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about 10 hours ago


API structure has changed

Next Change

This update qualifies operations as "beta" for now though they continue to be in "technical preview". It also cleans up some query and tokenizer objects that were not fully displayed.

349 structure changes including:
349 Modifications
Modified 349 Breaking
DELETE /_application/analytics/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_async_search/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_component_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_data_stream/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_data_stream/{name}/_lifecycle
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_enrich/policy/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_eql/search/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_index_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_inference/{inference_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_inference/{task_type}/{inference_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_ingest/pipeline/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_logstash/pipeline/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}/events/{event_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}/jobs/{job_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_ml/filters/{filter_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/model_aliases/{model_alias}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_pit
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_query_rules/{ruleset_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_query_rules/{ruleset_id}/_rule/{rule_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_scripts/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_search/scroll
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_security/api_key
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_sql/async/delete/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_synonyms/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_synonyms/{set_id}/{rule_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /_transform/{transform_id}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /{index}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /{index}/_alias/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /{index}/_aliases/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
DELETE /{index}/_doc/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_alias
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_alias/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_analyze
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • tokenizer property Modified
      • analysis:EdgeNGramTokenizer alternative Modified
        • token_chars property Modified
          • Property is no longer required

      • analysis:NGramTokenizer alternative Modified
        • token_chars property Modified
          • Property is no longer required

      • analysis:ClassicTokenizer, analysis:SimplePatternTokenizer, analysis:SimplePatternSplitTokenizer, analysis:ThaiTokenizer alternatives Added
GET /_application/analytics
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_application/analytics/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_async_search/status/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_async_search/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/aliases
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/aliases/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/component_templates
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/component_templates/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/count
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/count/{index}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/indices
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/indices/{index}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/ml/anomaly_detectors
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/ml/data_frame/analytics
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/ml/datafeeds
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/ml/trained_models
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/ml/trained_models/{model_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/transforms
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_cat/transforms/{transform_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_component_template
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_component_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_count
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_data_stream
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_data_stream/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_data_stream/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_data_stream/{name}/_lifecycle
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_data_stream/{name}/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_enrich/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_enrich/policy
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_enrich/policy/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_eql/search/status/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_eql/search/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_field_caps
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_index_template
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_index_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_inference
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_inference/{inference_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_inference/{task_type}/{inference_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_info/{target}
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • ingest property Modified
        • pipelines, total properties Modified
GET /_ingest/pipeline
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ingest/pipeline/_simulate
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ingest/pipeline/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ingest/pipeline/{id}/_simulate
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ingest/processor/grok
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_license
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_logstash/pipeline
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_logstash/pipeline/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_mapping
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_mget
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • jobs property Modified
        • analysis_config, datafeed_config properties Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • jobs property Modified
        • analysis_config, datafeed_config properties Modified
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/results/overall_buckets
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/calendars
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}/events
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • data_frame_analytics property Modified
        • source property Modified
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • config property Modified
      • source property Modified
        • query property Modified
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • data_frame_analytics property Modified
        • source property Modified
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • config property Modified
      • source property Modified
        • query property Modified
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/datafeeds
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • datafeeds property Modified
        • query property Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • job_config property Modified
      • analysis_config property Modified
        • categorization_analyzer property Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • datafeeds property Modified
        • query property Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • job_config property Modified
      • analysis_config property Modified
        • categorization_analyzer property Modified
GET /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/filters
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/filters/{filter_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/trained_models
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/trained_models/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_msearch
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_msearch/template
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_mtermvectors
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_query_rules
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_query_rules/{ruleset_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_query_rules/{ruleset_id}/_rule/{rule_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_rank_eval
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_refresh
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_render/template
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_render/template/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_resolve/index/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_scripts/painless/_execute
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_scripts/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_search
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_search/scroll
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_search/template
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_security/_authenticate
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_security/_query/api_key
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_security/api_key
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_security/user/_has_privileges
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_security/user/{user}/_has_privileges
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_settings
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_settings/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_sql
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_sql/async/status/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_sql/async/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_sql/translate
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_synonyms
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_synonyms/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_synonyms/{set_id}/{rule_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_tasks/{task_id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_transform
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • transforms property Modified
        • source property Modified
GET /_transform/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • source property Modified
      • query property Modified
        • bool, boosting, combined_fields, constant_score, dis_max, distance_feature, exists, function_score, fuzzy, geo_bounding_box, geo_distance, geo_polygon, geo_shape, has_child, has_parent, ids, intervals, knn, match, match_all, match_bool_prefix, match_none, match_phrase, match_phrase_prefix, more_like_this, multi_match, nested, parent_id, percolate, pinned, prefix, query_string, range, rank_feature, regexp, rule, script, script_score, semantic, shape, simple_query_string, span_containing, span_field_masking, span_first, span_multi, span_near, span_not, span_or, span_term, span_within, sparse_vector, term, terms, terms_set, wildcard, wrapper, type properties Removed
          • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


        • common, text_expansion, weighted_tokens properties Removed
GET /_transform/{transform_id}
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • transforms property Modified
        • source property Modified
GET /_transform/{transform_id}/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • source property Modified
      • query property Modified
        • bool, boosting, combined_fields, constant_score, dis_max, distance_feature, exists, function_score, fuzzy, geo_bounding_box, geo_distance, geo_polygon, geo_shape, has_child, has_parent, ids, intervals, knn, match, match_all, match_bool_prefix, match_none, match_phrase, match_phrase_prefix, more_like_this, multi_match, nested, parent_id, percolate, pinned, prefix, query_string, range, rank_feature, regexp, rule, script, script_score, semantic, shape, simple_query_string, span_containing, span_field_masking, span_first, span_multi, span_near, span_not, span_or, span_term, span_within, sparse_vector, term, terms, terms_set, wildcard, wrapper, type properties Removed
          • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


        • common, text_expansion, weighted_tokens properties Removed
GET /_transform/{transform_id}/_stats
  • Operation is now beta
GET /_validate/query
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_alias
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_alias/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_analyze
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • tokenizer property Modified
      • analysis:EdgeNGramTokenizer alternative Modified
        • token_chars property Modified
          • Property is no longer required

      • analysis:NGramTokenizer alternative Modified
        • token_chars property Modified
          • Property is no longer required

      • analysis:ClassicTokenizer, analysis:SimplePatternTokenizer, analysis:SimplePatternSplitTokenizer, analysis:ThaiTokenizer alternatives Added
GET /{index}/_count
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_doc/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_eql/search
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_explain/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_field_caps
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_graph/explore
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_lifecycle/explain
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_mapping
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_mget
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_msearch
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_msearch/template
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_mtermvectors
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_mvt/{field}/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_rank_eval
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_refresh
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_search
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_search/template
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_settings
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_settings/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_source/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_terms_enum
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_termvectors
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_termvectors/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
GET /{index}/_validate/query
  • Operation is now beta
  • Operation is now beta
HEAD /_alias/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
HEAD /_component_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
HEAD /_index_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
HEAD /{index}
  • Operation is now beta
HEAD /{index}/_alias/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
HEAD /{index}/_doc/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
HEAD /{index}/_source/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_aliases
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_analyze
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • tokenizer property Modified
      • analysis:EdgeNGramTokenizer alternative Modified
        • token_chars property Modified
          • Property is no longer required

      • analysis:NGramTokenizer alternative Modified
        • token_chars property Modified
          • Property is no longer required

      • analysis:ClassicTokenizer, analysis:SimplePatternTokenizer, analysis:SimplePatternSplitTokenizer, analysis:ThaiTokenizer alternatives Added
POST /_async_search
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_bulk
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_component_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_count
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_data_stream/_migrate/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_data_stream/_modify
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_field_caps
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_index_template/_simulate
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_index_template/_simulate/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_index_template/_simulate_index/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_index_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_inference/{inference_id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_inference/{task_type}/{inference_id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ingest/pipeline/_simulate
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ingest/pipeline/{id}/_simulate
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_mget
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/_estimate_model_memory
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • analysis_config property Modified
      • categorization_analyzer property Modified
        • _types:CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition alternative Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_close
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_flush
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_open
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_reset
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/_update
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • analysis_config property Modified
        • categorization_analyzer property Modified
      • datafeed_config property Modified
        • query property Modified
POST /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/results/overall_buckets
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/calendars
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}/events
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/data_frame/_evaluate
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/data_frame/analytics/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • config property Modified
      • source property Modified
        • query property Modified
POST /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • config property Modified
      • source property Modified
        • query property Modified
POST /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}/_start
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}/_stop
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}/_update
  • Operation is now beta
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • source property Modified
        • query property Modified
POST /_ml/datafeeds/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • job_config property Modified
      • analysis_config property Modified
        • categorization_analyzer property Modified
POST /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • job_config property Modified
      • analysis_config property Modified
        • categorization_analyzer property Modified
POST /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_start
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_stop
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_update
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/filters/{filter_id}/_update
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/_infer
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/deployment/_infer
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/deployment/_start
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/deployment/_stop
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_msearch
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_msearch/template
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_mtermvectors
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_query
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_rank_eval
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_refresh
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_reindex
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_render/template
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_render/template/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_scripts/painless/_execute
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_scripts/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_scripts/{id}/{context}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_search
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_search/scroll
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_search/scroll/{scroll_id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_search/template
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_security/_query/api_key
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_security/api_key
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_security/user/_has_privileges
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_security/user/{user}/_has_privileges
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_sql
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_sql/close
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_sql/translate
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_transform/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • source property Modified
      • query property Modified
        • bool, boosting, combined_fields, constant_score, dis_max, distance_feature, exists, function_score, fuzzy, geo_bounding_box, geo_distance, geo_polygon, geo_shape, has_child, has_parent, ids, intervals, knn, match, match_all, match_bool_prefix, match_none, match_phrase, match_phrase_prefix, more_like_this, multi_match, nested, parent_id, percolate, pinned, prefix, query_string, range, rank_feature, regexp, rule, script, script_score, semantic, shape, simple_query_string, span_containing, span_field_masking, span_first, span_multi, span_near, span_not, span_or, span_term, span_within, sparse_vector, term, terms, terms_set, wildcard, wrapper, type properties Removed
          • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


        • common, text_expansion, weighted_tokens properties Removed
POST /_transform/{transform_id}/_preview
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • source property Modified
      • query property Modified
        • bool, boosting, combined_fields, constant_score, dis_max, distance_feature, exists, function_score, fuzzy, geo_bounding_box, geo_distance, geo_polygon, geo_shape, has_child, has_parent, ids, intervals, knn, match, match_all, match_bool_prefix, match_none, match_phrase, match_phrase_prefix, more_like_this, multi_match, nested, parent_id, percolate, pinned, prefix, query_string, range, rank_feature, regexp, rule, script, script_score, semantic, shape, simple_query_string, span_containing, span_field_masking, span_first, span_multi, span_near, span_not, span_or, span_term, span_within, sparse_vector, term, terms, terms_set, wildcard, wrapper, type properties Removed
          • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


        • common, text_expansion, weighted_tokens properties Removed
POST /_transform/{transform_id}/_reset
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_transform/{transform_id}/_schedule_now
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_transform/{transform_id}/_start
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_transform/{transform_id}/_stop
  • Operation is now beta
POST /_transform/{transform_id}/_update
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • source property Modified
      • query property Modified
        • bool, boosting, combined_fields, constant_score, dis_max, distance_feature, exists, function_score, fuzzy, geo_bounding_box, geo_distance, geo_polygon, geo_shape, has_child, has_parent, ids, intervals, knn, match, match_all, match_bool_prefix, match_none, match_phrase, match_phrase_prefix, more_like_this, multi_match, nested, parent_id, percolate, pinned, prefix, query_string, range, rank_feature, regexp, rule, script, script_score, semantic, shape, simple_query_string, span_containing, span_field_masking, span_first, span_multi, span_near, span_not, span_or, span_term, span_within, sparse_vector, term, terms, terms_set, wildcard, wrapper, type properties Removed
          • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


        • common, text_expansion, weighted_tokens properties Removed
POST /_validate/query
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{alias}/_rollover
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{alias}/_rollover/{new_index}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_alias/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_aliases/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_analyze
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • tokenizer property Modified
      • analysis:EdgeNGramTokenizer alternative Modified
        • token_chars property Modified
          • Property is no longer required

      • analysis:NGramTokenizer alternative Modified
        • token_chars property Modified
          • Property is no longer required

      • analysis:ClassicTokenizer, analysis:SimplePatternTokenizer, analysis:SimplePatternSplitTokenizer, analysis:ThaiTokenizer alternatives Added
POST /{index}/_async_search
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_bulk
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_count
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_create/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_delete_by_query
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_doc
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_doc/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_eql/search
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_explain/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_field_caps
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_graph/explore
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_mapping
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_mget
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_msearch
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_msearch/template
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_mtermvectors
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_mvt/{field}/{zoom}/{x}/{y}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_pit
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_rank_eval
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_refresh
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_search
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_search/template
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_terms_enum
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_termvectors
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_termvectors/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_update/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_update_by_query
  • Operation is now beta
POST /{index}/_validate/query
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_application/analytics/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_bulk
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_component_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_check_in
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_error
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_filtering/_activate
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_filtering/_validation
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_status
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_data_stream/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_data_stream/{name}/_lifecycle
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_enrich/policy/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_enrich/policy/{name}/_execute
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_index_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_inference/{inference_id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_inference/{task_type}/{inference_id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_ingest/pipeline/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_logstash/pipeline/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • analysis_config property Modified
      • categorization_analyzer property Modified
        • _types:CategorizationAnalyzerDefinition alternative Modified
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • analysis_config property Modified
        • categorization_analyzer property Modified
      • datafeed_config property Modified
        • query property Modified
PUT /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}/jobs/{job_id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • source property Modified
      • query property Modified
        • bool, boosting, combined_fields, constant_score, dis_max, distance_feature, exists, function_score, fuzzy, geo_bounding_box, geo_distance, geo_polygon, geo_shape, has_child, has_parent, ids, intervals, knn, match, match_all, match_bool_prefix, match_none, match_phrase, match_phrase_prefix, more_like_this, multi_match, nested, parent_id, percolate, pinned, prefix, query_string, range, rank_feature, regexp, rule, script, script_score, semantic, shape, simple_query_string, span_containing, span_field_masking, span_first, span_multi, span_near, span_not, span_or, span_term, span_within, sparse_vector, term, terms, terms_set, wildcard, wrapper, type properties Removed
          • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


        • common, text_expansion, weighted_tokens properties Removed
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • source property Modified
        • query property Modified
PUT /_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_ml/filters/{filter_id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/definition/{part}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/model_aliases/{model_alias}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/vocabulary
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_query_rules/{ruleset_id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_query_rules/{ruleset_id}/_rule/{rule_id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_scripts/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_scripts/{id}/{context}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_security/api_key
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_security/api_key/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_settings
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_synonyms/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_synonyms/{set_id}/{rule_id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_template/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /_transform/{transform_id}
  • Operation is now beta
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • source property Modified
      • query property Modified
        • bool, boosting, combined_fields, constant_score, dis_max, distance_feature, exists, function_score, fuzzy, geo_bounding_box, geo_distance, geo_polygon, geo_shape, has_child, has_parent, ids, intervals, knn, match, match_all, match_bool_prefix, match_none, match_phrase, match_phrase_prefix, more_like_this, multi_match, nested, parent_id, percolate, pinned, prefix, query_string, range, rank_feature, regexp, rule, script, script_score, semantic, shape, simple_query_string, span_containing, span_field_masking, span_first, span_multi, span_near, span_not, span_or, span_term, span_within, sparse_vector, term, terms, terms_set, wildcard, wrapper, type properties Removed
          • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


        • common, text_expansion, weighted_tokens properties Removed
PUT /{index}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /{index}/_alias/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /{index}/_aliases/{name}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /{index}/_block/{block}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /{index}/_bulk
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /{index}/_create/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /{index}/_doc/{id}
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /{index}/_mapping
  • Operation is now beta
PUT /{index}/_settings
  • Operation is now beta