Update an inference endpoint Added in 8.17.0

POST /_inference/{inference_id}/_update

Modify task_settings, secrets (within service_settings), or num_allocations for an inference endpoint, depending on the specific endpoint service and task_type.

IMPORTANT: The inference APIs enable you to use certain services, such as built-in machine learning models (ELSER, E5), models uploaded through Eland, Cohere, OpenAI, Azure, Google AI Studio, Google Vertex AI, Anthropic, Watsonx.ai, or Hugging Face. For built-in models and models uploaded through Eland, the inference APIs offer an alternative way to use and manage trained models. However, if you do not plan to use the inference APIs to use these models or if you want to use non-NLP models, use the machine learning trained model APIs.

Path parameters

  • inference_id string Required

    The unique identifier of the inference endpoint.


Body Required


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
POST /_inference/{inference_id}/_update
curl \
 --request POST http://api.example.com/_inference/{inference_id}/_update \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"service":"string","service_settings":{},"task_settings":{}}'
Request examples
  "service": "string",
  "service_settings": {},
  "task_settings": {}
Response examples (200)
  "service": "string",
  "service_settings": {},
  "task_settings": {},
  "inference_id": "string",
  "task_type": "sparse_embedding"