Get transform information Added in 7.7.0

GET /_cat/transforms/{transform_id}

Get configuration and usage information about transforms.

CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the Kibana console or command line. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get transform statistics API.

Path parameters

  • transform_id string Required

    A transform identifier or a wildcard expression. If you do not specify one of these options, the API returns information for all transforms.

Query parameters

  • Specifies what to do when the request: contains wildcard expressions and there are no transforms that match; contains the _all string or no identifiers and there are no matches; contains wildcard expressions and there are only partial matches. If true, it returns an empty transforms array when there are no matches and the subset of results when there are partial matches. If false, the request returns a 404 status code when there are no matches or only partial matches.

  • from number

    Skips the specified number of transforms.

  • h string | array[string]

    Comma-separated list of column names to display.

  • s string | array[string]

    Comma-separated list of column names or column aliases used to sort the response.

  • time string

    The unit used to display time values.

    Values are nanos, micros, ms, s, m, h, or d.

  • size number

    The maximum number of transforms to obtain.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id string
    • state string

      The status of the transform. Returned values include: aborting: The transform is aborting. failed: The transform failed. For more information about the failure, check thereasonfield. indexing: The transform is actively processing data and creating new documents. started: The transform is running but not actively indexing data. stopped: The transform is stopped. stopping`: The transform is stopping.

    • The sequence number for the checkpoint.

    • The number of documents that have been processed from the source index of the transform.

    • checkpoint_progress string | null

      The progress of the next checkpoint that is currently in progress.

    • last_search_time string | null

      The timestamp of the last search in the source indices. This field is shown only if the transform is running.

    • changes_last_detection_time string | null

      The timestamp when changes were last detected in the source indices.

    • The time the transform was created.

    • version string
    • The source indices for the transform.

    • The destination index for the transform.

    • pipeline string

      The unique identifier for the ingest pipeline.

    • The description of the transform.

    • The type of transform: batch or continuous.

    • The interval between checks for changes in the source indices when the transform is running continuously.

    • The initial page size that is used for the composite aggregation for each checkpoint.

    • The number of input documents per second.

    • reason string

      If a transform has a failed state, these details describe the reason for failure.

    • The total number of search operations on the source index for the transform.

    • The total number of search failures.

    • The total amount of search time, in milliseconds.

    • The total number of index operations done by the transform.

    • The total number of indexing failures.

    • The total time spent indexing documents, in milliseconds.

    • The number of documents that have been indexed into the destination index for the transform.

    • The total time spent deleting documents, in milliseconds.

    • The number of documents deleted from the destination index due to the retention policy for the transform.

    • The number of times the transform has been triggered by the scheduler. For example, the scheduler triggers the transform indexer to check for updates or ingest new data at an interval specified in the frequency property.

    • The number of search or bulk index operations processed. Documents are processed in batches instead of individually.

    • The total time spent processing results, in milliseconds.

    • The exponential moving average of the duration of the checkpoint, in milliseconds.

    • The exponential moving average of the number of new documents that have been indexed.

    • The exponential moving average of the number of documents that have been processed.

GET /_cat/transforms/{transform_id}
curl \
 --request GET{transform_id} \
 --header "Authorization: $API_KEY"
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `GET /_cat/transforms?v=true&format=json`.
    "id" : "ecommerce_transform",
    "state" : "started",
    "checkpoint" : "1",
    "documents_processed" : "705",
    "checkpoint_progress" : "100.00",
    "changes_last_detection_time" : null