Convert an index alias to a data stream

POST /_data_stream/_migrate/{name}

Converts an index alias to a data stream. You must have a matching index template that is data stream enabled. The alias must meet the following criteria: The alias must have a write index; All indices for the alias must have a @timestamp field mapping of a date or date_nanos field type; The alias must not have any filters; The alias must not use custom routing. If successful, the request removes the alias and creates a data stream with the same name. The indices for the alias become hidden backing indices for the stream. The write index for the alias becomes the write index for the stream.

Path parameters

  • name string Required

    Name of the index alias to convert to a data stream.

Query parameters

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

POST /_data_stream/_migrate/{name}
curl \
 -X POST{name}