Get node statistics
Get statistics for nodes in a cluster. By default, all stats are returned. You can limit the returned information by using metrics.
Query parameters
string | array[string] Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in fielddata and suggest statistics.
string | array[string] Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in fielddata statistics.
string | array[string] Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the statistics.
boolean Comma-separated list of search groups to include in the search statistics.
boolean If true, the call reports the aggregated disk usage of each one of the Lucene index files (only applies if segment stats are requested).
string Indicates whether statistics are aggregated at the cluster, index, or shard level.
Values are
, orshards
. -
string Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.
array[string] A comma-separated list of document types for the indexing index metric.
boolean If
, the response includes information from segments that are not loaded into memory.
curl \
--request GET{node_id}/stats/{metric} \
--header "Authorization: $API_KEY"
"_nodes": {
"failures": [
"type": "string",
"reason": "string",
"stack_trace": "string",
"caused_by": {},
"root_cause": [
"suppressed": [
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"successful": 42.0,
"failed": 42.0
"cluster_name": "string",
"nodes": {
"additionalProperty1": {
"adaptive_selection": {
"additionalProperty1": {
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"avg_response_time": "string",
"avg_response_time_ns": 42.0,
"avg_service_time": "string",
"avg_service_time_ns": 42.0,
"outgoing_searches": 42.0,
"rank": "string"
"additionalProperty2": {
"avg_queue_size": 42.0,
"avg_response_time": "string",
"avg_response_time_ns": 42.0,
"avg_service_time": "string",
"avg_service_time_ns": 42.0,
"outgoing_searches": 42.0,
"rank": "string"
"breakers": {
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"estimated_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
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"limit_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"overhead": 42.0,
"tripped": 42.0
"additionalProperty2": {
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"estimated_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
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"limit_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
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"fs": {
"data": [
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"total": {
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"free": "string",
"free_in_bytes": 42.0,
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"total_in_bytes": 42.0
"io_stats": {
"devices": [
"total": {}
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"http": {
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"total_opened": 42.0,
"clients": [
"routes": {
"additionalProperty1": {},
"additionalProperty2": {}
"ingest": {
"pipelines": {
"additionalProperty1": {},
"additionalProperty2": {}
"total": {
"count": 42.0,
"current": 42.0,
"failed": 42.0
"ip": "string",
"jvm": {
"buffer_pools": {
"additionalProperty1": {},
"additionalProperty2": {}
"classes": {
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"total_loaded_count": 42.0,
"total_unloaded_count": 42.0
"gc": {
"collectors": {}
"mem": {
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"heap_used_percent": 42.0,
"heap_committed_in_bytes": 42.0,
"heap_max_in_bytes": 42.0,
"non_heap_used_in_bytes": 42.0,
"non_heap_committed_in_bytes": 42.0,
"pools": {}
"threads": {
"count": 42.0,
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"timestamp": 42.0,
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"uptime_in_millis": 42.0
"name": "string",
"os": {
"cpu": {
"percent": 42.0,
"sys": "string",
"total": "string",
"user": "string",
"load_average": {}
"": {},
"swap": {
"adjusted_total_in_bytes": 42.0,
"resident": "string",
"resident_in_bytes": 42.0,
"share": "string",
"share_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_virtual": "string",
"total_virtual_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_in_bytes": 42.0,
"free_in_bytes": 42.0,
"used_in_bytes": 42.0
"cgroup": {
"cpuacct": {},
"cpu": {},
"memory": {}
"timestamp": 42.0
"process": {
"cpu": {
"percent": 42.0,
"sys": "string",
"total": "string",
"user": "string",
"load_average": {}
"mem": {
"adjusted_total_in_bytes": 42.0,
"resident": "string",
"resident_in_bytes": 42.0,
"share": "string",
"share_in_bytes": 42.0,
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"total_virtual_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_in_bytes": 42.0,
"free_in_bytes": 42.0,
"used_in_bytes": 42.0
"open_file_descriptors": 42.0,
"max_file_descriptors": 42.0,
"timestamp": 42.0
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"compilations_history": {
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"additionalProperty2": 42.0
"compilation_limit_triggered": 42.0,
"contexts": [
"script_cache": {},
"thread_pool": {
"additionalProperty1": {
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"completed": 42.0,
"largest": 42.0,
"queue": 42.0,
"rejected": 42.0,
"threads": 42.0
"additionalProperty2": {
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"completed": 42.0,
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"queue": 42.0,
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"threads": 42.0
"timestamp": 42.0,
"transport": {
"inbound_handling_time_histogram": [
"outbound_handling_time_histogram": [
"rx_count": 42.0,
"rx_size": "string",
"rx_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"server_open": 42.0,
"tx_count": 42.0,
"tx_size": "string",
"tx_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_outbound_connections": 42.0
"transport_address": "string",
"attributes": {
"additionalProperty1": "string",
"additionalProperty2": "string"
"discovery": {
"cluster_state_queue": {
"total": 42.0,
"pending": 42.0,
"committed": 42.0
"published_cluster_states": {
"full_states": 42.0,
"incompatible_diffs": 42.0,
"compatible_diffs": 42.0
"cluster_state_update": {
"additionalProperty1": {},
"additionalProperty2": {}
"serialized_cluster_states": {
"full_states": {},
"diffs": {}
"cluster_applier_stats": {
"recordings": [
"indexing_pressure": {
"memory": {
"limit_in_bytes": 42.0,
"current": {},
"total": {}
"indices": {
"commit": {
"generation": 42.0,
"id": "string",
"num_docs": 42.0,
"user_data": {}
"completion": {
"size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"fields": {}
"docs": {
"count": 42.0,
"deleted": 42.0
"fielddata": {
"evictions": 42.0,
"memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"fields": {}
"flush": {
"periodic": 42.0,
"total": 42.0,
"total_time": "string"
"get": {
"current": 42.0,
"exists_time": "string",
"exists_total": 42.0,
"missing_time": "string",
"missing_total": 42.0,
"time": "string",
"total": 42.0
"indexing": {
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"delete_current": 42.0,
"delete_time": "string",
"delete_total": 42.0,
"is_throttled": true,
"noop_update_total": 42.0,
"throttle_time": "string",
"index_time": "string",
"index_total": 42.0,
"index_failed": 42.0,
"types": {},
"write_load": 42.0
"mappings": {
"total_count": 42.0,
"total_estimated_overhead_in_bytes": 42.0
"merges": {
"current": 42.0,
"current_docs": 42.0,
"current_size": "string",
"current_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total": 42.0,
"total_auto_throttle": "string",
"total_auto_throttle_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_docs": 42.0,
"total_size": "string",
"total_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_stopped_time": "string",
"total_throttled_time": "string",
"total_time": "string"
"shard_path": {
"data_path": "string",
"is_custom_data_path": true,
"state_path": "string"
"query_cache": {
"cache_count": 42.0,
"cache_size": 42.0,
"evictions": 42.0,
"hit_count": 42.0,
"memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"miss_count": 42.0,
"total_count": 42.0
"recovery": {
"current_as_source": 42.0,
"current_as_target": 42.0,
"throttle_time": "string"
"refresh": {
"external_total": 42.0,
"listeners": 42.0,
"total": 42.0,
"total_time": "string"
"request_cache": {
"evictions": 42.0,
"hit_count": 42.0,
"memory_size": "string",
"memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"miss_count": 42.0
"retention_leases": {
"primary_term": 42.0,
"version": 42.0,
"leases": [
"routing": {
"node": "string",
"primary": true,
"state": "UNASSIGNED"
"search": {
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"fetch_time": "string",
"fetch_total": 42.0,
"open_contexts": 42.0,
"query_current": 42.0,
"query_time": "string",
"query_total": 42.0,
"scroll_current": 42.0,
"scroll_time": "string",
"scroll_total": 42.0,
"suggest_current": 42.0,
"suggest_time": "string",
"suggest_total": 42.0,
"groups": {}
"segments": {
"count": 42.0,
"doc_values_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
"file_sizes": {},
"fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
"index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
"index_writer_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
"max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp": 42.0,
"memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
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"terms_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
"term_vectors_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
"version_map_memory_in_bytes": 42.0
"seq_no": {
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"local_checkpoint": 42.0,
"max_seq_no": 42.0
"store": {
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"total_data_set_size_in_bytes": 42.0
"translog": {
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"size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"uncommitted_operations": 42.0,
"uncommitted_size": "string",
"uncommitted_size_in_bytes": 42.0
"warmer": {
"current": 42.0,
"total": 42.0,
"total_time": "string"
"bulk": {
"total_operations": 42.0,
"total_time": "string",
"total_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"avg_time": "string",
"avg_size_in_bytes": 42.0
"shards": {
"additionalProperty1": {},
"additionalProperty2": {}
"shard_stats": {
"total_count": 42.0
"additionalProperty1": {
"primaries": {},
"shards": {},
"total": {},
"uuid": "string",
"health": "green",
"status": "open"
"additionalProperty2": {
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"shards": {},
"total": {},
"uuid": "string",
"health": "green",
"status": "open"
"additionalProperty2": {
"adaptive_selection": {
"additionalProperty1": {
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"avg_response_time_ns": 42.0,
"avg_service_time": "string",
"avg_service_time_ns": 42.0,
"outgoing_searches": 42.0,
"rank": "string"
"additionalProperty2": {
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"avg_response_time_ns": 42.0,
"avg_service_time": "string",
"avg_service_time_ns": 42.0,
"outgoing_searches": 42.0,
"rank": "string"
"breakers": {
"additionalProperty1": {
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"estimated_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"limit_size": "string",
"limit_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"overhead": 42.0,
"tripped": 42.0
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"estimated_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
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"limit_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
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"tripped": 42.0
"fs": {
"data": [
"timestamp": 42.0,
"total": {
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"available_in_bytes": 42.0,
"free": "string",
"free_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total": "string",
"total_in_bytes": 42.0
"io_stats": {
"devices": [
"total": {}
"host": "string",
"http": {
"current_open": 42.0,
"total_opened": 42.0,
"clients": [
"routes": {
"additionalProperty1": {},
"additionalProperty2": {}
"ingest": {
"pipelines": {
"additionalProperty1": {},
"additionalProperty2": {}
"total": {
"count": 42.0,
"current": 42.0,
"failed": 42.0
"ip": "string",
"jvm": {
"buffer_pools": {
"additionalProperty1": {},
"additionalProperty2": {}
"classes": {
"current_loaded_count": 42.0,
"total_loaded_count": 42.0,
"total_unloaded_count": 42.0
"gc": {
"collectors": {}
"mem": {
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"heap_used_percent": 42.0,
"heap_committed_in_bytes": 42.0,
"heap_max_in_bytes": 42.0,
"non_heap_used_in_bytes": 42.0,
"non_heap_committed_in_bytes": 42.0,
"pools": {}
"threads": {
"count": 42.0,
"peak_count": 42.0
"timestamp": 42.0,
"uptime": "string",
"uptime_in_millis": 42.0
"name": "string",
"os": {
"cpu": {
"percent": 42.0,
"sys": "string",
"total": "string",
"user": "string",
"load_average": {}
"": {},
"swap": {
"adjusted_total_in_bytes": 42.0,
"resident": "string",
"resident_in_bytes": 42.0,
"share": "string",
"share_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_virtual": "string",
"total_virtual_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_in_bytes": 42.0,
"free_in_bytes": 42.0,
"used_in_bytes": 42.0
"cgroup": {
"cpuacct": {},
"cpu": {},
"memory": {}
"timestamp": 42.0
"process": {
"cpu": {
"percent": 42.0,
"sys": "string",
"total": "string",
"user": "string",
"load_average": {}
"mem": {
"adjusted_total_in_bytes": 42.0,
"resident": "string",
"resident_in_bytes": 42.0,
"share": "string",
"share_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_virtual": "string",
"total_virtual_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_in_bytes": 42.0,
"free_in_bytes": 42.0,
"used_in_bytes": 42.0
"open_file_descriptors": 42.0,
"max_file_descriptors": 42.0,
"timestamp": 42.0
"roles": [
"script": {
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"compilations": 42.0,
"compilations_history": {
"additionalProperty1": 42.0,
"additionalProperty2": 42.0
"compilation_limit_triggered": 42.0,
"contexts": [
"script_cache": {},
"thread_pool": {
"additionalProperty1": {
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"completed": 42.0,
"largest": 42.0,
"queue": 42.0,
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"threads": 42.0
"additionalProperty2": {
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"completed": 42.0,
"largest": 42.0,
"queue": 42.0,
"rejected": 42.0,
"threads": 42.0
"timestamp": 42.0,
"transport": {
"inbound_handling_time_histogram": [
"outbound_handling_time_histogram": [
"rx_count": 42.0,
"rx_size": "string",
"rx_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"server_open": 42.0,
"tx_count": 42.0,
"tx_size": "string",
"tx_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_outbound_connections": 42.0
"transport_address": "string",
"attributes": {
"additionalProperty1": "string",
"additionalProperty2": "string"
"discovery": {
"cluster_state_queue": {
"total": 42.0,
"pending": 42.0,
"committed": 42.0
"published_cluster_states": {
"full_states": 42.0,
"incompatible_diffs": 42.0,
"compatible_diffs": 42.0
"cluster_state_update": {
"additionalProperty1": {},
"additionalProperty2": {}
"serialized_cluster_states": {
"full_states": {},
"diffs": {}
"cluster_applier_stats": {
"recordings": [
"indexing_pressure": {
"memory": {
"limit_in_bytes": 42.0,
"current": {},
"total": {}
"indices": {
"commit": {
"generation": 42.0,
"id": "string",
"num_docs": 42.0,
"user_data": {}
"completion": {
"size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"fields": {}
"docs": {
"count": 42.0,
"deleted": 42.0
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"memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"fields": {}
"flush": {
"periodic": 42.0,
"total": 42.0,
"total_time": "string"
"get": {
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"exists_time": "string",
"exists_total": 42.0,
"missing_time": "string",
"missing_total": 42.0,
"time": "string",
"total": 42.0
"indexing": {
"index_current": 42.0,
"delete_current": 42.0,
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"delete_total": 42.0,
"is_throttled": true,
"noop_update_total": 42.0,
"throttle_time": "string",
"index_time": "string",
"index_total": 42.0,
"index_failed": 42.0,
"types": {},
"write_load": 42.0
"mappings": {
"total_count": 42.0,
"total_estimated_overhead_in_bytes": 42.0
"merges": {
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"current_docs": 42.0,
"current_size": "string",
"current_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total": 42.0,
"total_auto_throttle": "string",
"total_auto_throttle_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_docs": 42.0,
"total_size": "string",
"total_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"total_stopped_time": "string",
"total_throttled_time": "string",
"total_time": "string"
"shard_path": {
"data_path": "string",
"is_custom_data_path": true,
"state_path": "string"
"query_cache": {
"cache_count": 42.0,
"cache_size": 42.0,
"evictions": 42.0,
"hit_count": 42.0,
"memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"miss_count": 42.0,
"total_count": 42.0
"recovery": {
"current_as_source": 42.0,
"current_as_target": 42.0,
"throttle_time": "string"
"refresh": {
"external_total": 42.0,
"listeners": 42.0,
"total": 42.0,
"total_time": "string"
"request_cache": {
"evictions": 42.0,
"hit_count": 42.0,
"memory_size": "string",
"memory_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"miss_count": 42.0
"retention_leases": {
"primary_term": 42.0,
"version": 42.0,
"leases": [
"routing": {
"node": "string",
"primary": true,
"state": "UNASSIGNED"
"search": {
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"fetch_time": "string",
"fetch_total": 42.0,
"open_contexts": 42.0,
"query_current": 42.0,
"query_time": "string",
"query_total": 42.0,
"scroll_current": 42.0,
"scroll_time": "string",
"scroll_total": 42.0,
"suggest_current": 42.0,
"suggest_time": "string",
"suggest_total": 42.0,
"groups": {}
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"count": 42.0,
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"file_sizes": {},
"fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
"index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
"index_writer_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
"max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp": 42.0,
"memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
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"term_vectors_memory_in_bytes": 42.0,
"version_map_memory_in_bytes": 42.0
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"uncommitted_size_in_bytes": 42.0
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"bulk": {
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"total_time": "string",
"total_size_in_bytes": 42.0,
"avg_time": "string",
"avg_size_in_bytes": 42.0
"shards": {
"additionalProperty1": {},
"additionalProperty2": {}
"shard_stats": {
"total_count": 42.0
"additionalProperty1": {
"primaries": {},
"shards": {},
"total": {},
"uuid": "string",
"health": "green",
"status": "open"
"additionalProperty2": {
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"shards": {},
"total": {},
"uuid": "string",
"health": "green",
"status": "open"