List Deployments

GET /deployments

List Deployments.


  • The list of deployments that belong to the authenticated user.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object

    Contains a list of deployments

    • deployments array[object] Required

      The deployments

      Hide deployments attributes Show deployments attributes object
      • id string Required

        The id of this deployment

      • name string Required

        The name of this deployment

      • resources array[object] Required

        List of resources in this deployment

        Hide resources attributes Show resources attributes object

        Data for a deployment resource

        • ref_id string Required

          A locally-unique friendly alias for this Elasticsearch cluster

        • The Elasticsearch cluster that this resource depends on.

        • id string Required

          A system-unique id for the created resource

        • kind string Required

          The kind of resource

        • region string Required

          Identifier of the region in which this resource runs.

        • cloud_id string

          An encoded string that provides other Elastic services with the necessary information to connect to this Elasticsearch and Kibana

        • Credentials for logging into a created resource. Only provided on initial create and absent otherwise.

          Hide credentials attributes Show credentials attributes object
          • username string Required

            The username of the newly created cluster

          • password string Required

            The password of the newly created cluster

        • Secret token for using a created resource. Only provided on initial create and absent otherwise.

        • warnings array[object]

          List of warnings generated from validating resource updates

          Hide warnings attributes Show warnings attributes object
          • code string Required

            A structured code representing the error type that occurred

          • message string

            A human readable message describing the warning that occurred

  • You are not authorized to perform this action.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • errors array[object] Required

      A list of errors that occurred in the failing request

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
      • code string Required

        A structured code representing the error type that occurred

      • message string Required

        A human readable message describing the error that occurred

      • fields array[string]

        If the error can be tied to a specific field or fields in the user request, this lists those fields

GET /deployments
curl \
Response examples (200)
  "deployments": [
      "id": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "resources": [
          "ref_id": "string",
          "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "kind": "string",
          "region": "string",
          "cloud_id": "string",
          "credentials": {
            "username": "string",
            "password": "string"
          "secret_token": "string",
          "warnings": [
              "code": "string",
              "message": "string"
Response examples (401)
  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "fields": [