Get the rollup job capabilities Deprecated Technical preview

GET /_rollup/data/{id}

Get the capabilities of any rollup jobs that have been configured for a specific index or index pattern.

This API is useful because a rollup job is often configured to rollup only a subset of fields from the source index. Furthermore, only certain aggregations can be configured for various fields, leading to a limited subset of functionality depending on that configuration. This API enables you to inspect an index and determine:

  1. Does this index have associated rollup data somewhere in the cluster?
  2. If yes to the first question, what fields were rolled up, what aggregations can be performed, and where does the data live?

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    Index, indices or index-pattern to return rollup capabilities for. _all may be used to fetch rollup capabilities from all jobs.


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • * object Additional properties

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide * attribute Show * attribute object
      • rollup_jobs array[object] Required

        There can be multiple, independent jobs configured for a single index or index pattern. Each of these jobs may have different configurations, so the API returns a list of all the various configurations available.

        Hide rollup_jobs attributes Show rollup_jobs attributes object
GET /_rollup/data/{id}
curl \
 --request GET{id}
Response examples (200)
  "additionalProperty1": {
    "rollup_jobs": [
        "fields": {
          "additionalProperty1": [
          "additionalProperty2": [
        "index_pattern": "string",
        "job_id": "string",
        "rollup_index": "string"
  "additionalProperty2": {
    "rollup_jobs": [
        "fields": {
          "additionalProperty1": [
          "additionalProperty2": [
        "index_pattern": "string",
        "job_id": "string",
        "rollup_index": "string"