
The API accepts 3 different authentication methods:

Api key auth (http_api_key)

Elasticsearch APIs support key-based authentication. You must create an API key and use the encoded value in the request header. For example:

curl -X GET "${ES_URL}/_cat/indices?v=true" \
  -H "Authorization: ApiKey ${API_KEY}"

To get API keys, use the /_security/api_key APIs.

Basic auth (http)

Basic auth tokens are constructed with the Basic keyword, followed by a space, followed by a base64-encoded string of your username:password (separated by a : colon).

Example: send a Authorization: Basic aGVsbG86aGVsbG8= HTTP header with your requests to authenticate with the API.

Bearer auth (http)

Elasticsearch APIs support the use of bearer tokens in the Authorization HTTP header to authenticate with the API. For examples, refer to Token-based authentication services

Create a behavioral analytics collection event Technical preview

POST /_application/analytics/{collection_name}/event/{event_type}

Path parameters

  • collection_name string Required

    The name of the behavioral analytics collection.

  • event_type string Required

    The analytics event type.

    Values are page_view, search, or search_click.

Query parameters

  • debug boolean

    Whether the response type has to include more details


Body Required

object object

Additional properties are allowed.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
POST /_application/analytics/{collection_name}/event/{event_type}
curl \
 --request POST{collection_name}/event/{event_type} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"session\": {\n    \"id\": \"1797ca95-91c9-4e2e-b1bd-9c38e6f386a9\"\n  },\n  \"user\": {\n    \"id\": \"5f26f01a-bbee-4202-9298-81261067abbd\"\n  },\n  \"search\":{\n    \"query\": \"search term\",\n    \"results\": {\n      \"items\": [\n        {\n          \"document\": {\n            \"id\": \"123\",\n            \"index\": \"products\"\n          }\n        }\n      ],\n      \"total_results\": 10\n    },\n    \"sort\": {\n      \"name\": \"relevance\"\n    },\n    \"search_application\": \"website\"\n  },\n  \"document\":{\n    \"id\": \"123\",\n    \"index\": \"products\"\n  }\n}"'
Request example
Run `POST _application/analytics/my_analytics_collection/event/search_click` to send a `search_click` event to an analytics collection called `my_analytics_collection`.
  "session": {
    "id": "1797ca95-91c9-4e2e-b1bd-9c38e6f386a9"
  "user": {
    "id": "5f26f01a-bbee-4202-9298-81261067abbd"
    "query": "search term",
    "results": {
      "items": [
          "document": {
            "id": "123",
            "index": "products"
      "total_results": 10
    "sort": {
      "name": "relevance"
    "search_application": "website"
    "id": "123",
    "index": "products"
Response examples (200)
  "accepted": true,
  "event": {}

Get the cluster health status

GET /_cat/health

IMPORTANT: CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the cluster health API. This API is often used to check malfunctioning clusters. To help you track cluster health alongside log files and alerting systems, the API returns timestamps in two formats: HH:MM:SS, which is human-readable but includes no date information; Unix epoch time, which is machine-sortable and includes date information. The latter format is useful for cluster recoveries that take multiple days. You can use the cat health API to verify cluster health across multiple nodes. You also can use the API to track the recovery of a large cluster over a longer period of time.

Query parameters

  • time string

    The unit used to display time values.

    Values are nanos, micros, ms, s, m, h, or d.

  • ts boolean

    If true, returns HH:MM:SS and Unix epoch timestamps.


GET /_cat/health
curl \
 --request GET
Response examples (200)
    "": 42.0,
    "timestamp": "string",
    "cluster": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "": "string",
    "": "string",
    "shards": "string",
    "pri": "string",
    "relo": "string",
    "init": "string",
    "unassign.pri": "string",
    "unassign": "string",
    "pending_tasks": "string",
    "max_task_wait_time": "string",
    "active_shards_percent": "string"

Get CAT help

GET /_cat

Get help for the CAT APIs.


  • 200 application/json

    Additional properties are allowed.

GET /_cat
curl \
 --request GET
Response examples (200)

Get anomaly detection jobs Added in 7.7.0

GET /_cat/ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}

Get configuration and usage information for anomaly detection jobs. This API returns a maximum of 10,000 jobs. If the Elasticsearch security features are enabled, you must have monitor_ml, monitor, manage_ml, or manage cluster privileges to use this API.

IMPORTANT: CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the Kibana console or command line. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get anomaly detection job statistics API.

Path parameters

  • job_id string Required

    Identifier for the anomaly detection job.

Query parameters

  • Specifies what to do when the request:

    • Contains wildcard expressions and there are no jobs that match.
    • Contains the _all string or no identifiers and there are no matches.
    • Contains wildcard expressions and there are only partial matches.

    If true, the API returns an empty jobs array when there are no matches and the subset of results when there are partial matches. If false, the API returns a 404 status code when there are no matches or only partial matches.

  • bytes string

    The unit used to display byte values.

    Values are b, kb, mb, gb, tb, or pb.

  • h string | array[string]

    Comma-separated list of column names to display.

  • s string | array[string]

    Comma-separated list of column names or column aliases used to sort the response.

  • time string

    The unit used to display time values.

    Values are nanos, micros, ms, s, m, h, or d.


  • Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id string
    • state string

      Values are closing, closed, opened, failed, or opening.

    • For open jobs only, the amount of time the job has been opened.

    • For open anomaly detection jobs only, contains messages relating to the selection of a node to run the job.

    • The number of input documents that have been processed by the anomaly detection job. This value includes documents with missing fields, since they are nonetheless analyzed. If you use datafeeds and have aggregations in your search query, the processed_record_count is the number of aggregation results processed, not the number of Elasticsearch documents.

    • The total number of fields in all the documents that have been processed by the anomaly detection job. Only fields that are specified in the detector configuration object contribute to this count. The timestamp is not included in this count.

    • The number of input documents posted to the anomaly detection job.

    • The total number of fields in input documents posted to the anomaly detection job. This count includes fields that are not used in the analysis. However, be aware that if you are using a datafeed, it extracts only the required fields from the documents it retrieves before posting them to the job.

    • The number of input documents with either a missing date field or a date that could not be parsed.

    • The number of input documents that are missing a field that the anomaly detection job is configured to analyze. Input documents with missing fields are still processed because it is possible that not all fields are missing. If you are using datafeeds or posting data to the job in JSON format, a high missing_field_count is often not an indication of data issues. It is not necessarily a cause for concern.

    • The number of input documents that have a timestamp chronologically preceding the start of the current anomaly detection bucket offset by the latency window. This information is applicable only when you provide data to the anomaly detection job by using the post data API. These out of order documents are discarded, since jobs require time series data to be in ascending chronological order.

    • The number of buckets which did not contain any data. If your data contains many empty buckets, consider increasing your bucket_span or using functions that are tolerant to gaps in data such as mean, non_null_sum or non_zero_count.

    • The number of buckets that contained few data points compared to the expected number of data points. If your data contains many sparse buckets, consider using a longer bucket_span.

    • The total number of buckets processed.

    • The timestamp of the earliest chronologically input document.

    • The timestamp of the latest chronologically input document.

    • The timestamp at which data was last analyzed, according to server time.

    • The timestamp of the last bucket that did not contain any data.

    • The timestamp of the last bucket that was considered sparse.

    • Values are ok, soft_limit, or hard_limit.

    • The upper limit for model memory usage, checked on increasing values.

    • The number of by field values that were analyzed by the models. This value is cumulative for all detectors in the job.

    • The number of over field values that were analyzed by the models. This value is cumulative for all detectors in the job.

    • The number of partition field values that were analyzed by the models. This value is cumulative for all detectors in the job.

    • The number of buckets for which new entities in incoming data were not processed due to insufficient model memory. This situation is also signified by a hard_limit: memory_status property value.

    • Values are ok or warn.

    • The number of documents that have had a field categorized.

    • The number of categories created by categorization.

    • The number of categories that match more than 1% of categorized documents.

    • The number of categories that match just one categorized document.

    • The number of categories created by categorization that will never be assigned again because another category’s definition makes it a superset of the dead category. Dead categories are a side effect of the way categorization has no prior training.

    • The number of times that categorization wanted to create a new category but couldn’t because the job had hit its model_memory_limit. This count does not track which specific categories failed to be created. Therefore you cannot use this value to determine the number of unique categories that were missed.

    • The timestamp when the model stats were gathered, according to server time.

    • The timestamp of the last record when the model stats were gathered.

    • The number of individual forecasts currently available for the job. A value of one or more indicates that forecasts exist.

    • The minimum memory usage in bytes for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The maximum memory usage in bytes for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The average memory usage in bytes for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The total memory usage in bytes for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The minimum number of model_forecast documents written for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The maximum number of model_forecast documents written for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The average number of model_forecast documents written for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The total number of model_forecast documents written for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The minimum runtime in milliseconds for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The maximum runtime in milliseconds for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The average runtime in milliseconds for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • The total runtime in milliseconds for forecasts related to the anomaly detection job.

    • string
    • The name of the assigned node.

    • The network address of the assigned node.

    • The number of bucket results produced by the job.

    • The sum of all bucket processing times, in milliseconds.

    • The minimum of all bucket processing times, in milliseconds.

    • The maximum of all bucket processing times, in milliseconds.

    • The exponential moving average of all bucket processing times, in milliseconds.

    • The exponential moving average of bucket processing times calculated in a one hour time window, in milliseconds.

GET /_cat/ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}
curl \
 --request GET{job_id}
Response examples (200)
    "id": "string",
    "state": "closing",
    "opened_time": "string",
    "assignment_explanation": "string",
    "data.processed_records": "string",
    "data.processed_fields": "string",
    "": 42.0,
    "data.input_records": "string",
    "data.input_fields": "string",
    "data.invalid_dates": "string",
    "data.missing_fields": "string",
    "data.out_of_order_timestamps": "string",
    "data.empty_buckets": "string",
    "data.sparse_buckets": "string",
    "data.buckets": "string",
    "data.earliest_record": "string",
    "data.latest_record": "string",
    "data.last": "string",
    "data.last_empty_bucket": "string",
    "data.last_sparse_bucket": "string",
    "model.memory_status": "ok",
    "model.memory_limit": "string",
    "model.by_fields": "string",
    "model.over_fields": "string",
    "model.partition_fields": "string",
    "model.bucket_allocation_failures": "string",
    "model.categorization_status": "ok",
    "model.categorized_doc_count": "string",
    "model.total_category_count": "string",
    "model.frequent_category_count": "string",
    "model.rare_category_count": "string",
    "model.dead_category_count": "string",
    "model.failed_category_count": "string",
    "model.log_time": "string",
    "model.timestamp": "string",
    "": "string",
    "forecasts.memory.min": "string",
    "forecasts.memory.max": "string",
    "forecasts.memory.avg": "string",
    "": "string",
    "forecasts.records.min": "string",
    "forecasts.records.max": "string",
    "forecasts.records.avg": "string",
    "": "string",
    "forecasts.time.min": "string",
    "forecasts.time.max": "string",
    "forecasts.time.avg": "string",
    "": "string",
    "": "string",
    "": "string",
    "node.ephemeral_id": "string",
    "node.address": "string",
    "buckets.count": "string",
    "": "string",
    "buckets.time.min": "string",
    "buckets.time.max": "string",
    "buckets.time.exp_avg": "string",
    "buckets.time.exp_avg_hour": "string"

Get trained models Added in 7.7.0

GET /_cat/ml/trained_models

Get configuration and usage information about inference trained models.

IMPORTANT: CAT APIs are only intended for human consumption using the Kibana console or command line. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get trained models statistics API.

Query parameters

  • Specifies what to do when the request: contains wildcard expressions and there are no models that match; contains the _all string or no identifiers and there are no matches; contains wildcard expressions and there are only partial matches. If true, the API returns an empty array when there are no matches and the subset of results when there are partial matches. If false, the API returns a 404 status code when there are no matches or only partial matches.

  • bytes string

    The unit used to display byte values.

    Values are b, kb, mb, gb, tb, or pb.

  • h string | array[string]

    A comma-separated list of column names to display.

  • s string | array[string]

    A comma-separated list of column names or aliases used to sort the response.

  • from number

    Skips the specified number of transforms.

  • size number

    The maximum number of transforms to display.

  • time string

    Unit used to display time values.

    Values are nanos, micros, ms, s, m, h, or d.


GET /_cat/ml/trained_models
curl \
 --request GET
Response examples (200)
    "id": "string",
    "created_by": "string",
    "": "string",
    "operations": "string",
    "license": "string",
    "version": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "ingest.pipelines": "string",
    "ingest.count": "string",
    "ingest.time": "string",
    "ingest.current": "string",
    "ingest.failed": "string",
    "": "string",
    "data_frame.create_time": "string",
    "data_frame.source_index": "string",
    "data_frame.analysis": "string",
    "type": "string"

Get pending task information

GET /_cat/pending_tasks

Get information about cluster-level changes that have not yet taken effect. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the pending cluster tasks API.

Query parameters

  • local boolean

    If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node.

  • time string

    Unit used to display time values.

    Values are nanos, micros, ms, s, m, h, or d.


GET /_cat/pending_tasks
curl \
 --request GET
Response examples (200)
    "insertOrder": "string",
    "timeInQueue": "string",
    "priority": "string",
    "source": "string"

Get snapshot repository information Added in 2.1.0

GET /_cat/repositories

Get a list of snapshot repositories for a cluster. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications. For application consumption, use the get snapshot repository API.

Query parameters

  • local boolean

    If true, the request computes the list of selected nodes from the local cluster state. If false the list of selected nodes are computed from the cluster state of the master node. In both cases the coordinating node will send requests for further information to each selected node.

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node.


GET /_cat/repositories
curl \
 --request GET
Response examples (200)
    "id": "string",
    "type": "string"

Get shard information

GET /_cat/shards/{index}

Get information about the shards in a cluster. For data streams, the API returns information about the backing indices. IMPORTANT: cat APIs are only intended for human consumption using the command line or Kibana console. They are not intended for use by applications.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    A comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. Supports wildcards (*). To target all data streams and indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.

Query parameters

  • bytes string

    The unit used to display byte values.

    Values are b, kb, mb, gb, tb, or pb.

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node.

  • time string

    Unit used to display time values.

    Values are nanos, micros, ms, s, m, h, or d.


GET /_cat/shards/{index}
curl \
 --request GET{index}
Response examples (200)
    "index": "string",
    "shard": "string",
    "prirep": "string",
    "state": "string",
    "docs": "string",
    "store": "string",
    "dataset": "string",
    "ip": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "node": "string",
    "sync_id": "string",
    "unassigned.reason": "string",
    "": "string",
    "unassigned.for": "string",
    "unassigned.details": "string",
    "recoverysource.type": "string",
    "completion.size": "string",
    "fielddata.memory_size": "string",
    "fielddata.evictions": "string",
    "query_cache.memory_size": "string",
    "query_cache.evictions": "string",
    "": "string",
    "flush.total_time": "string",
    "get.current": "string",
    "get.time": "string",
    "": "string",
    "get.exists_time": "string",
    "get.exists_total": "string",
    "get.missing_time": "string",
    "get.missing_total": "string",
    "indexing.delete_current": "string",
    "indexing.delete_time": "string",
    "indexing.delete_total": "string",
    "indexing.index_current": "string",
    "indexing.index_time": "string",
    "indexing.index_total": "string",
    "indexing.index_failed": "string",
    "merges.current": "string",
    "merges.current_docs": "string",
    "merges.current_size": "string",
    "": "string",
    "merges.total_docs": "string",
    "merges.total_size": "string",
    "merges.total_time": "string",
    "": "string",
    "refresh.time": "string",
    "refresh.external_total": "string",
    "refresh.external_time": "string",
    "refresh.listeners": "string",
    "search.fetch_current": "string",
    "search.fetch_time": "string",
    "search.fetch_total": "string",
    "search.open_contexts": "string",
    "search.query_current": "string",
    "search.query_time": "string",
    "search.query_total": "string",
    "search.scroll_current": "string",
    "search.scroll_time": "string",
    "search.scroll_total": "string",
    "segments.count": "string",
    "segments.memory": "string",
    "segments.index_writer_memory": "string",
    "segments.version_map_memory": "string",
    "segments.fixed_bitset_memory": "string",
    "seq_no.max": "string",
    "seq_no.local_checkpoint": "string",
    "seq_no.global_checkpoint": "string",
    "warmer.current": "string",
    "": "string",
    "warmer.total_time": "string",
    "": "string",
    "path.state": "string",
    "bulk.total_operations": "string",
    "bulk.total_time": "string",
    "bulk.total_size_in_bytes": "string",
    "bulk.avg_time": "string",
    "bulk.avg_size_in_bytes": "string"

Reroute the cluster Added in 5.0.0

POST /_cluster/reroute

Manually change the allocation of individual shards in the cluster. For example, a shard can be moved from one node to another explicitly, an allocation can be canceled, and an unassigned shard can be explicitly allocated to a specific node.

It is important to note that after processing any reroute commands Elasticsearch will perform rebalancing as normal (respecting the values of settings such as cluster.routing.rebalance.enable) in order to remain in a balanced state. For example, if the requested allocation includes moving a shard from node1 to node2 then this may cause a shard to be moved from node2 back to node1 to even things out.

The cluster can be set to disable allocations using the cluster.routing.allocation.enable setting. If allocations are disabled then the only allocations that will be performed are explicit ones given using the reroute command, and consequent allocations due to rebalancing.

The cluster will attempt to allocate a shard a maximum of index.allocation.max_retries times in a row (defaults to 5), before giving up and leaving the shard unallocated. This scenario can be caused by structural problems such as having an analyzer which refers to a stopwords file which doesn’t exist on all nodes.

Once the problem has been corrected, allocation can be manually retried by calling the reroute API with the ?retry_failed URI query parameter, which will attempt a single retry round for these shards.

Query parameters

  • dry_run boolean

    If true, then the request simulates the operation. It will calculate the result of applying the commands to the current cluster state and return the resulting cluster state after the commands (and rebalancing) have been applied; it will not actually perform the requested changes.

  • explain boolean

    If true, then the response contains an explanation of why the commands can or cannot run.

  • metric string | array[string]

    Limits the information returned to the specified metrics.

  • If true, then retries allocation of shards that are blocked due to too many subsequent allocation failures.

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.



  • commands array[object]

    Defines the commands to perform.

    Hide commands attributes Show commands attributes object
    • cancel object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide cancel attributes Show cancel attributes object
    • move object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide move attributes Show move attributes object
    • Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide allocate_replica attributes Show allocate_replica attributes object
    • Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide allocate_stale_primary attributes Show allocate_stale_primary attributes object
      • index string Required
      • shard number Required
      • node string Required
      • accept_data_loss boolean Required

        If a node which has a copy of the data rejoins the cluster later on, that data will be deleted. To ensure that these implications are well-understood, this command requires the flag accept_data_loss to be explicitly set to true

    • Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide allocate_empty_primary attributes Show allocate_empty_primary attributes object
      • index string Required
      • shard number Required
      • node string Required
      • accept_data_loss boolean Required

        If a node which has a copy of the data rejoins the cluster later on, that data will be deleted. To ensure that these implications are well-understood, this command requires the flag accept_data_loss to be explicitly set to true


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • acknowledged boolean Required
    • explanations array[object]
      Hide explanations attributes Show explanations attributes object
    • state object

      There aren't any guarantees on the output/structure of the raw cluster state. Here you will find the internal representation of the cluster, which can differ from the external representation.

      Additional properties are allowed.

POST /_cluster/reroute
curl \
 --request POST \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"commands\": [\n    {\n      \"move\": {\n        \"index\": \"test\", \"shard\": 0,\n        \"from_node\": \"node1\", \"to_node\": \"node2\"\n      }\n    },\n    {\n      \"allocate_replica\": {\n        \"index\": \"test\", \"shard\": 1,\n        \"node\": \"node3\"\n      }\n    }\n  ]\n}"'
Request example
Run `POST /_cluster/reroute?metric=none` to changes the allocation of shards in a cluster.
  "commands": [
      "move": {
        "index": "test", "shard": 0,
        "from_node": "node1", "to_node": "node2"
      "allocate_replica": {
        "index": "test", "shard": 1,
        "node": "node3"
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true,
  "explanations": [
      "command": "string",
      "decisions": [
          "decider": "string",
          "decision": "string",
          "explanation": "string"
      "parameters": {
        "allow_primary": true,
        "index": "string",
        "node": "string",
        "shard": 42.0,
        "from_node": "string",
        "to_node": "string"
  "state": {}

Get cluster statistics Added in 1.3.0

GET /_cluster/stats

Get basic index metrics (shard numbers, store size, memory usage) and information about the current nodes that form the cluster (number, roles, os, jvm versions, memory usage, cpu and installed plugins).

Query parameters

  • Include remote cluster data into the response

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for each node to respond. If a node does not respond before its timeout expires, the response does not include its stats. However, timed out nodes are included in the response’s _nodes.failed property. Defaults to no timeout.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • _nodes object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _nodes attributes Show _nodes attributes object
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • type string Required

          The type of error

        • reason string

          A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

        • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

        • root_cause array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

        • suppressed array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

      • total number Required

        Total number of nodes selected by the request.

      • successful number Required

        Number of nodes that responded successfully to the request.

      • failed number Required

        Number of nodes that rejected the request or failed to respond. If this value is not 0, a reason for the rejection or failure is included in the response.

    • cluster_name string Required
    • cluster_uuid string Required
    • indices object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide indices attributes Show indices attributes object
    • nodes object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide nodes attributes Show nodes attributes object
      • count object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide count attributes Show count attributes object
      • discovery_types object Required

        Contains statistics about the discovery types used by selected nodes.

        Hide discovery_types attribute Show discovery_types attribute object
        • * number Additional properties
      • fs object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide fs attributes Show fs attributes object
        • available_in_bytes number Required

          Total number of bytes available to JVM in file stores across all selected nodes. Depending on operating system or process-level restrictions, this number may be less than nodes.fs.free_in_byes. This is the actual amount of free disk space the selected Elasticsearch nodes can use.

        • free_in_bytes number Required

          Total number of unallocated bytes in file stores across all selected nodes.

        • total_in_bytes number Required

          Total size, in bytes, of all file stores across all selected nodes.

      • indexing_pressure object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide indexing_pressure attribute Show indexing_pressure attribute object
      • ingest object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide ingest attributes Show ingest attributes object
        • number_of_pipelines number Required
        • processor_stats object Required
          Hide processor_stats attribute Show processor_stats attribute object
          • * object Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
            • count number Required
            • current number Required
            • failed number Required
            • time string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

      • jvm object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide jvm attributes Show jvm attributes object
        • Time unit for milliseconds

        • mem object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide mem attributes Show mem attributes object
          • heap_max_in_bytes number Required

            Maximum amount of memory, in bytes, available for use by the heap across all selected nodes.

          • heap_used_in_bytes number Required

            Memory, in bytes, currently in use by the heap across all selected nodes.

        • threads number Required

          Number of active threads in use by JVM across all selected nodes.

        • versions array[object] Required

          Contains statistics about the JVM versions used by selected nodes.

          Hide versions attributes Show versions attributes object
      • network_types object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide network_types attributes Show network_types attributes object
        • http_types object Required

          Contains statistics about the HTTP network types used by selected nodes.

          Hide http_types attribute Show http_types attribute object
          • * number Additional properties
        • transport_types object Required

          Contains statistics about the transport network types used by selected nodes.

          Hide transport_types attribute Show transport_types attribute object
          • * number Additional properties
      • os object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide os attributes Show os attributes object
        • allocated_processors number Required

          Number of processors used to calculate thread pool size across all selected nodes. This number can be set with the processors setting of a node and defaults to the number of processors reported by the operating system. In both cases, this number will never be larger than 32.

        • architectures array[object]

          Contains statistics about processor architectures (for example, x86_64 or aarch64) used by selected nodes.

          Hide architectures attributes Show architectures attributes object
          • arch string Required

            Name of an architecture used by one or more selected nodes.

          • count number Required

            Number of selected nodes using the architecture.

        • available_processors number Required

          Number of processors available to JVM across all selected nodes.

        • mem object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide mem attributes Show mem attributes object
          • Total amount, in bytes, of memory across all selected nodes, but using the value specified using the es.total_memory_bytes system property instead of measured total memory for those nodes where that system property was set.

          • free_in_bytes number Required

            Amount, in bytes, of free physical memory across all selected nodes.

          • free_percent number Required

            Percentage of free physical memory across all selected nodes.

          • total_in_bytes number Required

            Total amount, in bytes, of physical memory across all selected nodes.

          • used_in_bytes number Required

            Amount, in bytes, of physical memory in use across all selected nodes.

          • used_percent number Required

            Percentage of physical memory in use across all selected nodes.

        • names array[object] Required

          Contains statistics about operating systems used by selected nodes.

          Hide names attributes Show names attributes object
          • count number Required

            Number of selected nodes using the operating system.

          • name string Required
        • pretty_names array[object] Required

          Contains statistics about operating systems used by selected nodes.

          Hide pretty_names attributes Show pretty_names attributes object
          • count number Required

            Number of selected nodes using the operating system.

          • pretty_name string Required
      • packaging_types array[object] Required

        Contains statistics about Elasticsearch distributions installed on selected nodes.

        Hide packaging_types attributes Show packaging_types attributes object
        • count number Required

          Number of selected nodes using the distribution flavor and file type.

        • flavor string Required

          Type of Elasticsearch distribution. This is always default.

        • type string Required

          File type (such as tar or zip) used for the distribution package.

      • plugins array[object] Required

        Contains statistics about installed plugins and modules by selected nodes. If no plugins or modules are installed, this array is empty.

        Hide plugins attributes Show plugins attributes object
      • process object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide process attributes Show process attributes object
        • cpu object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide cpu attribute Show cpu attribute object
          • percent number Required

            Percentage of CPU used across all selected nodes. Returns -1 if not supported.

        • open_file_descriptors object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide open_file_descriptors attributes Show open_file_descriptors attributes object
          • avg number Required

            Average number of concurrently open file descriptors. Returns -1 if not supported.

          • max number Required

            Maximum number of concurrently open file descriptors allowed across all selected nodes. Returns -1 if not supported.

          • min number Required

            Minimum number of concurrently open file descriptors across all selected nodes. Returns -1 if not supported.

      • versions array[string] Required

        Array of Elasticsearch versions used on selected nodes.

    • status string Required

      Values are green, GREEN, yellow, YELLOW, red, or RED.

    • timestamp number Required

      Unix timestamp, in milliseconds, for the last time the cluster statistics were refreshed.

GET /_cluster/stats
curl \
 --request GET
Response examples (200)
  "_nodes": {
    "failures": [
        "type": "string",
        "reason": "string",
        "stack_trace": "string",
        "caused_by": {},
        "root_cause": [
        "suppressed": [
    "total": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "failed": 42.0
  "cluster_name": "string",
  "cluster_uuid": "string",
  "indices": {
    "analysis": {
      "analyzer_types": [
          "name": "string",
          "count": 42.0,
          "index_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_max": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_min": 42.0,
          "script_count": 42.0
      "built_in_analyzers": [
          "name": "string",
          "count": 42.0,
          "index_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_max": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_min": 42.0,
          "script_count": 42.0
      "built_in_char_filters": [
          "name": "string",
          "count": 42.0,
          "index_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_max": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_min": 42.0,
          "script_count": 42.0
      "built_in_filters": [
          "name": "string",
          "count": 42.0,
          "index_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_max": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_min": 42.0,
          "script_count": 42.0
      "built_in_tokenizers": [
          "name": "string",
          "count": 42.0,
          "index_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_max": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_min": 42.0,
          "script_count": 42.0
      "char_filter_types": [
          "name": "string",
          "count": 42.0,
          "index_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_max": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_min": 42.0,
          "script_count": 42.0
      "filter_types": [
          "name": "string",
          "count": 42.0,
          "index_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_max": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_min": 42.0,
          "script_count": 42.0
      "tokenizer_types": [
          "name": "string",
          "count": 42.0,
          "index_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_max": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_min": 42.0,
          "script_count": 42.0
    "completion": {
      "size_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "": 42.0,
      "fields": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "size_in_bytes": 42.0
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "size_in_bytes": 42.0
    "count": 42.0,
    "docs": {
      "count": 42.0,
      "deleted": 42.0
    "fielddata": {
      "evictions": 42.0,
      "": 42.0,
      "memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "fields": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0
    "query_cache": {
      "cache_count": 42.0,
      "cache_size": 42.0,
      "evictions": 42.0,
      "hit_count": 42.0,
      "": 42.0,
      "memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "miss_count": 42.0,
      "total_count": 42.0
    "segments": {
      "count": 42.0,
      "": 42.0,
      "doc_values_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "file_sizes": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "description": "string",
          "size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "min_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "max_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "average_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "count": 42.0
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "description": "string",
          "size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "min_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "max_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "average_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "count": 42.0
      "fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "index_writer_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp": 42.0,
      "memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "norms_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "points_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "stored_fields_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "terms_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "term_vectors_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "version_map_memory_in_bytes": 42.0
    "shards": {
      "index": {
        "primaries": {
          "avg": 42.0,
          "max": 42.0,
          "min": 42.0
        "replication": {
          "avg": 42.0,
          "max": 42.0,
          "min": 42.0
        "shards": {
          "avg": 42.0,
          "max": 42.0,
          "min": 42.0
      "primaries": 42.0,
      "replication": 42.0,
      "total": 42.0
    "store": {
      "": 42.0,
      "size_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "reserved_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "total_data_set_size_in_bytes": 42.0
    "mappings": {
      "field_types": [
          "name": "string",
          "count": 42.0,
          "index_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_count": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_max": 42.0,
          "indexed_vector_dim_min": 42.0,
          "script_count": 42.0
      "runtime_field_types": [
          "chars_max": 42.0,
          "chars_total": 42.0,
          "count": 42.0,
          "doc_max": 42.0,
          "doc_total": 42.0,
          "index_count": 42.0,
          "lang": [
          "lines_max": 42.0,
          "lines_total": 42.0,
          "name": "string",
          "scriptless_count": 42.0,
          "shadowed_count": 42.0,
          "source_max": 42.0,
          "source_total": 42.0
      "total_field_count": 42.0,
      "total_deduplicated_field_count": 42.0,
      "": 42.0,
      "total_deduplicated_mapping_size_in_bytes": 42.0
    "versions": [
        "index_count": 42.0,
        "primary_shard_count": 42.0,
        "total_primary_bytes": 42.0,
        "version": "string"
  "nodes": {
    "count": {
      "coordinating_only": 42.0,
      "data": 42.0,
      "data_cold": 42.0,
      "data_content": 42.0,
      "data_frozen": 42.0,
      "data_hot": 42.0,
      "data_warm": 42.0,
      "ingest": 42.0,
      "master": 42.0,
      "ml": 42.0,
      "remote_cluster_client": 42.0,
      "total": 42.0,
      "transform": 42.0,
      "voting_only": 42.0
    "discovery_types": {
      "additionalProperty1": 42.0,
      "additionalProperty2": 42.0
    "fs": {
      "available_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "free_in_bytes": 42.0,
      "total_in_bytes": 42.0
    "indexing_pressure": {
      "memory": {
        "current": {
          "all_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "combined_coordinating_and_primary_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "coordinating_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "coordinating_rejections": 42.0,
          "primary_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "primary_rejections": 42.0,
          "replica_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "replica_rejections": 42.0
        "limit_in_bytes": 42.0,
        "total": {
          "all_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "combined_coordinating_and_primary_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "coordinating_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "coordinating_rejections": 42.0,
          "primary_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "primary_rejections": 42.0,
          "replica_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "replica_rejections": 42.0
    "ingest": {
      "number_of_pipelines": 42.0,
      "processor_stats": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "count": 42.0,
          "current": 42.0,
          "failed": 42.0,
          "time": "string"
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "count": 42.0,
          "current": 42.0,
          "failed": 42.0,
          "time": "string"
    "jvm": {
      "": 42.0,
      "mem": {
        "heap_max_in_bytes": 42.0,
        "heap_used_in_bytes": 42.0
      "threads": 42.0,
      "versions": [
          "bundled_jdk": true,
          "count": 42.0,
          "using_bundled_jdk": true,
          "version": "string",
          "vm_name": "string",
          "vm_vendor": "string",
          "vm_version": "string"
    "network_types": {
      "http_types": {
        "additionalProperty1": 42.0,
        "additionalProperty2": 42.0
      "transport_types": {
        "additionalProperty1": 42.0,
        "additionalProperty2": 42.0
    "os": {
      "allocated_processors": 42.0,
      "architectures": [
          "arch": "string",
          "count": 42.0
      "available_processors": 42.0,
      "mem": {
        "adjusted_total_in_bytes": 42.0,
        "free_in_bytes": 42.0,
        "free_percent": 42.0,
        "total_in_bytes": 42.0,
        "used_in_bytes": 42.0,
        "used_percent": 42.0
      "names": [
          "count": 42.0,
          "name": "string"
      "pretty_names": [
          "count": 42.0,
          "pretty_name": "string"
    "packaging_types": [
        "count": 42.0,
        "flavor": "string",
        "type": "string"
    "plugins": [
        "classname": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "elasticsearch_version": "string",
        "extended_plugins": [
        "has_native_controller": true,
        "java_version": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "version": "string",
        "licensed": true
    "process": {
      "cpu": {
        "percent": 42.0
      "open_file_descriptors": {
        "avg": 42.0,
        "max": 42.0,
        "min": 42.0
    "versions": [
  "status": "green",
  "timestamp": 42.0

Reload the keystore on nodes in the cluster Added in 6.5.0

POST /_nodes/{node_id}/reload_secure_settings

Secure settings are stored in an on-disk keystore. Certain of these settings are reloadable. That is, you can change them on disk and reload them without restarting any nodes in the cluster. When you have updated reloadable secure settings in your keystore, you can use this API to reload those settings on each node.

When the Elasticsearch keystore is password protected and not simply obfuscated, you must provide the password for the keystore when you reload the secure settings. Reloading the settings for the whole cluster assumes that the keystores for all nodes are protected with the same password; this method is allowed only when inter-node communications are encrypted. Alternatively, you can reload the secure settings on each node by locally accessing the API and passing the node-specific Elasticsearch keystore password.

Path parameters

  • node_id string | array[string] Required

    The names of particular nodes in the cluster to target.

Query parameters

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.



  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • _nodes object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _nodes attributes Show _nodes attributes object
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • type string Required

          The type of error

        • reason string

          A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

        • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

        • root_cause array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

        • suppressed array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

      • total number Required

        Total number of nodes selected by the request.

      • successful number Required

        Number of nodes that responded successfully to the request.

      • failed number Required

        Number of nodes that rejected the request or failed to respond. If this value is not 0, a reason for the rejection or failure is included in the response.

    • cluster_name string Required
    • nodes object Required
POST /_nodes/{node_id}/reload_secure_settings
curl \
 --request POST{node_id}/reload_secure_settings \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"secure_settings_password\": \"keystore-password\"\n}"'
Request example
Run `POST _nodes/reload_secure_settings` to reload the keystore on nodes in the cluster.
  "secure_settings_password": "keystore-password"
Response examples (200)
A successful response when reloading keystore on nodes in your cluster.
  "_nodes": {
    "total": 1,
    "successful": 1,
    "failed": 0
  "cluster_name": "my_cluster",
  "nodes": {
    "pQHNt5rXTTWNvUgOrdynKg": {
      "name": "node-0"

Get node statistics

GET /_nodes/stats/{metric}/{index_metric}

Get statistics for nodes in a cluster. By default, all stats are returned. You can limit the returned information by using metrics.

Path parameters

  • metric string | array[string] Required

    Limit the information returned to the specified metrics

  • index_metric string | array[string] Required

    Limit the information returned for indices metric to the specific index metrics. It can be used only if indices (or all) metric is specified.

Query parameters

  • completion_fields string | array[string]

    Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in fielddata and suggest statistics.

  • fielddata_fields string | array[string]

    Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in fielddata statistics.

  • fields string | array[string]

    Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the statistics.

  • groups boolean

    Comma-separated list of search groups to include in the search statistics.

  • If true, the call reports the aggregated disk usage of each one of the Lucene index files (only applies if segment stats are requested).

  • level string

    Indicates whether statistics are aggregated at the cluster, index, or shard level.

    Values are cluster, indices, or shards.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • types array[string]

    A comma-separated list of document types for the indexing index metric.

  • If true, the response includes information from segments that are not loaded into memory.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • _nodes object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _nodes attributes Show _nodes attributes object
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • type string Required

          The type of error

        • reason string

          A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

        • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

        • root_cause array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

        • suppressed array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

      • total number Required

        Total number of nodes selected by the request.

      • successful number Required

        Number of nodes that responded successfully to the request.

      • failed number Required

        Number of nodes that rejected the request or failed to respond. If this value is not 0, a reason for the rejection or failure is included in the response.

    • nodes object Required
      Hide nodes attribute Show nodes attribute object
      • * object Additional properties

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
        • Statistics about adaptive replica selection.

          Hide adaptive_selection attribute Show adaptive_selection attribute object
          • * object Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
            • The exponentially weighted moving average queue size of search requests on the keyed node.

            • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

            • The exponentially weighted moving average response time, in nanoseconds, of search requests on the keyed node.

            • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

            • The exponentially weighted moving average service time, in nanoseconds, of search requests on the keyed node.

            • The number of outstanding search requests to the keyed node from the node these stats are for.

            • rank string

              The rank of this node; used for shard selection when routing search requests.

        • breakers object

          Statistics about the field data circuit breaker.

          Hide breakers attribute Show breakers attribute object
          • * object Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
            • Estimated memory used for the operation.

            • Estimated memory used, in bytes, for the operation.

            • Memory limit for the circuit breaker.

            • Memory limit, in bytes, for the circuit breaker.

            • overhead number

              A constant that all estimates for the circuit breaker are multiplied with to calculate a final estimate.

            • tripped number

              Total number of times the circuit breaker has been triggered and prevented an out of memory error.

        • fs object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide fs attributes Show fs attributes object
          • data array[object]

            List of all file stores.

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • Last time the file stores statistics were refreshed. Recorded in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.

          • total object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide total attributes Show total attributes object
            • Total disk space available to this Java virtual machine on all file stores. Depending on OS or process level restrictions, this might appear less than free. This is the actual amount of free disk space the Elasticsearch node can utilise.

            • Total number of bytes available to this Java virtual machine on all file stores. Depending on OS or process level restrictions, this might appear less than free_in_bytes. This is the actual amount of free disk space the Elasticsearch node can utilise.

            • free string

              Total unallocated disk space in all file stores.

            • Total number of unallocated bytes in all file stores.

            • total string

              Total size of all file stores.

            • Total size of all file stores in bytes.

          • io_stats object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide io_stats attributes Show io_stats attributes object
            • devices array[object]

              Array of disk metrics for each device that is backing an Elasticsearch data path. These disk metrics are probed periodically and averages between the last probe and the current probe are computed.

            • total object

              Additional properties are allowed.

        • host string
        • http object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide http attributes Show http attributes object
          • Current number of open HTTP connections for the node.

          • Total number of HTTP connections opened for the node.

          • clients array[object]

            Information on current and recently-closed HTTP client connections. Clients that have been closed longer than the http.client_stats.closed_channels.max_age setting will not be represented here.

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • routes object Required Added in 8.12.0

            Detailed HTTP stats broken down by route

            Hide routes attribute Show routes attribute object
            • * object Additional properties

              Additional properties are allowed.

        • ingest object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide ingest attributes Show ingest attributes object
          • Contains statistics about ingest pipelines for the node.

            Hide pipelines attribute Show pipelines attribute object
            • * object Additional properties

              Additional properties are allowed.

          • total object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide total attributes Show total attributes object
            • count number Required

              Total number of documents ingested during the lifetime of this node.

            • current number Required

              Total number of documents currently being ingested.

            • failed number Required

              Total number of failed ingest operations during the lifetime of this node.

        • ip string | array[string]

          IP address and port for the node.

        • jvm object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide jvm attributes Show jvm attributes object
          • Contains statistics about JVM buffer pools for the node.

            Hide buffer_pools attribute Show buffer_pools attribute object
            • * object Additional properties

              Additional properties are allowed.

          • classes object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide classes attributes Show classes attributes object
          • gc object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide gc attribute Show gc attribute object
            • Contains statistics about JVM garbage collectors for the node.

          • mem object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide mem attributes Show mem attributes object
          • threads object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide threads attributes Show threads attributes object
            • count number

              Number of active threads in use by JVM.

            • Highest number of threads used by JVM.

          • Last time JVM statistics were refreshed.

          • uptime string

            Human-readable JVM uptime. Only returned if the human query parameter is true.

          • JVM uptime in milliseconds.

        • name string
        • os object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide os attributes Show os attributes object
          • cpu object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide cpu attributes Show cpu attributes object
            • percent number
            • sys string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

            • total string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

            • user string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

          • mem object

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • swap object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide swap attributes Show swap attributes object
          • cgroup object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide cgroup attributes Show cgroup attributes object
            • cpuacct object

              Additional properties are allowed.

            • cpu object

              Additional properties are allowed.

            • memory object

              Additional properties are allowed.

        • process object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide process attributes Show process attributes object
          • cpu object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide cpu attributes Show cpu attributes object
            • percent number
            • sys string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

            • total string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

            • user string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

          • mem object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide mem attributes Show mem attributes object
          • Number of opened file descriptors associated with the current or -1 if not supported.

          • Maximum number of file descriptors allowed on the system, or -1 if not supported.

          • Last time the statistics were refreshed. Recorded in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.

        • roles array[string]
          • @doc_id node-roles

          Values are master, data, data_cold, data_content, data_frozen, data_hot, data_warm, client, ingest, ml, voting_only, transform, remote_cluster_client, or coordinating_only.

        • script object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide script attributes Show script attributes object
          • Total number of times the script cache has evicted old data.

          • Total number of inline script compilations performed by the node.

          • Contains this recent history of script compilations.

            Hide compilations_history attribute Show compilations_history attribute object
            • * number Additional properties
          • Total number of times the script compilation circuit breaker has limited inline script compilations.

          • contexts array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • Statistics about each thread pool, including current size, queue and rejected tasks.

          Hide thread_pool attribute Show thread_pool attribute object
          • * object Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
            • active number

              Number of active threads in the thread pool.

            • Number of tasks completed by the thread pool executor.

            • largest number

              Highest number of active threads in the thread pool.

            • queue number

              Number of tasks in queue for the thread pool.

            • rejected number

              Number of tasks rejected by the thread pool executor.

            • threads number

              Number of threads in the thread pool.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide transport attributes Show transport attributes object
          • The distribution of the time spent handling each inbound message on a transport thread, represented as a histogram.

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • The distribution of the time spent sending each outbound transport message on a transport thread, represented as a histogram.

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • rx_count number

            Total number of RX (receive) packets received by the node during internal cluster communication.

          • rx_size string

            Size of RX packets received by the node during internal cluster communication.

          • Size, in bytes, of RX packets received by the node during internal cluster communication.

          • Current number of inbound TCP connections used for internal communication between nodes.

          • tx_count number

            Total number of TX (transmit) packets sent by the node during internal cluster communication.

          • tx_size string

            Size of TX packets sent by the node during internal cluster communication.

          • Size, in bytes, of TX packets sent by the node during internal cluster communication.

          • The cumulative number of outbound transport connections that this node has opened since it started. Each transport connection may comprise multiple TCP connections but is only counted once in this statistic. Transport connections are typically long-lived so this statistic should remain constant in a stable cluster.

        • Contains a list of attributes for the node.

          Hide attributes attribute Show attributes attribute object
          • * string Additional properties
        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide discovery attributes Show discovery attributes object
          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide cluster_state_queue attributes Show cluster_state_queue attributes object
            • total number

              Total number of cluster states in queue.

            • pending number

              Number of pending cluster states in queue.

            • Number of committed cluster states in queue.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide published_cluster_states attributes Show published_cluster_states attributes object
          • Contains low-level statistics about how long various activities took during cluster state updates while the node was the elected master. Omitted if the node is not master-eligible. Every field whose name ends in _time within this object is also represented as a raw number of milliseconds in a field whose name ends in _time_millis. The human-readable fields with a _time suffix are only returned if requested with the ?human=true query parameter.

            Hide cluster_state_update attribute Show cluster_state_update attribute object
            • * object Additional properties

              Additional properties are allowed.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide serialized_cluster_states attributes Show serialized_cluster_states attributes object
            • Additional properties are allowed.

            • diffs object

              Additional properties are allowed.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide cluster_applier_stats attribute Show cluster_applier_stats attribute object
        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide indexing_pressure attribute Show indexing_pressure attribute object
          • memory object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide memory attributes Show memory attributes object
            • Configured memory limit, in bytes, for the indexing requests. Replica requests have an automatic limit that is 1.5x this value.

            • current object

              Additional properties are allowed.

            • total object

              Additional properties are allowed.

        • indices object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide indices attributes Show indices attributes object
GET /_nodes/stats/{metric}/{index_metric}
curl \
 --request GET{metric}/{index_metric}
Response examples (200)
  "_nodes": {
    "failures": [
        "type": "string",
        "reason": "string",
        "stack_trace": "string",
        "caused_by": {},
        "root_cause": [
        "suppressed": [
    "total": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "failed": 42.0
  "cluster_name": "string",
  "nodes": {
    "additionalProperty1": {
      "adaptive_selection": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "avg_queue_size": 42.0,
          "avg_response_time": "string",
          "avg_response_time_ns": 42.0,
          "avg_service_time": "string",
          "avg_service_time_ns": 42.0,
          "outgoing_searches": 42.0,
          "rank": "string"
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "avg_queue_size": 42.0,
          "avg_response_time": "string",
          "avg_response_time_ns": 42.0,
          "avg_service_time": "string",
          "avg_service_time_ns": 42.0,
          "outgoing_searches": 42.0,
          "rank": "string"
      "breakers": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "estimated_size": "string",
          "estimated_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "limit_size": "string",
          "limit_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "overhead": 42.0,
          "tripped": 42.0
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "estimated_size": "string",
          "estimated_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "limit_size": "string",
          "limit_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "overhead": 42.0,
          "tripped": 42.0
      "fs": {
        "data": [
        "timestamp": 42.0,
        "total": {
          "available": "string",
          "available_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "free": "string",
          "free_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total": "string",
          "total_in_bytes": 42.0
        "io_stats": {
          "devices": [
          "total": {}
      "host": "string",
      "http": {
        "current_open": 42.0,
        "total_opened": 42.0,
        "clients": [
        "routes": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
      "ingest": {
        "pipelines": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "total": {
          "count": 42.0,
          "current": 42.0,
          "failed": 42.0
      "ip": "string",
      "jvm": {
        "buffer_pools": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "classes": {
          "current_loaded_count": 42.0,
          "total_loaded_count": 42.0,
          "total_unloaded_count": 42.0
        "gc": {
          "collectors": {}
        "mem": {
          "heap_used_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "heap_used_percent": 42.0,
          "heap_committed_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "heap_max_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "non_heap_used_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "non_heap_committed_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "pools": {}
        "threads": {
          "count": 42.0,
          "peak_count": 42.0
        "timestamp": 42.0,
        "uptime": "string",
        "uptime_in_millis": 42.0
      "name": "string",
      "os": {
        "cpu": {
          "percent": 42.0,
          "sys": "string",
          "total": "string",
          "user": "string",
          "load_average": {}
        "": {},
        "swap": {
          "adjusted_total_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "resident": "string",
          "resident_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "share": "string",
          "share_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_virtual": "string",
          "total_virtual_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "free_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "used_in_bytes": 42.0
        "cgroup": {
          "cpuacct": {},
          "cpu": {},
          "memory": {}
        "timestamp": 42.0
      "process": {
        "cpu": {
          "percent": 42.0,
          "sys": "string",
          "total": "string",
          "user": "string",
          "load_average": {}
        "mem": {
          "adjusted_total_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "resident": "string",
          "resident_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "share": "string",
          "share_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_virtual": "string",
          "total_virtual_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "free_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "used_in_bytes": 42.0
        "open_file_descriptors": 42.0,
        "max_file_descriptors": 42.0,
        "timestamp": 42.0
      "roles": [
      "script": {
        "cache_evictions": 42.0,
        "compilations": 42.0,
        "compilations_history": {
          "additionalProperty1": 42.0,
          "additionalProperty2": 42.0
        "compilation_limit_triggered": 42.0,
        "contexts": [
      "script_cache": {},
      "thread_pool": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "active": 42.0,
          "completed": 42.0,
          "largest": 42.0,
          "queue": 42.0,
          "rejected": 42.0,
          "threads": 42.0
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "active": 42.0,
          "completed": 42.0,
          "largest": 42.0,
          "queue": 42.0,
          "rejected": 42.0,
          "threads": 42.0
      "timestamp": 42.0,
      "transport": {
        "inbound_handling_time_histogram": [
        "outbound_handling_time_histogram": [
        "rx_count": 42.0,
        "rx_size": "string",
        "rx_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
        "server_open": 42.0,
        "tx_count": 42.0,
        "tx_size": "string",
        "tx_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
        "total_outbound_connections": 42.0
      "transport_address": "string",
      "attributes": {
        "additionalProperty1": "string",
        "additionalProperty2": "string"
      "discovery": {
        "cluster_state_queue": {
          "total": 42.0,
          "pending": 42.0,
          "committed": 42.0
        "published_cluster_states": {
          "full_states": 42.0,
          "incompatible_diffs": 42.0,
          "compatible_diffs": 42.0
        "cluster_state_update": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "serialized_cluster_states": {
          "full_states": {},
          "diffs": {}
        "cluster_applier_stats": {
          "recordings": [
      "indexing_pressure": {
        "memory": {
          "limit_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "current": {},
          "total": {}
      "indices": {
        "commit": {
          "generation": 42.0,
          "id": "string",
          "num_docs": 42.0,
          "user_data": {}
        "completion": {
          "size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "fields": {}
        "docs": {
          "count": 42.0,
          "deleted": 42.0
        "fielddata": {
          "evictions": 42.0,
          "memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "fields": {}
        "flush": {
          "periodic": 42.0,
          "total": 42.0,
          "total_time": "string"
        "get": {
          "current": 42.0,
          "exists_time": "string",
          "exists_total": 42.0,
          "missing_time": "string",
          "missing_total": 42.0,
          "time": "string",
          "total": 42.0
        "indexing": {
          "index_current": 42.0,
          "delete_current": 42.0,
          "delete_time": "string",
          "delete_total": 42.0,
          "is_throttled": true,
          "noop_update_total": 42.0,
          "throttle_time": "string",
          "index_time": "string",
          "index_total": 42.0,
          "index_failed": 42.0,
          "types": {},
          "write_load": 42.0
        "mappings": {
          "total_count": 42.0,
          "total_estimated_overhead_in_bytes": 42.0
        "merges": {
          "current": 42.0,
          "current_docs": 42.0,
          "current_size": "string",
          "current_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total": 42.0,
          "total_auto_throttle": "string",
          "total_auto_throttle_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_docs": 42.0,
          "total_size": "string",
          "total_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_stopped_time": "string",
          "total_throttled_time": "string",
          "total_time": "string"
        "shard_path": {
          "data_path": "string",
          "is_custom_data_path": true,
          "state_path": "string"
        "query_cache": {
          "cache_count": 42.0,
          "cache_size": 42.0,
          "evictions": 42.0,
          "hit_count": 42.0,
          "memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "miss_count": 42.0,
          "total_count": 42.0
        "recovery": {
          "current_as_source": 42.0,
          "current_as_target": 42.0,
          "throttle_time": "string"
        "refresh": {
          "external_total": 42.0,
          "listeners": 42.0,
          "total": 42.0,
          "total_time": "string"
        "request_cache": {
          "evictions": 42.0,
          "hit_count": 42.0,
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          "memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "miss_count": 42.0
        "retention_leases": {
          "primary_term": 42.0,
          "version": 42.0,
          "leases": [
        "routing": {
          "node": "string",
          "primary": true,
          "state": "UNASSIGNED"
        "search": {
          "fetch_current": 42.0,
          "fetch_time": "string",
          "fetch_total": 42.0,
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          "query_time": "string",
          "query_total": 42.0,
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          "scroll_total": 42.0,
          "suggest_current": 42.0,
          "suggest_time": "string",
          "suggest_total": 42.0,
          "groups": {}
        "segments": {
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          "file_sizes": {},
          "fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "index_writer_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
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        "store": {
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          "size_in_bytes": 42.0,
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          "uncommitted_size": "string",
          "uncommitted_size_in_bytes": 42.0
        "warmer": {
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          "total": 42.0,
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        "bulk": {
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          "total_time": "string",
          "total_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "avg_time": "string",
          "avg_size_in_bytes": 42.0
        "shards": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "shard_stats": {
          "total_count": 42.0
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "primaries": {},
          "shards": {},
          "total": {},
          "uuid": "string",
          "health": "green",
          "status": "open"
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "primaries": {},
          "shards": {},
          "total": {},
          "uuid": "string",
          "health": "green",
          "status": "open"
    "additionalProperty2": {
      "adaptive_selection": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
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          "avg_response_time": "string",
          "avg_response_time_ns": 42.0,
          "avg_service_time": "string",
          "avg_service_time_ns": 42.0,
          "outgoing_searches": 42.0,
          "rank": "string"
        "additionalProperty2": {
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          "avg_response_time_ns": 42.0,
          "avg_service_time": "string",
          "avg_service_time_ns": 42.0,
          "outgoing_searches": 42.0,
          "rank": "string"
      "breakers": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "estimated_size": "string",
          "estimated_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "limit_size": "string",
          "limit_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "overhead": 42.0,
          "tripped": 42.0
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "estimated_size": "string",
          "estimated_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "limit_size": "string",
          "limit_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "overhead": 42.0,
          "tripped": 42.0
      "fs": {
        "data": [
        "timestamp": 42.0,
        "total": {
          "available": "string",
          "available_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "free": "string",
          "free_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total": "string",
          "total_in_bytes": 42.0
        "io_stats": {
          "devices": [
          "total": {}
      "host": "string",
      "http": {
        "current_open": 42.0,
        "total_opened": 42.0,
        "clients": [
        "routes": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
      "ingest": {
        "pipelines": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "total": {
          "count": 42.0,
          "current": 42.0,
          "failed": 42.0
      "ip": "string",
      "jvm": {
        "buffer_pools": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "classes": {
          "current_loaded_count": 42.0,
          "total_loaded_count": 42.0,
          "total_unloaded_count": 42.0
        "gc": {
          "collectors": {}
        "mem": {
          "heap_used_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "heap_used_percent": 42.0,
          "heap_committed_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "heap_max_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "non_heap_used_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "non_heap_committed_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "pools": {}
        "threads": {
          "count": 42.0,
          "peak_count": 42.0
        "timestamp": 42.0,
        "uptime": "string",
        "uptime_in_millis": 42.0
      "name": "string",
      "os": {
        "cpu": {
          "percent": 42.0,
          "sys": "string",
          "total": "string",
          "user": "string",
          "load_average": {}
        "": {},
        "swap": {
          "adjusted_total_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "resident": "string",
          "resident_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "share": "string",
          "share_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_virtual": "string",
          "total_virtual_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "free_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "used_in_bytes": 42.0
        "cgroup": {
          "cpuacct": {},
          "cpu": {},
          "memory": {}
        "timestamp": 42.0
      "process": {
        "cpu": {
          "percent": 42.0,
          "sys": "string",
          "total": "string",
          "user": "string",
          "load_average": {}
        "mem": {
          "adjusted_total_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "resident": "string",
          "resident_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "share": "string",
          "share_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_virtual": "string",
          "total_virtual_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "free_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "used_in_bytes": 42.0
        "open_file_descriptors": 42.0,
        "max_file_descriptors": 42.0,
        "timestamp": 42.0
      "roles": [
      "script": {
        "cache_evictions": 42.0,
        "compilations": 42.0,
        "compilations_history": {
          "additionalProperty1": 42.0,
          "additionalProperty2": 42.0
        "compilation_limit_triggered": 42.0,
        "contexts": [
      "script_cache": {},
      "thread_pool": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "active": 42.0,
          "completed": 42.0,
          "largest": 42.0,
          "queue": 42.0,
          "rejected": 42.0,
          "threads": 42.0
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "active": 42.0,
          "completed": 42.0,
          "largest": 42.0,
          "queue": 42.0,
          "rejected": 42.0,
          "threads": 42.0
      "timestamp": 42.0,
      "transport": {
        "inbound_handling_time_histogram": [
        "outbound_handling_time_histogram": [
        "rx_count": 42.0,
        "rx_size": "string",
        "rx_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
        "server_open": 42.0,
        "tx_count": 42.0,
        "tx_size": "string",
        "tx_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
        "total_outbound_connections": 42.0
      "transport_address": "string",
      "attributes": {
        "additionalProperty1": "string",
        "additionalProperty2": "string"
      "discovery": {
        "cluster_state_queue": {
          "total": 42.0,
          "pending": 42.0,
          "committed": 42.0
        "published_cluster_states": {
          "full_states": 42.0,
          "incompatible_diffs": 42.0,
          "compatible_diffs": 42.0
        "cluster_state_update": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "serialized_cluster_states": {
          "full_states": {},
          "diffs": {}
        "cluster_applier_stats": {
          "recordings": [
      "indexing_pressure": {
        "memory": {
          "limit_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "current": {},
          "total": {}
      "indices": {
        "commit": {
          "generation": 42.0,
          "id": "string",
          "num_docs": 42.0,
          "user_data": {}
        "completion": {
          "size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "fields": {}
        "docs": {
          "count": 42.0,
          "deleted": 42.0
        "fielddata": {
          "evictions": 42.0,
          "memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "fields": {}
        "flush": {
          "periodic": 42.0,
          "total": 42.0,
          "total_time": "string"
        "get": {
          "current": 42.0,
          "exists_time": "string",
          "exists_total": 42.0,
          "missing_time": "string",
          "missing_total": 42.0,
          "time": "string",
          "total": 42.0
        "indexing": {
          "index_current": 42.0,
          "delete_current": 42.0,
          "delete_time": "string",
          "delete_total": 42.0,
          "is_throttled": true,
          "noop_update_total": 42.0,
          "throttle_time": "string",
          "index_time": "string",
          "index_total": 42.0,
          "index_failed": 42.0,
          "types": {},
          "write_load": 42.0
        "mappings": {
          "total_count": 42.0,
          "total_estimated_overhead_in_bytes": 42.0
        "merges": {
          "current": 42.0,
          "current_docs": 42.0,
          "current_size": "string",
          "current_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total": 42.0,
          "total_auto_throttle": "string",
          "total_auto_throttle_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_docs": 42.0,
          "total_size": "string",
          "total_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_stopped_time": "string",
          "total_throttled_time": "string",
          "total_time": "string"
        "shard_path": {
          "data_path": "string",
          "is_custom_data_path": true,
          "state_path": "string"
        "query_cache": {
          "cache_count": 42.0,
          "cache_size": 42.0,
          "evictions": 42.0,
          "hit_count": 42.0,
          "memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "miss_count": 42.0,
          "total_count": 42.0
        "recovery": {
          "current_as_source": 42.0,
          "current_as_target": 42.0,
          "throttle_time": "string"
        "refresh": {
          "external_total": 42.0,
          "listeners": 42.0,
          "total": 42.0,
          "total_time": "string"
        "request_cache": {
          "evictions": 42.0,
          "hit_count": 42.0,
          "memory_size": "string",
          "memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "miss_count": 42.0
        "retention_leases": {
          "primary_term": 42.0,
          "version": 42.0,
          "leases": [
        "routing": {
          "node": "string",
          "primary": true,
          "state": "UNASSIGNED"
        "search": {
          "fetch_current": 42.0,
          "fetch_time": "string",
          "fetch_total": 42.0,
          "open_contexts": 42.0,
          "query_current": 42.0,
          "query_time": "string",
          "query_total": 42.0,
          "scroll_current": 42.0,
          "scroll_time": "string",
          "scroll_total": 42.0,
          "suggest_current": 42.0,
          "suggest_time": "string",
          "suggest_total": 42.0,
          "groups": {}
        "segments": {
          "count": 42.0,
          "doc_values_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "file_sizes": {},
          "fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "index_writer_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp": 42.0,
          "memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "norms_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "points_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "stored_fields_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "terms_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "term_vectors_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "version_map_memory_in_bytes": 42.0
        "seq_no": {
          "global_checkpoint": 42.0,
          "local_checkpoint": 42.0,
          "max_seq_no": 42.0
        "store": {
          "size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "reserved_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "total_data_set_size_in_bytes": 42.0
        "translog": {
          "earliest_last_modified_age": 42.0,
          "operations": 42.0,
          "size": "string",
          "size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "uncommitted_operations": 42.0,
          "uncommitted_size": "string",
          "uncommitted_size_in_bytes": 42.0
        "warmer": {
          "current": 42.0,
          "total": 42.0,
          "total_time": "string"
        "bulk": {
          "total_operations": 42.0,
          "total_time": "string",
          "total_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
          "avg_time": "string",
          "avg_size_in_bytes": 42.0
        "shards": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "shard_stats": {
          "total_count": 42.0
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "primaries": {},
          "shards": {},
          "total": {},
          "uuid": "string",
          "health": "green",
          "status": "open"
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "primaries": {},
          "shards": {},
          "total": {},
          "uuid": "string",
          "health": "green",
          "status": "open"

Get feature usage information Added in 6.0.0

GET /_nodes/usage/{metric}

Path parameters

  • metric string | array[string] Required

    Limits the information returned to the specific metrics. A comma-separated list of the following options: _all, rest_actions.

Query parameters

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • _nodes object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _nodes attributes Show _nodes attributes object
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • type string Required

          The type of error

        • reason string

          A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

        • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

        • root_cause array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

        • suppressed array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

      • total number Required

        Total number of nodes selected by the request.

      • successful number Required

        Number of nodes that responded successfully to the request.

      • failed number Required

        Number of nodes that rejected the request or failed to respond. If this value is not 0, a reason for the rejection or failure is included in the response.

    • cluster_name string Required
    • nodes object Required
      Hide nodes attribute Show nodes attribute object
      • * object Additional properties

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
        • rest_actions object Required
          Hide rest_actions attribute Show rest_actions attribute object
          • * number Additional properties
        • since number

          Time unit for milliseconds

        • Time unit for milliseconds

        • aggregations object Required
          Hide aggregations attribute Show aggregations attribute object
          • * object Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

GET /_nodes/usage/{metric}
curl \
 --request GET{metric}
Response examples (200)
  "_nodes": {
    "failures": [
        "type": "string",
        "reason": "string",
        "stack_trace": "string",
        "caused_by": {},
        "root_cause": [
        "suppressed": [
    "total": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "failed": 42.0
  "cluster_name": "string",
  "nodes": {
    "additionalProperty1": {
      "rest_actions": {
        "additionalProperty1": 42.0,
        "additionalProperty2": 42.0
      "": 42.0,
      "aggregations": {
        "additionalProperty1": {},
        "additionalProperty2": {}
    "additionalProperty2": {
      "rest_actions": {
        "additionalProperty1": 42.0,
        "additionalProperty2": 42.0
      "": 42.0,
      "aggregations": {
        "additionalProperty1": {},
        "additionalProperty2": {}

Get the cluster health Added in 8.7.0

GET /_health_report/{feature}

Get a report with the health status of an Elasticsearch cluster. The report contains a list of indicators that compose Elasticsearch functionality.

Each indicator has a health status of: green, unknown, yellow or red. The indicator will provide an explanation and metadata describing the reason for its current health status.

The cluster’s status is controlled by the worst indicator status.

In the event that an indicator’s status is non-green, a list of impacts may be present in the indicator result which detail the functionalities that are negatively affected by the health issue. Each impact carries with it a severity level, an area of the system that is affected, and a simple description of the impact on the system.

Some health indicators can determine the root cause of a health problem and prescribe a set of steps that can be performed in order to improve the health of the system. The root cause and remediation steps are encapsulated in a diagnosis. A diagnosis contains a cause detailing a root cause analysis, an action containing a brief description of the steps to take to fix the problem, the list of affected resources (if applicable), and a detailed step-by-step troubleshooting guide to fix the diagnosed problem.

NOTE: The health indicators perform root cause analysis of non-green health statuses. This can be computationally expensive when called frequently. When setting up automated polling of the API for health status, set verbose to false to disable the more expensive analysis logic.

Path parameters

  • feature string | array[string] Required

    A feature of the cluster, as returned by the top-level health report API.

Query parameters

  • timeout string

    Explicit operation timeout.

  • verbose boolean

    Opt-in for more information about the health of the system.

  • size number

    Limit the number of affected resources the health report API returns.


GET /_health_report/{feature}
curl \
 --request GET{feature}
Response examples (200)
  "cluster_name": "string",
  "indicators": {
    "": {
      "status": "green",
      "symptom": "string",
      "impacts": [
          "description": "string",
          "id": "string",
          "impact_areas": [
          "severity": 42.0
      "diagnosis": [
          "id": "string",
          "action": "string",
          "affected_resources": {},
          "cause": "string",
          "help_url": "string"
      "details": {
        "failure_streak": 42.0,
        "most_recent_failure": "string"
  "status": "green"


The connector and sync jobs APIs provide a convenient way to create and manage Elastic connectors and sync jobs in an internal index. Connectors are Elasticsearch integrations for syncing content from third-party data sources, which can be deployed on Elastic Cloud or hosted on your own infrastructure. This API provides an alternative to relying solely on Kibana UI for connector and sync job management. The API comes with a set of validations and assertions to ensure that the state representation in the internal index remains valid. This API requires the manage_connector privilege or, for read-only endpoints, the monitor_connector privilege.

Update the connector draft filtering validation Technical preview

PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_filtering/_validation

Update the draft filtering validation info for a connector.

Path parameters

  • connector_id string Required

    The unique identifier of the connector to be updated


Body Required

  • validation object Required

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide validation attributes Show validation attributes object
    • errors array[object] Required
      Hide errors attributes Show errors attributes object
    • state string Required

      Values are edited, invalid, or valid.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • result string Required

      Values are created, updated, deleted, not_found, or noop.

PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_filtering/_validation
curl \
 --request PUT{connector_id}/_filtering/_validation \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"validation":{"errors":[{"ids":["string"],"messages":["string"]}],"state":"edited"}}'
Request examples
  "validation": {
    "errors": [
        "ids": [
        "messages": [
    "state": "edited"
Response examples (200)
  "result": "created"

Update the connector is_native flag Beta

PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_native

Path parameters

  • connector_id string Required

    The unique identifier of the connector to be updated


Body Required


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • result string Required

      Values are created, updated, deleted, not_found, or noop.

PUT /_connector/{connector_id}/_native
curl \
 --request PUT{connector_id}/_native \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"is_native":true}'
Request examples
  "is_native": true
Response examples (200)
  "result": "created"

Create or update auto-follow patterns Added in 6.5.0

PUT /_ccr/auto_follow/{name}

Create a collection of cross-cluster replication auto-follow patterns for a remote cluster. Newly created indices on the remote cluster that match any of the patterns are automatically configured as follower indices. Indices on the remote cluster that were created before the auto-follow pattern was created will not be auto-followed even if they match the pattern.

This API can also be used to update auto-follow patterns. NOTE: Follower indices that were configured automatically before updating an auto-follow pattern will remain unchanged even if they do not match against the new patterns.

Path parameters

  • name string Required

    The name of the collection of auto-follow patterns.

Query parameters


Body Required


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

PUT /_ccr/auto_follow/{name}
curl \
 --request PUT{name} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"remote_cluster\" : \"remote_cluster\",\n  \"leader_index_patterns\" :\n  [\n    \"leader_index*\"\n  ],\n  \"follow_index_pattern\" : \"{{leader_index}}-follower\",\n  \"settings\": {\n    \"index.number_of_replicas\": 0\n  },\n  \"max_read_request_operation_count\" : 1024,\n  \"max_outstanding_read_requests\" : 16,\n  \"max_read_request_size\" : \"1024k\",\n  \"max_write_request_operation_count\" : 32768,\n  \"max_write_request_size\" : \"16k\",\n  \"max_outstanding_write_requests\" : 8,\n  \"max_write_buffer_count\" : 512,\n  \"max_write_buffer_size\" : \"512k\",\n  \"max_retry_delay\" : \"10s\",\n  \"read_poll_timeout\" : \"30s\"\n}"'
Request example
Run `PUT /_ccr/auto_follow/my_auto_follow_pattern` to creates an auto-follow pattern.
  "remote_cluster" : "remote_cluster",
  "leader_index_patterns" :
  "follow_index_pattern" : "{{leader_index}}-follower",
  "settings": {
    "index.number_of_replicas": 0
  "max_read_request_operation_count" : 1024,
  "max_outstanding_read_requests" : 16,
  "max_read_request_size" : "1024k",
  "max_write_request_operation_count" : 32768,
  "max_write_request_size" : "16k",
  "max_outstanding_write_requests" : 8,
  "max_write_buffer_count" : 512,
  "max_write_buffer_size" : "512k",
  "max_retry_delay" : "10s",
  "read_poll_timeout" : "30s"
Response examples (200)
A successful response for creating an auto-follow pattern.
  "acknowledged": true

Forget a follower Added in 6.7.0

POST /{index}/_ccr/forget_follower

Remove the cross-cluster replication follower retention leases from the leader.

A following index takes out retention leases on its leader index. These leases are used to increase the likelihood that the shards of the leader index retain the history of operations that the shards of the following index need to run replication. When a follower index is converted to a regular index by the unfollow API (either by directly calling the API or by index lifecycle management tasks), these leases are removed. However, removal of the leases can fail, for example when the remote cluster containing the leader index is unavailable. While the leases will eventually expire on their own, their extended existence can cause the leader index to hold more history than necessary and prevent index lifecycle management from performing some operations on the leader index. This API exists to enable manually removing the leases when the unfollow API is unable to do so.

NOTE: This API does not stop replication by a following index. If you use this API with a follower index that is still actively following, the following index will add back retention leases on the leader. The only purpose of this API is to handle the case of failure to remove the following retention leases after the unfollow API is invoked.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    the name of the leader index for which specified follower retention leases should be removed

Query parameters

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.



  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • _shards object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _shards attributes Show _shards attributes object
      • failed number Required
      • successful number Required
      • total number Required
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • index string
        • node string
        • reason object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide reason attributes Show reason attributes object
          • type string Required

            The type of error

          • reason string

            A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

          • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

          • root_cause array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • suppressed array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • shard number Required
        • status string
      • skipped number
POST /{index}/_ccr/forget_follower
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_ccr/forget_follower \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"follower_cluster\" : \"\u003cfollower_cluster\u003e\",\n  \"follower_index\" : \"\u003cfollower_index\u003e\",\n  \"follower_index_uuid\" : \"\u003cfollower_index_uuid\u003e\",\n  \"leader_remote_cluster\" : \"\u003cleader_remote_cluster\u003e\"\n}"'
Request example
Run `POST /<leader_index>/_ccr/forget_follower`.
  "follower_cluster" : "<follower_cluster>",
  "follower_index" : "<follower_index>",
  "follower_index_uuid" : "<follower_index_uuid>",
  "leader_remote_cluster" : "<leader_remote_cluster>"
Response examples (200)
A successful response for removing the follower retention leases from the leader index.
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "successful" : 1,
    "failed" : 0,
    "failures" : [ ]

Pause an auto-follow pattern Added in 7.5.0

POST /_ccr/auto_follow/{name}/pause

Pause a cross-cluster replication auto-follow pattern. When the API returns, the auto-follow pattern is inactive. New indices that are created on the remote cluster and match the auto-follow patterns are ignored.

You can resume auto-following with the resume auto-follow pattern API. When it resumes, the auto-follow pattern is active again and automatically configures follower indices for newly created indices on the remote cluster that match its patterns. Remote indices that were created while the pattern was paused will also be followed, unless they have been deleted or closed in the interim.

Path parameters

  • name string Required

    The name of the auto-follow pattern to pause.

Query parameters

  • The period to wait for a connection to the master node. If the master node is not available before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. It can also be set to -1 to indicate that the request should never timeout.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

POST /_ccr/auto_follow/{name}/pause
curl \
 --request POST{name}/pause
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `POST /_ccr/auto_follow/my_auto_follow_pattern/pause`, which pauses an auto-follow pattern.
  "acknowledged" : true

Pause a follower Added in 6.5.0

POST /{index}/_ccr/pause_follow

Pause a cross-cluster replication follower index. The follower index will not fetch any additional operations from the leader index. You can resume following with the resume follower API. You can pause and resume a follower index to change the configuration of the following task.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    The name of the follower index.

Query parameters

  • The period to wait for a connection to the master node. If the master node is not available before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. It can also be set to -1 to indicate that the request should never timeout.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

POST /{index}/_ccr/pause_follow
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_ccr/pause_follow
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `POST /follower_index/_ccr/pause_follow`, which pauses a follower index.
  "acknowledged" : true

Convert an index alias to a data stream Added in 7.9.0

POST /_data_stream/_migrate/{name}

Converts an index alias to a data stream. You must have a matching index template that is data stream enabled. The alias must meet the following criteria: The alias must have a write index; All indices for the alias must have a @timestamp field mapping of a date or date_nanos field type; The alias must not have any filters; The alias must not use custom routing. If successful, the request removes the alias and creates a data stream with the same name. The indices for the alias become hidden backing indices for the stream. The write index for the alias becomes the write index for the stream.

Path parameters

  • name string Required

    Name of the index alias to convert to a data stream.

Query parameters

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

POST /_data_stream/_migrate/{name}
curl \
 --request POST{name}
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true

Create a new document in the index Added in 5.0.0

PUT /{index}/_create/{id}

You can index a new JSON document with the /<target>/_doc/ or /<target>/_create/<_id> APIs Using _create guarantees that the document is indexed only if it does not already exist. It returns a 409 response when a document with a same ID already exists in the index. To update an existing document, you must use the /<target>/_doc/ API.

If the Elasticsearch security features are enabled, you must have the following index privileges for the target data stream, index, or index alias:

  • To add a document using the PUT /<target>/_create/<_id> or POST /<target>/_create/<_id> request formats, you must have the create_doc, create, index, or write index privilege.
  • To automatically create a data stream or index with this API request, you must have the auto_configure, create_index, or manage index privilege.

Automatic data stream creation requires a matching index template with data stream enabled.

Automatically create data streams and indices

If the request's target doesn't exist and matches an index template with a data_stream definition, the index operation automatically creates the data stream.

If the target doesn't exist and doesn't match a data stream template, the operation automatically creates the index and applies any matching index templates.

NOTE: Elasticsearch includes several built-in index templates. To avoid naming collisions with these templates, refer to index pattern documentation.

If no mapping exists, the index operation creates a dynamic mapping. By default, new fields and objects are automatically added to the mapping if needed.

Automatic index creation is controlled by the action.auto_create_index setting. If it is true, any index can be created automatically. You can modify this setting to explicitly allow or block automatic creation of indices that match specified patterns or set it to false to turn off automatic index creation entirely. Specify a comma-separated list of patterns you want to allow or prefix each pattern with + or - to indicate whether it should be allowed or blocked. When a list is specified, the default behaviour is to disallow.

NOTE: The action.auto_create_index setting affects the automatic creation of indices only. It does not affect the creation of data streams.


By default, shard placement — or routing — is controlled by using a hash of the document's ID value. For more explicit control, the value fed into the hash function used by the router can be directly specified on a per-operation basis using the routing parameter.

When setting up explicit mapping, you can also use the _routing field to direct the index operation to extract the routing value from the document itself. This does come at the (very minimal) cost of an additional document parsing pass. If the _routing mapping is defined and set to be required, the index operation will fail if no routing value is provided or extracted.

NOTE: Data streams do not support custom routing unless they were created with the allow_custom_routing setting enabled in the template.


The index operation is directed to the primary shard based on its route and performed on the actual node containing this shard. After the primary shard completes the operation, if needed, the update is distributed to applicable replicas.

Active shards

To improve the resiliency of writes to the system, indexing operations can be configured to wait for a certain number of active shard copies before proceeding with the operation. If the requisite number of active shard copies are not available, then the write operation must wait and retry, until either the requisite shard copies have started or a timeout occurs. By default, write operations only wait for the primary shards to be active before proceeding (that is to say wait_for_active_shards is 1). This default can be overridden in the index settings dynamically by setting index.write.wait_for_active_shards. To alter this behavior per operation, use the wait_for_active_shards request parameter.

Valid values are all or any positive integer up to the total number of configured copies per shard in the index (which is number_of_replicas+1). Specifying a negative value or a number greater than the number of shard copies will throw an error.

For example, suppose you have a cluster of three nodes, A, B, and C and you create an index index with the number of replicas set to 3 (resulting in 4 shard copies, one more copy than there are nodes). If you attempt an indexing operation, by default the operation will only ensure the primary copy of each shard is available before proceeding. This means that even if B and C went down and A hosted the primary shard copies, the indexing operation would still proceed with only one copy of the data. If wait_for_active_shards is set on the request to 3 (and all three nodes are up), the indexing operation will require 3 active shard copies before proceeding. This requirement should be met because there are 3 active nodes in the cluster, each one holding a copy of the shard. However, if you set wait_for_active_shards to all (or to 4, which is the same in this situation), the indexing operation will not proceed as you do not have all 4 copies of each shard active in the index. The operation will timeout unless a new node is brought up in the cluster to host the fourth copy of the shard.

It is important to note that this setting greatly reduces the chances of the write operation not writing to the requisite number of shard copies, but it does not completely eliminate the possibility, because this check occurs before the write operation starts. After the write operation is underway, it is still possible for replication to fail on any number of shard copies but still succeed on the primary. The _shards section of the API response reveals the number of shard copies on which replication succeeded and failed.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    The name of the data stream or index to target. If the target doesn't exist and matches the name or wildcard (*) pattern of an index template with a data_stream definition, this request creates the data stream. If the target doesn't exist and doesn’t match a data stream template, this request creates the index.

  • id string Required

    A unique identifier for the document. To automatically generate a document ID, use the POST /<target>/_doc/ request format.

Query parameters

  • True or false if to include the document source in the error message in case of parsing errors.

  • pipeline string

    The ID of the pipeline to use to preprocess incoming documents. If the index has a default ingest pipeline specified, setting the value to _none turns off the default ingest pipeline for this request. If a final pipeline is configured, it will always run regardless of the value of this parameter.

  • refresh string

    If true, Elasticsearch refreshes the affected shards to make this operation visible to search. If wait_for, it waits for a refresh to make this operation visible to search. If false, it does nothing with refreshes.

    Values are true, false, or wait_for.

  • routing string

    A custom value that is used to route operations to a specific shard.

  • timeout string

    The period the request waits for the following operations: automatic index creation, dynamic mapping updates, waiting for active shards. Elasticsearch waits for at least the specified timeout period before failing. The actual wait time could be longer, particularly when multiple waits occur.

    This parameter is useful for situations where the primary shard assigned to perform the operation might not be available when the operation runs. Some reasons for this might be that the primary shard is currently recovering from a gateway or undergoing relocation. By default, the operation will wait on the primary shard to become available for at least 1 minute before failing and responding with an error. The actual wait time could be longer, particularly when multiple waits occur.

  • version number

    The explicit version number for concurrency control. It must be a non-negative long number.

  • The version type.

    Values are internal, external, external_gte, or force.

  • wait_for_active_shards number | string

    The number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the operation. You can set it to all or any positive integer up to the total number of shards in the index (number_of_replicas+1). The default value of 1 means it waits for each primary shard to be active.


Body Required

object object

Additional properties are allowed.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • _id string Required
    • _index string Required
    • The primary term assigned to the document for the indexing operation.

    • result string Required

      Values are created, updated, deleted, not_found, or noop.

    • _seq_no number
    • _shards object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _shards attributes Show _shards attributes object
      • failed number Required
      • successful number Required
      • total number Required
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • index string
        • node string
        • reason object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide reason attributes Show reason attributes object
          • type string Required

            The type of error

          • reason string

            A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

          • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

          • root_cause array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • suppressed array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • shard number Required
        • status string
      • skipped number
    • _version number Required
PUT /{index}/_create/{id}
curl \
 --request PUT{index}/_create/{id} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"@timestamp\": \"2099-11-15T13:12:00\",\n  \"message\": \"GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000\",\n  \"user\": {\n    \"id\": \"kimchy\"\n  }\n}"'
Request example
Run `PUT my-index-000001/_create/1` to index a document into the `my-index-000001` index if no document with that ID exists.
  "@timestamp": "2099-11-15T13:12:00",
  "message": "GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000",
  "user": {
    "id": "kimchy"
Response examples (200)
  "_id": "string",
  "_index": "string",
  "_primary_term": 42.0,
  "result": "created",
  "_seq_no": 42.0,
  "_shards": {
    "failed": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "total": 42.0,
    "failures": [
        "index": "string",
        "node": "string",
        "reason": {
          "type": "string",
          "reason": "string",
          "stack_trace": "string",
          "caused_by": {},
          "root_cause": [
          "suppressed": [
        "shard": 42.0,
        "status": "string"
    "skipped": 42.0
  "_version": 42.0,
  "forced_refresh": true

Create or update a document in an index

PUT /{index}/_doc/{id}

Add a JSON document to the specified data stream or index and make it searchable. If the target is an index and the document already exists, the request updates the document and increments its version.

NOTE: You cannot use this API to send update requests for existing documents in a data stream.

If the Elasticsearch security features are enabled, you must have the following index privileges for the target data stream, index, or index alias:

  • To add or overwrite a document using the PUT /<target>/_doc/<_id> request format, you must have the create, index, or write index privilege.
  • To add a document using the POST /<target>/_doc/ request format, you must have the create_doc, create, index, or write index privilege.
  • To automatically create a data stream or index with this API request, you must have the auto_configure, create_index, or manage index privilege.

Automatic data stream creation requires a matching index template with data stream enabled.

NOTE: Replica shards might not all be started when an indexing operation returns successfully. By default, only the primary is required. Set wait_for_active_shards to change this default behavior.

Automatically create data streams and indices

If the request's target doesn't exist and matches an index template with a data_stream definition, the index operation automatically creates the data stream.

If the target doesn't exist and doesn't match a data stream template, the operation automatically creates the index and applies any matching index templates.

NOTE: Elasticsearch includes several built-in index templates. To avoid naming collisions with these templates, refer to index pattern documentation.

If no mapping exists, the index operation creates a dynamic mapping. By default, new fields and objects are automatically added to the mapping if needed.

Automatic index creation is controlled by the action.auto_create_index setting. If it is true, any index can be created automatically. You can modify this setting to explicitly allow or block automatic creation of indices that match specified patterns or set it to false to turn off automatic index creation entirely. Specify a comma-separated list of patterns you want to allow or prefix each pattern with + or - to indicate whether it should be allowed or blocked. When a list is specified, the default behaviour is to disallow.

NOTE: The action.auto_create_index setting affects the automatic creation of indices only. It does not affect the creation of data streams.

Optimistic concurrency control

Index operations can be made conditional and only be performed if the last modification to the document was assigned the sequence number and primary term specified by the if_seq_no and if_primary_term parameters. If a mismatch is detected, the operation will result in a VersionConflictException and a status code of 409.


By default, shard placement — or routing — is controlled by using a hash of the document's ID value. For more explicit control, the value fed into the hash function used by the router can be directly specified on a per-operation basis using the routing parameter.

When setting up explicit mapping, you can also use the _routing field to direct the index operation to extract the routing value from the document itself. This does come at the (very minimal) cost of an additional document parsing pass. If the _routing mapping is defined and set to be required, the index operation will fail if no routing value is provided or extracted.

NOTE: Data streams do not support custom routing unless they were created with the allow_custom_routing setting enabled in the template.


The index operation is directed to the primary shard based on its route and performed on the actual node containing this shard. After the primary shard completes the operation, if needed, the update is distributed to applicable replicas.

Active shards

To improve the resiliency of writes to the system, indexing operations can be configured to wait for a certain number of active shard copies before proceeding with the operation. If the requisite number of active shard copies are not available, then the write operation must wait and retry, until either the requisite shard copies have started or a timeout occurs. By default, write operations only wait for the primary shards to be active before proceeding (that is to say wait_for_active_shards is 1). This default can be overridden in the index settings dynamically by setting index.write.wait_for_active_shards. To alter this behavior per operation, use the wait_for_active_shards request parameter.

Valid values are all or any positive integer up to the total number of configured copies per shard in the index (which is number_of_replicas+1). Specifying a negative value or a number greater than the number of shard copies will throw an error.

For example, suppose you have a cluster of three nodes, A, B, and C and you create an index index with the number of replicas set to 3 (resulting in 4 shard copies, one more copy than there are nodes). If you attempt an indexing operation, by default the operation will only ensure the primary copy of each shard is available before proceeding. This means that even if B and C went down and A hosted the primary shard copies, the indexing operation would still proceed with only one copy of the data. If wait_for_active_shards is set on the request to 3 (and all three nodes are up), the indexing operation will require 3 active shard copies before proceeding. This requirement should be met because there are 3 active nodes in the cluster, each one holding a copy of the shard. However, if you set wait_for_active_shards to all (or to 4, which is the same in this situation), the indexing operation will not proceed as you do not have all 4 copies of each shard active in the index. The operation will timeout unless a new node is brought up in the cluster to host the fourth copy of the shard.

It is important to note that this setting greatly reduces the chances of the write operation not writing to the requisite number of shard copies, but it does not completely eliminate the possibility, because this check occurs before the write operation starts. After the write operation is underway, it is still possible for replication to fail on any number of shard copies but still succeed on the primary. The _shards section of the API response reveals the number of shard copies on which replication succeeded and failed.

No operation (noop) updates

When updating a document by using this API, a new version of the document is always created even if the document hasn't changed. If this isn't acceptable use the _update API with detect_noop set to true. The detect_noop option isn't available on this API because it doesn’t fetch the old source and isn't able to compare it against the new source.

There isn't a definitive rule for when noop updates aren't acceptable. It's a combination of lots of factors like how frequently your data source sends updates that are actually noops and how many queries per second Elasticsearch runs on the shard receiving the updates.


Each indexed document is given a version number. By default, internal versioning is used that starts at 1 and increments with each update, deletes included. Optionally, the version number can be set to an external value (for example, if maintained in a database). To enable this functionality, version_type should be set to external. The value provided must be a numeric, long value greater than or equal to 0, and less than around 9.2e+18.

NOTE: Versioning is completely real time, and is not affected by the near real time aspects of search operations. If no version is provided, the operation runs without any version checks.

When using the external version type, the system checks to see if the version number passed to the index request is greater than the version of the currently stored document. If true, the document will be indexed and the new version number used. If the value provided is less than or equal to the stored document's version number, a version conflict will occur and the index operation will fail. For example:

PUT my-index-000001/_doc/1?version=2&version_type=external
  "user": {
    "id": "elkbee"

In this example, the operation will succeed since the supplied version of 2 is higher than the current document version of 1.
If the document was already updated and its version was set to 2 or higher, the indexing command will fail and result in a conflict (409 HTTP status code).

A nice side effect is that there is no need to maintain strict ordering of async indexing operations run as a result of changes to a source database, as long as version numbers from the source database are used.
Even the simple case of updating the Elasticsearch index using data from a database is simplified if external versioning is used, as only the latest version will be used if the index operations arrive out of order.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    The name of the data stream or index to target. If the target doesn't exist and matches the name or wildcard (*) pattern of an index template with a data_stream definition, this request creates the data stream. If the target doesn't exist and doesn't match a data stream template, this request creates the index. You can check for existing targets with the resolve index API.

  • id string Required

    A unique identifier for the document. To automatically generate a document ID, use the POST /<target>/_doc/ request format and omit this parameter.

Query parameters

  • Only perform the operation if the document has this primary term.

  • Only perform the operation if the document has this sequence number.

  • True or false if to include the document source in the error message in case of parsing errors.

  • op_type string

    Set to create to only index the document if it does not already exist (put if absent). If a document with the specified _id already exists, the indexing operation will fail. The behavior is the same as using the <index>/_create endpoint. If a document ID is specified, this paramater defaults to index. Otherwise, it defaults to create. If the request targets a data stream, an op_type of create is required.

    Values are index or create.

  • pipeline string

    The ID of the pipeline to use to preprocess incoming documents. If the index has a default ingest pipeline specified, then setting the value to _none disables the default ingest pipeline for this request. If a final pipeline is configured it will always run, regardless of the value of this parameter.

  • refresh string

    If true, Elasticsearch refreshes the affected shards to make this operation visible to search. If wait_for, it waits for a refresh to make this operation visible to search. If false, it does nothing with refreshes.

    Values are true, false, or wait_for.

  • routing string

    A custom value that is used to route operations to a specific shard.

  • timeout string

    The period the request waits for the following operations: automatic index creation, dynamic mapping updates, waiting for active shards.

    This parameter is useful for situations where the primary shard assigned to perform the operation might not be available when the operation runs. Some reasons for this might be that the primary shard is currently recovering from a gateway or undergoing relocation. By default, the operation will wait on the primary shard to become available for at least 1 minute before failing and responding with an error. The actual wait time could be longer, particularly when multiple waits occur.

  • version number

    An explicit version number for concurrency control. It must be a non-negative long number.

  • The version type.

    Values are internal, external, external_gte, or force.

  • wait_for_active_shards number | string

    The number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the operation. You can set it to all or any positive integer up to the total number of shards in the index (number_of_replicas+1). The default value of 1 means it waits for each primary shard to be active.

  • If true, the destination must be an index alias.


Body Required

object object

Additional properties are allowed.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • _id string Required
    • _index string Required
    • The primary term assigned to the document for the indexing operation.

    • result string Required

      Values are created, updated, deleted, not_found, or noop.

    • _seq_no number
    • _shards object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _shards attributes Show _shards attributes object
      • failed number Required
      • successful number Required
      • total number Required
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • index string
        • node string
        • reason object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide reason attributes Show reason attributes object
          • type string Required

            The type of error

          • reason string

            A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

          • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

          • root_cause array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • suppressed array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • shard number Required
        • status string
      • skipped number
    • _version number Required
PUT /{index}/_doc/{id}
curl \
 --request PUT{index}/_doc/{id} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"@timestamp\": \"2099-11-15T13:12:00\",\n  \"message\": \"GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000\",\n  \"user\": {\n    \"id\": \"kimchy\"\n  }\n}"'
Request examples
Run `POST my-index-000001/_doc/` to index a document. When you use the `POST /<target>/_doc/` request format, the `op_type` is automatically set to `create` and the index operation generates a unique ID for the document.
  "@timestamp": "2099-11-15T13:12:00",
  "message": "GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000",
  "user": {
    "id": "kimchy"
Run `PUT my-index-000001/_doc/1` to insert a JSON document into the `my-index-000001` index with an `_id` of 1.
  "@timestamp": "2099-11-15T13:12:00",
  "message": "GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000",
  "user": {
    "id": "kimchy"
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `POST my-index-000001/_doc/`, which contains an automated document ID.
  "_shards": {
    "total": 2,
    "failed": 0,
    "successful": 2
  "_index": "my-index-000001",
  "_id": "W0tpsmIBdwcYyG50zbta",
  "_version": 1,
  "_seq_no": 0,
  "_primary_term": 1,
  "result": "created"
A successful response from `PUT my-index-000001/_doc/1`.
  "_shards": {
    "total": 2,
    "failed": 0,
    "successful": 2
  "_index": "my-index-000001",
  "_id": "1",
  "_version": 1,
  "_seq_no": 0,
  "_primary_term": 1,
  "result": "created"

Create or update a document in an index

POST /{index}/_doc/{id}

Add a JSON document to the specified data stream or index and make it searchable. If the target is an index and the document already exists, the request updates the document and increments its version.

NOTE: You cannot use this API to send update requests for existing documents in a data stream.

If the Elasticsearch security features are enabled, you must have the following index privileges for the target data stream, index, or index alias:

  • To add or overwrite a document using the PUT /<target>/_doc/<_id> request format, you must have the create, index, or write index privilege.
  • To add a document using the POST /<target>/_doc/ request format, you must have the create_doc, create, index, or write index privilege.
  • To automatically create a data stream or index with this API request, you must have the auto_configure, create_index, or manage index privilege.

Automatic data stream creation requires a matching index template with data stream enabled.

NOTE: Replica shards might not all be started when an indexing operation returns successfully. By default, only the primary is required. Set wait_for_active_shards to change this default behavior.

Automatically create data streams and indices

If the request's target doesn't exist and matches an index template with a data_stream definition, the index operation automatically creates the data stream.

If the target doesn't exist and doesn't match a data stream template, the operation automatically creates the index and applies any matching index templates.

NOTE: Elasticsearch includes several built-in index templates. To avoid naming collisions with these templates, refer to index pattern documentation.

If no mapping exists, the index operation creates a dynamic mapping. By default, new fields and objects are automatically added to the mapping if needed.

Automatic index creation is controlled by the action.auto_create_index setting. If it is true, any index can be created automatically. You can modify this setting to explicitly allow or block automatic creation of indices that match specified patterns or set it to false to turn off automatic index creation entirely. Specify a comma-separated list of patterns you want to allow or prefix each pattern with + or - to indicate whether it should be allowed or blocked. When a list is specified, the default behaviour is to disallow.

NOTE: The action.auto_create_index setting affects the automatic creation of indices only. It does not affect the creation of data streams.

Optimistic concurrency control

Index operations can be made conditional and only be performed if the last modification to the document was assigned the sequence number and primary term specified by the if_seq_no and if_primary_term parameters. If a mismatch is detected, the operation will result in a VersionConflictException and a status code of 409.


By default, shard placement — or routing — is controlled by using a hash of the document's ID value. For more explicit control, the value fed into the hash function used by the router can be directly specified on a per-operation basis using the routing parameter.

When setting up explicit mapping, you can also use the _routing field to direct the index operation to extract the routing value from the document itself. This does come at the (very minimal) cost of an additional document parsing pass. If the _routing mapping is defined and set to be required, the index operation will fail if no routing value is provided or extracted.

NOTE: Data streams do not support custom routing unless they were created with the allow_custom_routing setting enabled in the template.


The index operation is directed to the primary shard based on its route and performed on the actual node containing this shard. After the primary shard completes the operation, if needed, the update is distributed to applicable replicas.

Active shards

To improve the resiliency of writes to the system, indexing operations can be configured to wait for a certain number of active shard copies before proceeding with the operation. If the requisite number of active shard copies are not available, then the write operation must wait and retry, until either the requisite shard copies have started or a timeout occurs. By default, write operations only wait for the primary shards to be active before proceeding (that is to say wait_for_active_shards is 1). This default can be overridden in the index settings dynamically by setting index.write.wait_for_active_shards. To alter this behavior per operation, use the wait_for_active_shards request parameter.

Valid values are all or any positive integer up to the total number of configured copies per shard in the index (which is number_of_replicas+1). Specifying a negative value or a number greater than the number of shard copies will throw an error.

For example, suppose you have a cluster of three nodes, A, B, and C and you create an index index with the number of replicas set to 3 (resulting in 4 shard copies, one more copy than there are nodes). If you attempt an indexing operation, by default the operation will only ensure the primary copy of each shard is available before proceeding. This means that even if B and C went down and A hosted the primary shard copies, the indexing operation would still proceed with only one copy of the data. If wait_for_active_shards is set on the request to 3 (and all three nodes are up), the indexing operation will require 3 active shard copies before proceeding. This requirement should be met because there are 3 active nodes in the cluster, each one holding a copy of the shard. However, if you set wait_for_active_shards to all (or to 4, which is the same in this situation), the indexing operation will not proceed as you do not have all 4 copies of each shard active in the index. The operation will timeout unless a new node is brought up in the cluster to host the fourth copy of the shard.

It is important to note that this setting greatly reduces the chances of the write operation not writing to the requisite number of shard copies, but it does not completely eliminate the possibility, because this check occurs before the write operation starts. After the write operation is underway, it is still possible for replication to fail on any number of shard copies but still succeed on the primary. The _shards section of the API response reveals the number of shard copies on which replication succeeded and failed.

No operation (noop) updates

When updating a document by using this API, a new version of the document is always created even if the document hasn't changed. If this isn't acceptable use the _update API with detect_noop set to true. The detect_noop option isn't available on this API because it doesn’t fetch the old source and isn't able to compare it against the new source.

There isn't a definitive rule for when noop updates aren't acceptable. It's a combination of lots of factors like how frequently your data source sends updates that are actually noops and how many queries per second Elasticsearch runs on the shard receiving the updates.


Each indexed document is given a version number. By default, internal versioning is used that starts at 1 and increments with each update, deletes included. Optionally, the version number can be set to an external value (for example, if maintained in a database). To enable this functionality, version_type should be set to external. The value provided must be a numeric, long value greater than or equal to 0, and less than around 9.2e+18.

NOTE: Versioning is completely real time, and is not affected by the near real time aspects of search operations. If no version is provided, the operation runs without any version checks.

When using the external version type, the system checks to see if the version number passed to the index request is greater than the version of the currently stored document. If true, the document will be indexed and the new version number used. If the value provided is less than or equal to the stored document's version number, a version conflict will occur and the index operation will fail. For example:

PUT my-index-000001/_doc/1?version=2&version_type=external
  "user": {
    "id": "elkbee"

In this example, the operation will succeed since the supplied version of 2 is higher than the current document version of 1.
If the document was already updated and its version was set to 2 or higher, the indexing command will fail and result in a conflict (409 HTTP status code).

A nice side effect is that there is no need to maintain strict ordering of async indexing operations run as a result of changes to a source database, as long as version numbers from the source database are used.
Even the simple case of updating the Elasticsearch index using data from a database is simplified if external versioning is used, as only the latest version will be used if the index operations arrive out of order.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    The name of the data stream or index to target. If the target doesn't exist and matches the name or wildcard (*) pattern of an index template with a data_stream definition, this request creates the data stream. If the target doesn't exist and doesn't match a data stream template, this request creates the index. You can check for existing targets with the resolve index API.

  • id string Required

    A unique identifier for the document. To automatically generate a document ID, use the POST /<target>/_doc/ request format and omit this parameter.

Query parameters

  • Only perform the operation if the document has this primary term.

  • Only perform the operation if the document has this sequence number.

  • True or false if to include the document source in the error message in case of parsing errors.

  • op_type string

    Set to create to only index the document if it does not already exist (put if absent). If a document with the specified _id already exists, the indexing operation will fail. The behavior is the same as using the <index>/_create endpoint. If a document ID is specified, this paramater defaults to index. Otherwise, it defaults to create. If the request targets a data stream, an op_type of create is required.

    Values are index or create.

  • pipeline string

    The ID of the pipeline to use to preprocess incoming documents. If the index has a default ingest pipeline specified, then setting the value to _none disables the default ingest pipeline for this request. If a final pipeline is configured it will always run, regardless of the value of this parameter.

  • refresh string

    If true, Elasticsearch refreshes the affected shards to make this operation visible to search. If wait_for, it waits for a refresh to make this operation visible to search. If false, it does nothing with refreshes.

    Values are true, false, or wait_for.

  • routing string

    A custom value that is used to route operations to a specific shard.

  • timeout string

    The period the request waits for the following operations: automatic index creation, dynamic mapping updates, waiting for active shards.

    This parameter is useful for situations where the primary shard assigned to perform the operation might not be available when the operation runs. Some reasons for this might be that the primary shard is currently recovering from a gateway or undergoing relocation. By default, the operation will wait on the primary shard to become available for at least 1 minute before failing and responding with an error. The actual wait time could be longer, particularly when multiple waits occur.

  • version number

    An explicit version number for concurrency control. It must be a non-negative long number.

  • The version type.

    Values are internal, external, external_gte, or force.

  • wait_for_active_shards number | string

    The number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the operation. You can set it to all or any positive integer up to the total number of shards in the index (number_of_replicas+1). The default value of 1 means it waits for each primary shard to be active.

  • If true, the destination must be an index alias.


Body Required

object object

Additional properties are allowed.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • _id string Required
    • _index string Required
    • The primary term assigned to the document for the indexing operation.

    • result string Required

      Values are created, updated, deleted, not_found, or noop.

    • _seq_no number
    • _shards object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _shards attributes Show _shards attributes object
      • failed number Required
      • successful number Required
      • total number Required
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • index string
        • node string
        • reason object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide reason attributes Show reason attributes object
          • type string Required

            The type of error

          • reason string

            A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

          • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

          • root_cause array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • suppressed array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • shard number Required
        • status string
      • skipped number
    • _version number Required
POST /{index}/_doc/{id}
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_doc/{id} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"@timestamp\": \"2099-11-15T13:12:00\",\n  \"message\": \"GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000\",\n  \"user\": {\n    \"id\": \"kimchy\"\n  }\n}"'
Request examples
Run `POST my-index-000001/_doc/` to index a document. When you use the `POST /<target>/_doc/` request format, the `op_type` is automatically set to `create` and the index operation generates a unique ID for the document.
  "@timestamp": "2099-11-15T13:12:00",
  "message": "GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000",
  "user": {
    "id": "kimchy"
Run `PUT my-index-000001/_doc/1` to insert a JSON document into the `my-index-000001` index with an `_id` of 1.
  "@timestamp": "2099-11-15T13:12:00",
  "message": "GET /search HTTP/1.1 200 1070000",
  "user": {
    "id": "kimchy"
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `POST my-index-000001/_doc/`, which contains an automated document ID.
  "_shards": {
    "total": 2,
    "failed": 0,
    "successful": 2
  "_index": "my-index-000001",
  "_id": "W0tpsmIBdwcYyG50zbta",
  "_version": 1,
  "_seq_no": 0,
  "_primary_term": 1,
  "result": "created"
A successful response from `PUT my-index-000001/_doc/1`.
  "_shards": {
    "total": 2,
    "failed": 0,
    "successful": 2
  "_index": "my-index-000001",
  "_id": "1",
  "_version": 1,
  "_seq_no": 0,
  "_primary_term": 1,
  "result": "created"

Delete documents Added in 5.0.0

POST /{index}/_delete_by_query

Deletes documents that match the specified query.

If the Elasticsearch security features are enabled, you must have the following index privileges for the target data stream, index, or alias:

  • read
  • delete or write

You can specify the query criteria in the request URI or the request body using the same syntax as the search API. When you submit a delete by query request, Elasticsearch gets a snapshot of the data stream or index when it begins processing the request and deletes matching documents using internal versioning. If a document changes between the time that the snapshot is taken and the delete operation is processed, it results in a version conflict and the delete operation fails.

NOTE: Documents with a version equal to 0 cannot be deleted using delete by query because internal versioning does not support 0 as a valid version number.

While processing a delete by query request, Elasticsearch performs multiple search requests sequentially to find all of the matching documents to delete. A bulk delete request is performed for each batch of matching documents. If a search or bulk request is rejected, the requests are retried up to 10 times, with exponential back off. If the maximum retry limit is reached, processing halts and all failed requests are returned in the response. Any delete requests that completed successfully still stick, they are not rolled back.

You can opt to count version conflicts instead of halting and returning by setting conflicts to proceed. Note that if you opt to count version conflicts the operation could attempt to delete more documents from the source than max_docs until it has successfully deleted max_docs documents, or it has gone through every document in the source query.

Throttling delete requests

To control the rate at which delete by query issues batches of delete operations, you can set requests_per_second to any positive decimal number. This pads each batch with a wait time to throttle the rate. Set requests_per_second to -1 to disable throttling.

Throttling uses a wait time between batches so that the internal scroll requests can be given a timeout that takes the request padding into account. The padding time is the difference between the batch size divided by the requests_per_second and the time spent writing. By default the batch size is 1000, so if requests_per_second is set to 500:

target_time = 1000 / 500 per second = 2 seconds
wait_time = target_time - write_time = 2 seconds - .5 seconds = 1.5 seconds

Since the batch is issued as a single _bulk request, large batch sizes cause Elasticsearch to create many requests and wait before starting the next set. This is "bursty" instead of "smooth".


Delete by query supports sliced scroll to parallelize the delete process. This can improve efficiency and provide a convenient way to break the request down into smaller parts.

Setting slices to auto lets Elasticsearch choose the number of slices to use. This setting will use one slice per shard, up to a certain limit. If there are multiple source data streams or indices, it will choose the number of slices based on the index or backing index with the smallest number of shards. Adding slices to the delete by query operation creates sub-requests which means it has some quirks:

  • You can see these requests in the tasks APIs. These sub-requests are "child" tasks of the task for the request with slices.
  • Fetching the status of the task for the request with slices only contains the status of completed slices.
  • These sub-requests are individually addressable for things like cancellation and rethrottling.
  • Rethrottling the request with slices will rethrottle the unfinished sub-request proportionally.
  • Canceling the request with slices will cancel each sub-request.
  • Due to the nature of slices each sub-request won't get a perfectly even portion of the documents. All documents will be addressed, but some slices may be larger than others. Expect larger slices to have a more even distribution.
  • Parameters like requests_per_second and max_docs on a request with slices are distributed proportionally to each sub-request. Combine that with the earlier point about distribution being uneven and you should conclude that using max_docs with slices might not result in exactly max_docs documents being deleted.
  • Each sub-request gets a slightly different snapshot of the source data stream or index though these are all taken at approximately the same time.

If you're slicing manually or otherwise tuning automatic slicing, keep in mind that:

  • Query performance is most efficient when the number of slices is equal to the number of shards in the index or backing index. If that number is large (for example, 500), choose a lower number as too many slices hurts performance. Setting slices higher than the number of shards generally does not improve efficiency and adds overhead.
  • Delete performance scales linearly across available resources with the number of slices.

Whether query or delete performance dominates the runtime depends on the documents being reindexed and cluster resources.

Cancel a delete by query operation

Any delete by query can be canceled using the task cancel API. For example:

POST _tasks/r1A2WoRbTwKZ516z6NEs5A:36619/_cancel

The task ID can be found by using the get tasks API.

Cancellation should happen quickly but might take a few seconds. The get task status API will continue to list the delete by query task until this task checks that it has been cancelled and terminates itself.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    A comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases to search. It supports wildcards (*). To search all data streams or indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices. For example, a request targeting foo*,bar* returns an error if an index starts with foo but no index starts with bar.

  • analyzer string

    Analyzer to use for the query string. This parameter can be used only when the q query string parameter is specified.

  • If true, wildcard and prefix queries are analyzed. This parameter can be used only when the q query string parameter is specified.

  • What to do if delete by query hits version conflicts: abort or proceed.

    Values are abort or proceed.

  • The default operator for query string query: AND or OR. This parameter can be used only when the q query string parameter is specified.

    Values are and, AND, or, or OR.

  • df string

    The field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string. This parameter can be used only when the q query string parameter is specified.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    The type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. It supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden.

  • from number

    Starting offset (default: 0)

  • If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index.

  • lenient boolean

    If true, format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) in the query string will be ignored. This parameter can be used only when the q query string parameter is specified.

  • max_docs number

    The maximum number of documents to process. Defaults to all documents. When set to a value less then or equal to scroll_size, a scroll will not be used to retrieve the results for the operation.

  • The node or shard the operation should be performed on. It is random by default.

  • refresh boolean

    If true, Elasticsearch refreshes all shards involved in the delete by query after the request completes. This is different than the delete API's refresh parameter, which causes just the shard that received the delete request to be refreshed. Unlike the delete API, it does not support wait_for.

  • If true, the request cache is used for this request. Defaults to the index-level setting.

  • The throttle for this request in sub-requests per second.

  • routing string

    A custom value used to route operations to a specific shard.

  • q string

    A query in the Lucene query string syntax.

  • scroll string

    The period to retain the search context for scrolling.

  • The size of the scroll request that powers the operation.

  • The explicit timeout for each search request. It defaults to no timeout.

  • The type of the search operation. Available options include query_then_fetch and dfs_query_then_fetch.

    Values are query_then_fetch or dfs_query_then_fetch.

  • slices number | string

    The number of slices this task should be divided into.

  • sort array[string]

    A comma-separated list of <field>:<direction> pairs.

  • stats array[string]

    The specific tag of the request for logging and statistical purposes.

  • The maximum number of documents to collect for each shard. If a query reaches this limit, Elasticsearch terminates the query early. Elasticsearch collects documents before sorting.

    Use with caution. Elasticsearch applies this parameter to each shard handling the request. When possible, let Elasticsearch perform early termination automatically. Avoid specifying this parameter for requests that target data streams with backing indices across multiple data tiers.

  • timeout string

    The period each deletion request waits for active shards.

  • version boolean

    If true, returns the document version as part of a hit.

  • wait_for_active_shards number | string

    The number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the operation. Set to all or any positive integer up to the total number of shards in the index (number_of_replicas+1). The timeout value controls how long each write request waits for unavailable shards to become available.

  • If true, the request blocks until the operation is complete. If false, Elasticsearch performs some preflight checks, launches the request, and returns a task you can use to cancel or get the status of the task. Elasticsearch creates a record of this task as a document at .tasks/task/${taskId}. When you are done with a task, you should delete the task document so Elasticsearch can reclaim the space.


Body Required

  • max_docs number

    The maximum number of documents to delete.

  • query object

    An Elasticsearch Query DSL (Domain Specific Language) object that defines a query.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • slice object

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide slice attributes Show slice attributes object
    • field string

      Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

    • id string Required
    • max number Required


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • batches number

      The number of scroll responses pulled back by the delete by query.

    • deleted number

      The number of documents that were successfully deleted.

    • failures array[object]

      An array of failures if there were any unrecoverable errors during the process. If this array is not empty, the request ended abnormally because of those failures. Delete by query is implemented using batches and any failures cause the entire process to end but all failures in the current batch are collected into the array. You can use the conflicts option to prevent reindex from ending on version conflicts.

      Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
      • cause object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide cause attributes Show cause attributes object
        • type string Required

          The type of error

        • reason string

          A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

        • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

        • root_cause array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

        • suppressed array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

      • id string Required
      • index string Required
      • status number Required
      • type string Required
    • noops number

      This field is always equal to zero for delete by query. It exists only so that delete by query, update by query, and reindex APIs return responses with the same structure.

    • The number of requests per second effectively run during the delete by query.

    • retries object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide retries attributes Show retries attributes object
      • bulk number Required

        The number of bulk actions retried.

    • slice_id number
    • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

    • Time unit for milliseconds

    • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

    • Time unit for milliseconds

    • timed_out boolean

      If true, some requests run during the delete by query operation timed out.

    • took number

      Time unit for milliseconds

    • total number

      The number of documents that were successfully processed.

    • The number of version conflicts that the delete by query hit.

POST /{index}/_delete_by_query
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_delete_by_query \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"query\": {\n    \"match_all\": {}\n  }\n}"'
Run `POST /my-index-000001,my-index-000002/_delete_by_query` to delete all documents from multiple data streams or indices.
  "query": {
    "match_all": {}
Run `POST my-index-000001/_delete_by_query` to delete a document by using a unique attribute.
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "": "kimchy"
  "max_docs": 1
Run `POST my-index-000001/_delete_by_query` to slice a delete by query manually. Provide a slice ID and total number of slices.
  "slice": {
    "id": 0,
    "max": 2
  "query": {
    "range": {
      "http.response.bytes": {
        "lt": 2000000
Run `POST my-index-000001/_delete_by_query?refresh&slices=5` to let delete by query automatically parallelize using sliced scroll to slice on `_id`. The `slices` query parameter value specifies the number of slices to use.
  "query": {
    "range": {
      "http.response.bytes": {
        "lt": 2000000
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `POST /my-index-000001/_delete_by_query`.
  "took" : 147,
  "timed_out": false,
  "total": 119,
  "deleted": 119,
  "batches": 1,
  "version_conflicts": 0,
  "noops": 0,
  "retries": {
    "bulk": 0,
    "search": 0
  "throttled_millis": 0,
  "requests_per_second": -1.0,
  "throttled_until_millis": 0,
  "failures" : [ ]

Get multiple documents Added in 1.3.0

GET /{index}/_mget

Get multiple JSON documents by ID from one or more indices. If you specify an index in the request URI, you only need to specify the document IDs in the request body. To ensure fast responses, this multi get (mget) API responds with partial results if one or more shards fail.

Filter source fields

By default, the _source field is returned for every document (if stored). Use the _source and _source_include or source_exclude attributes to filter what fields are returned for a particular document. You can include the _source, _source_includes, and _source_excludes query parameters in the request URI to specify the defaults to use when there are no per-document instructions.

Get stored fields

Use the stored_fields attribute to specify the set of stored fields you want to retrieve. Any requested fields that are not stored are ignored. You can include the stored_fields query parameter in the request URI to specify the defaults to use when there are no per-document instructions.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    Name of the index to retrieve documents from when ids are specified, or when a document in the docs array does not specify an index.

Query parameters

  • Should this request force synthetic _source? Use this to test if the mapping supports synthetic _source and to get a sense of the worst case performance. Fetches with this enabled will be slower the enabling synthetic source natively in the index.

  • Specifies the node or shard the operation should be performed on. Random by default.

  • realtime boolean

    If true, the request is real-time as opposed to near-real-time.

  • refresh boolean

    If true, the request refreshes relevant shards before retrieving documents.

  • routing string

    Custom value used to route operations to a specific shard.

  • _source boolean | string | array[string]

    True or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

  • _source_excludes string | array[string]

    A comma-separated list of source fields to exclude from the response. You can also use this parameter to exclude fields from the subset specified in _source_includes query parameter.

  • _source_includes string | array[string]

    A comma-separated list of source fields to include in the response. If this parameter is specified, only these source fields are returned. You can exclude fields from this subset using the _source_excludes query parameter. If the _source parameter is false, this parameter is ignored.

  • stored_fields string | array[string]

    If true, retrieves the document fields stored in the index rather than the document _source.


Body Required


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • docs array[object] Required

      The response includes a docs array that contains the documents in the order specified in the request. The structure of the returned documents is similar to that returned by the get API. If there is a failure getting a particular document, the error is included in place of the document.

      One of:
      Hide attributes Show attributes
      • _index string Required
      • fields object

        If the stored_fields parameter is set to true and found is true, it contains the document fields stored in the index.

        Hide fields attribute Show fields attribute object
        • * object Additional properties

          Additional properties are allowed.

      • _ignored array[string]
      • found boolean Required

        Indicates whether the document exists.

      • _id string Required
      • The primary term assigned to the document for the indexing operation.

      • _routing string

        The explicit routing, if set.

      • _seq_no number
      • _source object

        If found is true, it contains the document data formatted in JSON. If the _source parameter is set to false or the stored_fields parameter is set to true, it is excluded.

        Additional properties are allowed.

      • _version number
GET /{index}/_mget
curl \
 --request GET{index}/_mget \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"docs\": [\n    {\n      \"_id\": \"1\"\n    },\n    {\n      \"_id\": \"2\"\n    }\n  ]\n}"'
Run `GET /my-index-000001/_mget`. When you specify an index in the request URI, only the document IDs are required in the request body.
  "docs": [
      "_id": "1"
      "_id": "2"
Run `GET /_mget`. This request sets `_source` to `false` for document 1 to exclude the source entirely. It retrieves `field3` and `field4` from document 2. It retrieves the `user` field from document 3 but filters out the `user.location` field.
  "docs": [
      "_index": "test",
      "_id": "1",
      "_source": false
      "_index": "test",
      "_id": "2",
      "_source": [ "field3", "field4" ]
      "_index": "test",
      "_id": "3",
      "_source": {
        "include": [ "user" ],
        "exclude": [ "user.location" ]
Run `GET /_mget`. This request retrieves `field1` and `field2` from document 1 and `field3` and `field4` from document 2.
  "docs": [
      "_index": "test",
      "_id": "1",
      "stored_fields": [ "field1", "field2" ]
      "_index": "test",
      "_id": "2",
      "stored_fields": [ "field3", "field4" ]
Run `GET /_mget?routing=key1`. If routing is used during indexing, you need to specify the routing value to retrieve documents. This request fetches `test/_doc/2` from the shard corresponding to routing key `key1`. It fetches `test/_doc/1` from the shard corresponding to routing key `key2`.
  "docs": [
      "_index": "test",
      "_id": "1",
      "routing": "key2"
      "_index": "test",
      "_id": "2"
Response examples (200)
  "docs": [
      "_index": "string",
      "fields": {
        "additionalProperty1": {},
        "additionalProperty2": {}
      "_ignored": [
      "found": true,
      "_id": "string",
      "_primary_term": 42.0,
      "_routing": "string",
      "_seq_no": 42.0,
      "_source": {},
      "_version": 42.0

Get multiple term vectors

POST /{index}/_mtermvectors

Get multiple term vectors with a single request. You can specify existing documents by index and ID or provide artificial documents in the body of the request. You can specify the index in the request body or request URI. The response contains a docs array with all the fetched termvectors. Each element has the structure provided by the termvectors API.

Artificial documents

You can also use mtermvectors to generate term vectors for artificial documents provided in the body of the request. The mapping used is determined by the specified _index.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    The name of the index that contains the documents.

Query parameters

  • ids array[string]

    A comma-separated list of documents ids. You must define ids as parameter or set "ids" or "docs" in the request body

  • fields string | array[string]

    A comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the statistics. It is used as the default list unless a specific field list is provided in the completion_fields or fielddata_fields parameters.

  • If true, the response includes the document count, sum of document frequencies, and sum of total term frequencies.

  • offsets boolean

    If true, the response includes term offsets.

  • payloads boolean

    If true, the response includes term payloads.

  • positions boolean

    If true, the response includes term positions.

  • The node or shard the operation should be performed on. It is random by default.

  • realtime boolean

    If true, the request is real-time as opposed to near-real-time.

  • routing string

    A custom value used to route operations to a specific shard.

  • If true, the response includes term frequency and document frequency.

  • version number

    If true, returns the document version as part of a hit.

  • The version type.

    Values are internal, external, external_gte, or force.



  • docs array[object]

    An array of existing or artificial documents.

    Hide docs attributes Show docs attributes object
    • _id string
    • _index string
    • doc object

      An artificial document (a document not present in the index) for which you want to retrieve term vectors.

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • fields string | array[string]
    • If true, the response includes the document count, sum of document frequencies, and sum of total term frequencies.

    • filter object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide filter attributes Show filter attributes object
      • Ignore words which occur in more than this many docs. Defaults to unbounded.

      • The maximum number of terms that must be returned per field.

      • Ignore words with more than this frequency in the source doc. It defaults to unbounded.

      • The maximum word length above which words will be ignored. Defaults to unbounded.

      • Ignore terms which do not occur in at least this many docs.

      • Ignore words with less than this frequency in the source doc.

      • The minimum word length below which words will be ignored.

    • offsets boolean

      If true, the response includes term offsets.

    • payloads boolean

      If true, the response includes term payloads.

    • positions boolean

      If true, the response includes term positions.

    • routing string
    • If true, the response includes term frequency and document frequency.

    • version number
    • Values are internal, external, external_gte, or force.

  • ids array[string]

    A simplified syntax to specify documents by their ID if they're in the same index.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • docs array[object] Required
      Hide docs attributes Show docs attributes object
      • _id string
      • _index string Required
      • _version number
      • took number
      • found boolean
      • Hide term_vectors attribute Show term_vectors attribute object
        • * object Additional properties

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide field_statistics attributes Show field_statistics attributes object
          • terms object Required
            Hide terms attribute Show terms attribute object
            • * object Additional properties

              Additional properties are allowed.

      • error object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide error attributes Show error attributes object
        • type string Required

          The type of error

        • reason string

          A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

        • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

        • root_cause array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

        • suppressed array[object]

          Additional properties are allowed.

POST /{index}/_mtermvectors
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_mtermvectors \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"docs\": [\n      {\n        \"_id\": \"2\",\n        \"fields\": [\n            \"message\"\n        ],\n        \"term_statistics\": true\n      },\n      {\n        \"_id\": \"1\"\n      }\n  ]\n}"'
Run `POST /my-index-000001/_mtermvectors`. When you specify an index in the request URI, the index does not need to be specified for each documents in the request body.
  "docs": [
        "_id": "2",
        "fields": [
        "term_statistics": true
        "_id": "1"
Run `POST /my-index-000001/_mtermvectors`. If all requested documents are in same index and the parameters are the same, you can use a simplified syntax.
  "ids": [ "1", "2" ],
  "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "term_statistics": true
Run `POST /_mtermvectors` to generate term vectors for artificial documents provided in the body of the request. The mapping used is determined by the specified `_index`.
  "docs": [
        "_index": "my-index-000001",
        "doc" : {
            "message" : "test test test"
        "_index": "my-index-000001",
        "doc" : {
          "message" : "Another test ..."
Response examples (200)
  "docs": [
      "_id": "string",
      "_index": "string",
      "_version": 42.0,
      "took": 42.0,
      "found": true,
      "term_vectors": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "field_statistics": {
            "doc_count": 42.0,
            "sum_doc_freq": 42.0,
            "sum_ttf": 42.0
          "terms": {
            "additionalProperty1": {},
            "additionalProperty2": {}
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "field_statistics": {
            "doc_count": 42.0,
            "sum_doc_freq": 42.0,
            "sum_ttf": 42.0
          "terms": {
            "additionalProperty1": {},
            "additionalProperty2": {}
      "error": {
        "type": "string",
        "reason": "string",
        "stack_trace": "string",
        "caused_by": {},
        "root_cause": [
        "suppressed": [

Get term vector information

GET /{index}/_termvectors

Get information and statistics about terms in the fields of a particular document.

You can retrieve term vectors for documents stored in the index or for artificial documents passed in the body of the request. You can specify the fields you are interested in through the fields parameter or by adding the fields to the request body. For example:

GET /my-index-000001/_termvectors/1?fields=message

Fields can be specified using wildcards, similar to the multi match query.

Term vectors are real-time by default, not near real-time. This can be changed by setting realtime parameter to false.

You can request three types of values: term information, term statistics, and field statistics. By default, all term information and field statistics are returned for all fields but term statistics are excluded.

Term information

  • term frequency in the field (always returned)
  • term positions (positions: true)
  • start and end offsets (offsets: true)
  • term payloads (payloads: true), as base64 encoded bytes

If the requested information wasn't stored in the index, it will be computed on the fly if possible. Additionally, term vectors could be computed for documents not even existing in the index, but instead provided by the user.

Start and end offsets assume UTF-16 encoding is being used. If you want to use these offsets in order to get the original text that produced this token, you should make sure that the string you are taking a sub-string of is also encoded using UTF-16.


The term and field statistics are not accurate. Deleted documents are not taken into account. The information is only retrieved for the shard the requested document resides in. The term and field statistics are therefore only useful as relative measures whereas the absolute numbers have no meaning in this context. By default, when requesting term vectors of artificial documents, a shard to get the statistics from is randomly selected. Use routing only to hit a particular shard.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    The name of the index that contains the document.

Query parameters

  • fields string | array[string]

    A comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the statistics. It is used as the default list unless a specific field list is provided in the completion_fields or fielddata_fields parameters.

  • If true, the response includes:

    • The document count (how many documents contain this field).
    • The sum of document frequencies (the sum of document frequencies for all terms in this field).
    • The sum of total term frequencies (the sum of total term frequencies of each term in this field).
  • offsets boolean

    If true, the response includes term offsets.

  • payloads boolean

    If true, the response includes term payloads.

  • positions boolean

    If true, the response includes term positions.

  • The node or shard the operation should be performed on. It is random by default.

  • realtime boolean

    If true, the request is real-time as opposed to near-real-time.

  • routing string

    A custom value that is used to route operations to a specific shard.

  • If true, the response includes:

    • The total term frequency (how often a term occurs in all documents).
    • The document frequency (the number of documents containing the current term).

    By default these values are not returned since term statistics can have a serious performance impact.

  • version number

    If true, returns the document version as part of a hit.

  • The version type.

    Values are internal, external, external_gte, or force.



  • doc object

    An artificial document (a document not present in the index) for which you want to retrieve term vectors.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • filter object

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide filter attributes Show filter attributes object
    • Ignore words which occur in more than this many docs. Defaults to unbounded.

    • The maximum number of terms that must be returned per field.

    • Ignore words with more than this frequency in the source doc. It defaults to unbounded.

    • The maximum word length above which words will be ignored. Defaults to unbounded.

    • Ignore terms which do not occur in at least this many docs.

    • Ignore words with less than this frequency in the source doc.

    • The minimum word length below which words will be ignored.

  • Override the default per-field analyzer. This is useful in order to generate term vectors in any fashion, especially when using artificial documents. When providing an analyzer for a field that already stores term vectors, the term vectors will be regenerated.

    Hide per_field_analyzer attribute Show per_field_analyzer attribute object
    • * string Additional properties


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • found boolean Required
    • _id string
    • _index string Required
    • Hide term_vectors attribute Show term_vectors attribute object
      • * object Additional properties

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
    • took number Required
    • _version number Required
GET /{index}/_termvectors
curl \
 --request GET{index}/_termvectors \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"fields\" : [\"text\"],\n  \"offsets\" : true,\n  \"payloads\" : true,\n  \"positions\" : true,\n  \"term_statistics\" : true,\n  \"field_statistics\" : true\n}"'
Run `GET /my-index-000001/_termvectors/1` to return all information and statistics for field `text` in document 1.
  "fields" : ["text"],
  "offsets" : true,
  "payloads" : true,
  "positions" : true,
  "term_statistics" : true,
  "field_statistics" : true
Run `GET /my-index-000001/_termvectors/1` to set per-field analyzers. A different analyzer than the one at the field may be provided by using the `per_field_analyzer` parameter.
  "doc" : {
    "fullname" : "John Doe",
    "text" : "test test test"
  "fields": ["fullname"],
  "per_field_analyzer" : {
    "fullname": "keyword"
Run `GET /imdb/_termvectors` to filter the terms returned based on their tf-idf scores. It returns the three most "interesting" keywords from the artificial document having the given "plot" field value. Notice that the keyword "Tony" or any stop words are not part of the response, as their tf-idf must be too low.
  "doc": {
    "plot": "When wealthy industrialist Tony Stark is forced to build an armored suit after a life-threatening incident, he ultimately decides to use its technology to fight against evil."
  "term_statistics": true,
  "field_statistics": true,
  "positions": false,
  "offsets": false,
  "filter": {
    "max_num_terms": 3,
    "min_term_freq": 1,
    "min_doc_freq": 1
Run `GET /my-index-000001/_termvectors/1`. Term vectors which are not explicitly stored in the index are automatically computed on the fly. This request returns all information and statistics for the fields in document 1, even though the terms haven't been explicitly stored in the index. Note that for the field text, the terms are not regenerated.
  "fields" : ["text", "some_field_without_term_vectors"],
  "offsets" : true,
  "positions" : true,
  "term_statistics" : true,
  "field_statistics" : true
Run `GET /my-index-000001/_termvectors`. Term vectors can be generated for artificial documents, that is for documents not present in the index. If dynamic mapping is turned on (default), the document fields not in the original mapping will be dynamically created.
  "doc" : {
    "fullname" : "John Doe",
    "text" : "test test test"
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `GET /my-index-000001/_termvectors/1`.
  "_index": "my-index-000001",
  "_id": "1",
  "_version": 1,
  "found": true,
  "took": 6,
  "term_vectors": {
    "text": {
      "field_statistics": {
        "sum_doc_freq": 4,
        "doc_count": 2,
        "sum_ttf": 6
      "terms": {
        "test": {
          "doc_freq": 2,
          "ttf": 4,
          "term_freq": 3,
          "tokens": [
              "position": 0,
              "start_offset": 0,
              "end_offset": 4,
              "payload": "d29yZA=="
              "position": 1,
              "start_offset": 5,
              "end_offset": 9,
              "payload": "d29yZA=="
              "position": 2,
              "start_offset": 10,
              "end_offset": 14,
              "payload": "d29yZA=="
A successful response from `GET /my-index-000001/_termvectors` with `per_field_analyzer` in the request body.
  "_index": "my-index-000001",
  "_version": 0,
  "found": true,
  "took": 6,
  "term_vectors": {
    "fullname": {
      "field_statistics": {
          "sum_doc_freq": 2,
          "doc_count": 4,
          "sum_ttf": 4
      "terms": {
          "John Doe": {
            "term_freq": 1,
            "tokens": [
                  "position": 0,
                  "start_offset": 0,
                  "end_offset": 8
A successful response from `GET /my-index-000001/_termvectors` with a `filter` in the request body.
  "_index": "imdb",
  "_version": 0,
  "found": true,
  "term_vectors": {
      "plot": {
        "field_statistics": {
            "sum_doc_freq": 3384269,
            "doc_count": 176214,
            "sum_ttf": 3753460
        "terms": {
            "armored": {
              "doc_freq": 27,
              "ttf": 27,
              "term_freq": 1,
              "score": 9.74725
            "industrialist": {
              "doc_freq": 88,
              "ttf": 88,
              "term_freq": 1,
              "score": 8.590818
            "stark": {
              "doc_freq": 44,
              "ttf": 47,
              "term_freq": 1,
              "score": 9.272792

Throttle an update by query operation Added in 6.5.0

POST /_update_by_query/{task_id}/_rethrottle

Change the number of requests per second for a particular update by query operation. Rethrottling that speeds up the query takes effect immediately but rethrotting that slows down the query takes effect after completing the current batch to prevent scroll timeouts.

Path parameters

  • task_id string Required

    The ID for the task.

Query parameters

  • The throttle for this request in sub-requests per second. To turn off throttling, set it to -1.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
POST /_update_by_query/{task_id}/_rethrottle
curl \
 --request POST{task_id}/_rethrottle
Response examples (200)
  "nodes": {}

Run a Fleet search Technical preview

GET /{index}/_fleet/_fleet_search

The purpose of the Fleet search API is to provide an API where the search will be run only after the provided checkpoint has been processed and is visible for searches inside of Elasticsearch.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    A single target to search. If the target is an index alias, it must resolve to a single index.

Query parameters



  • collapse object

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • explain boolean

    If true, returns detailed information about score computation as part of a hit.

  • ext object

    Configuration of search extensions defined by Elasticsearch plugins.

    Hide ext attribute Show ext attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.

  • from number

    Starting document offset. By default, you cannot page through more than 10,000 hits using the from and size parameters. To page through more hits, use the search_after parameter.

  • Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide highlight attributes Show highlight attributes object
    • A string that contains each boundary character.

    • How far to scan for boundary characters.

    • Values are chars, sentence, or word.

    • Controls which locale is used to search for sentence and word boundaries. This parameter takes a form of a language tag, for example: "en-US", "fr-FR", "ja-JP".

    • force_source boolean Deprecated
    • Values are simple or span.

    • The size of the highlighted fragment in characters.

    • An Elasticsearch Query DSL (Domain Specific Language) object that defines a query.

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • If set to a non-negative value, highlighting stops at this defined maximum limit. The rest of the text is not processed, thus not highlighted and no error is returned The max_analyzed_offset query setting does not override the index.highlight.max_analyzed_offset setting, which prevails when it’s set to lower value than the query setting.

    • The amount of text you want to return from the beginning of the field if there are no matching fragments to highlight.

    • The maximum number of fragments to return. If the number of fragments is set to 0, no fragments are returned. Instead, the entire field contents are highlighted and returned. This can be handy when you need to highlight short texts such as a title or address, but fragmentation is not required. If number_of_fragments is 0, fragment_size is ignored.

    • options object
      Hide options attribute Show options attribute object
      • * object Additional properties

        Additional properties are allowed.

    • order string

      Value is score.

    • Controls the number of matching phrases in a document that are considered. Prevents the fvh highlighter from analyzing too many phrases and consuming too much memory. When using matched_fields, phrase_limit phrases per matched field are considered. Raising the limit increases query time and consumes more memory. Only supported by the fvh highlighter.

    • post_tags array[string]

      Use in conjunction with pre_tags to define the HTML tags to use for the highlighted text. By default, highlighted text is wrapped in <em> and </em> tags.

    • pre_tags array[string]

      Use in conjunction with post_tags to define the HTML tags to use for the highlighted text. By default, highlighted text is wrapped in <em> and </em> tags.

    • By default, only fields that contains a query match are highlighted. Set to false to highlight all fields.

    • Value is styled.

    • encoder string

      Values are default or html.

    • fields object Required
  • track_total_hits boolean | number

    Number of hits matching the query to count accurately. If true, the exact number of hits is returned at the cost of some performance. If false, the response does not include the total number of hits matching the query. Defaults to 10,000 hits.

  • indices_boost array[object]

    Boosts the _score of documents from specified indices.

    Hide indices_boost attribute Show indices_boost attribute object
    • * number Additional properties
  • docvalue_fields array[object]

    Array of wildcard (*) patterns. The request returns doc values for field names matching these patterns in the hits.fields property of the response.

    Hide docvalue_fields attributes Show docvalue_fields attributes object
    • field string Required

      Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

    • format string

      The format in which the values are returned.

  • Minimum _score for matching documents. Documents with a lower _score are not included in the search results.

  • An Elasticsearch Query DSL (Domain Specific Language) object that defines a query.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • profile boolean
  • query object

    An Elasticsearch Query DSL (Domain Specific Language) object that defines a query.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • rescore object | array[object]

    One of:
    Hide attributes Show attributes
    • query object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide query attributes Show query attributes object
    • Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide learning_to_rank attributes Show learning_to_rank attributes object
      • model_id string Required

        The unique identifier of the trained model uploaded to Elasticsearch

      • params object

        Named parameters to be passed to the query templates used for feature

        Hide params attribute Show params attribute object
        • * object Additional properties

          Additional properties are allowed.

  • Retrieve a script evaluation (based on different fields) for each hit.

    Hide script_fields attribute Show script_fields attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
      • script object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide script attributes Show script attributes object
        • source string

          The script source.

        • id string
        • params object

          Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the script as variables. Use parameters instead of hard-coded values to decrease compile time.

          Hide params attribute Show params attribute object
          • * object Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • lang string

          Any of:

          Values are painless, expression, mustache, or java.

        • options object
          Hide options attribute Show options attribute object
          • * string Additional properties
  • search_after array[number | string | boolean | null]

    A field value.

  • size number

    The number of hits to return. By default, you cannot page through more than 10,000 hits using the from and size parameters. To page through more hits, use the search_after parameter.

  • slice object

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide slice attributes Show slice attributes object
    • field string

      Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

    • id string Required
    • max number Required
  • sort string | object | array[string | object]

    One of:

    Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

  • _source boolean | object

    Defines how to fetch a source. Fetching can be disabled entirely, or the source can be filtered.

    One of:
  • fields array[object]

    Array of wildcard (*) patterns. The request returns values for field names matching these patterns in the hits.fields property of the response.

    Hide fields attributes Show fields attributes object
    • field string Required

      Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

    • format string

      The format in which the values are returned.

  • suggest object

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide suggest attribute Show suggest attribute object
    • text string

      Global suggest text, to avoid repetition when the same text is used in several suggesters

  • Maximum number of documents to collect for each shard. If a query reaches this limit, Elasticsearch terminates the query early. Elasticsearch collects documents before sorting. Defaults to 0, which does not terminate query execution early.

  • timeout string

    Specifies the period of time to wait for a response from each shard. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. Defaults to no timeout.

  • If true, calculate and return document scores, even if the scores are not used for sorting.

  • version boolean

    If true, returns document version as part of a hit.

  • If true, returns sequence number and primary term of the last modification of each hit. See Optimistic concurrency control.

  • stored_fields string | array[string]
  • pit object

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide pit attributes Show pit attributes object
    • id string Required
    • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

  • Hide runtime_mappings attribute Show runtime_mappings attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
      • fields object

        For type composite

        Hide fields attribute Show fields attribute object
        • * object Additional properties

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide * attribute Show * attribute object
          • type string Required

            Values are boolean, composite, date, double, geo_point, ip, keyword, long, or lookup.

      • fetch_fields array[object]

        For type lookup

        Hide fetch_fields attributes Show fetch_fields attributes object
        • field string Required

          Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

        • format string
      • format string

        A custom format for date type runtime fields.

      • Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

      • Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

      • script object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide script attributes Show script attributes object
        • source string

          The script source.

        • id string
        • params object

          Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the script as variables. Use parameters instead of hard-coded values to decrease compile time.

          Hide params attribute Show params attribute object
          • * object Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • lang string

          Any of:

          Values are painless, expression, mustache, or java.

        • options object
          Hide options attribute Show options attribute object
          • * string Additional properties
      • type string Required

        Values are boolean, composite, date, double, geo_point, ip, keyword, long, or lookup.

  • stats array[string]

    Stats groups to associate with the search. Each group maintains a statistics aggregation for its associated searches. You can retrieve these stats using the indices stats API.


GET /{index}/_fleet/_fleet_search
curl \
 --request GET{index}/_fleet/_fleet_search \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"aggregations":{},"collapse":{},"explain":true,"ext":{"additionalProperty1":{},"additionalProperty2":{}},"from":42.0,"":true,"track_total_hits":true,"indices_boost":[{"additionalProperty1":42.0,"additionalProperty2":42.0}],"docvalue_fields":[{"field":"string","format":"string","include_unmapped":true}],"min_score":42.0,"post_filter":{},"profile":true,"query":{},"script_fields":{"additionalProperty1":{"script":{"source":"string","id":"string","params":{"additionalProperty1":{},"additionalProperty2":{}},"":"painless","options":{"additionalProperty1":"string","additionalProperty2":"string"}},"ignore_failure":true},"additionalProperty2":{"script":{"source":"string","id":"string","params":{"additionalProperty1":{},"additionalProperty2":{}},"":"painless","options":{"additionalProperty1":"string","additionalProperty2":"string"}},"ignore_failure":true}},"search_after":[42.0],"size":42.0,"slice":{"field":"string","id":"string","max":42.0},"fields":[{"field":"string","format":"string","include_unmapped":true}],"suggest":{"text":"string"},"terminate_after":42.0,"timeout":"string","track_scores":true,"version":true,"seq_no_primary_term":true,"stored_fields":"string","pit":{"id":"string","keep_alive":"string"},"runtime_mappings":{"additionalProperty1":{"fields":{"additionalProperty1":{"type":"boolean"},"additionalProperty2":{"type":"boolean"}},"fetch_fields":[{"field":"string","format":"string"}],"format":"string","input_field":"string","target_field":"string","target_index":"string","script":{"source":"string","id":"string","params":{"additionalProperty1":{},"additionalProperty2":{}},"":"painless","options":{"additionalProperty1":"string","additionalProperty2":"string"}},"type":"boolean"},"additionalProperty2":{"fields":{"additionalProperty1":{"type":"boolean"},"additionalProperty2":{"type":"boolean"}},"fetch_fields":[{"field":"string","format":"string"}],"format":"string","input_field":"string","target_field":"string","target_index":"string","script":{"source":"string","id":"string","params":{"additionalProperty1":{},"additionalProperty2":{}},"":"painless","options":{"additionalProperty1":"string","additionalProperty2":"string"}},"type":"boolean"}},"stats":["string"]}'
Request examples
  "aggregations": {},
  "collapse": {},
  "explain": true,
  "ext": {
    "additionalProperty1": {},
    "additionalProperty2": {}
  "from": 42.0,
  "": true,
  "track_total_hits": true,
  "indices_boost": [
      "additionalProperty1": 42.0,
      "additionalProperty2": 42.0
  "docvalue_fields": [
      "field": "string",
      "format": "string",
      "include_unmapped": true
  "min_score": 42.0,
  "post_filter": {},
  "profile": true,
  "query": {},
  "script_fields": {
    "additionalProperty1": {
      "script": {
        "source": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "params": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "": "painless",
        "options": {
          "additionalProperty1": "string",
          "additionalProperty2": "string"
      "ignore_failure": true
    "additionalProperty2": {
      "script": {
        "source": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "params": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "": "painless",
        "options": {
          "additionalProperty1": "string",
          "additionalProperty2": "string"
      "ignore_failure": true
  "search_after": [
  "size": 42.0,
  "slice": {
    "field": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "max": 42.0
  "fields": [
      "field": "string",
      "format": "string",
      "include_unmapped": true
  "suggest": {
    "text": "string"
  "terminate_after": 42.0,
  "timeout": "string",
  "track_scores": true,
  "version": true,
  "seq_no_primary_term": true,
  "stored_fields": "string",
  "pit": {
    "id": "string",
    "keep_alive": "string"
  "runtime_mappings": {
    "additionalProperty1": {
      "fields": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "type": "boolean"
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "type": "boolean"
      "fetch_fields": [
          "field": "string",
          "format": "string"
      "format": "string",
      "input_field": "string",
      "target_field": "string",
      "target_index": "string",
      "script": {
        "source": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "params": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "": "painless",
        "options": {
          "additionalProperty1": "string",
          "additionalProperty2": "string"
      "type": "boolean"
    "additionalProperty2": {
      "fields": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "type": "boolean"
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "type": "boolean"
      "fetch_fields": [
          "field": "string",
          "format": "string"
      "format": "string",
      "input_field": "string",
      "target_field": "string",
      "target_index": "string",
      "script": {
        "source": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "params": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "": "painless",
        "options": {
          "additionalProperty1": "string",
          "additionalProperty2": "string"
      "type": "boolean"
  "stats": [
Response examples (200)
  "took": 42.0,
  "timed_out": true,
  "_shards": {
    "failed": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "total": 42.0,
    "failures": [
        "index": "string",
        "node": "string",
        "reason": {
          "type": "string",
          "reason": "string",
          "stack_trace": "string",
          "caused_by": {},
          "root_cause": [
          "suppressed": [
        "shard": 42.0,
        "status": "string"
    "skipped": 42.0
  "hits": {
    "total": {
      "relation": "eq",
      "value": 42.0
    "hits": [
        "_index": "string",
        "_id": "string",
        "_score": 42.0,
        "_explanation": {
          "description": "string",
          "details": [
          "value": 42.0
        "fields": {
          "additionalProperty1": {},
          "additionalProperty2": {}
        "highlight": {
          "additionalProperty1": [
          "additionalProperty2": [
        "inner_hits": {
          "additionalProperty1": {
            "hits": {}
          "additionalProperty2": {
            "hits": {}
        "matched_queries": [
        "_nested": {
          "field": "string",
          "offset": 42.0,
          "_nested": {}
        "_ignored": [
        "ignored_field_values": {
          "additionalProperty1": [
          "additionalProperty2": [
        "_shard": "string",
        "_node": "string",
        "_routing": "string",
        "_source": {},
        "_rank": 42.0,
        "_seq_no": 42.0,
        "_primary_term": 42.0,
        "_version": 42.0,
        "sort": [
    "max_score": 42.0
  "aggregations": {},
  "_clusters": {
    "skipped": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "total": 42.0,
    "running": 42.0,
    "partial": 42.0,
    "failed": 42.0,
    "details": {
      "additionalProperty1": {
        "status": "running",
        "indices": "string",
        "": 42.0,
        "timed_out": true,
        "_shards": {
          "failed": 42.0,
          "successful": 42.0,
          "total": 42.0,
          "failures": [
          "skipped": 42.0
        "failures": [
            "index": "string",
            "node": "string",
            "reason": {},
            "shard": 42.0,
            "status": "string"
      "additionalProperty2": {
        "status": "running",
        "indices": "string",
        "": 42.0,
        "timed_out": true,
        "_shards": {
          "failed": 42.0,
          "successful": 42.0,
          "total": 42.0,
          "failures": [
          "skipped": 42.0
        "failures": [
            "index": "string",
            "node": "string",
            "reason": {},
            "shard": 42.0,
            "status": "string"
  "fields": {
    "additionalProperty1": {},
    "additionalProperty2": {}
  "max_score": 42.0,
  "num_reduce_phases": 42.0,
  "profile": {
    "shards": [
        "aggregations": [
            "breakdown": {},
            "description": "string",
            "type": "string",
            "debug": {},
            "children": [
        "cluster": "string",
        "dfs": {
          "statistics": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "time": "string",
            "breakdown": {},
            "debug": {},
            "children": [
          "knn": [
        "fetch": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "string",
          "": 42.0,
          "breakdown": {
            "load_source": 42.0,
            "load_source_count": 42.0,
            "load_stored_fields": 42.0,
            "load_stored_fields_count": 42.0,
            "next_reader": 42.0,
            "next_reader_count": 42.0,
            "process_count": 42.0,
            "process": 42.0
          "debug": {
            "stored_fields": [
            "fast_path": 42.0
          "children": [
        "id": "string",
        "index": "string",
        "node_id": "string",
        "searches": [
            "collector": [
            "query": [
            "rewrite_time": 42.0
        "shard_id": 42.0
  "pit_id": "string",
  "_scroll_id": "string",
  "suggest": {
    "additionalProperty1": [
        "length": 42.0,
        "offset": 42.0,
        "text": "string"
    "additionalProperty2": [
        "length": 42.0,
        "offset": 42.0,
        "text": "string"
  "terminated_early": true

Import a dangling index Added in 7.9.0

POST /_dangling/{index_uuid}

If Elasticsearch encounters index data that is absent from the current cluster state, those indices are considered to be dangling. For example, this can happen if you delete more than cluster.indices.tombstones.size indices while an Elasticsearch node is offline.

Path parameters

  • index_uuid string Required

    The UUID of the index to import. Use the get dangling indices API to locate the UUID.

Query parameters

  • accept_data_loss boolean Required

    This parameter must be set to true to import a dangling index. Because Elasticsearch cannot know where the dangling index data came from or determine which shard copies are fresh and which are stale, it cannot guarantee that the imported data represents the latest state of the index when it was last in the cluster.

  • Specify timeout for connection to master

  • timeout string

    Explicit operation timeout


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

POST /_dangling/{index_uuid}
curl \
 --request POST{index_uuid}?accept_data_loss=true
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true

Add an index block Added in 7.9.0

PUT /{index}/_block/{block}

Add an index block to an index. Index blocks limit the operations allowed on an index by blocking specific operation types.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    A comma-separated list or wildcard expression of index names used to limit the request. By default, you must explicitly name the indices you are adding blocks to. To allow the adding of blocks to indices with _all, *, or other wildcard expressions, change the action.destructive_requires_name setting to false. You can update this setting in the elasticsearch.yml file or by using the cluster update settings API.

  • block string Required

    The block type to add to the index.

    Values are metadata, read, read_only, or write.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices. For example, a request targeting foo*,bar* returns an error if an index starts with foo but no index starts with bar.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    The type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. It supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden.

  • If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index.

  • The period to wait for the master node. If the master node is not available before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error. It can also be set to -1 to indicate that the request should never timeout.

  • timeout string

    The period to wait for a response from all relevant nodes in the cluster after updating the cluster metadata. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the cluster metadata update still applies but the response will indicate that it was not completely acknowledged. It can also be set to -1 to indicate that the request should never timeout.


PUT /{index}/_block/{block}
curl \
 --request PUT{index}/_block/{block}
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `PUT /my-index-000001/_block/write`, which adds an index block to an index.'
  "acknowledged" : true,
  "shards_acknowledged" : true,
  "indices" : [ {
    "name" : "my-index-000001",
    "blocked" : true
  } ]

Get tokens from text analysis

POST /{index}/_analyze

The analyze API performs analysis on a text string and returns the resulting tokens.

Generating excessive amount of tokens may cause a node to run out of memory. The index.analyze.max_token_count setting enables you to limit the number of tokens that can be produced. If more than this limit of tokens gets generated, an error occurs. The _analyze endpoint without a specified index will always use 10000 as its limit.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    Index used to derive the analyzer. If specified, the analyzer or field parameter overrides this value. If no index is specified or the index does not have a default analyzer, the analyze API uses the standard analyzer.




POST /{index}/_analyze
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_analyze \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"text":"this is a test","analyzer":"standard"}'
Request example
You can apply any of the built-in analyzers to the text string without specifying an index.
  "text": "this is a test",
  "analyzer": "standard"
Response examples (200)
  "detail": {
    "analyzer": {
      "name": "string",
      "tokens": [
          "bytes": "string",
          "end_offset": 42.0,
          "keyword": true,
          "position": 42.0,
          "positionLength": 42.0,
          "start_offset": 42.0,
          "termFrequency": 42.0,
          "token": "string",
          "type": "string"
    "charfilters": [
        "filtered_text": [
        "name": "string"
    "custom_analyzer": true,
    "tokenfilters": [
        "name": "string",
        "tokens": [
            "bytes": "string",
            "end_offset": 42.0,
            "keyword": true,
            "position": 42.0,
            "positionLength": 42.0,
            "start_offset": 42.0,
            "termFrequency": 42.0,
            "token": "string",
            "type": "string"
    "tokenizer": {
      "name": "string",
      "tokens": [
          "bytes": "string",
          "end_offset": 42.0,
          "keyword": true,
          "position": 42.0,
          "positionLength": 42.0,
          "start_offset": 42.0,
          "termFrequency": 42.0,
          "token": "string",
          "type": "string"
  "tokens": [
      "end_offset": 42.0,
      "position": 42.0,
      "positionLength": 42.0,
      "start_offset": 42.0,
      "token": "string",
      "type": "string"

Clear the cache

POST /{index}/_cache/clear

Clear the cache of one or more indices. For data streams, the API clears the caches of the stream's backing indices.

By default, the clear cache API clears all caches. To clear only specific caches, use the fielddata, query, or request parameters. To clear the cache only of specific fields, use the fields parameter.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. Supports wildcards (*). To target all data streams and indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden. Valid values are: all, open, closed, hidden, none.

  • fielddata boolean

    If true, clears the fields cache. Use the fields parameter to clear the cache of specific fields only.

  • fields string | array[string]

    Comma-separated list of field names used to limit the fielddata parameter.

  • If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index.

  • query boolean

    If true, clears the query cache.

  • request boolean

    If true, clears the request cache.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • _shards object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _shards attributes Show _shards attributes object
      • failed number Required
      • successful number Required
      • total number Required
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • index string
        • node string
        • reason object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide reason attributes Show reason attributes object
          • type string Required

            The type of error

          • reason string

            A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

          • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

          • root_cause array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • suppressed array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • shard number Required
        • status string
      • skipped number
POST /{index}/_cache/clear
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_cache/clear
Response examples (200)
  "_shards": {
    "failed": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "total": 42.0,
    "failures": [
        "index": "string",
        "node": "string",
        "reason": {
          "type": "string",
          "reason": "string",
          "stack_trace": "string",
          "caused_by": {},
          "root_cause": [
          "suppressed": [
        "shard": 42.0,
        "status": "string"
    "skipped": 42.0

Create or update an alias

POST /{index}/_aliases/{name}

Adds a data stream or index to an alias.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated list of data streams or indices to add. Supports wildcards (*). Wildcard patterns that match both data streams and indices return an error.

  • name string Required

    Alias to update. If the alias doesn’t exist, the request creates it. Index alias names support date math.

Query parameters

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.



  • filter object

    An Elasticsearch Query DSL (Domain Specific Language) object that defines a query.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • If true, sets the write index or data stream for the alias. If an alias points to multiple indices or data streams and is_write_index isn’t set, the alias rejects write requests. If an index alias points to one index and is_write_index isn’t set, the index automatically acts as the write index. Data stream aliases don’t automatically set a write data stream, even if the alias points to one data stream.

  • routing string


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

POST /{index}/_aliases/{name}
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_aliases/{name} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"filter":{},"index_routing":"string","is_write_index":true,"routing":"string","search_routing":"string"}'
Request examples
  "filter": {},
  "index_routing": "string",
  "is_write_index": true,
  "routing": "string",
  "search_routing": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true

Delete data stream lifecycles Added in 8.11.0

DELETE /_data_stream/{name}/_lifecycle

Removes the data stream lifecycle from a data stream, rendering it not managed by the data stream lifecycle.

Path parameters

  • name string | array[string] Required

    A comma-separated list of data streams of which the data stream lifecycle will be deleted; use * to get all data streams

Query parameters

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open)

  • Specify timeout for connection to master

  • timeout string

    Explicit timestamp for the document


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

DELETE /_data_stream/{name}/_lifecycle
curl \
 --request DELETE{name}/_lifecycle
Response examples (200)
A successful response for deleting a data stream lifecycle.
  "acknowledged": true

Delete a legacy index template

DELETE /_template/{name}

Path parameters

  • name string Required

    The name of the legacy index template to delete. Wildcard (*) expressions are supported.

Query parameters

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

DELETE /_template/{name}
curl \
 --request DELETE{name}
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true

Analyze the index disk usage Technical preview

POST /{index}/_disk_usage

Analyze the disk usage of each field of an index or data stream. This API might not support indices created in previous Elasticsearch versions. The result of a small index can be inaccurate as some parts of an index might not be analyzed by the API.

NOTE: The total size of fields of the analyzed shards of the index in the response is usually smaller than the index store_size value because some small metadata files are ignored and some parts of data files might not be scanned by the API. Since stored fields are stored together in a compressed format, the sizes of stored fields are also estimates and can be inaccurate. The stored size of the _id field is likely underestimated while the _source field is overestimated.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. It’s recommended to execute this API with a single index (or the latest backing index of a data stream) as the API consumes resources significantly.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices. For example, a request targeting foo*,bar* returns an error if an index starts with foo but no index starts with bar.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden.

  • flush boolean

    If true, the API performs a flush before analysis. If false, the response may not include uncommitted data.

  • If true, missing or closed indices are not included in the response.

  • Analyzing field disk usage is resource-intensive. To use the API, this parameter must be set to true.


  • 200 application/json

    Additional properties are allowed.

POST /{index}/_disk_usage
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_disk_usage
Response examples (200)

Get aliases

GET /_alias/{name}

Retrieves information for one or more data stream or index aliases.

Path parameters

  • name string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated list of aliases to retrieve. Supports wildcards (*). To retrieve all aliases, omit this parameter or use * or _all.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden. Valid values are: all, open, closed, hidden, none.

  • If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index.

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide * attribute Show * attribute object
      • aliases object Required
        Hide aliases attribute Show aliases attribute object
        • * object Additional properties

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
          • filter object

            An Elasticsearch Query DSL (Domain Specific Language) object that defines a query.

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • Value used to route indexing operations to a specific shard. If specified, this overwrites the routing value for indexing operations.

          • If true, the index is the write index for the alias.

          • routing string

            Value used to route indexing and search operations to a specific shard.

          • Value used to route search operations to a specific shard. If specified, this overwrites the routing value for search operations.

          • is_hidden boolean

            If true, the alias is hidden. All indices for the alias must have the same is_hidden value.

GET /_alias/{name}
curl \
 --request GET{name}
Response examples (200)
  "additionalProperty1": {
    "aliases": {
      "additionalProperty1": {
        "filter": {},
        "index_routing": "string",
        "is_write_index": true,
        "routing": "string",
        "search_routing": "string",
        "is_hidden": true
      "additionalProperty2": {
        "filter": {},
        "index_routing": "string",
        "is_write_index": true,
        "routing": "string",
        "search_routing": "string",
        "is_hidden": true
  "additionalProperty2": {
    "aliases": {
      "additionalProperty1": {
        "filter": {},
        "index_routing": "string",
        "is_write_index": true,
        "routing": "string",
        "search_routing": "string",
        "is_hidden": true
      "additionalProperty2": {
        "filter": {},
        "index_routing": "string",
        "is_write_index": true,
        "routing": "string",
        "search_routing": "string",
        "is_hidden": true

Get field usage stats Technical preview

GET /{index}/_field_usage_stats

Get field usage information for each shard and field of an index. Field usage statistics are automatically captured when queries are running on a cluster. A shard-level search request that accesses a given field, even if multiple times during that request, is counted as a single use.

The response body reports the per-shard usage count of the data structures that back the fields in the index. A given request will increment each count by a maximum value of 1, even if the request accesses the same field multiple times.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated list or wildcard expression of index names used to limit the request.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices. For example, a request targeting foo*,bar* returns an error if an index starts with foo but no index starts with bar.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden.

  • If true, missing or closed indices are not included in the response.

  • fields string | array[string]

    Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the statistics.

  • wait_for_active_shards number | string

    The number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the operation. Set to all or any positive integer up to the total number of shards in the index (number_of_replicas+1).


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • _shards object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _shards attributes Show _shards attributes object
      • failed number Required
      • successful number Required
      • total number Required
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • index string
        • node string
        • reason object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide reason attributes Show reason attributes object
          • type string Required

            The type of error

          • reason string

            A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

          • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

          • root_cause array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • suppressed array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • shard number Required
        • status string
      • skipped number
GET /{index}/_field_usage_stats
curl \
 --request GET{index}/_field_usage_stats
Response examples (200)
  "_shards": {
    "failed": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "total": 42.0,
    "failures": [
        "index": "string",
        "node": "string",
        "reason": {
          "type": "string",
          "reason": "string",
          "stack_trace": "string",
          "caused_by": {},
          "root_cause": [
          "suppressed": [
        "shard": 42.0,
        "status": "string"
    "skipped": 42.0

Flush data streams or indices

GET /_flush

Flushing a data stream or index is the process of making sure that any data that is currently only stored in the transaction log is also permanently stored in the Lucene index. When restarting, Elasticsearch replays any unflushed operations from the transaction log into the Lucene index to bring it back into the state that it was in before the restart. Elasticsearch automatically triggers flushes as needed, using heuristics that trade off the size of the unflushed transaction log against the cost of performing each flush.

After each operation has been flushed it is permanently stored in the Lucene index. This may mean that there is no need to maintain an additional copy of it in the transaction log. The transaction log is made up of multiple files, called generations, and Elasticsearch will delete any generation files when they are no longer needed, freeing up disk space.

It is also possible to trigger a flush on one or more indices using the flush API, although it is rare for users to need to call this API directly. If you call the flush API after indexing some documents then a successful response indicates that Elasticsearch has flushed all the documents that were indexed before the flush API was called.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden. Valid values are: all, open, closed, hidden, none.

  • force boolean

    If true, the request forces a flush even if there are no changes to commit to the index.

  • If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index.

  • If true, the flush operation blocks until execution when another flush operation is running. If false, Elasticsearch returns an error if you request a flush when another flush operation is running.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • _shards object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _shards attributes Show _shards attributes object
      • failed number Required
      • successful number Required
      • total number Required
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • index string
        • node string
        • reason object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide reason attributes Show reason attributes object
          • type string Required

            The type of error

          • reason string

            A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

          • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

          • root_cause array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • suppressed array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • shard number Required
        • status string
      • skipped number
GET /_flush
curl \
 --request GET
Response examples (200)
  "_shards": {
    "failed": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "total": 42.0,
    "failures": [
        "index": "string",
        "node": "string",
        "reason": {
          "type": "string",
          "reason": "string",
          "stack_trace": "string",
          "caused_by": {},
          "root_cause": [
          "suppressed": [
        "shard": 42.0,
        "status": "string"
    "skipped": 42.0

Flush data streams or indices

POST /_flush

Flushing a data stream or index is the process of making sure that any data that is currently only stored in the transaction log is also permanently stored in the Lucene index. When restarting, Elasticsearch replays any unflushed operations from the transaction log into the Lucene index to bring it back into the state that it was in before the restart. Elasticsearch automatically triggers flushes as needed, using heuristics that trade off the size of the unflushed transaction log against the cost of performing each flush.

After each operation has been flushed it is permanently stored in the Lucene index. This may mean that there is no need to maintain an additional copy of it in the transaction log. The transaction log is made up of multiple files, called generations, and Elasticsearch will delete any generation files when they are no longer needed, freeing up disk space.

It is also possible to trigger a flush on one or more indices using the flush API, although it is rare for users to need to call this API directly. If you call the flush API after indexing some documents then a successful response indicates that Elasticsearch has flushed all the documents that were indexed before the flush API was called.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden. Valid values are: all, open, closed, hidden, none.

  • force boolean

    If true, the request forces a flush even if there are no changes to commit to the index.

  • If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index.

  • If true, the flush operation blocks until execution when another flush operation is running. If false, Elasticsearch returns an error if you request a flush when another flush operation is running.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • _shards object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _shards attributes Show _shards attributes object
      • failed number Required
      • successful number Required
      • total number Required
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • index string
        • node string
        • reason object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide reason attributes Show reason attributes object
          • type string Required

            The type of error

          • reason string

            A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

          • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

          • root_cause array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • suppressed array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • shard number Required
        • status string
      • skipped number
POST /_flush
curl \
 --request POST
Response examples (200)
  "_shards": {
    "failed": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "total": 42.0,
    "failures": [
        "index": "string",
        "node": "string",
        "reason": {
          "type": "string",
          "reason": "string",
          "stack_trace": "string",
          "caused_by": {},
          "root_cause": [
          "suppressed": [
        "shard": 42.0,
        "status": "string"
    "skipped": 42.0

Force a merge Added in 2.1.0

POST /_forcemerge

Perform the force merge operation on the shards of one or more indices. For data streams, the API forces a merge on the shards of the stream's backing indices.

Merging reduces the number of segments in each shard by merging some of them together and also frees up the space used by deleted documents. Merging normally happens automatically, but sometimes it is useful to trigger a merge manually.

WARNING: We recommend force merging only a read-only index (meaning the index is no longer receiving writes). When documents are updated or deleted, the old version is not immediately removed but instead soft-deleted and marked with a "tombstone". These soft-deleted documents are automatically cleaned up during regular segment merges. But force merge can cause very large (greater than 5 GB) segments to be produced, which are not eligible for regular merges. So the number of soft-deleted documents can then grow rapidly, resulting in higher disk usage and worse search performance. If you regularly force merge an index receiving writes, this can also make snapshots more expensive, since the new documents can't be backed up incrementally.

Blocks during a force merge

Calls to this API block until the merge is complete (unless request contains wait_for_completion=false). If the client connection is lost before completion then the force merge process will continue in the background. Any new requests to force merge the same indices will also block until the ongoing force merge is complete.

Running force merge asynchronously

If the request contains wait_for_completion=false, Elasticsearch performs some preflight checks, launches the request, and returns a task you can use to get the status of the task. However, you can not cancel this task as the force merge task is not cancelable. Elasticsearch creates a record of this task as a document at _tasks/<task_id>. When you are done with a task, you should delete the task document so Elasticsearch can reclaim the space.

Force merging multiple indices

You can force merge multiple indices with a single request by targeting:

  • One or more data streams that contain multiple backing indices
  • Multiple indices
  • One or more aliases
  • All data streams and indices in a cluster

Each targeted shard is force-merged separately using the force_merge threadpool. By default each node only has a single force_merge thread which means that the shards on that node are force-merged one at a time. If you expand the force_merge threadpool on a node then it will force merge its shards in parallel

Force merge makes the storage for the shard being merged temporarily increase, as it may require free space up to triple its size in case max_num_segments parameter is set to 1, to rewrite all segments into a new one.

Data streams and time-based indices

Force-merging is useful for managing a data stream's older backing indices and other time-based indices, particularly after a rollover. In these cases, each index only receives indexing traffic for a certain period of time. Once an index receive no more writes, its shards can be force-merged to a single segment. This can be a good idea because single-segment shards can sometimes use simpler and more efficient data structures to perform searches. For example:

POST /.ds-my-data-stream-2099.03.07-000001/_forcemerge?max_num_segments=1

Query parameters

  • Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes _all string or when no indices have been specified)

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

  • flush boolean

    Specify whether the index should be flushed after performing the operation (default: true)

  • Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed)

  • The number of segments the index should be merged into (default: dynamic)

  • Specify whether the operation should only expunge deleted documents

  • Should the request wait until the force merge is completed.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • _shards object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _shards attributes Show _shards attributes object
    • task string

      task contains a task id returned when wait_for_completion=false, you can use the task_id to get the status of the task at _tasks/

POST /_forcemerge
curl \
 --request POST
Response examples (200)
  "_shards": {
    "failed": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "total": 42.0,
    "failures": [
        "index": "string",
        "node": "string",
        "reason": {
          "type": "string",
          "reason": "string",
          "stack_trace": "string",
          "caused_by": {},
          "root_cause": [
          "suppressed": [
        "shard": 42.0,
        "status": "string"
    "skipped": 42.0
  "task": "string"

Open a closed index

POST /{index}/_open

For data streams, the API opens any closed backing indices.

A closed index is blocked for read/write operations and does not allow all operations that opened indices allow. It is not possible to index documents or to search for documents in a closed index. This allows closed indices to not have to maintain internal data structures for indexing or searching documents, resulting in a smaller overhead on the cluster.

When opening or closing an index, the master is responsible for restarting the index shards to reflect the new state of the index. The shards will then go through the normal recovery process. The data of opened or closed indices is automatically replicated by the cluster to ensure that enough shard copies are safely kept around at all times.

You can open and close multiple indices. An error is thrown if the request explicitly refers to a missing index. This behavior can be turned off by using the ignore_unavailable=true parameter.

By default, you must explicitly name the indices you are opening or closing. To open or close indices with _all, *, or other wildcard expressions, change the action.destructive_requires_name setting to false. This setting can also be changed with the cluster update settings API.

Closed indices consume a significant amount of disk-space which can cause problems in managed environments. Closing indices can be turned off with the cluster settings API by setting cluster.indices.close.enable to false.

Because opening or closing an index allocates its shards, the wait_for_active_shards setting on index creation applies to the _open and _close index actions as well.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. Supports wildcards (*). By default, you must explicitly name the indices you using to limit the request. To limit a request using _all, *, or other wildcard expressions, change the action.destructive_requires_name setting to false. You can update this setting in the elasticsearch.yml file or using the cluster update settings API.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden. Valid values are: all, open, closed, hidden, none.

  • If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index.

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • wait_for_active_shards number | string

    The number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the operation. Set to all or any positive integer up to the total number of shards in the index (number_of_replicas+1).


POST /{index}/_open
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_open
Response examples (200)
A successful response for opening an index.
  "acknowledged" : true,
  "shards_acknowledged" : true

Get index recovery information

GET /{index}/_recovery

Get information about ongoing and completed shard recoveries for one or more indices. For data streams, the API returns information for the stream's backing indices.

All recoveries, whether ongoing or complete, are kept in the cluster state and may be reported on at any time.

Shard recovery is the process of initializing a shard copy, such as restoring a primary shard from a snapshot or creating a replica shard from a primary shard. When a shard recovery completes, the recovered shard is available for search and indexing.

Recovery automatically occurs during the following processes:

  • When creating an index for the first time.
  • When a node rejoins the cluster and starts up any missing primary shard copies using the data that it holds in its data path.
  • Creation of new replica shard copies from the primary.
  • Relocation of a shard copy to a different node in the same cluster.
  • A snapshot restore operation.
  • A clone, shrink, or split operation.

You can determine the cause of a shard recovery using the recovery or cat recovery APIs.

The index recovery API reports information about completed recoveries only for shard copies that currently exist in the cluster. It only reports the last recovery for each shard copy and does not report historical information about earlier recoveries, nor does it report information about the recoveries of shard copies that no longer exist. This means that if a shard copy completes a recovery and then Elasticsearch relocates it onto a different node then the information about the original recovery will not be shown in the recovery API.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. Supports wildcards (*). To target all data streams and indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.

Query parameters

  • If true, the response only includes ongoing shard recoveries.

  • detailed boolean

    If true, the response includes detailed information about shard recoveries.


GET /{index}/_recovery
curl \
 --request GET{index}/_recovery
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `GET /_recovery?human`, which gets information about ongoing and completed shard recoveries for all data streams and indices in a cluster. This example includes information about a single index recovering a single shard. The source of the recovery is a snapshot repository and the target of the recovery is the `my_es_node` node. The response also includes the number and percentage of files and bytes recovered.
  "index1" : {
    "shards" : [ {
      "id" : 0,
      "type" : "SNAPSHOT",
      "stage" : "INDEX",
      "primary" : true,
      "start_time" : "2014-02-24T12:15:59.716",
      "start_time_in_millis": 1393244159716,
      "stop_time" : "0s",
      "stop_time_in_millis" : 0,
      "total_time" : "2.9m",
      "total_time_in_millis" : 175576,
      "source" : {
        "repository" : "my_repository",
        "snapshot" : "my_snapshot",
        "index" : "index1",
        "version" : "{version}",
        "restoreUUID": "PDh1ZAOaRbiGIVtCvZOMww"
      "target" : {
        "id" : "ryqJ5lO5S4-lSFbGntkEkg",
        "host" : "my.fqdn",
        "transport_address" : "my.fqdn",
        "ip" : "",
        "name" : "my_es_node"
      "index" : {
        "size" : {
          "total" : "75.4mb",
          "total_in_bytes" : 79063092,
          "reused" : "0b",
          "reused_in_bytes" : 0,
          "recovered" : "65.7mb",
          "recovered_in_bytes" : 68891939,
          "recovered_from_snapshot" : "0b",
          "recovered_from_snapshot_in_bytes" : 0,
          "percent" : "87.1%"
        "files" : {
          "total" : 73,
          "reused" : 0,
          "recovered" : 69,
          "percent" : "94.5%"
        "total_time" : "0s",
        "total_time_in_millis" : 0,
        "source_throttle_time" : "0s",
        "source_throttle_time_in_millis" : 0,
        "target_throttle_time" : "0s",
        "target_throttle_time_in_millis" : 0
      "translog" : {
        "recovered" : 0,
        "total" : 0,
        "percent" : "100.0%",
        "total_on_start" : 0,
        "total_time" : "0s",
        "total_time_in_millis" : 0
      "verify_index" : {
        "check_index_time" : "0s",
        "check_index_time_in_millis" : 0,
        "total_time" : "0s",
        "total_time_in_millis" : 0
    } ]

Resolve indices Added in 7.9.0

GET /_resolve/index/{name}

Resolve the names and/or index patterns for indices, aliases, and data streams. Multiple patterns and remote clusters are supported.

Path parameters

  • name string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated name(s) or index pattern(s) of the indices, aliases, and data streams to resolve. Resources on remote clusters can be specified using the <cluster>:<name> syntax.

Query parameters

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden. Valid values are: all, open, closed, hidden, none.

  • If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index.

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices. For example, a request targeting foo*,bar* returns an error if an index starts with foo but no index starts with bar.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
GET /_resolve/index/{name}
curl \
 --request GET{name}
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `GET /_resolve/index/f*,remoteCluster1:bar*?expand_wildcards=all`.
  "indices": [
      "name": "foo_closed",
      "attributes": [
      "name": "freeze-index",
      "aliases": [
      "attributes": [
      "name": "remoteCluster1:bar-01",
      "attributes": [
  "aliases": [
      "name": "f-alias",
      "indices": [
  "data_streams": [
      "name": "foo",
      "backing_indices": [
      "timestamp_field": "@timestamp"

Get index segments

GET /{index}/_segments

Get low-level information about the Lucene segments in index shards. For data streams, the API returns information about the stream's backing indices.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request. Supports wildcards (*). To target all data streams and indices, omit this parameter or use * or _all.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden. Valid values are: all, open, closed, hidden, none.

  • If false, the request returns an error if it targets a missing or closed index.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • indices object Required
      Hide indices attribute Show indices attribute object
      • * object Additional properties

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide * attribute Show * attribute object
    • _shards object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide _shards attributes Show _shards attributes object
      • failed number Required
      • successful number Required
      • total number Required
      • failures array[object]
        Hide failures attributes Show failures attributes object
        • index string
        • node string
        • reason object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide reason attributes Show reason attributes object
          • type string Required

            The type of error

          • reason string

            A human-readable explanation of the error, in English.

          • The server stack trace. Present only if the error_trace=true parameter was sent with the request.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

          • root_cause array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • suppressed array[object]

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • shard number Required
        • status string
      • skipped number
GET /{index}/_segments
curl \
 --request GET{index}/_segments
Response examples (200)
  "indices": {
    "additionalProperty1": {
      "shards": {}
    "additionalProperty2": {
      "shards": {}
  "_shards": {
    "failed": 42.0,
    "successful": 42.0,
    "total": 42.0,
    "failures": [
        "index": "string",
        "node": "string",
        "reason": {
          "type": "string",
          "reason": "string",
          "stack_trace": "string",
          "caused_by": {},
          "root_cause": [
          "suppressed": [
        "shard": 42.0,
        "status": "string"
    "skipped": 42.0

Get index shard stores

GET /{index}/_shard_stores

Get store information about replica shards in one or more indices. For data streams, the API retrieves store information for the stream's backing indices.

The index shard stores API returns the following information:

  • The node on which each replica shard exists.
  • The allocation ID for each replica shard.
  • A unique ID for each replica shard.
  • Any errors encountered while opening the shard index or from an earlier failure.

By default, the API returns store information only for primary shards that are unassigned or have one or more unassigned replica shards.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    List of data streams, indices, and aliases used to limit the request.

Query parameters

  • If false, the request returns an error if any wildcard expression, index alias, or _all value targets only missing or closed indices. This behavior applies even if the request targets other open indices.

  • expand_wildcards string | array[string]

    Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams.

  • If true, missing or closed indices are not included in the response.

  • status string | array[string]

    List of shard health statuses used to limit the request.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • indices object Required
      Hide indices attribute Show indices attribute object
      • * object Additional properties

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide * attribute Show * attribute object
        • shards object Required
          Hide shards attribute Show shards attribute object
          • * object Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide * attribute Show * attribute object
            • stores array[object] Required

              Additional properties are allowed.

GET /{index}/_shard_stores
curl \
 --request GET{index}/_shard_stores
Response examples (200)
  "indices": {
    "additionalProperty1": {
      "shards": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "stores": [
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "stores": [
    "additionalProperty2": {
      "shards": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "stores": [
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "stores": [

Shrink an index Added in 5.0.0

POST /{index}/_shrink/{target}

Shrink an index into a new index with fewer primary shards.

Before you can shrink an index:

  • The index must be read-only.
  • A copy of every shard in the index must reside on the same node.
  • The index must have a green health status.

To make shard allocation easier, we recommend you also remove the index's replica shards. You can later re-add replica shards as part of the shrink operation.

The requested number of primary shards in the target index must be a factor of the number of shards in the source index. For example an index with 8 primary shards can be shrunk into 4, 2 or 1 primary shards or an index with 15 primary shards can be shrunk into 5, 3 or 1. If the number of shards in the index is a prime number it can only be shrunk into a single primary shard Before shrinking, a (primary or replica) copy of every shard in the index must be present on the same node.

The current write index on a data stream cannot be shrunk. In order to shrink the current write index, the data stream must first be rolled over so that a new write index is created and then the previous write index can be shrunk.

A shrink operation:

  • Creates a new target index with the same definition as the source index, but with a smaller number of primary shards.
  • Hard-links segments from the source index into the target index. If the file system does not support hard-linking, then all segments are copied into the new index, which is a much more time consuming process. Also if using multiple data paths, shards on different data paths require a full copy of segment files if they are not on the same disk since hardlinks do not work across disks.
  • Recovers the target index as though it were a closed index which had just been re-opened. Recovers shards to the .routing.allocation.initial_recovery._id index setting.

IMPORTANT: Indices can only be shrunk if they satisfy the following requirements:

  • The target index must not exist.
  • The source index must have more primary shards than the target index.
  • The number of primary shards in the target index must be a factor of the number of primary shards in the source index. The source index must have more primary shards than the target index.
  • The index must not contain more than 2,147,483,519 documents in total across all shards that will be shrunk into a single shard on the target index as this is the maximum number of docs that can fit into a single shard.
  • The node handling the shrink process must have sufficient free disk space to accommodate a second copy of the existing index.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    Name of the source index to shrink.

  • target string Required

    Name of the target index to create.

Query parameters

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • wait_for_active_shards number | string

    The number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the operation. Set to all or any positive integer up to the total number of shards in the index (number_of_replicas+1).



  • aliases object

    The key is the alias name. Index alias names support date math.

    Hide aliases attribute Show aliases attribute object
  • settings object

    Configuration options for the target index.

    Hide settings attribute Show settings attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.


POST /{index}/_shrink/{target}
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_shrink/{target} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"settings\": {\n    \"index.routing.allocation.require._name\": null,\n    \"index.blocks.write\": null\n  }\n}"'
Request example
  "settings": {
    "index.routing.allocation.require._name": null,
    "index.blocks.write": null
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true,
  "shards_acknowledged": true,
  "index": "string"

Simulate an index template

POST /_index_template/_simulate

Get the index configuration that would be applied by a particular index template.

Query parameters

  • create boolean

    If true, the template passed in the body is only used if no existing templates match the same index patterns. If false, the simulation uses the template with the highest priority. Note that the template is not permanently added or updated in either case; it is only used for the simulation.

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • If true, returns all relevant default configurations for the index template.



  • This setting overrides the value of the action.auto_create_index cluster setting. If set to true in a template, then indices can be automatically created using that template even if auto-creation of indices is disabled via actions.auto_create_index. If set to false, then indices or data streams matching the template must always be explicitly created, and may never be automatically created.

  • index_patterns string | array[string]
  • composed_of array[string]

    An ordered list of component template names. Component templates are merged in the order specified, meaning that the last component template specified has the highest precedence.

  • template object

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide template attributes Show template attributes object
    • aliases object

      Aliases to add. If the index template includes a data_stream object, these are data stream aliases. Otherwise, these are index aliases. Data stream aliases ignore the index_routing, routing, and search_routing options.

      Hide aliases attribute Show aliases attribute object
    • mappings object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide mappings attributes Show mappings attributes object
    • settings object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide settings attributes Show settings attributes object
      • index object

        Additional properties are allowed.

      • mode string
      • Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide soft_deletes attributes Show soft_deletes attributes object
        • enabled boolean

          Indicates whether soft deletes are enabled on the index.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide retention_lease attribute Show retention_lease attribute object
          • period string Required

            A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

      • sort object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide sort attributes Show sort attributes object
      • Values are true, false, or checksum.

      • codec string
      • routing_partition_size number | string

        Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.

        Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.

      • merge object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide merge attribute Show merge attribute object
      • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

      • blocks object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide blocks attributes Show blocks attributes object
      • analyze object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide analyze attribute Show analyze attribute object
      • Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide highlight attribute Show highlight attribute object
      • routing object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide routing attributes Show routing attributes object
      • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

      • Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide lifecycle attributes Show lifecycle attributes object
        • name string
        • indexing_complete boolean | string

          Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.

          Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.

        • If specified, this is the timestamp used to calculate the index age for its phase transitions. Use this setting if you create a new index that contains old data and want to use the original creation date to calculate the index age. Specified as a Unix epoch value in milliseconds.

        • Set to true to parse the origination date from the index name. This origination date is used to calculate the index age for its phase transitions. The index name must match the pattern .*-{date_format}-\d+, where the date_format is yyyy.MM.dd and the trailing digits are optional. An index that was rolled over would normally match the full format, for example logs-2016.10.31-000002). If the index name doesn’t match the pattern, index creation fails.

        • step object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide step attribute Show step attribute object
          • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

        • The index alias to update when the index rolls over. Specify when using a policy that contains a rollover action. When the index rolls over, the alias is updated to reflect that the index is no longer the write index. For more information about rolling indices, see Rollover.

        • prefer_ilm boolean | string

          Preference for the system that manages a data stream backing index (preferring ILM when both ILM and DLM are applicable for an index).

      • creation_date number | string

        Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.

        Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.

      • creation_date_string string | number

        A date and time, either as a string whose format can depend on the context (defaulting to ISO 8601), or a number of milliseconds since the Epoch. Elasticsearch accepts both as input, but will generally output a string representation.

      • uuid string
      • version object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide version attributes Show version attributes object
      • translog object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide translog attributes Show translog attributes object
      • Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide query_string attribute Show query_string attribute object
      • analysis object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide analysis attributes Show analysis attributes object
      • settings object

        Additional properties are allowed.

      • Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide time_series attributes Show time_series attributes object
      • queries object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide queries attribute Show queries attribute object
        • cache object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide cache attribute Show cache attribute object
      • Configure custom similarity settings to customize how search results are scored.

      • mapping object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide mapping attributes Show mapping attributes object
        • coerce boolean
        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide total_fields attributes Show total_fields attributes object
          • limit number | string

            The maximum number of fields in an index. Field and object mappings, as well as field aliases count towards this limit. The limit is in place to prevent mappings and searches from becoming too large. Higher values can lead to performance degradations and memory issues, especially in clusters with a high load or few resources.

          • ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit boolean | string

            This setting determines what happens when a dynamically mapped field would exceed the total fields limit. When set to false (the default), the index request of the document that tries to add a dynamic field to the mapping will fail with the message Limit of total fields [X] has been exceeded. When set to true, the index request will not fail. Instead, fields that would exceed the limit are not added to the mapping, similar to dynamic: false. The fields that were not added to the mapping will be added to the _ignored field.

        • depth object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide depth attribute Show depth attribute object
          • limit number

            The maximum depth for a field, which is measured as the number of inner objects. For instance, if all fields are defined at the root object level, then the depth is 1. If there is one object mapping, then the depth is 2, etc.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide nested_fields attribute Show nested_fields attribute object
          • limit number

            The maximum number of distinct nested mappings in an index. The nested type should only be used in special cases, when arrays of objects need to be queried independently of each other. To safeguard against poorly designed mappings, this setting limits the number of unique nested types per index.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide nested_objects attribute Show nested_objects attribute object
          • limit number

            The maximum number of nested JSON objects that a single document can contain across all nested types. This limit helps to prevent out of memory errors when a document contains too many nested objects.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide field_name_length attribute Show field_name_length attribute object
          • limit number

            Setting for the maximum length of a field name. This setting isn’t really something that addresses mappings explosion but might still be useful if you want to limit the field length. It usually shouldn’t be necessary to set this setting. The default is okay unless a user starts to add a huge number of fields with really long names. Default is Long.MAX_VALUE (no limit).

        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide dimension_fields attribute Show dimension_fields attribute object
          • limit number

            [preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

        • source object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide source attribute Show source attribute object
          • mode string Required

            Values are DISABLED, STORED, or SYNTHETIC.

      • Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide indexing.slowlog attributes Show indexing.slowlog attributes object
        • level string
        • source number
        • reformat boolean
        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide threshold attribute Show threshold attribute object
          • index object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide index attributes Show index attributes object
            • warn string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

            • info string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

            • debug string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

            • trace string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

      • Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide indexing_pressure attribute Show indexing_pressure attribute object
        • memory object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide memory attribute Show memory attribute object
          • limit number

            Number of outstanding bytes that may be consumed by indexing requests. When this limit is reached or exceeded, the node will reject new coordinating and primary operations. When replica operations consume 1.5x this limit, the node will reject new replica operations. Defaults to 10% of the heap.

      • store object

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide store attributes Show store attributes object
        • type string Required

        • allow_mmap boolean

          You can restrict the use of the mmapfs and the related hybridfs store type via the setting This is a boolean setting indicating whether or not memory-mapping is allowed. The default is to allow it. This setting is useful, for example, if you are in an environment where you can not control the ability to create a lot of memory maps so you need disable the ability to use memory-mapping.

    • Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide lifecycle attributes Show lifecycle attributes object
      • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

      • Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide downsampling attribute Show downsampling attribute object
        • rounds array[object] Required

          The list of downsampling rounds to execute as part of this downsampling configuration

          Hide rounds attributes Show rounds attributes object
          • after string Required

            A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

          • config object Required

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide config attribute Show config attribute object
            • fixed_interval string Required

              A date histogram interval. Similar to Duration with additional units: w (week), M (month), q (quarter) and y (year)

      • enabled boolean

        If defined, it turns data stream lifecycle on/off (true/false) for this data stream. A data stream lifecycle that's disabled (enabled: false) will have no effect on the data stream.

  • Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide data_stream attributes Show data_stream attributes object
  • priority number

    Priority to determine index template precedence when a new data stream or index is created. The index template with the highest priority is chosen. If no priority is specified the template is treated as though it is of priority 0 (lowest priority). This number is not automatically generated by Elasticsearch.

  • version number
  • _meta object
    Hide _meta attribute Show _meta attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.

  • The configuration option ignore_missing_component_templates can be used when an index template references a component template that might not exist

  • deprecated boolean

    Marks this index template as deprecated. When creating or updating a non-deprecated index template that uses deprecated components, Elasticsearch will emit a deprecation warning.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • overlapping array[object]
      Hide overlapping attributes Show overlapping attributes object
    • template object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide template attributes Show template attributes object
      • aliases object Required
        Hide aliases attribute Show aliases attribute object
      • mappings object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide mappings attributes Show mappings attributes object
      • settings object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide settings attributes Show settings attributes object
        • index object

          Additional properties are allowed.

        • mode string
        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide soft_deletes attributes Show soft_deletes attributes object
          • enabled boolean

            Indicates whether soft deletes are enabled on the index.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide retention_lease attribute Show retention_lease attribute object
            • period string Required

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

        • sort object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide sort attributes Show sort attributes object
        • Values are true, false, or checksum.

        • codec string
        • routing_partition_size number | string

          Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.

          Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.

        • merge object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide merge attribute Show merge attribute object
        • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

        • blocks object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide blocks attributes Show blocks attributes object
        • analyze object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide analyze attribute Show analyze attribute object
        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide highlight attribute Show highlight attribute object
        • routing object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide routing attributes Show routing attributes object
          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide allocation attributes Show allocation attributes object
            • enable string

              Values are all, primaries, new_primaries, or none.

            • include object

              Additional properties are allowed.

              Hide include attributes Show include attributes object
            • Additional properties are allowed.

              Hide initial_recovery attribute Show initial_recovery attribute object
            • disk object

              Additional properties are allowed.

              Hide disk attribute Show disk attribute object
          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide rebalance attribute Show rebalance attribute object
            • enable string Required

              Values are all, primaries, replicas, or none.

        • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide lifecycle attributes Show lifecycle attributes object
          • name string
          • indexing_complete boolean | string

            Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.

            Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.

          • If specified, this is the timestamp used to calculate the index age for its phase transitions. Use this setting if you create a new index that contains old data and want to use the original creation date to calculate the index age. Specified as a Unix epoch value in milliseconds.

          • Set to true to parse the origination date from the index name. This origination date is used to calculate the index age for its phase transitions. The index name must match the pattern .*-{date_format}-\d+, where the date_format is yyyy.MM.dd and the trailing digits are optional. An index that was rolled over would normally match the full format, for example logs-2016.10.31-000002). If the index name doesn’t match the pattern, index creation fails.

          • step object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide step attribute Show step attribute object
            • A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

          • The index alias to update when the index rolls over. Specify when using a policy that contains a rollover action. When the index rolls over, the alias is updated to reflect that the index is no longer the write index. For more information about rolling indices, see Rollover.

          • prefer_ilm boolean | string

            Preference for the system that manages a data stream backing index (preferring ILM when both ILM and DLM are applicable for an index).

        • creation_date number | string

          Some APIs will return values such as numbers also as a string (notably epoch timestamps). This behavior is used to capture this behavior while keeping the semantics of the field type.

          Depending on the target language, code generators can keep the union or remove it and leniently parse strings to the target type.

        • creation_date_string string | number

          A date and time, either as a string whose format can depend on the context (defaulting to ISO 8601), or a number of milliseconds since the Epoch. Elasticsearch accepts both as input, but will generally output a string representation.

        • uuid string
        • version object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide version attributes Show version attributes object
        • translog object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide translog attributes Show translog attributes object
        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide query_string attribute Show query_string attribute object
        • analysis object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide analysis attributes Show analysis attributes object
        • settings object

          Additional properties are allowed.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide time_series attributes Show time_series attributes object
        • queries object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide queries attribute Show queries attribute object
          • cache object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide cache attribute Show cache attribute object
        • Configure custom similarity settings to customize how search results are scored.

        • mapping object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide mapping attributes Show mapping attributes object
          • coerce boolean
          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide total_fields attributes Show total_fields attributes object
            • limit number | string

              The maximum number of fields in an index. Field and object mappings, as well as field aliases count towards this limit. The limit is in place to prevent mappings and searches from becoming too large. Higher values can lead to performance degradations and memory issues, especially in clusters with a high load or few resources.

            • ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit boolean | string

              This setting determines what happens when a dynamically mapped field would exceed the total fields limit. When set to false (the default), the index request of the document that tries to add a dynamic field to the mapping will fail with the message Limit of total fields [X] has been exceeded. When set to true, the index request will not fail. Instead, fields that would exceed the limit are not added to the mapping, similar to dynamic: false. The fields that were not added to the mapping will be added to the _ignored field.

          • depth object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide depth attribute Show depth attribute object
            • limit number

              The maximum depth for a field, which is measured as the number of inner objects. For instance, if all fields are defined at the root object level, then the depth is 1. If there is one object mapping, then the depth is 2, etc.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide nested_fields attribute Show nested_fields attribute object
            • limit number

              The maximum number of distinct nested mappings in an index. The nested type should only be used in special cases, when arrays of objects need to be queried independently of each other. To safeguard against poorly designed mappings, this setting limits the number of unique nested types per index.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide nested_objects attribute Show nested_objects attribute object
            • limit number

              The maximum number of nested JSON objects that a single document can contain across all nested types. This limit helps to prevent out of memory errors when a document contains too many nested objects.

          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide field_name_length attribute Show field_name_length attribute object
            • limit number

              Setting for the maximum length of a field name. This setting isn’t really something that addresses mappings explosion but might still be useful if you want to limit the field length. It usually shouldn’t be necessary to set this setting. The default is okay unless a user starts to add a huge number of fields with really long names. Default is Long.MAX_VALUE (no limit).

          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide dimension_fields attribute Show dimension_fields attribute object
            • limit number

              [preview] This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

          • source object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide source attribute Show source attribute object
            • mode string Required

              Values are DISABLED, STORED, or SYNTHETIC.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide indexing.slowlog attributes Show indexing.slowlog attributes object
          • level string
          • source number
          • reformat boolean
          • Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide threshold attribute Show threshold attribute object
            • index object

              Additional properties are allowed.

              Hide index attributes Show index attributes object
              • warn string

                A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

              • info string

                A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

              • debug string

                A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

              • trace string

                A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

        • Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide indexing_pressure attribute Show indexing_pressure attribute object
          • memory object Required

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide memory attribute Show memory attribute object
            • limit number

              Number of outstanding bytes that may be consumed by indexing requests. When this limit is reached or exceeded, the node will reject new coordinating and primary operations. When replica operations consume 1.5x this limit, the node will reject new replica operations. Defaults to 10% of the heap.

        • store object

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide store attributes Show store attributes object
          • type string Required

          • allow_mmap boolean

            You can restrict the use of the mmapfs and the related hybridfs store type via the setting This is a boolean setting indicating whether or not memory-mapping is allowed. The default is to allow it. This setting is useful, for example, if you are in an environment where you can not control the ability to create a lot of memory maps so you need disable the ability to use memory-mapping.

POST /_index_template/_simulate
curl \
 --request POST \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data 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Request examples
  "allow_auto_create": true,
  "index_patterns": "string",
  "composed_of": [
  "template": {
    "aliases": {
      "additionalProperty1": {
        "filter": {},
        "index_routing": "string",
        "is_hidden": true,
        "is_write_index": true,
        "routing": "string",
        "search_routing": "string"
      "additionalProperty2": {
        "filter": {},
        "index_routing": "string",
        "is_hidden": true,
        "is_write_index": true,
        "routing": "string",
        "search_routing": "string"
    "mappings": {
      "all_field": {
        "analyzer": "string",
        "enabled": true,
        "omit_norms": true,
        "search_analyzer": "string",
        "similarity": "string",
        "store": true,
        "store_term_vector_offsets": true,
        "store_term_vector_payloads": true,
        "store_term_vector_positions": true,
        "store_term_vectors": true
      "date_detection": true,
      "dynamic": "strict",
      "dynamic_date_formats": [
      "dynamic_templates": [
      "_field_names": {
        "enabled": true
      "index_field": {
        "enabled": true
      "_meta": {
        "additionalProperty1": {},
        "additionalProperty2": {}
      "numeric_detection": true,
      "properties": {},
      "_routing": {
        "required": true
      "_size": {
        "enabled": true
      "_source": {
        "compress": true,
        "compress_threshold": "string",
        "enabled": true,
        "excludes": [
        "includes": [
        "mode": "disabled"
      "runtime": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "fields": {
            "additionalProperty1": {
              "type": "boolean"
            "additionalProperty2": {
              "type": "boolean"
          "fetch_fields": [
              "field": "string",
              "format": "string"
          "format": "string",
          "input_field": "string",
          "target_field": "string",
          "target_index": "string",
          "script": {
            "source": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "params": {
              "additionalProperty1": {},
              "additionalProperty2": {}
            "": "painless",
            "options": {
              "additionalProperty1": "string",
              "additionalProperty2": "string"
          "type": "boolean"
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "fields": {
            "additionalProperty1": {
              "type": "boolean"
            "additionalProperty2": {
              "type": "boolean"
          "fetch_fields": [
              "field": "string",
              "format": "string"
          "format": "string",
          "input_field": "string",
          "target_field": "string",
          "target_index": "string",
          "script": {
            "source": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "params": {
              "additionalProperty1": {},
              "additionalProperty2": {}
            "": "painless",
            "options": {
              "additionalProperty1": "string",
              "additionalProperty2": "string"
          "type": "boolean"
      "enabled": true,
      "subobjects": true,
      "_data_stream_timestamp": {
        "enabled": true
    "settings": {
      "index": {},
      "mode": "string",
      "routing_path": "string",
      "soft_deletes": {
        "enabled": true,
        "retention_lease": {
          "period": "string"
      "sort": {
        "field": "string",
        "order": "asc",
        "mode": "min",
        "missing": "_last"
      "number_of_shards": 42.0,
      "number_of_replicas": 42.0,
      "number_of_routing_shards": 42.0,
      "check_on_startup": "true",
      "codec": "string",
      "": "string",
      "load_fixed_bitset_filters_eagerly": true,
      "hidden": true,
      "auto_expand_replicas": "string",
      "merge": {
        "scheduler": {
          "": 42.0
      "search": {
        "idle": {
          "after": "string"
        "slowlog": {
          "level": "string",
          "source": 42.0,
          "reformat": true,
          "threshold": {
            "query": {
              "warn": "string",
              "info": "string",
              "debug": "string",
              "trace": "string"
            "fetch": {
              "warn": "string",
              "info": "string",
              "debug": "string",
              "trace": "string"
      "refresh_interval": "string",
      "max_result_window": 42.0,
      "max_inner_result_window": 42.0,
      "max_rescore_window": 42.0,
      "max_docvalue_fields_search": 42.0,
      "max_script_fields": 42.0,
      "max_ngram_diff": 42.0,
      "max_shingle_diff": 42.0,
      "blocks": {
        "": true
      "max_refresh_listeners": 42.0,
      "analyze": {
        "": 42.0
      "highlight": {
        "max_analyzed_offset": 42.0
      "max_terms_count": 42.0,
      "max_regex_length": 42.0,
      "routing": {
        "allocation": {
          "enable": "all",
          "include": {
            "_tier_preference": "string",
            "_id": "string"
          "initial_recovery": {
            "_id": "string"
          "disk": {
            "threshold_enabled": true
        "rebalance": {
          "enable": "all"
      "gc_deletes": "string",
      "default_pipeline": "string",
      "final_pipeline": "string",
      "lifecycle": {
        "name": "string",
        "": true,
        "origination_date": 42.0,
        "parse_origination_date": true,
        "step": {
          "wait_time_threshold": "string"
        "rollover_alias": "string",
        "prefer_ilm": true
      "provided_name": "string",
      "uuid": "string",
      "version": {
        "created": "string",
        "created_string": "string"
      "verified_before_close": true,
      "format": "string",
      "max_slices_per_scroll": 42.0,
      "translog": {
        "sync_interval": "string",
        "durability": "request",
        "": 42.0,
        "retention": {
          "": 42.0,
          "age": "string"
      "query_string": {
        "": true
      "priority": 42.0,
      "top_metrics_max_size": 42.0,
      "analysis": {
        "analyzer": {},
        "char_filter": {},
        "filter": {},
        "normalizer": {},
        "tokenizer": {}
      "settings": {},
      "time_series": {
        "": "string"
      "queries": {
        "cache": {
          "enabled": true
      "similarity": {},
      "mapping": {
        "coerce": true,
        "total_fields": {
          "limit": 42.0,
          "ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit": true
        "depth": {
          "limit": 42.0
        "nested_fields": {
          "limit": 42.0
        "nested_objects": {
          "limit": 42.0
        "field_name_length": {
          "limit": 42.0
        "dimension_fields": {
          "limit": 42.0
        "source": {
          "mode": "DISABLED"
        "ignore_malformed": true
      "indexing.slowlog": {
        "level": "string",
        "source": 42.0,
        "reformat": true,
        "threshold": {
          "index": {
            "warn": "string",
            "info": "string",
            "debug": "string",
            "trace": "string"
      "indexing_pressure": {
        "memory": {
          "limit": 42.0
      "store": {
        "": "fs",
        "allow_mmap": true
    "lifecycle": {
      "data_retention": "string",
      "downsampling": {
        "rounds": [
            "after": "string",
            "config": {
              "fixed_interval": "string"
      "enabled": true
  "data_stream": {
    "hidden": true,
    "allow_custom_routing": true
  "priority": 42.0,
  "version": 42.0,
  "_meta": {
    "additionalProperty1": {},
    "additionalProperty2": {}
  "ignore_missing_component_templates": [
  "deprecated": true
Response examples (200)
  "overlapping": [
      "name": "string",
      "index_patterns": [
  "template": {
    "aliases": {
      "additionalProperty1": {
        "filter": {},
        "index_routing": "string",
        "is_hidden": true,
        "is_write_index": true,
        "routing": "string",
        "search_routing": "string"
      "additionalProperty2": {
        "filter": {},
        "index_routing": "string",
        "is_hidden": true,
        "is_write_index": true,
        "routing": "string",
        "search_routing": "string"
    "mappings": {
      "all_field": {
        "analyzer": "string",
        "enabled": true,
        "omit_norms": true,
        "search_analyzer": "string",
        "similarity": "string",
        "store": true,
        "store_term_vector_offsets": true,
        "store_term_vector_payloads": true,
        "store_term_vector_positions": true,
        "store_term_vectors": true
      "date_detection": true,
      "dynamic": "strict",
      "dynamic_date_formats": [
      "dynamic_templates": [
      "_field_names": {
        "enabled": true
      "index_field": {
        "enabled": true
      "_meta": {
        "additionalProperty1": {},
        "additionalProperty2": {}
      "numeric_detection": true,
      "properties": {},
      "_routing": {
        "required": true
      "_size": {
        "enabled": true
      "_source": {
        "compress": true,
        "compress_threshold": "string",
        "enabled": true,
        "excludes": [
        "includes": [
        "mode": "disabled"
      "runtime": {
        "additionalProperty1": {
          "fields": {
            "additionalProperty1": {},
            "additionalProperty2": {}
          "fetch_fields": [
          "format": "string",
          "input_field": "string",
          "target_field": "string",
          "target_index": "string",
          "script": {
            "source": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "params": {},
            "options": {}
          "type": "boolean"
        "additionalProperty2": {
          "fields": {
            "additionalProperty1": {},
            "additionalProperty2": {}
          "fetch_fields": [
          "format": "string",
          "input_field": "string",
          "target_field": "string",
          "target_index": "string",
          "script": {
            "source": "string",
            "id": "string",
            "params": {},
            "options": {}
          "type": "boolean"
      "enabled": true,
      "subobjects": true,
      "_data_stream_timestamp": {
        "enabled": true
    "settings": {
      "index": {},
      "mode": "string",
      "routing_path": "string",
      "soft_deletes": {
        "enabled": true,
        "retention_lease": {
          "period": "string"
      "sort": {
        "field": "string",
        "order": "asc",
        "mode": "min",
        "missing": "_last"
      "number_of_shards": 42.0,
      "number_of_replicas": 42.0,
      "number_of_routing_shards": 42.0,
      "check_on_startup": "true",
      "codec": "string",
      "": "string",
      "load_fixed_bitset_filters_eagerly": true,
      "hidden": true,
      "auto_expand_replicas": "string",
      "merge": {
        "scheduler": {
          "": 42.0
      "search": {
        "idle": {
          "after": "string"
        "slowlog": {
          "level": "string",
          "source": 42.0,
          "reformat": true,
          "threshold": {
            "query": {},
            "fetch": {}
      "refresh_interval": "string",
      "max_result_window": 42.0,
      "max_inner_result_window": 42.0,
      "max_rescore_window": 42.0,
      "max_docvalue_fields_search": 42.0,
      "max_script_fields": 42.0,
      "max_ngram_diff": 42.0,
      "max_shingle_diff": 42.0,
      "blocks": {
        "": true
      "max_refresh_listeners": 42.0,
      "analyze": {
        "": 42.0
      "highlight": {
        "max_analyzed_offset": 42.0
      "max_terms_count": 42.0,
      "max_regex_length": 42.0,
      "routing": {
        "allocation": {
          "enable": "all",
          "include": {
            "_tier_preference": "string",
            "_id": "string"
          "initial_recovery": {
            "_id": "string"
          "disk": {}
        "rebalance": {
          "enable": "all"
      "gc_deletes": "string",
      "default_pipeline": "string",
      "final_pipeline": "string",
      "lifecycle": {
        "name": "string",
        "": true,
        "origination_date": 42.0,
        "parse_origination_date": true,
        "step": {
          "wait_time_threshold": "string"
        "rollover_alias": "string",
        "prefer_ilm": true
      "provided_name": "string",
      "uuid": "string",
      "version": {
        "created": "string",
        "created_string": "string"
      "verified_before_close": true,
      "format": "string",
      "max_slices_per_scroll": 42.0,
      "translog": {
        "sync_interval": "string",
        "durability": "request",
        "": 42.0,
        "retention": {
          "": 42.0,
          "age": "string"
      "query_string": {
        "": true
      "priority": 42.0,
      "top_metrics_max_size": 42.0,
      "analysis": {
        "analyzer": {},
        "char_filter": {},
        "filter": {},
        "normalizer": {},
        "tokenizer": {}
      "settings": {},
      "time_series": {
        "": "string"
      "queries": {
        "cache": {
          "enabled": true
      "similarity": {},
      "mapping": {
        "coerce": true,
        "total_fields": {
          "limit": 42.0,
          "ignore_dynamic_beyond_limit": true
        "depth": {
          "limit": 42.0
        "nested_fields": {
          "limit": 42.0
        "nested_objects": {
          "limit": 42.0
        "field_name_length": {
          "limit": 42.0
        "dimension_fields": {
          "limit": 42.0
        "source": {
          "mode": "DISABLED"
        "ignore_malformed": true
      "indexing.slowlog": {
        "level": "string",
        "source": 42.0,
        "reformat": true,
        "threshold": {
          "index": {
            "warn": "string",
            "info": "string",
            "debug": "string",
            "trace": "string"
      "indexing_pressure": {
        "memory": {
          "limit": 42.0
      "store": {
        "": "fs",
        "allow_mmap": true

Split an index Added in 6.1.0

PUT /{index}/_split/{target}

Split an index into a new index with more primary shards.

  • Before you can split an index:

  • The index must be read-only.

  • The cluster health status must be green.

You can do make an index read-only with the following request using the add index block API:

PUT /my_source_index/_block/write

The current write index on a data stream cannot be split. In order to split the current write index, the data stream must first be rolled over so that a new write index is created and then the previous write index can be split.

The number of times the index can be split (and the number of shards that each original shard can be split into) is determined by the index.number_of_routing_shards setting. The number of routing shards specifies the hashing space that is used internally to distribute documents across shards with consistent hashing. For instance, a 5 shard index with number_of_routing_shards set to 30 (5 x 2 x 3) could be split by a factor of 2 or 3.

A split operation:

  • Creates a new target index with the same definition as the source index, but with a larger number of primary shards.
  • Hard-links segments from the source index into the target index. If the file system doesn't support hard-linking, all segments are copied into the new index, which is a much more time consuming process.
  • Hashes all documents again, after low level files are created, to delete documents that belong to a different shard.
  • Recovers the target index as though it were a closed index which had just been re-opened.

IMPORTANT: Indices can only be split if they satisfy the following requirements:

  • The target index must not exist.
  • The source index must have fewer primary shards than the target index.
  • The number of primary shards in the target index must be a multiple of the number of primary shards in the source index.
  • The node handling the split process must have sufficient free disk space to accommodate a second copy of the existing index.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    Name of the source index to split.

  • target string Required

    Name of the target index to create.

Query parameters

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • wait_for_active_shards number | string

    The number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the operation. Set to all or any positive integer up to the total number of shards in the index (number_of_replicas+1).



  • aliases object

    Aliases for the resulting index.

    Hide aliases attribute Show aliases attribute object
  • settings object

    Configuration options for the target index.

    Hide settings attribute Show settings attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.


PUT /{index}/_split/{target}
curl \
 --request PUT{index}/_split/{target} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"settings\": {\n    \"index.number_of_shards\": 2\n  }\n}"'
Request example
Split an existing index into a new index with more primary shards.
  "settings": {
    "index.number_of_shards": 2
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true,
  "shards_acknowledged": true,
  "index": "string"

Split an index Added in 6.1.0

POST /{index}/_split/{target}

Split an index into a new index with more primary shards.

  • Before you can split an index:

  • The index must be read-only.

  • The cluster health status must be green.

You can do make an index read-only with the following request using the add index block API:

PUT /my_source_index/_block/write

The current write index on a data stream cannot be split. In order to split the current write index, the data stream must first be rolled over so that a new write index is created and then the previous write index can be split.

The number of times the index can be split (and the number of shards that each original shard can be split into) is determined by the index.number_of_routing_shards setting. The number of routing shards specifies the hashing space that is used internally to distribute documents across shards with consistent hashing. For instance, a 5 shard index with number_of_routing_shards set to 30 (5 x 2 x 3) could be split by a factor of 2 or 3.

A split operation:

  • Creates a new target index with the same definition as the source index, but with a larger number of primary shards.
  • Hard-links segments from the source index into the target index. If the file system doesn't support hard-linking, all segments are copied into the new index, which is a much more time consuming process.
  • Hashes all documents again, after low level files are created, to delete documents that belong to a different shard.
  • Recovers the target index as though it were a closed index which had just been re-opened.

IMPORTANT: Indices can only be split if they satisfy the following requirements:

  • The target index must not exist.
  • The source index must have fewer primary shards than the target index.
  • The number of primary shards in the target index must be a multiple of the number of primary shards in the source index.
  • The node handling the split process must have sufficient free disk space to accommodate a second copy of the existing index.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    Name of the source index to split.

  • target string Required

    Name of the target index to create.

Query parameters

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • wait_for_active_shards number | string

    The number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the operation. Set to all or any positive integer up to the total number of shards in the index (number_of_replicas+1).



  • aliases object

    Aliases for the resulting index.

    Hide aliases attribute Show aliases attribute object
  • settings object

    Configuration options for the target index.

    Hide settings attribute Show settings attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.


POST /{index}/_split/{target}
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_split/{target} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n  \"settings\": {\n    \"index.number_of_shards\": 2\n  }\n}"'
Request example
Split an existing index into a new index with more primary shards.
  "settings": {
    "index.number_of_shards": 2
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true,
  "shards_acknowledged": true,
  "index": "string"

Get lifecycle policies Added in 6.6.0

GET /_ilm/policy/{policy}

Path parameters

  • policy string Required

    Identifier for the policy.

Query parameters

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide * attributes Show * attributes object
      • modified_date string | number Required

        A date and time, either as a string whose format can depend on the context (defaulting to ISO 8601), or a number of milliseconds since the Epoch. Elasticsearch accepts both as input, but will generally output a string representation.

      • policy object Required

        Additional properties are allowed.

        Hide policy attributes Show policy attributes object
        • phases object Required

          Additional properties are allowed.

          Hide phases attributes Show phases attributes object
          • cold object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide cold attributes Show cold attributes object
            • actions object

              Additional properties are allowed.

              Hide actions attributes Show actions attributes object
            • min_age string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

          • delete object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide delete attributes Show delete attributes object
            • actions object

              Additional properties are allowed.

              Hide actions attributes Show actions attributes object
            • min_age string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

          • frozen object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide frozen attributes Show frozen attributes object
            • actions object

              Additional properties are allowed.

              Hide actions attributes Show actions attributes object
            • min_age string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

          • hot object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide hot attributes Show hot attributes object
            • actions object

              Additional properties are allowed.

              Hide actions attributes Show actions attributes object
            • min_age string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

          • warm object

            Additional properties are allowed.

            Hide warm attributes Show warm attributes object
            • actions object

              Additional properties are allowed.

              Hide actions attributes Show actions attributes object
            • min_age string

              A duration. Units can be nanos, micros, ms (milliseconds), s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours) and d (days). Also accepts "0" without a unit and "-1" to indicate an unspecified value.

        • _meta object
          Hide _meta attribute Show _meta attribute object
          • * object Additional properties

            Additional properties are allowed.

      • version number Required
GET /_ilm/policy/{policy}
curl \
 --request GET{policy}
Response examples (200)
A successful response when retrieving a lifecycle policy.
  "my_policy": {
    "version": 1,
    "modified_date": 82392349,
    "policy": {
      "phases": {
        "warm": {
          "min_age": "10d",
          "actions": {
            "forcemerge": {
              "max_num_segments": 1
        "delete": {
          "min_age": "30d",
          "actions": {
            "delete": {
              "delete_searchable_snapshot": true
    "in_use_by" : {
      "indices" : [],
      "data_streams" : [],
      "composable_templates" : []

Retry a policy Added in 6.6.0

POST /{index}/_ilm/retry

Retry running the lifecycle policy for an index that is in the ERROR step. The API sets the policy back to the step where the error occurred and runs the step. Use the explain lifecycle state API to determine whether an index is in the ERROR step.

Path parameters

  • index string Required

    The name of the indices (comma-separated) whose failed lifecycle step is to be retry


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

POST /{index}/_ilm/retry
curl \
 --request POST{index}/_ilm/retry
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true

Perform inference on the service Added in 8.11.0

POST /_inference/{inference_id}

This API enables you to use machine learning models to perform specific tasks on data that you provide as an input. It returns a response with the results of the tasks. The inference endpoint you use can perform one specific task that has been defined when the endpoint was created with the create inference API.

The inference APIs enable you to use certain services, such as built-in machine learning models (ELSER, E5), models uploaded through Eland, Cohere, OpenAI, Azure, Google AI Studio, Google Vertex AI, Anthropic,, or Hugging Face. For built-in models and models uploaded through Eland, the inference APIs offer an alternative way to use and manage trained models. However, if you do not plan to use the inference APIs to use these models or if you want to use non-NLP models, use the machine learning trained model APIs.

Path parameters

  • inference_id string Required

    The unique identifier for the inference endpoint.

Query parameters

  • timeout string

    The amount of time to wait for the inference request to complete.



  • query string

    The query input, which is required only for the rerank task. It is not required for other tasks.

  • input string | array[string] Required

    The text on which you want to perform the inference task. It can be a single string or an array.

    Inference endpoints for the completion task type currently only support a single string as input.

  • Additional properties are allowed.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • Hide text_embedding_bytes attribute Show text_embedding_bytes attribute object
      • embedding array[number] Required

        Text Embedding results containing bytes are represented as Dense Vectors of bytes.

    • text_embedding_bits array[object]
      Hide text_embedding_bits attribute Show text_embedding_bits attribute object
      • embedding array[number] Required

        Text Embedding results containing bytes are represented as Dense Vectors of bytes.

    • text_embedding array[object]
      Hide text_embedding attribute Show text_embedding attribute object
      • embedding array[number] Required

        Text Embedding results are represented as Dense Vectors of floats.

    • sparse_embedding array[object]
      Hide sparse_embedding attribute Show sparse_embedding attribute object
      • embedding object Required

        Sparse Embedding tokens are represented as a dictionary of string to double.

        Hide embedding attribute Show embedding attribute object
        • * number Additional properties
    • completion array[object]
      Hide completion attribute Show completion attribute object
    • rerank array[object]
      Hide rerank attributes Show rerank attributes object
POST /_inference/{inference_id}
curl \
 --request POST{inference_id} \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"query":"string","input":"string","task_settings":{}}'
Request examples
  "query": "string",
  "input": "string",
  "task_settings": {}
Response examples (200)
  "text_embedding_bytes": [
      "embedding": [
  "text_embedding_bits": [
      "embedding": [
  "text_embedding": [
      "embedding": [
  "sparse_embedding": [
      "embedding": {
        "additionalProperty1": 42.0,
        "additionalProperty2": 42.0
  "completion": [
      "result": "string"
  "rerank": [
      "index": 42.0,
      "relevance_score": 42.0,
      "text": "string"