Create part of a trained model definition

PUT /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/definition/{part}

Path parameters

  • model_id string Required

    The unique identifier of the trained model.

  • part number Required

    The definition part number. When the definition is loaded for inference the definition parts are streamed in the order of their part number. The first part must be 0 and the final part must be total_parts - 1.


Body Required

  • definition string Required

    The definition part for the model. Must be a base64 encoded string.

  • The total uncompressed definition length in bytes. Not base64 encoded.

  • total_parts number Required

    The total number of parts that will be uploaded. Must be greater than 0.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

PUT /_ml/trained_models/{model_id}/definition/{part}
curl \
 -X PUT{model_id}/definition/{part} \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"definition":"string","total_definition_length":42.0,"total_parts":42.0}'