Query parameters

  • from number

    Skips the specified number of calendars. This parameter is supported only when you omit the calendar identifier.

  • size number

    Specifies the maximum number of calendars to obtain. This parameter is supported only when you omit the calendar identifier.



  • page object
    Hide page attributes Show page attributes object
    • from number

      Skips the specified number of items.

    • size number

      Specifies the maximum number of items to obtain.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • calendars array[object] Required
      Hide calendars attributes Show calendars attributes object
    • count number Required
GET /_ml/calendars
curl \
 -X GET http://api.example.com/_ml/calendars \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"page":{"from":42.0,"size":42.0}}'