Get cluster info

GET /_info/{target}

Returns basic information about the cluster.

Path parameters

  • target string | array[string] Required

    Limits the information returned to the specific target. Supports a comma-separated list, such as http,ingest.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • cluster_name string Required
    • http object
      Hide http attributes Show http attributes object
      • Current number of open HTTP connections for the node.

      • Total number of HTTP connections opened for the node.

      • clients array[object]

        Information on current and recently-closed HTTP client connections. Clients that have been closed longer than the http.client_stats.closed_channels.max_age setting will not be represented here.

        Hide clients attributes Show clients attributes object
        • id number

          Unique ID for the HTTP client.

        • agent string

          Reported agent for the HTTP client. If unavailable, this property is not included in the response.

        • Local address for the HTTP connection.

        • Remote address for the HTTP connection.

        • last_uri string

          The URI of the client’s most recent request.

        • Time at which the client opened the connection.

        • Time at which the client closed the connection if the connection is closed.

        • Time of the most recent request from this client.

        • Number of requests from this client.

        • Cumulative size in bytes of all requests from this client.

        • Value from the client’s x-opaque-id HTTP header. If unavailable, this property is not included in the response.

    • ingest object
      Hide ingest attributes Show ingest attributes object
      • Hide pipelines attributes Show pipelines attributes object
      • total object
        Hide total attributes Show total attributes object
        • count number

          Total number of documents ingested during the lifetime of this node.

        • current number

          Total number of documents currently being ingested.

        • failed number

          Total number of failed ingest operations during the lifetime of this node.

        • processors array[object]

          Total number of ingest processors.

          Hide processors attributes Show processors attributes object
        • Time unit for milliseconds

    • Hide thread_pool attributes Show thread_pool attributes object
      • active number

        Number of active threads in the thread pool.

      • Number of tasks completed by the thread pool executor.

      • largest number

        Highest number of active threads in the thread pool.

      • queue number

        Number of tasks in queue for the thread pool.

      • rejected number

        Number of tasks rejected by the thread pool executor.

      • threads number

        Number of threads in the thread pool.

    • script object
      Hide script attributes Show script attributes object
GET /_info/{target}
curl \
 -X GET{target}