Runs a search with a search template

POST /{index}/_search/template

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases to search. Supports wildcards (*).

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices. For example, a request targeting foo*,bar* returns an error if an index starts with foo but no index starts with bar.

  • If true, network round-trips are minimized for cross-cluster search requests.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden. Valid values are: all, open, closed, hidden, none.

  • explain boolean

    If true, the response includes additional details about score computation as part of a hit.

  • If true, specified concrete, expanded, or aliased indices are not included in the response when throttled.

  • If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index.

  • Specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on. Random by default.

  • profile boolean

    If true, the query execution is profiled.

  • routing string

    Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard.

  • scroll string

    Specifies how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search.

  • The type of the search operation.

    Values are query_then_fetch or dfs_query_then_fetch.

  • If true, are rendered as an integer in the response.

  • typed_keys boolean

    If true, the response prefixes aggregation and suggester names with their respective types.


Body Required

  • explain boolean

    If true, returns detailed information about score calculation as part of each hit.

  • id string
  • params object

    Key-value pairs used to replace Mustache variables in the template. The key is the variable name. The value is the variable value.

    Hide params attributes Show params attributes object
  • profile boolean

    If true, the query execution is profiled.

  • source string

    An inline search template. Supports the same parameters as the search API's request body. Also supports Mustache variables. If no id is specified, this parameter is required.


POST /{index}/_search/template
curl \
 -X POST{index}/_search/template \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"explain":true,"id":"string","params":{"key":{}},"profile":true,"source":"string"}'