Delete data stream lifecycles

DELETE /_data_stream/{name}/_lifecycle

Removes the data stream lifecycle from a data stream, rendering it not managed by the data stream lifecycle.

Path parameters

  • name string | array[string] Required

    A comma-separated list of data streams of which the data stream lifecycle will be deleted; use * to get all data streams

Query parameters

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open)

  • Specify timeout for connection to master

  • timeout string

    Explicit timestamp for the document


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

DELETE /_data_stream/{name}/_lifecycle
curl \
 -X DELETE{name}/_lifecycle