Get anomaly detection job results for buckets Added in 5.4.0

GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/results/buckets

The API presents a chronological view of the records, grouped by bucket.

Path parameters

  • job_id string Required

    Identifier for the anomaly detection job.

Query parameters

  • Returns buckets with anomaly scores greater or equal than this value.

  • desc boolean

    If true, the buckets are sorted in descending order.

  • end string | number

    Returns buckets with timestamps earlier than this time. -1 means it is unset and results are not limited to specific timestamps.

  • If true, the output excludes interim results.

  • expand boolean

    If true, the output includes anomaly records.

  • from number

    Skips the specified number of buckets.

  • size number

    Specifies the maximum number of buckets to obtain.

  • sort string

    Specifies the sort field for the requested buckets.

  • start string | number

    Returns buckets with timestamps after this time. -1 means it is unset and results are not limited to specific timestamps.



  • Refer to the description for the anomaly_score query parameter.

  • desc boolean

    Refer to the description for the desc query parameter.

  • end string | number

    A date and time, either as a string whose format can depend on the context (defaulting to ISO 8601), or a number of milliseconds since the Epoch. Elasticsearch accepts both as input, but will generally output a string representation.

  • Refer to the description for the exclude_interim query parameter.

  • expand boolean

    Refer to the description for the expand query parameter.

  • page object

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide page attributes Show page attributes object
    • from number

      Skips the specified number of items.

    • size number

      Specifies the maximum number of items to obtain.

  • sort string

    Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

  • start string | number

    A date and time, either as a string whose format can depend on the context (defaulting to ISO 8601), or a number of milliseconds since the Epoch. Elasticsearch accepts both as input, but will generally output a string representation.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • buckets array[object] Required
      Hide buckets attributes Show buckets attributes object
      • anomaly_score number Required

        The maximum anomaly score, between 0-100, for any of the bucket influencers. This is an overall, rate-limited score for the job. All the anomaly records in the bucket contribute to this score. This value might be updated as new data is analyzed.

      • bucket_influencers array[object] Required
        Hide bucket_influencers attributes Show bucket_influencers attributes object
        • anomaly_score number Required

          A normalized score between 0-100, which is calculated for each bucket influencer. This score might be updated as newer data is analyzed.

        • Time unit for seconds

        • influencer_field_name string Required

          Path to field or array of paths. Some API's support wildcards in the path to select multiple fields.

        • initial_anomaly_score number Required

          The score between 0-100 for each bucket influencer. This score is the initial value that was calculated at the time the bucket was processed.

        • is_interim boolean Required

          If true, this is an interim result. In other words, the results are calculated based on partial input data.

        • job_id string Required
        • probability number Required

          The probability that the bucket has this behavior, in the range 0 to 1. This value can be held to a high precision of over 300 decimal places, so the anomaly_score is provided as a human-readable and friendly interpretation of this.

        • raw_anomaly_score number Required


        • result_type string Required

          Internal. This value is always set to bucket_influencer.

        • Time unit for milliseconds

      • Time unit for seconds

      • event_count number Required

        The number of input data records processed in this bucket.

      • initial_anomaly_score number Required

        The maximum anomaly score for any of the bucket influencers. This is the initial value that was calculated at the time the bucket was processed.

      • is_interim boolean Required

        If true, this is an interim result. In other words, the results are calculated based on partial input data.

      • job_id string Required
      • Time unit for milliseconds

      • result_type string Required

        Internal. This value is always set to bucket.

      • Time unit for milliseconds

      • timestamp_string string | number

        A date and time, either as a string whose format can depend on the context (defaulting to ISO 8601), or a number of milliseconds since the Epoch. Elasticsearch accepts both as input, but will generally output a string representation.

    • count number Required
GET /_ml/anomaly_detectors/{job_id}/results/buckets
curl \
 --request GET{job_id}/results/buckets \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"anomaly_score":42.0,"desc":true,"":"string","exclude_interim":true,"expand":true,"page":{"from":42.0,"size":42.0},"sort":"string"}'
Request examples
  "anomaly_score": 42.0,
  "desc": true,
  "": "string",
  "exclude_interim": true,
  "expand": true,
  "page": {
    "from": 42.0,
    "size": 42.0
  "sort": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "buckets": [
      "anomaly_score": 42.0,
      "bucket_influencers": [
          "anomaly_score": 42.0,
          "": "string",
          "influencer_field_name": "string",
          "initial_anomaly_score": 42.0,
          "is_interim": true,
          "job_id": "string",
          "probability": 42.0,
          "raw_anomaly_score": 42.0,
          "result_type": "string"
      "": "string",
      "event_count": 42.0,
      "initial_anomaly_score": 42.0,
      "is_interim": true,
      "job_id": "string",
      "result_type": "string"
  "count": 42.0