Update an API key

PUT /_security/api_key/{id}

Updates attributes of an existing API key. Users can only update API keys that they created or that were granted to them. Use this API to update API keys created by the create API Key or grant API Key APIs. If you need to apply the same update to many API keys, you can use bulk update API Keys to reduce overhead. It’s not possible to update expired API keys, or API keys that have been invalidated by invalidate API Key. This API supports updates to an API key’s access scope and metadata. The access scope of an API key is derived from the role_descriptors you specify in the request, and a snapshot of the owner user’s permissions at the time of the request. The snapshot of the owner’s permissions is updated automatically on every call. If you don’t specify role_descriptors in the request, a call to this API might still change the API key’s access scope. This change can occur if the owner user’s permissions have changed since the API key was created or last modified. To update another user’s API key, use the run_as feature to submit a request on behalf of another user. IMPORTANT: It’s not possible to use an API key as the authentication credential for this API. To update an API key, the owner user’s credentials are required.

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    The ID of the API key to update.




  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • updated boolean Required

      If true, the API key was updated. If false, the API key didn’t change because no change was detected.

PUT /_security/api_key/{id}
curl \
 -X PUT http://api.example.com/_security/api_key/{id} \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"role_descriptors":{"cluster":["string"],"indices":[{"field_security":{"except":"string","grant":"string"},"names":"string","privileges":["string"],"":"string"}],"applications":[{"application":"string","privileges":["string"],"resources":["string"]}],"metadata":{"key":{}},"run_as":["string"],"description":"string","transient_metadata":{"key":{}}},"metadata":{"key":{}},"expiration":"string"}'