capacity_constraints attributes object
            • min integer(int32) Required

              Min capacity of the instances

            • max integer(int32) Required

              Max capacity of the instances

          • Node types that are compatible with this one

          • mandatory boolean

            Flag to specify a node type is mandatory in a cluster's plan

      • metadata object

        The metadata for the Elastic Stack.

        Hide metadata attributes Show metadata attributes object
      • deleted boolean

        Identifies that the Elastic Stack version is marked for deletion

      • upgradable_to array[string] Required

        Stack Versions that this version can upgrade to

      • The minimum version recommended to upgrade this version.

      • Whether or not this version is whitelisted. This is only relevant in EC (SaaS) and is not sent in ECE.

      • accessible boolean

        Whether or not this version is accessible by the calling user. This is only relevant in EC (SaaS) and is not sent in ECE.

GET /stack/versions
curl \
Response examples (200)
  "stacks": [
      "version": "string",
      "template": {
        "template_version": "string",
        "hashes": [
            "path": "string",
            "hash": "string"
      "elasticsearch": {
        "docker_image": "string",
        "plugins": [
        "default_plugins": [
        "blacklist": [
        "node_types": [
            "node_type": "string",
            "name": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "settings": {},
            "capacity_constraints": {
              "min": 42,
              "max": 42
            "compatible_node_types": [
            "mandatory": true
        "settings": {},
        "capacity_constraints": {
          "min": 42,
          "max": 42
        "compatible_node_types": [
      "kibana": {
        "version": "string",
        "docker_image": "string",
        "blacklist": [
        "settings": {},
        "capacity_constraints": {
          "min": 42,
          "max": 42
        "compatible_node_types": [
      "apm": {
        "version": "string",
        "docker_image": "string",
        "blacklist": [
        "settings": {},
        "capacity_constraints": {
          "min": 42,
          "max": 42
        "compatible_node_types": [
      "appsearch": {
        "version": "string",
        "docker_image": "string",
        "blacklist": [
        "settings": {},
        "capacity_constraints": {
          "min": 42,
          "max": 42
        "compatible_node_types": [
        "node_types": [
            "node_type": "string",
            "name": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "settings": {},
            "capacity_constraints": {
              "min": 42,
              "max": 42
            "compatible_node_types": [
            "mandatory": true
      "metadata": {
        "notes": "string",
        "pre_release": true,
        "min_platform_version": "string",
        "min_wire_compatibility_version": "string",
        "min_index_compatibility_version": "string",
        "schema_version": 42
      "deleted": true,
      "upgradable_to": [
      "min_upgradable_from": "6.7.0",
      "whitelisted": true,
      "accessible": true