Create or update an alias

POST /{index}/_alias/{name}

Adds a data stream or index to an alias.

Path parameters

  • index string | array[string] Required

    Comma-separated list of data streams or indices to add. Supports wildcards (*). Wildcard patterns that match both data streams and indices return an error.

  • name string Required

    Alias to update. If the alias doesn’t exist, the request creates it. Index alias names support date math.

Query parameters

  • Period to wait for a connection to the master node. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.

  • timeout string

    Period to wait for a response. If no response is received before the timeout expires, the request fails and returns an error.



  • filter object

    An Elasticsearch Query DSL (Domain Specific Language) object that defines a query.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • If true, sets the write index or data stream for the alias. If an alias points to multiple indices or data streams and is_write_index isn’t set, the alias rejects write requests. If an index alias points to one index and is_write_index isn’t set, the index automatically acts as the write index. Data stream aliases don’t automatically set a write data stream, even if the alias points to one data stream.

  • routing string


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
    • acknowledged boolean Required

      For a successful response, this value is always true. On failure, an exception is returned instead.

POST /{index}/_alias/{name}
curl \
 -X POST{index}/_alias/{name} \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"filter":{},"index_routing":"string","is_write_index":true,"routing":"string","search_routing":"string"}'
Request examples
  "filter": {},
  "index_routing": "string",
  "is_write_index": true,
  "routing": "string",
  "search_routing": "string"
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true