Update a datafeed Added in 6.4.0
You must stop and start the datafeed for the changes to be applied. When Elasticsearch security features are enabled, your datafeed remembers which roles the user who updated it had at the time of the update and runs the query using those same roles. If you provide secondary authorization headers, those credentials are used instead.
Path parameters
A numerical character string that uniquely identifies the datafeed. This identifier can contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9), hyphens, and underscores. It must start and end with alphanumeric characters.
Query parameters
allow_no_indices boolean
, wildcard indices expressions that resolve into no concrete indices are ignored. This includes the_all
string or when no indices are specified. -
expand_wildcards string | array[string]
Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values. Valid values are:
: Match any data stream or index, including hidden ones.closed
: Match closed, non-hidden indices. Also matches any non-hidden data stream. Data streams cannot be closed.hidden
: Match hidden data streams and hidden indices. Must be combined withopen
, or both.none
: Wildcard patterns are not accepted.open
: Match open, non-hidden indices. Also matches any non-hidden data stream.
, concrete, expanded or aliased indices are ignored when frozen.
Body Required
aggregations object
If set, the datafeed performs aggregation searches. Support for aggregations is limited and should be used only with low cardinality data.
chunking_config object
Additional properties are allowed.
delayed_data_check_config object
Additional properties are allowed.
frequency string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value. -
indices array[string]
An array of index names. Wildcards are supported. If any of the indices are in remote clusters, the machine learning nodes must have the
role. -
indices_options object
Additional properties are allowed.
job_id string
max_empty_searches number
If a real-time datafeed has never seen any data (including during any initial training period), it automatically stops and closes the associated job after this many real-time searches return no documents. In other words, it stops after
of real-time operation. If not set, a datafeed with no end time that sees no data remains started until it is explicitly stopped. By default, it is not set. -
query object
Additional properties are allowed.
query_delay string
A duration. Units can be
(hours) andd
(days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value. -
runtime_mappings object
script_fields object
Specifies scripts that evaluate custom expressions and returns script fields to the datafeed. The detector configuration objects in a job can contain functions that use these script fields.
scroll_size number
The size parameter that is used in Elasticsearch searches when the datafeed does not use aggregations. The maximum value is the value of
curl \
-X POST http://api.example.com/_ml/datafeeds/{datafeed_id}/_update \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"aggregations":{},"chunking_config":{"mode":"auto","time_span":"string"},"delayed_data_check_config":{"check_window":"string","enabled":true},"frequency":"string","indices":["string"],"indices_options":{"allow_no_indices":true,"expand_wildcards":"string","ignore_unavailable":true,"ignore_throttled":true},"job_id":"string","max_empty_searches":42.0,"query":{},"query_delay":"string","runtime_mappings":{"additionalProperty1":{"fields":{"additionalProperty1":{"type":"boolean"},"additionalProperty2":{"type":"boolean"}},"fetch_fields":[{"field":"string","format":"string"}],"format":"string","input_field":"string","target_field":"string","target_index":"string","script":{"source":"string","id":"string","params":{"additionalProperty1":{},"additionalProperty2":{}},"":"painless","options":{"additionalProperty1":"string","additionalProperty2":"string"}},"type":"boolean"},"additionalProperty2":{"fields":{"additionalProperty1":{"type":"boolean"},"additionalProperty2":{"type":"boolean"}},"fetch_fields":[{"field":"string","format":"string"}],"format":"string","input_field":"string","target_field":"string","target_index":"string","script":{"source":"string","id":"string","params":{"additionalProperty1":{},"additionalProperty2":{}},"":"painless","options":{"additionalProperty1":"string","additionalProperty2":"string"}},"type":"boolean"}},"script_fields":{"additionalProperty1":{"script":{"source":"string","id":"string","params":{"additionalProperty1":{},"additionalProperty2":{}},"":"painless","options":{"additionalProperty1":"string","additionalProperty2":"string"}},"ignore_failure":true},"additionalProperty2":{"script":{"source":"string","id":"string","params":{"additionalProperty1":{},"additionalProperty2":{}},"":"painless","options":{"additionalProperty1":"string","additionalProperty2":"string"}},"ignore_failure":true}},"scroll_size":42.0}'