Preview features used by data frame analytics

GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}/_preview

Previews the extracted features used by a data frame analytics config.

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    Identifier for the data frame analytics job.



  • config object
    Hide config attributes Show config attributes object
    • source object Required
      Hide source attributes Show source attributes object
      • index string | array[string] Required
      • query object
        Hide query attributes Show query attributes object
        • bool object
          Hide bool attributes Show bool attributes object
        • boosting object
          Hide boosting attributes Show boosting attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • negative_boost number Required

            Floating point number between 0 and 1.0 used to decrease the relevance scores of documents matching the negative query.

          • negative object Required
          • positive object Required
        • common object Deprecated
        • Hide combined_fields attributes Show combined_fields attributes object
        • Hide constant_score attributes Show constant_score attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • filter object Required
        • dis_max object
          Hide dis_max attributes Show dis_max attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • queries array[object] Required

            One or more query clauses. Returned documents must match one or more of these queries. If a document matches multiple queries, Elasticsearch uses the highest relevance score.

          • Floating point number between 0 and 1.0 used to increase the relevance scores of documents matching multiple query clauses.

        • exists object
          Hide exists attributes Show exists attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • field string Required

            Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

        • Hide function_score attributes Show function_score attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • Values are multiply, replace, sum, avg, max, or min.

          • functions array[object]

            One or more functions that compute a new score for each document returned by the query.

          • Restricts the new score to not exceed the provided limit.

          • Excludes documents that do not meet the provided score threshold.

          • query object
          • Values are multiply, sum, avg, first, max, or min.

        • fuzzy object

          Returns documents that contain terms similar to the search term, as measured by a Levenshtein edit distance.

        • Hide geo_bounding_box attributes Show geo_bounding_box attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • type string

            Values are memory or indexed.

          • Values are coerce, ignore_malformed, or strict.

          • Set to true to ignore an unmapped field and not match any documents for this query. Set to false to throw an exception if the field is not mapped.

        • Hide geo_distance attributes Show geo_distance attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • distance string Required
          • Values are arc or plane.

          • Values are coerce, ignore_malformed, or strict.

          • Set to true to ignore an unmapped field and not match any documents for this query. Set to false to throw an exception if the field is not mapped.

        • Hide geo_polygon attributes Show geo_polygon attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • Values are coerce, ignore_malformed, or strict.

        • Hide geo_shape attributes Show geo_shape attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • Set to true to ignore an unmapped field and not match any documents for this query. Set to false to throw an exception if the field is not mapped.

        • Hide has_child attributes Show has_child attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped type and not return any documents instead of an error.

          • Hide inner_hits attributes Show inner_hits attributes object
          • Maximum number of child documents that match the query allowed for a returned parent document. If the parent document exceeds this limit, it is excluded from the search results.

          • Minimum number of child documents that match the query required to match the query for a returned parent document. If the parent document does not meet this limit, it is excluded from the search results.

          • query object Required
          • Values are none, avg, sum, max, or min.

          • type string Required
        • Hide has_parent attributes Show has_parent attributes object
        • ids object
          Hide ids attributes Show ids attributes object
        • Returns documents based on the order and proximity of matching terms.

        • knn object
          Hide knn attributes Show knn attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • field string Required

            Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

          • query_vector array[number]
          • Hide query_vector_builder attribute Show query_vector_builder attribute object
          • The number of nearest neighbor candidates to consider per shard

          • k number

            The final number of nearest neighbors to return as top hits

          • filter object | array[object]

            Filters for the kNN search query

          • The minimum similarity for a vector to be considered a match

        • match object

          Returns documents that match a provided text, number, date or boolean value. The provided text is analyzed before matching.

        • Hide match_all attributes Show match_all attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
        • Analyzes its input and constructs a bool query from the terms. Each term except the last is used in a term query. The last term is used in a prefix query.

        • Hide match_none attributes Show match_none attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
        • Analyzes the text and creates a phrase query out of the analyzed text.

        • Returns documents that contain the words of a provided text, in the same order as provided. The last term of the provided text is treated as a prefix, matching any words that begin with that term.

        • Hide more_like_this attributes Show more_like_this attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • analyzer string

            The analyzer that is used to analyze the free form text. Defaults to the analyzer associated with the first field in fields.

          • Each term in the formed query could be further boosted by their tf-idf score. This sets the boost factor to use when using this feature. Defaults to deactivated (0).

          • Controls whether the query should fail (throw an exception) if any of the specified fields are not of the supported types (text or keyword).

          • fields array[string]

            Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

          • include boolean

            Specifies whether the input documents should also be included in the search results returned.

          • like array[string | object] Required
          • The maximum document frequency above which the terms are ignored from the input document.

          • The maximum number of query terms that can be selected.

          • The maximum word length above which the terms are ignored. Defaults to unbounded (0).

          • The minimum document frequency below which the terms are ignored from the input document.

          • minimum_should_match number | string

            The minimum number of terms that should match as integer, percentage or range

          • The minimum term frequency below which the terms are ignored from the input document.

          • The minimum word length below which the terms are ignored.

          • routing string
          • stop_words string | array[string]

            Language value, such as arabic or thai. Defaults to english. Each language value corresponds to a predefined list of stop words in Lucene. See Stop words by language for supported language values and their stop words. Also accepts an array of stop words.

          • unlike array[string | object]
          • version number
          • Values are internal, external, external_gte, or force.

        • Hide multi_match attributes Show multi_match attributes object
        • nested object
          Hide nested attributes Show nested attributes object
        • Hide parent_id attributes Show parent_id attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • id string
          • Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped type and not return any documents instead of an error.

          • type string
        • Hide percolate attributes Show percolate attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • document object

            The source of the document being percolated.

          • documents array[object]

            An array of sources of the documents being percolated.

          • field string Required

            Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

          • id string
          • index string
          • name string

            The suffix used for the _percolator_document_slot field when multiple percolate queries are specified.

          • Preference used to fetch document to percolate.

          • routing string
          • version number
        • pinned object
          Hide pinned attributes Show pinned attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • organic object Required
          • ids array[string]

            Document IDs listed in the order they are to appear in results. Required if docs is not specified.

          • docs array[object]

            Documents listed in the order they are to appear in results. Required if ids is not specified.

        • prefix object

          Returns documents that contain a specific prefix in a provided field.

        • Hide query_string attributes Show query_string attributes object
        • range object

          Returns documents that contain terms within a provided range.

        • Hide rank_feature attributes Show rank_feature attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • field string Required

            Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

          • log object
          • linear object
          • sigmoid object
        • regexp object

          Returns documents that contain terms matching a regular expression.

        • rule object
          Hide rule attributes Show rule attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • organic object Required
          • ruleset_ids array[string] Required
          • match_criteria object Required
        • script object
          Hide script attributes Show script attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • script object Required
            Hide script attributes Show script attributes object
            • source string

              The script source.

            • id string
            • params object

              Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the script as variables. Use parameters instead of hard-coded values to decrease compile time.

            • options object
        • Hide script_score attributes Show script_score attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • Documents with a score lower than this floating point number are excluded from the search results.

          • query object Required
          • script object Required
            Hide script attributes Show script attributes object
            • source string

              The script source.

            • id string
            • params object

              Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the script as variables. Use parameters instead of hard-coded values to decrease compile time.

            • options object
        • semantic object
          Hide semantic attributes Show semantic attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • field string Required

            The field to query, which must be a semantic_text field type

          • query string Required

            The query text

        • shape object
          Hide shape attributes Show shape attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • When set to true the query ignores an unmapped field and will not match any documents.

        • Hide simple_query_string attributes Show simple_query_string attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • analyzer string

            Analyzer used to convert text in the query string into tokens.

          • If true, the query attempts to analyze wildcard terms in the query string.

          • If true, the parser creates a match_phrase query for each multi-position token.

          • Values are and, AND, or, or OR.

          • fields array[string]

            Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

          • Maximum number of terms to which the query expands for fuzzy matching.

          • Number of beginning characters left unchanged for fuzzy matching.

          • If true, edits for fuzzy matching include transpositions of two adjacent characters (for example, ab to ba).

          • lenient boolean

            If true, format-based errors, such as providing a text value for a numeric field, are ignored.

          • minimum_should_match number | string

            The minimum number of terms that should match as integer, percentage or range

          • query string Required

            Query string in the simple query string syntax you wish to parse and use for search.

          • Suffix appended to quoted text in the query string.

        • Hide span_containing attributes Show span_containing attributes object
        • Hide span_field_masking attributes Show span_field_masking attributes object
        • Hide span_first attributes Show span_first attributes object
        • Hide span_multi attributes Show span_multi attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • match object Required
        • Hide span_near attributes Show span_near attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • clauses array[object] Required

            Array of one or more other span type queries.

          • in_order boolean

            Controls whether matches are required to be in-order.

          • slop number

            Controls the maximum number of intervening unmatched positions permitted.

        • span_not object
          Hide span_not attributes Show span_not attributes object
        • span_or object
          Hide span_or attributes Show span_or attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • clauses array[object] Required

            Array of one or more other span type queries.

        • Matches spans containing a term.

        • Hide span_within attributes Show span_within attributes object
        • Hide sparse_vector attributes Show sparse_vector attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • field string Required

            Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

          • query string

            The query text you want to use for search. If inference_id is specified, query must also be specified.

          • prune boolean

            Whether to perform pruning, omitting the non-significant tokens from the query to improve query performance. If prune is true but the pruning_config is not specified, pruning will occur but default values will be used. Default: false

          • Dictionary of precomputed sparse vectors and their associated weights. Only one of inference_id or query_vector may be supplied in a request.

        • term object

          Returns documents that contain an exact term in a provided field. To return a document, the query term must exactly match the queried field's value, including whitespace and capitalization.

        • terms object
          Hide terms attributes Show terms attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
        • Returns documents that contain a minimum number of exact terms in a provided field. To return a document, a required number of terms must exactly match the field values, including whitespace and capitalization.

        • text_expansion object Deprecated

          Uses a natural language processing model to convert the query text into a list of token-weight pairs which are then used in a query against a sparse vector or rank features field.

        • weighted_tokens object Deprecated

          Supports returning text_expansion query results by sending in precomputed tokens with the query.

        • wildcard object

          Returns documents that contain terms matching a wildcard pattern.

        • wrapper object
          Hide wrapper attributes Show wrapper attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • query string Required

            A base64 encoded query. The binary data format can be any of JSON, YAML, CBOR or SMILE encodings

        • type object
          Hide type attributes Show type attributes object
          • boost number

            Floating point number used to decrease or increase the relevance scores of the query. Boost values are relative to the default value of 1.0. A boost value between 0 and 1.0 decreases the relevance score. A value greater than 1.0 increases the relevance score.

          • _name string
          • value string Required
      • Hide runtime_mappings attributes Show runtime_mappings attributes object
      • _source object
        Hide _source attributes Show _source attributes object
        • includes array[string] Required

          An array of strings that defines the fields that will be excluded from the analysis. You do not need to add fields with unsupported data types to excludes, these fields are excluded from the analysis automatically.

        • excludes array[string] Required

          An array of strings that defines the fields that will be included in the analysis.

    • analysis object Required
      Hide analysis attributes Show analysis attributes object
      • Hide classification attributes Show classification attributes object
        • alpha number

          Advanced configuration option. Machine learning uses loss guided tree growing, which means that the decision trees grow where the regularized loss decreases most quickly. This parameter affects loss calculations by acting as a multiplier of the tree depth. Higher alpha values result in shallower trees and faster training times. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to zero.

        • dependent_variable string Required

          Defines which field of the document is to be predicted. It must match one of the fields in the index being used to train. If this field is missing from a document, then that document will not be used for training, but a prediction with the trained model will be generated for it. It is also known as continuous target variable. For classification analysis, the data type of the field must be numeric (integer, short, long, byte), categorical (ip or keyword), or boolean. There must be no more than 30 different values in this field. For regression analysis, the data type of the field must be numeric.

        • Advanced configuration option. Controls the fraction of data that is used to compute the derivatives of the loss function for tree training. A small value results in the use of a small fraction of the data. If this value is set to be less than 1, accuracy typically improves. However, too small a value may result in poor convergence for the ensemble and so require more trees. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1.

        • Advanced configuration option. Specifies whether the training process should finish if it is not finding any better performing models. If disabled, the training process can take significantly longer and the chance of finding a better performing model is unremarkable.

        • eta number

          Advanced configuration option. The shrinkage applied to the weights. Smaller values result in larger forests which have a better generalization error. However, larger forests cause slower training. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a value between 0.001 and 1.

        • Advanced configuration option. Specifies the rate at which eta increases for each new tree that is added to the forest. For example, a rate of 1.05 increases eta by 5% for each extra tree. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be between 0.5 and 2.

        • Advanced configuration option. Defines the fraction of features that will be used when selecting a random bag for each candidate split. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization.

        • feature_processors array[object]

          Advanced configuration option. A collection of feature preprocessors that modify one or more included fields. The analysis uses the resulting one or more features instead of the original document field. However, these features are ephemeral; they are not stored in the destination index. Multiple feature_processors entries can refer to the same document fields. Automatic categorical feature encoding still occurs for the fields that are unprocessed by a custom processor or that have categorical values. Use this property only if you want to override the automatic feature encoding of the specified fields.

          Hide feature_processors attributes Show feature_processors attributes object
        • gamma number

          Advanced configuration option. Regularization parameter to prevent overfitting on the training data set. Multiplies a linear penalty associated with the size of individual trees in the forest. A high gamma value causes training to prefer small trees. A small gamma value results in larger individual trees and slower training. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a nonnegative value.

        • lambda number

          Advanced configuration option. Regularization parameter to prevent overfitting on the training data set. Multiplies an L2 regularization term which applies to leaf weights of the individual trees in the forest. A high lambda value causes training to favor small leaf weights. This behavior makes the prediction function smoother at the expense of potentially not being able to capture relevant relationships between the features and the dependent variable. A small lambda value results in large individual trees and slower training. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a nonnegative value.

        • Advanced configuration option. A multiplier responsible for determining the maximum number of hyperparameter optimization steps in the Bayesian optimization procedure. The maximum number of steps is determined based on the number of undefined hyperparameters times the maximum optimization rounds per hyperparameter. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization.

        • Advanced configuration option. Defines the maximum number of decision trees in the forest. The maximum value is 2000. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization.

        • Advanced configuration option. Specifies the maximum number of feature importance values per document to return. By default, no feature importance calculation occurs.

        • Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

        • Defines the seed for the random generator that is used to pick training data. By default, it is randomly generated. Set it to a specific value to use the same training data each time you start a job (assuming other related parameters such as source and analyzed_fields are the same).

        • Advanced configuration option. Machine learning uses loss guided tree growing, which means that the decision trees grow where the regularized loss decreases most quickly. This soft limit combines with the soft_tree_depth_tolerance to penalize trees that exceed the specified depth; the regularized loss increases quickly beyond this depth. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to 0.

        • Advanced configuration option. This option controls how quickly the regularized loss increases when the tree depth exceeds soft_tree_depth_limit. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to 0.01.

        • Defines the number of categories for which the predicted probabilities are reported. It must be non-negative or -1. If it is -1 or greater than the total number of categories, probabilities are reported for all categories; if you have a large number of categories, there could be a significant effect on the size of your destination index. NOTE: To use the AUC ROC evaluation method, num_top_classes must be set to -1 or a value greater than or equal to the total number of categories.

      • Hide outlier_detection attributes Show outlier_detection attributes object
        • Specifies whether the feature influence calculation is enabled.

        • The minimum outlier score that a document needs to have in order to calculate its feature influence score. Value range: 0-1.

        • method string

          The method that outlier detection uses. Available methods are lof, ldof, distance_kth_nn, distance_knn, and ensemble. The default value is ensemble, which means that outlier detection uses an ensemble of different methods and normalises and combines their individual outlier scores to obtain the overall outlier score.

        • Defines the value for how many nearest neighbors each method of outlier detection uses to calculate its outlier score. When the value is not set, different values are used for different ensemble members. This default behavior helps improve the diversity in the ensemble; only override it if you are confident that the value you choose is appropriate for the data set.

        • The proportion of the data set that is assumed to be outlying prior to outlier detection. For example, 0.05 means it is assumed that 5% of values are real outliers and 95% are inliers.

        • If true, the following operation is performed on the columns before computing outlier scores: (x_i - mean(x_i)) / sd(x_i).

      • Hide regression attributes Show regression attributes object
        • alpha number

          Advanced configuration option. Machine learning uses loss guided tree growing, which means that the decision trees grow where the regularized loss decreases most quickly. This parameter affects loss calculations by acting as a multiplier of the tree depth. Higher alpha values result in shallower trees and faster training times. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to zero.

        • dependent_variable string Required

          Defines which field of the document is to be predicted. It must match one of the fields in the index being used to train. If this field is missing from a document, then that document will not be used for training, but a prediction with the trained model will be generated for it. It is also known as continuous target variable. For classification analysis, the data type of the field must be numeric (integer, short, long, byte), categorical (ip or keyword), or boolean. There must be no more than 30 different values in this field. For regression analysis, the data type of the field must be numeric.

        • Advanced configuration option. Controls the fraction of data that is used to compute the derivatives of the loss function for tree training. A small value results in the use of a small fraction of the data. If this value is set to be less than 1, accuracy typically improves. However, too small a value may result in poor convergence for the ensemble and so require more trees. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 1.

        • Advanced configuration option. Specifies whether the training process should finish if it is not finding any better performing models. If disabled, the training process can take significantly longer and the chance of finding a better performing model is unremarkable.

        • eta number

          Advanced configuration option. The shrinkage applied to the weights. Smaller values result in larger forests which have a better generalization error. However, larger forests cause slower training. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a value between 0.001 and 1.

        • Advanced configuration option. Specifies the rate at which eta increases for each new tree that is added to the forest. For example, a rate of 1.05 increases eta by 5% for each extra tree. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be between 0.5 and 2.

        • Advanced configuration option. Defines the fraction of features that will be used when selecting a random bag for each candidate split. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization.

        • feature_processors array[object]

          Advanced configuration option. A collection of feature preprocessors that modify one or more included fields. The analysis uses the resulting one or more features instead of the original document field. However, these features are ephemeral; they are not stored in the destination index. Multiple feature_processors entries can refer to the same document fields. Automatic categorical feature encoding still occurs for the fields that are unprocessed by a custom processor or that have categorical values. Use this property only if you want to override the automatic feature encoding of the specified fields.

          Hide feature_processors attributes Show feature_processors attributes object
        • gamma number

          Advanced configuration option. Regularization parameter to prevent overfitting on the training data set. Multiplies a linear penalty associated with the size of individual trees in the forest. A high gamma value causes training to prefer small trees. A small gamma value results in larger individual trees and slower training. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a nonnegative value.

        • lambda number

          Advanced configuration option. Regularization parameter to prevent overfitting on the training data set. Multiplies an L2 regularization term which applies to leaf weights of the individual trees in the forest. A high lambda value causes training to favor small leaf weights. This behavior makes the prediction function smoother at the expense of potentially not being able to capture relevant relationships between the features and the dependent variable. A small lambda value results in large individual trees and slower training. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be a nonnegative value.

        • Advanced configuration option. A multiplier responsible for determining the maximum number of hyperparameter optimization steps in the Bayesian optimization procedure. The maximum number of steps is determined based on the number of undefined hyperparameters times the maximum optimization rounds per hyperparameter. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization.

        • Advanced configuration option. Defines the maximum number of decision trees in the forest. The maximum value is 2000. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization.

        • Advanced configuration option. Specifies the maximum number of feature importance values per document to return. By default, no feature importance calculation occurs.

        • Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

        • Defines the seed for the random generator that is used to pick training data. By default, it is randomly generated. Set it to a specific value to use the same training data each time you start a job (assuming other related parameters such as source and analyzed_fields are the same).

        • Advanced configuration option. Machine learning uses loss guided tree growing, which means that the decision trees grow where the regularized loss decreases most quickly. This soft limit combines with the soft_tree_depth_tolerance to penalize trees that exceed the specified depth; the regularized loss increases quickly beyond this depth. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to 0.

        • Advanced configuration option. This option controls how quickly the regularized loss increases when the tree depth exceeds soft_tree_depth_limit. By default, this value is calculated during hyperparameter optimization. It must be greater than or equal to 0.01.

        • The loss function used during regression. Available options are mse (mean squared error), msle (mean squared logarithmic error), huber (Pseudo-Huber loss).

        • A positive number that is used as a parameter to the loss_function.

    • Hide analyzed_fields attributes Show analyzed_fields attributes object
      • includes array[string] Required

        An array of strings that defines the fields that will be excluded from the analysis. You do not need to add fields with unsupported data types to excludes, these fields are excluded from the analysis automatically.

      • excludes array[string] Required

        An array of strings that defines the fields that will be included in the analysis.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • feature_values array[object] Required

      An array of objects that contain feature name and value pairs. The features have been processed and indicate what will be sent to the model for training.

      Hide feature_values attributes Show feature_values attributes object
GET /_ml/data_frame/analytics/{id}/_preview
curl \
 -X GET{id}/_preview \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"config":{"source":{"index":"string","query":{"":{"boost":42.0,"_name":"string","value":"string"},"common":{},"fuzzy":{},"intervals":{},"match":{},"match_bool_prefix":{},"match_phrase":{},"match_phrase_prefix":{},"prefix":{},"range":{},"regexp":{},"span_term":{},"term":{},"terms_set":{},"text_expansion":{},"weighted_tokens":{},"wildcard":{}},"":{"fields":{"type":"boolean"},"fetch_fields":[{"field":"string","format":"string"}],"format":"string","input_field":"string","target_field":"string","target_index":"string","script":{"source":"string","id":"string","params":{"key":{}},"":"painless","options":{"key":"string"}},"type":"boolean"},"_source":{"includes":["string"],"excludes":["string"]}},"analysis":{"":{"alpha":42.0,"dependent_variable":"string","downsample_factor":42.0,"early_stopping_enabled":true,"eta":42.0,"eta_growth_rate_per_tree":42.0,"feature_bag_fraction":42.0,"feature_processors":[{"frequency_encoding":{},"multi_encoding":{},"n_gram_encoding":{},"one_hot_encoding":{},"target_mean_encoding":{}}],"gamma":42.0,"lambda":42.0,"max_optimization_rounds_per_hyperparameter":42.0,"max_trees":42.0,"num_top_feature_importance_values":42.0,"prediction_field_name":"string","randomize_seed":42.0,"soft_tree_depth_limit":42.0,"soft_tree_depth_tolerance":42.0,"":"string","loss_function":"string","loss_function_parameter":42.0},"outlier_detection":{"compute_feature_influence":true,"feature_influence_threshold":42.0,"method":"string","n_neighbors":42.0,"outlier_fraction":42.0,"standardization_enabled":true}},"model_memory_limit":"string","max_num_threads":42.0,"analyzed_fields":{"includes":["string"],"excludes":["string"]}}}'