Updates the current account

PUT /account

Updates the current account.

Body Required

the current account

  • trust object

    Settings related to the level of trust of the clusters in this account

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide trust attribute Show trust attribute object
    • trust_all boolean Required

      If true, all clusters in this account will by default trust all other clusters in the same account


  • Account updated successfully

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id string Required

      The account's identifier

    • trust object

      Settings related to the level of trust of the clusters in this account

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide trust attribute Show trust attribute object
      • trust_all boolean Required

        If true, all clusters in this account will by default trust all other clusters in the same account

  • Account not found. (code: accounts.not_found)

    Hide headers attribute Show headers attribute
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • errors array[object] Required

      A list of errors that occurred in the failing request

      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
      • code string Required

        A structured code representing the error type that occurred

      • message string Required

        A human readable message describing the error that occurred

      • fields array[string]

        If the error can be tied to a specific field or fields in the user request, this lists those fields

PUT /account
curl \
 --request PUT https://api.elastic-cloud.com/api/v1/account \
 --data '{"trust":{"trust_all":true}}'
Request examples
  "trust": {
    "trust_all": true
Response examples (200)
  "id": "string",
  "trust": {
    "trust_all": true
Response examples (404)
# Headers
x-cloud-error-codes: accounts.not_found

# Payload
  "errors": [
      "code": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "fields": [