Invalidate API keys

DELETE /_security/api_key

Invalidates one or more API keys. The manage_api_key privilege allows deleting any API keys. The manage_own_api_key only allows deleting API keys that are owned by the user. In addition, with the manage_own_api_key privilege, an invalidation request must be issued in one of the three formats:

  • Set the parameter owner=true.
  • Or, set both username and realm_name to match the user’s identity.
  • Or, if the request is issued by an API key, i.e. an API key invalidates itself, specify its ID in the ids field.

Body Required

  • id string
  • ids array[string]

    A list of API key ids. This parameter cannot be used with any of name, realm_name, or username.

  • name string
  • owner boolean

    Can be used to query API keys owned by the currently authenticated user. The realm_name or username parameters cannot be specified when this parameter is set to true as they are assumed to be the currently authenticated ones.

  • The name of an authentication realm. This parameter cannot be used with either ids or name, or when owner flag is set to true.

  • username string


DELETE /_security/api_key
curl \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"id":"string","ids":["string"],"name":"string","owner":true,"realm_name":"string","username":"string"}'