Get API key information

GET /_security/api_key

Retrieves information for one or more API keys. NOTE: If you have only the manage_own_api_key privilege, this API returns only the API keys that you own. If you have read_security, manage_api_key or greater privileges (including manage_security), this API returns all API keys regardless of ownership.

Query parameters

  • id string

    An API key id. This parameter cannot be used with any of name, realm_name or username.

  • name string

    An API key name. This parameter cannot be used with any of id, realm_name or username. It supports prefix search with wildcard.

  • owner boolean

    A boolean flag that can be used to query API keys owned by the currently authenticated user. The realm_name or username parameters cannot be specified when this parameter is set to true as they are assumed to be the currently authenticated ones.

  • The name of an authentication realm. This parameter cannot be used with either id or name or when owner flag is set to true.

  • username string

    The username of a user. This parameter cannot be used with either id or name or when owner flag is set to true.

  • Return the snapshot of the owner user's role descriptors associated with the API key. An API key's actual permission is the intersection of its assigned role descriptors and the owner user's role descriptors.

  • A boolean flag that can be used to query API keys that are currently active. An API key is considered active if it is neither invalidated, nor expired at query time. You can specify this together with other parameters such as owner or name. If active_only is false, the response will include both active and inactive (expired or invalidated) keys.

  • Determines whether to also retrieve the profile uid, for the API key owner principal, if it exists.


GET /_security/api_key
curl \