Get info about events in calendars

GET /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}/events

Path parameters

  • calendar_id string Required

    A string that uniquely identifies a calendar. You can get information for multiple calendars by using a comma-separated list of ids or a wildcard expression. You can get information for all calendars by using _all or * or by omitting the calendar identifier.

Query parameters

  • end string | number

    Specifies to get events with timestamps earlier than this time.

  • from number

    Skips the specified number of events.

  • job_id string

    Specifies to get events for a specific anomaly detection job identifier or job group. It must be used with a calendar identifier of _all or *.

  • size number

    Specifies the maximum number of events to obtain.

  • start string | number

    Specifies to get events with timestamps after this time.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
GET /_ml/calendars/{calendar_id}/events
curl \
 -X GET{calendar_id}/events