Alerting enables you to define rules, which detect complex conditions within your data. When a condition is met, the rule tracks it as an alert and runs the actions that are defined in the rule. Actions typically involve the use of connectors to interact with Kibana services or third party integrations.
Get single agent configuration
The version of the API to use
Value is
. Default value is2023-10-31
Query parameters
name string
Service name
environment string
Service environment
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/apm/settings/agent-configuration/view \
--header "elastic-api-version: 2023-10-31"
"id": "string",
"@timestamp": 1730194190636,
"agent_name": "string",
"applied_by_agent": true,
"etag": "0bc3b5ebf18fba8163fe4c96f491e3767a358f85",
"service": {
"environment": "prod",
"name": "node"
"settings": {
"additionalProperty1": "string",
"additionalProperty2": "string"
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "Not Found",
"statusCode": 400
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 401
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "Not Found",
"statusCode": 404
Delete a case comment or alert
You must have all
privileges for the Cases feature in the Management, Observability, or Security section of the Kibana feature privileges, depending on the owner of the cases you're deleting.
Path parameters
The identifier for the case. To retrieve case IDs, use the find cases API. All non-ASCII characters must be URL encoded.
The identifier for the comment. To retrieve comment IDs, use the get case or find cases APIs.
curl \
--request DELETE https://localhost:5601/api/cases/9c235210-6834-11ea-a78c-6ffb38a34414/comments/71ec1870-725b-11ea-a0b2-c51ea50a58e2 \
--header "kbn-xsrf: string"
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 401
Get case creators
Returns information about the users who opened cases. You must have read privileges for the Cases feature in the Management, Observability, or Security section of the Kibana feature privileges, depending on the owner of the cases. The API returns information about the users as they existed at the time of the case creation, including their name, full name, and email address. If any of those details change thereafter or if a user is deleted, the information returned by this API is unchanged.
Query parameters
owner string | array[string]
A filter to limit the response to a specific set of applications. If this parameter is omitted, the response contains information about all the cases that the user has access to read.
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/cases/reporters
"email": null,
"username": "elastic",
"full_name": null,
"profile_uid": "u_mGBROF_q5bmFCATbLXAcCwKa0k8JvONAwSruelyKA5E_0"
"email": "",
"username": "jdoe",
"full_name": "Jane Doe",
"profile_uid": "u_0wpfV1MqYDaXzLtRVY-gLMrddKDEmfz51Fszhj7hWC8_0"
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 401
Connectors provide a central place to store connection information for services and integrations with Elastic or third party systems. Alerting rules can use connectors to run actions when rule conditions are met.
Run a connector
You can use this API to test an action that involves interaction with Kibana services or integrations with third-party systems.
Path parameters
An identifier for the connector.
params object Required
One of: run_acknowledge_resolve_pagerduty object run_documents object run_message_email object run_message_serverlog object run_message_slack object run_trigger_pagerduty object run_addevent object run_closealert object run_closeincident object run_createalert object run_fieldsbyissuetype object run_getchoices object run_getfields object run_getincident object run_issue object run_issues object run_issuetypes object run_postmessage object run_pushtoservice object run_validchannelid objectTest an action that acknowledges or resolves a PagerDuty alert.
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/actions/connector/{id}/_execute \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true" \
--data '{"params":{"documents":[{"id":"my_doc_id","name":"my_doc_name","message":"hello, world"}]}}'
"params": {
"documents": [
"id": "my_doc_id",
"name": "my_doc_name",
"message": "hello, world"
"params": {
"subAction": "issueTypes"
"params": {
"subAction": "getChoices",
"subActionParams": {
"fields": [
"params": {
"subAction": "postMessage",
"subActionParams": {
"text": "A test message.",
"channelIds": [
"params": {
"subAction": "pushToService",
"subActionParams": {
"comments": [
"comment": "A comment about the incident.",
"commentId": 1
"incident": {
"caseId": "1000",
"caseName": "Case name",
"description": "Description of the incident."
"data": {
"took": 135,
"items": [
"create": {
"_id": "4JtvwYUBrcyxt2NnfW3y",
"_index": "my-index",
"result": "created",
"status": 201,
"_seq_no": 0,
"_shards": {
"total": 2,
"failed": 0,
"successful": 1
"_version": 1,
"_primary_term": 1
"errors": false
"status": "ok",
"connector_id": "fd38c600-96a5-11ed-bb79-353b74189cba"
"data": [
"id": 10024,
"name": "Improvement"
"id": 10006,
"name": "Task"
"id": 10007,
"name": "Sub-task"
"id": 10025,
"name": "New Feature"
"id": 10023,
"name": "Bug"
"id": 10000,
"name": "Epic"
"status": "ok",
"connector_id": "b3aad810-edbe-11ec-82d1-11348ecbf4a6"
"status": "ok",
"connector_id": "7fc7b9a0-ecc9-11ec-8736-e7d63118c907"
"data": [
"label": "Critical",
"value": 1,
"element": "severity",
"dependent_value": ""
"label": "Major",
"value": 2,
"element": "severity",
"dependent_value": ""
"label": "Minor",
"value": 3,
"element": "severity",
"dependent_value": ""
"label": "Warning",
"value": 4,
"element": "severity",
"dependent_value": ""
"label": "OK",
"value": 5,
"element": "severity",
"dependent_value": ""
"label": "Clear",
"value": 0,
"element": "severity",
"dependent_value": ""
"label": "1 - High",
"value": 1,
"element": "urgency",
"dependent_value": ""
"label": "2 - Medium",
"value": 2,
"element": "urgency",
"dependent_value": ""
"label": "3 - Low",
"value": 3,
"element": "urgency",
"dependent_value": ""
"status": "ok",
"connector_id": "9d9be270-2fd2-11ed-b0e0-87533c532698"
"data": {
"ok": true,
"ts": "1234567890.123456",
"channel": "C123ABC456",
"message": {
"ts": "1234567890.123456",
"team": "T01ABCDE2F",
"text": "A test message",
"type": "message",
"user": "U12A345BC6D",
"app_id": "A01BC2D34EF",
"blocks": [
"type": "rich_text",
"block_id": "/NXe",
"elements": [
"type": "rich_text_section",
"elements": [
"text": "A test message.",
"type": "text"
"bot_id": "B12BCDEFGHI",
"bot_profile": {
"id": "B12BCDEFGHI",
"name": "test",
"icons": {
"image_36": ""
"app_id": "A01BC2D34EF",
"deleted": false,
"team_id": "T01ABCDE2F",
"updated": 1672169705
"status": "ok",
"connector_id": ".slack_api"
"data": {
"id": "aKPmBHWzmdRQtx6Mx",
"url": "",
"title": "TEST-457",
"comments": [
"commentId": 1,
"pushedDate": "2022-09-08T16:52:27.865Z"
"pushedDate": "2022-09-08T16:52:27.866Z"
"status": "ok",
"connector_id": "a4746470-2f94-11ed-b0e0-87533c532698"
Create a dashboard Technical Preview
This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.
Path parameters
id string
A unique identifier for the dashboard.
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
references array[object]
spaces array[string]
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/dashboards/dashboard/{id} \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true" \
--data '{"attributes":{"controlGroupInput":{"autoApplySelections":true,"chainingSystem":"HIERARCHICAL","controls":[{"controlConfig":{},"grow":false,"id":"string","order":42.0,"type":"string","width":"medium"}],"enhancements":{},"ignoreParentSettings":{"ignoreFilters":false,"ignoreQuery":false,"ignoreTimerange":false,"ignoreValidations":false},"labelPosition":"oneLine"},"description":"","kibanaSavedObjectMeta":{"searchSource":{"filter":[{"$state":{"store":"appState"},"meta":{"alias":"string","controlledBy":"string","disabled":true,"field":"string","group":"string","index":"string","isMultiIndex":true,"key":"string","negate":true,"type":"string","value":"string"},"query":{}}],"query":{"language":"string","query":"string"},"sort":[{}],"type":"string"}},"options":{"hidePanelTitles":false,"syncColors":true,"syncCursor":true,"syncTooltips":true,"useMargins":true},"panels":[{"gridData":{"h":15,"i":"string","w":24,"x":42.0,"y":42.0},"id":"string","panelConfig":{"description":"string","enhancements":{},"hidePanelTitles":true,"savedObjectId":"string","title":"string","version":"string"},"panelIndex":"string","panelRefName":"string","title":"string","type":"string","version":"string"}],"refreshInterval":{"display":"string","pause":true,"section":42.0,"value":42.0},"timeFrom":"string","timeRestore":false,"timeTo":"string","title":"string","version":42.0},"references":[{"id":"string","name":"string","type":"string"}],"spaces":["string"]}'
# Headers
kbn-xsrf: true
# Payload
"attributes": {
"controlGroupInput": {
"autoApplySelections": true,
"chainingSystem": "HIERARCHICAL",
"controls": [
"controlConfig": {},
"grow": false,
"id": "string",
"order": 42.0,
"type": "string",
"width": "medium"
"enhancements": {},
"ignoreParentSettings": {
"ignoreFilters": false,
"ignoreQuery": false,
"ignoreTimerange": false,
"ignoreValidations": false
"labelPosition": "oneLine"
"description": "",
"kibanaSavedObjectMeta": {
"searchSource": {
"filter": [
"$state": {
"store": "appState"
"meta": {
"alias": "string",
"controlledBy": "string",
"disabled": true,
"field": "string",
"group": "string",
"index": "string",
"isMultiIndex": true,
"key": "string",
"negate": true,
"type": "string",
"value": "string"
"query": {}
"query": {
"language": "string",
"query": "string"
"sort": [
"type": "string"
"options": {
"hidePanelTitles": false,
"syncColors": true,
"syncCursor": true,
"syncTooltips": true,
"useMargins": true
"panels": [
"gridData": {
"h": 15,
"i": "string",
"w": 24,
"x": 42.0,
"y": 42.0
"id": "string",
"panelConfig": {
"description": "string",
"enhancements": {},
"hidePanelTitles": true,
"savedObjectId": "string",
"title": "string",
"version": "string"
"panelIndex": "string",
"panelRefName": "string",
"title": "string",
"type": "string",
"version": "string"
"refreshInterval": {
"display": "string",
"pause": true,
"section": 42.0,
"value": 42.0
"timeFrom": "string",
"timeRestore": false,
"timeTo": "string",
"title": "string",
"version": 42.0
"references": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"type": "string"
"spaces": [
"item": {
"attributes": {
"controlGroupInput": {
"autoApplySelections": true,
"chainingSystem": "HIERARCHICAL",
"controls": [
"controlConfig": {},
"grow": false,
"id": "string",
"order": 42.0,
"type": "string",
"width": "medium"
"enhancements": {},
"ignoreParentSettings": {
"ignoreFilters": false,
"ignoreQuery": false,
"ignoreTimerange": false,
"ignoreValidations": false
"labelPosition": "oneLine"
"description": "",
"kibanaSavedObjectMeta": {
"searchSource": {
"filter": [
"$state": {
"store": "appState"
"meta": {
"alias": "string",
"controlledBy": "string",
"disabled": true,
"field": "string",
"group": "string",
"index": "string",
"isMultiIndex": true,
"key": "string",
"negate": true,
"type": "string",
"value": "string"
"query": {}
"query": {
"language": "string",
"query": "string"
"sort": [
"type": "string"
"options": {
"hidePanelTitles": false,
"syncColors": true,
"syncCursor": true,
"syncTooltips": true,
"useMargins": true
"panels": [
"gridData": {
"h": 15,
"i": "string",
"w": 24,
"x": 42.0,
"y": 42.0
"id": "string",
"panelConfig": {
"description": "string",
"enhancements": {},
"hidePanelTitles": true,
"savedObjectId": "string",
"title": "string",
"version": "string"
"panelIndex": "string",
"panelRefName": "string",
"title": "string",
"type": "string",
"version": "string"
"refreshInterval": {
"display": "string",
"pause": true,
"section": 42.0,
"value": 42.0
"timeFrom": "string",
"timeRestore": false,
"timeTo": "string",
"title": "string",
"version": 42.0
"createdAt": "string",
"createdBy": "string",
"error": {
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"metadata": {},
"statusCode": 42.0
"id": "string",
"managed": true,
"namespaces": [
"originId": "string",
"references": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"updatedAt": "string",
"updatedBy": "string",
"version": "string"
Bulk unenroll agents
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-agents-all].
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/agents/bulk_unenroll \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true" \
--data '{"agents":["string"],"batchSize":42.0,"force":true,"includeInactive":true,"revoke":true}'
# Headers
kbn-xsrf: true
# Payload
"agents": [
"batchSize": 42.0,
"force": true,
"includeInactive": true,
"revoke": true
"actionId": "string"
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Bulk update agent tags
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-agents-all].
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/agents/bulk_update_agent_tags \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true" \
--data '{"agents":["string"],"batchSize":42.0,"includeInactive":false,"tagsToAdd":["string"],"tagsToRemove":["string"]}'
# Headers
kbn-xsrf: true
# Payload
"agents": [
"batchSize": 42.0,
"includeInactive": false,
"tagsToAdd": [
"tagsToRemove": [
"actionId": "string"
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Delete an agent binary download source
Delete an agent binary download source by ID.
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-settings-all].
curl \
--request DELETE https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/agent_download_sources/{sourceId} \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true"
"id": "string"
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Get an agent
Get an agent by ID.
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-agents-read].
Query parameters
withMetrics boolean
Default value is
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/agents/{agentId}
"item": {
"access_api_key": "string",
"access_api_key_id": "string",
"active": true,
"agent": {
"id": "string",
"version": "string"
"audit_unenrolled_reason": "string",
"components": [
"id": "string",
"message": "string",
"status": "STARTING",
"type": "string",
"units": [
"id": "string",
"message": "string",
"payload": {},
"status": "STARTING",
"type": "input"
"default_api_key": "string",
"default_api_key_history": [
"id": "string",
"retired_at": "string"
"default_api_key_id": "string",
"enrolled_at": "string",
"id": "string",
"last_checkin": "string",
"last_checkin_message": "string",
"last_checkin_status": "error",
"local_metadata": {},
"metrics": {
"cpu_avg": 42.0,
"memory_size_byte_avg": 42.0
"namespaces": [
"outputs": {
"additionalProperty1": {
"api_key_id": "string",
"to_retire_api_key_ids": [
"id": "string",
"retired_at": "string"
"type": "string"
"additionalProperty2": {
"api_key_id": "string",
"to_retire_api_key_ids": [
"id": "string",
"retired_at": "string"
"type": "string"
"packages": [
"policy_id": "string",
"policy_revision": 42.0,
"sort": [
"status": "offline",
"tags": [
"type": "PERMANENT",
"unenrolled_at": "string",
"unenrollment_started_at": "string",
"unhealthy_reason": [
"upgrade_details": {
"action_id": "string",
"metadata": {
"download_percent": 42.0,
"download_rate": 42.0,
"error_msg": "string",
"failed_state": "UPG_REQUESTED",
"retry_error_msg": "string",
"retry_until": "string",
"scheduled_at": "string"
"state": "UPG_REQUESTED",
"target_version": "string"
"upgrade_started_at": "string",
"upgraded_at": "string",
"user_provided_metadata": {}
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Delete an uploaded file
Delete a file uploaded by an agent.
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-agents-all].
curl \
--request DELETE https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/agents/files/{fileId} \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true"
"deleted": true,
"id": "string"
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Get agent tags
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-agents-read].
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/agents/tags
"items": [
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Get an inputs template
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ANY of [integrations-read OR fleet-setup OR fleet-all].
Query parameters
format string
Values are
, oryaml
. Default value isjson
. -
prerelease boolean
ignoreUnverified boolean
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/epm/templates/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/inputs
"inputs": [
"id": "string",
"streams": [
"data_stream": {
"dataset": "string",
"type": "string"
"id": "string"
"type": "string"
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Create an enrollment API key
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-agents-all].
expiration string
name string
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/enrollment_api_keys \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true" \
--data '{"expiration":"string","name":"string","policy_id":"string"}'
# Headers
kbn-xsrf: true
# Payload
"expiration": "string",
"name": "string",
"policy_id": "string"
"action": "created",
"item": {
"active": true,
"api_key": "string",
"api_key_id": "string",
"created_at": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"policy_id": "string"
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Get outputs
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ANY of [fleet-settings-read OR fleet-agent-policies-read].
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/outputs
"items": [
"allow_edit": [
"ca_sha256": "string",
"ca_trusted_fingerprint": "string",
"config_yaml": "string",
"hosts": [
"id": "string",
"is_default": false,
"is_default_monitoring": false,
"is_internal": true,
"is_preconfigured": true,
"name": "string",
"preset": "balanced",
"proxy_id": "string",
"shipper": {
"compression_level": 42.0,
"disk_queue_compression_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_enabled": false,
"disk_queue_encryption_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_max_size": 42.0,
"disk_queue_path": "string",
"loadbalance": true,
"max_batch_bytes": 42.0,
"mem_queue_events": 42.0,
"queue_flush_timeout": 42.0
"ssl": {
"certificate": "string",
"certificate_authorities": [
"key": "string",
"verification_mode": "full"
"type": "elasticsearch"
"page": 42.0,
"perPage": 42.0,
"total": 42.0
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Create output
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-settings-all].
Body object
allow_edit array[string]
ca_sha256 string | null
ca_trusted_fingerprint string | null
config_yaml string | null
At least
element. -
id string
is_default boolean
Default value is
. -
is_default_monitoring boolean
Default value is
. -
is_internal boolean
is_preconfigured boolean
preset string
Values are
, orlatency
. -
proxy_id string | null
shipper object | null
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
ssl object | null
Additional properties are NOT allowed.
Value is
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/outputs \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true" \
--data '{"allow_edit":["string"],"ca_sha256":"string","ca_trusted_fingerprint":"string","config_yaml":"string","hosts":[""],"id":"string","is_default":false,"is_default_monitoring":false,"is_internal":true,"is_preconfigured":true,"name":"string","preset":"balanced","proxy_id":"string","shipper":{"compression_level":42.0,"disk_queue_compression_enabled":true,"disk_queue_enabled":false,"disk_queue_encryption_enabled":true,"disk_queue_max_size":42.0,"disk_queue_path":"string","loadbalance":true,"max_batch_bytes":42.0,"mem_queue_events":42.0,"queue_flush_timeout":42.0},"ssl":{"certificate":"string","certificate_authorities":["string"],"key":"string","verification_mode":"full"},"type":"elasticsearch"}'
# Headers
kbn-xsrf: true
# Payload
"allow_edit": [
"ca_sha256": "string",
"ca_trusted_fingerprint": "string",
"config_yaml": "string",
"hosts": [
"id": "string",
"is_default": false,
"is_default_monitoring": false,
"is_internal": true,
"is_preconfigured": true,
"name": "string",
"preset": "balanced",
"proxy_id": "string",
"shipper": {
"compression_level": 42.0,
"disk_queue_compression_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_enabled": false,
"disk_queue_encryption_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_max_size": 42.0,
"disk_queue_path": "string",
"loadbalance": true,
"max_batch_bytes": 42.0,
"mem_queue_events": 42.0,
"queue_flush_timeout": 42.0
"ssl": {
"certificate": "string",
"certificate_authorities": [
"key": "string",
"verification_mode": "full"
"type": "elasticsearch"
# Headers
kbn-xsrf: true
# Payload
"allow_edit": [
"ca_sha256": "string",
"ca_trusted_fingerprint": "string",
"config_yaml": "string",
"hosts": [
"id": "string",
"is_default": false,
"is_default_monitoring": false,
"is_internal": true,
"is_preconfigured": true,
"kibana_api_key": "string",
"kibana_url": "string",
"name": "string",
"preset": "balanced",
"proxy_id": "string",
"secrets": {
"kibana_api_key": {
"id": "string"
"service_token": {
"id": "string"
"service_token": "string",
"shipper": {
"compression_level": 42.0,
"disk_queue_compression_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_enabled": false,
"disk_queue_encryption_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_max_size": 42.0,
"disk_queue_path": "string",
"loadbalance": true,
"max_batch_bytes": 42.0,
"mem_queue_events": 42.0,
"queue_flush_timeout": 42.0
"ssl": {
"certificate": "string",
"certificate_authorities": [
"key": "string",
"verification_mode": "full"
"sync_integrations": true,
"type": "remote_elasticsearch"
# Headers
kbn-xsrf: true
# Payload
"allow_edit": [
"ca_sha256": "string",
"ca_trusted_fingerprint": "string",
"config_yaml": "string",
"hosts": [
"id": "string",
"is_default": false,
"is_default_monitoring": false,
"is_internal": true,
"is_preconfigured": true,
"name": "string",
"proxy_id": "string",
"secrets": {
"ssl": {
"key": {
"id": "string"
"shipper": {
"compression_level": 42.0,
"disk_queue_compression_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_enabled": false,
"disk_queue_encryption_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_max_size": 42.0,
"disk_queue_path": "string",
"loadbalance": true,
"max_batch_bytes": 42.0,
"mem_queue_events": 42.0,
"queue_flush_timeout": 42.0
"ssl": {
"certificate": "string",
"certificate_authorities": [
"key": "string",
"verification_mode": "full"
"type": "logstash"
# Headers
kbn-xsrf: true
# Payload
"allow_edit": [
"auth_type": "none",
"broker_timeout": 42.0,
"ca_sha256": "string",
"ca_trusted_fingerprint": "string",
"client_id": "string",
"compression": "gzip",
"compression_level": [],
"config_yaml": "string",
"connection_type": [],
"hash": {
"hash": "string",
"random": true
"headers": [
"key": "string",
"value": "string"
"hosts": [
"id": "string",
"is_default": false,
"is_default_monitoring": false,
"is_internal": true,
"is_preconfigured": true,
"key": "string",
"name": "string",
"partition": "random",
"password": [],
"proxy_id": "string",
"random": {
"group_events": 42.0
"required_acks": 1,
"round_robin": {
"group_events": 42.0
"sasl": {
"mechanism": "PLAIN"
"secrets": {
"password": {
"id": "string"
"ssl": {
"key": {
"id": "string"
"shipper": {
"compression_level": 42.0,
"disk_queue_compression_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_enabled": false,
"disk_queue_encryption_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_max_size": 42.0,
"disk_queue_path": "string",
"loadbalance": true,
"max_batch_bytes": 42.0,
"mem_queue_events": 42.0,
"queue_flush_timeout": 42.0
"ssl": {
"certificate": "string",
"certificate_authorities": [
"key": "string",
"verification_mode": "full"
"timeout": 42.0,
"topic": "string",
"type": "kafka",
"username": [],
"version": "string"
"item": {
"allow_edit": [
"ca_sha256": "string",
"ca_trusted_fingerprint": "string",
"config_yaml": "string",
"hosts": [
"id": "string",
"is_default": false,
"is_default_monitoring": false,
"is_internal": true,
"is_preconfigured": true,
"name": "string",
"preset": "balanced",
"proxy_id": "string",
"shipper": {
"compression_level": 42.0,
"disk_queue_compression_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_enabled": false,
"disk_queue_encryption_enabled": true,
"disk_queue_max_size": 42.0,
"disk_queue_path": "string",
"loadbalance": true,
"max_batch_bytes": 42.0,
"mem_queue_events": 42.0,
"queue_flush_timeout": 42.0
"ssl": {
"certificate": "string",
"certificate_authorities": [
"key": "string",
"verification_mode": "full"
"type": "elasticsearch"
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Delete a Fleet Server host
Delete a Fleet Server host by ID.
[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-settings-all].
curl \
--request DELETE https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/fleet_server_hosts/{itemId} \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true"
"id": "string"
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Delete a role
Path parameters
Minimum length is
curl \
--request DELETE https://localhost:5601/api/security/role/{name} \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true"
Create or update roles
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/security/roles \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "kbn-xsrf: true" \
--data '{"roles":{"additionalProperty1":{"description":"string","elasticsearch":{"cluster":["string"],"indices":[{"allow_restricted_indices":true,"field_security":{"additionalProperty1":["string"],"additionalProperty2":["string"]},"names":["string"],"privileges":["string"],"query":"string"}],"remote_cluster":[{"clusters":["string"],"privileges":["string"]}],"remote_indices":[{"allow_restricted_indices":true,"clusters":["string"],"field_security":{"additionalProperty1":["string"],"additionalProperty2":["string"]},"names":["string"],"privileges":["string"],"query":"string"}],"run_as":["string"]},"kibana":[{"base":[],"feature":{"additionalProperty1":["string"],"additionalProperty2":["string"]},"spaces":["*"]}],"metadata":{}},"additionalProperty2":{"description":"string","elasticsearch":{"cluster":["string"],"indices":[{"allow_restricted_indices":true,"field_security":{"additionalProperty1":["string"],"additionalProperty2":["string"]},"names":["string"],"privileges":["string"],"query":"string"}],"remote_cluster":[{"clusters":["string"],"privileges":["string"]}],"remote_indices":[{"allow_restricted_indices":true,"clusters":["string"],"field_security":{"additionalProperty1":["string"],"additionalProperty2":["string"]},"names":["string"],"privileges":["string"],"query":"string"}],"run_as":["string"]},"kibana":[{"base":[],"feature":{"additionalProperty1":["string"],"additionalProperty2":["string"]},"spaces":["*"]}],"metadata":{}}}}'
# Headers
kbn-xsrf: true
# Payload
"roles": {
"additionalProperty1": {
"description": "string",
"elasticsearch": {
"cluster": [
"indices": [
"allow_restricted_indices": true,
"field_security": {
"additionalProperty1": [
"additionalProperty2": [
"names": [
"privileges": [
"query": "string"
"remote_cluster": [
"clusters": [
"privileges": [
"remote_indices": [
"allow_restricted_indices": true,
"clusters": [
"field_security": {
"additionalProperty1": [
"additionalProperty2": [
"names": [
"privileges": [
"query": "string"
"run_as": [
"kibana": [
"base": [],
"feature": {
"additionalProperty1": [
"additionalProperty2": [
"spaces": [
"metadata": {}
"additionalProperty2": {
"description": "string",
"elasticsearch": {
"cluster": [
"indices": [
"allow_restricted_indices": true,
"field_security": {
"additionalProperty1": [
"additionalProperty2": [
"names": [
"privileges": [
"query": "string"
"remote_cluster": [
"clusters": [
"privileges": [
"remote_indices": [
"allow_restricted_indices": true,
"clusters": [
"field_security": {
"additionalProperty1": [
"additionalProperty2": [
"names": [
"privileges": [
"query": "string"
"run_as": [
"kibana": [
"base": [],
"feature": {
"additionalProperty1": [
"additionalProperty2": [
"spaces": [
"metadata": {}
Rotate a key for encrypted saved objects
Superuser role required.
If a saved object cannot be decrypted using the primary encryption key, then Kibana will attempt to decrypt it using the specified decryption-only keys. In most of the cases this overhead is negligible, but if you're dealing with a large number of saved objects and experiencing performance issues, you may want to rotate the encryption key.
This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.
Query parameters
batch_size number
Specifies a maximum number of saved objects that Kibana can process in a single batch. Bulk key rotation is an iterative process since Kibana may not be able to fetch and process all required saved objects in one go and splits processing into consequent batches. By default, the batch size is 10000, which is also a maximum allowed value.
Default value is
. -
type string
Limits encryption key rotation only to the saved objects with the specified type. By default, Kibana tries to rotate the encryption key for all saved object types that may contain encrypted attributes.
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/encrypted_saved_objects/_rotate_key
"total": 1000,
"failed": 0,
"successful": 300
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 400
Resolve a saved object Deprecated
Retrieve a single Kibana saved object by identifier using any legacy URL alias if it exists. Under certain circumstances, when Kibana is upgraded, saved object migrations may necessitate regenerating some object IDs to enable new features. When an object's ID is regenerated, a legacy URL alias is created for that object, preserving its old ID. In such a scenario, that object can be retrieved using either its new ID or its old ID.
Path parameters
An identifier for the saved object.
Valid options include
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/resolve/{type}/{id}
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 400
Apply a bulk action to anonymization fields
Apply a bulk action to multiple anonymization fields. The bulk action is applied to all anonymization fields that match the filter or to the list of anonymization fields by their IDs.
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/security_ai_assistant/anonymization_fields/_bulk_action \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"create":[{"allowed":true,"anonymized":true,"field":"string"}],"delete":{"ids":["string"],"query":"string"},"update":[{"allowed":true,"anonymized":true,"id":"string"}]}'
"create": [
"allowed": true,
"anonymized": true,
"field": "string"
"delete": {
"ids": [
"query": "string"
"update": [
"allowed": true,
"anonymized": true,
"id": "string"
"anonymization_fields_count": 42,
"attributes": {
"errors": [
"anonymization_fields": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"err_code": "string",
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42
"results": {
"created": [
"allowed": true,
"anonymized": true,
"createdAt": "string",
"createdBy": "string",
"field": "string",
"id": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"timestamp": "string",
"updatedAt": "string",
"updatedBy": "string"
"deleted": [
"skipped": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"updated": [
"allowed": true,
"anonymized": true,
"createdAt": "string",
"createdBy": "string",
"field": "string",
"id": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"timestamp": "string",
"updatedAt": "string",
"updatedBy": "string"
"summary": {
"failed": 42,
"skipped": 42,
"succeeded": 42,
"total": 42
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42,
"success": true
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Create a KnowledgeBase
Create a KnowledgeBase
Path parameters
resource string
The KnowledgeBase
Query parameters
modelId string
Optional ELSER modelId to use when setting up the Knowledge Base
ignoreSecurityLabs boolean
Indicates whether we should or should not install Security Labs docs when setting up the Knowledge Base
Default value is
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/security_ai_assistant/knowledge_base/{resource}
"success": true
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Query parameters
fields array[string]
filter string
Search query
sort_field string
Field to sort by
Values are
, orupdated_at
. -
sort_order string
Sort order
Values are
. -
page integer
Page number
Minimum value is
. Default value is1
. -
per_page integer
Prompts per page
Minimum value is
. Default value is20
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/security_ai_assistant/prompts/_find
"data": [
"categories": [
"color": "string",
"consumer": "string",
"content": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"createdBy": "string",
"id": "string",
"isDefault": true,
"isNewConversationDefault": true,
"name": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"promptType": "system",
"timestamp": "string",
"updatedAt": "string",
"updatedBy": "string",
"users": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"page": 42,
"perPage": 42,
"total": 42
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0
Returns user privileges for the Kibana space
Retrieves whether or not the user is authenticated, and the user's Kibana space and index privileges, which determine if the user can create an index for the Elastic Security alerts generated by detection engine rules.
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/detection_engine/privileges
"index": {
".alerts-security.alerts-default": {
"all": true,
"read": true,
"index": true,
"write": true,
"create": true,
"delete": true,
"manage": true,
"monitor": true,
"create_doc": true,
"maintenance": true,
"create_index": true,
"delete_index": true,
"view_index_metadata": true
"cluster": {
"all": true,
"manage": true,
"monitor": true,
"manage_ml": true,
"monitor_ml": true,
"manage_api_key": true,
"manage_pipeline": true,
"manage_security": true,
"manage_transform": true,
"monitor_transform": true,
"manage_own_api_key": true,
"manage_index_templates": true
"username": "elastic",
"application": {},
"is_authenticated": true,
"has_all_requested": true,
"has_encryption_key": true
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42
Delete multiple detection rules Deprecated
Delete detection rules in bulk.
200 application/json
Indicates a successful call.
One of: Security_Detections_API_EqlRuleResponseFields object Security_Detections_API_QueryRuleResponseFields object Security_Detections_API_SavedQueryRuleResponseFields object Security_Detections_API_ThresholdRuleResponseFields object Security_Detections_API_ThreatMatchRuleResponseFields object Security_Detections_API_MachineLearningRuleResponseFields object Security_Detections_API_NewTermsRuleResponseFields object Security_Detections_API_EsqlRuleResponseFields object Security_Detections_API_ErrorSchema object -
400 application/json
Invalid input data response
401 application/json
Unsuccessful authentication response
500 application/json
Internal server error response
curl \
--request DELETE https://localhost:5601/api/detection_engine/rules/_bulk_delete \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '[{"id":"string","rule_id":"string"}]'
"id": "string",
"rule_id": "string"
"actions": [
"action_type_id": "string",
"alerts_filter": {},
"frequency": {
"notifyWhen": "onActiveAlert",
"summary": true,
"throttle": "no_actions"
"group": "string",
"id": "string",
"params": {},
"uuid": "string"
"alias_purpose": "savedObjectConversion",
"alias_target_id": "string",
"author": [
"building_block_type": "string",
"description": "string",
"enabled": true,
"exceptions_list": [
"id": "string",
"list_id": "string",
"namespace_type": "agnostic",
"type": "detection"
"false_positives": [
"from": "string",
"interval": "string",
"investigation_fields": {
"field_names": [
"license": "string",
"max_signals": 42,
"meta": {},
"name": "string",
"namespace": "string",
"note": "string",
"outcome": "exactMatch",
"output_index": "string",
"references": [
"related_integrations": [
"integration": "string",
"package": "string",
"version": "string"
"required_fields": [
"ecs": true,
"name": "string",
"type": "string"
"response_actions": [
"action_type_id": ".osquery",
"params": {
"ecs_mapping": {
"additionalProperty1": {
"field": "string",
"value": "string"
"additionalProperty2": {
"field": "string",
"value": "string"
"pack_id": "string",
"queries": [
"ecs_mapping": {
"additionalProperty1": {
"field": "string",
"value": "string"
"additionalProperty2": {
"field": "string",
"value": "string"
"id": "string",
"platform": "string",
"query": "string",
"removed": true,
"snapshot": true,
"version": "string"
"query": "string",
"saved_query_id": "string",
"timeout": 42.0
"risk_score": 42,
"risk_score_mapping": [
"field": "string",
"operator": "equals",
"risk_score": 42,
"value": "string"
"rule_name_override": "string",
"setup": "string",
"severity": "low",
"severity_mapping": [
"field": "string",
"operator": "equals",
"severity": "low",
"value": "string"
"tags": [
"threat": [
"framework": "string",
"tactic": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"reference": "string"
"technique": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"reference": "string",
"subtechnique": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"reference": "string"
"throttle": "no_actions",
"timeline_id": "string",
"timeline_title": "string",
"timestamp_override": "string",
"timestamp_override_fallback_disabled": true,
"to": "string",
"version": 42,
"created_at": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
"created_by": "string",
"execution_summary": {
"last_execution": {
"date": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
"message": "string",
"metrics": {
"execution_gap_duration_s": 42,
"gap_range": {
"gte": "string",
"lte": "string"
"total_enrichment_duration_ms": 42,
"total_indexing_duration_ms": 42,
"total_search_duration_ms": 42
"status": "going to run",
"status_order": 42
"id": "string",
"immutable": true,
"revision": 42,
"rule_id": "string",
"rule_source": {
"is_customized": true,
"type": "external"
"updated_at": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
"updated_by": "string",
"language": "eql",
"query": "string",
"type": "eql",
"alert_suppression": {
"duration": {
"unit": "s",
"value": 42
"group_by": [
"missing_fields_strategy": "doNotSuppress"
"data_view_id": "string",
"event_category_override": "string",
"filters": [],
"index": [
"tiebreaker_field": "string",
"timestamp_field": "string"
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42
Finalize detection alert migrations Deprecated
Finalize successful migrations of detection alerts. This replaces the original index's alias with the successfully migrated index's alias. The endpoint is idempotent; therefore, it can safely be used to poll a given migration and, upon completion, finalize it.
Body Required
Array of migration_id
s to finalize
Array of
s to finalize.At least
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/detection_engine/signals/finalize_migration \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"migration_ids":["924f7c50-505f-11eb-ae0a-3fa2e626a51d"]}'
"migration_ids": [
"migrations": [
"id": "924f7c50-505f-11eb-ae0a-3fa2e626a51d",
"status": "success",
"updated": "2021-01-06T22:05:56.859Z",
"version": 16,
"completed": true,
"sourceIndex": ".siem-signals-default-000002",
"destinationIndex": ".siem-signals-default-000002-r000016"
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42
Create an endpoint exception list
Create an endpoint exception list, which groups endpoint exception list items. If an endpoint exception list already exists, an empty response is returned.
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/endpoint_list
"_version": "string",
"created_at": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
"created_by": "string",
"description": "This list tracks allowlisted values.",
"id": "9e5fc75a-a3da-46c5-96e3-a2ec59c6bb85",
"immutable": true,
"list_id": "simple_list",
"meta": {},
"name": "My exception list",
"namespace_type": "agnostic",
"os_types": [
"tags": [
"tie_breaker_id": "string",
"type": "detection",
"updated_at": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
"updated_by": "string",
"version": 42
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42
"error": "string",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 42
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42
Get actions state
Get a response actions state, which reports whether encryption is enabled.
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/endpoint/action/state
"body": {
"data": {
"canEncrypt": true
Delete an asset criticality record
Delete the asset criticality record for a specific entity.
Query parameters
The ID value of the asset.
The field representing the ID.
Values are
, orrelated.entity
. -
refresh string
If 'wait_for' the request will wait for the index refresh.
Value is
curl \
--request DELETE https://localhost:5601/api/asset_criticality?id_value=my_host&
"deleted": true,
"record": {
"host": {
"name": "my_host",
"asset": {
"criticality": "high_impact"
"asset": {
"criticality": "high_impact"
"id_field": "",
"id_value": "my_host",
"@timestamp": "2024-08-02T11:15:34.290Z",
"criticality_level": "high_impact"
Configure the Risk Engine Saved Object
Configuring the Risk Engine Saved Object
Body Required
exclude_alert_statuses array[string]
range object
Additional properties are allowed.
curl \
--request PATCH https://localhost:5601/api/risk_score/engine/saved_object/configure \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"exclude_alert_statuses":["string"],"exclude_alert_tags":["string"],"range":{"end":"string","start":"string"}}'
"exclude_alert_statuses": [
"exclude_alert_tags": [
"range": {
"end": "string",
"start": "string"
"risk_engine_saved_object_configured": true
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42
"errors": [
"error": "string",
"seq": 42
"risk_engine_saved_object_configured": false
Security exceptions
Exceptions are associated with detection and endpoint rules, and are used to prevent a rule from generating an alert from incoming events, even when the rule's other criteria are met. They can help reduce the number of false positives and prevent trusted processes and network activity from generating unnecessary alerts.
Exceptions are made up of:
- Exception containers: A container for related exceptions. Generally, a single exception container contains all the exception items relevant for a subset of rules. For example, a container can be used to group together network-related exceptions that are relevant for a large number of network rules. The container can then be associated with all the relevant rules.
- Exception items: The query (fields, values, and logic) used to prevent rules from generating alerts. When an exception item's query evaluates to
, the rule does not generate an alert.
For detection rules, you can also use lists to define rule exceptions. A list holds multiple values of the same Elasticsearch data type, such as IP addresses. These values are used to determine when an exception prevents an alert from being generated.
You cannot use lists with endpoint rule exceptions.
Only exception containers can be associated with rules. You cannot directly associate an exception item or a list container with a rule. To use list exceptions, create an exception item that references the relevant list container.
Exceptions requirements
Before you can start working with exceptions that use value lists, you must create the .lists
and .items
data streams for the relevant Kibana space. To do this, use the Create list data streams endpoint. Once these data streams are created, your role needs privileges to manage rules. For a complete list of requirements, refer to Enable and access detections.
Query parameters
Value list's identifier.
Minimum length is
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/lists?id=21b01cfb-058d-44b9-838c-282be16c91cd
"id": "ip_list",
"name": "My bad ips",
"type": "ip",
"version": 1,
"_version": "WzEsMV0=",
"immutable": false,
"@timestamp": "2025-01-08T04:47:34.273Z",
"created_at": "2025-01-08T04:47:34.273Z",
"created_by": "elastic",
"updated_at": "2025-01-08T05:21:53.843Z",
"updated_by": "elastic",
"description": "This list describes bad internet ip",
"tie_breaker_id": "f5508188-b1e9-4e6e-9662-d039a7d89899"
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "[request query]: id: Required",
"statusCode": 400
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "[security_exception\n\tRoot causes:\n\t\tsecurity_exception: unable to authenticate user [elastic] for REST request [/_security/_authenticate]]: unable to authenticate user [elastic] for REST request [/_security/_authenticate]",
"statusCode": 401
"error": "Forbidden",
"message": "API [GET /api/lists?id=ip_list] is unauthorized for user, this action is granted by the Kibana privileges [lists-read]",
"statusCode": 403
"message": "list id: \\\"foo\\\" not found",
"status_code": 404
"message": "Internal Server Error",
"status_code": 500
Body Required
Value list's properties
Describes the value list.
Minimum length is
. -
deserializer string
Determines how retrieved list item values are presented. By default list items are presented using these Handelbar expressions:
- Single value item types, such asip
, andtext
- Range value item types, such asip_range
, andlong_range
- Date range values.
id string(nonempty)
Value list's identifier.
Minimum length is
. -
meta object
Placeholder for metadata about the value list.
Additional properties are allowed.
Value list's name.
Minimum length is
. -
serializer string
Determines how uploaded list item values are parsed. By default, list items are parsed using these named regex groups:
- Single value item types, such as ip, long, date, keyword, and text.(?<gte>.+)-(?<lte>.+)|(?<value>.+)
- Range value item types, such asdate_range
, andlong_range
Specifies the Elasticsearch data type of excludes the list container holds. Some common examples:
: Many ECS fields are Elasticsearch keywordsip
: IP addressesip_range
: Range of IP addresses (supports IPv4, IPv6, and CIDR notation)
Values are
, ortext
. -
version integer
Minimum value is
. Default value is1
200 application/json
Successful response
400 application/json
Invalid input data response
401 application/json
Unsuccessful authentication response
403 application/json
Not enough privileges response
409 application/json
List already exists response
500 application/json
Internal server error response
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/lists \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"id":"ip_list","name":"Simple list with ips","type":"ip","description":"This list describes bad internet ips"}'
"id": "ip_list",
"name": "Simple list with ips",
"type": "ip",
"description": "This list describes bad internet ips"
"id": "ip_range_list",
"name": "Simple list with ip ranges",
"type": "ip_range",
"description": "This list has ip ranges"
"id": "keyword_list",
"name": "Simple list with a keyword",
"type": "keyword",
"description": "This list describes bad host names"
"id": "keyword_custom_format_list",
"name": "Simple list with a keyword using a custom format",
"type": "keyword",
"serializer": "(?<value>((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))",
"description": "This parses the first found ipv4 only",
"deserializer": "{{value}}"
"id": "ip_list",
"name": "Simple list with ips",
"type": "ip",
"version": 1,
"_version": "WzAsMV0=",
"immutable": false,
"@timestamp": "2025-01-08T04:47:34.273Z",
"created_at": "2025-01-08T04:47:34.273Z",
"created_by": "elastic",
"updated_at": "2025-01-08T04:47:34.273Z",
"updated_by": "elastic",
"description": "This list describes bad internet ips",
"tie_breaker_id": "f5508188-b1e9-4e6e-9662-d039a7d89899"
"id": "ip_range_list",
"name": "Simple list with ip ranges",
"type": "ip_range",
"version": 1,
"_version": "WzAsMV0=",
"immutable": false,
"@timestamp": "2025-01-09T18:23:52.241Z",
"created_at": "2025-01-09T18:23:52.241Z",
"created_by": "elastic",
"updated_at": "2025-01-09T18:23:52.241Z",
"updated_by": "elastic",
"description": "This list has ip ranges",
"tie_breaker_id": "74aebdaf-601f-4940-b351-155728ff7003"
"id": "keyword_list",
"name": "Simple list with a keyword",
"type": "keyword",
"version": 1,
"_version": "WzEsMV0=",
"immutable": false,
"@timestamp": "2025-01-09T18:24:55.786Z",
"created_at": "2025-01-09T18:24:55.786Z",
"created_by": "elastic",
"updated_at": "2025-01-09T18:24:55.786Z",
"updated_by": "elastic",
"description": "This list describes bad host names",
"tie_breaker_id": "f7e7dbaa-daf7-4c9a-a3dc-56643923ef68"
"id": "keyword_custom_format_list",
"name": "Simple list with a keyword using a custom format",
"type": "keyword",
"version": 1,
"_version": "WzIsMV0=",
"immutable": false,
"@timestamp": "2025-01-09T18:25:39.604Z",
"created_at": "2025-01-09T18:25:39.604Z",
"created_by": "elastic",
"serializer": "(?<value>((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))",
"updated_at": "2025-01-09T18:25:39.604Z",
"updated_by": "elastic",
"description": "This parses the first found ipv4 only",
"deserializer": "{{value}}",
"tie_breaker_id": "8247ae63-b780-47b8-9a89-948b643e9ec2"
"message": "To create a list, the data stream must exist first. Data stream \\\".lists-default\\\" does not exist",
"status_code": 400
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "[security_exception\\n\\tRoot causes:\\n\\t\\tsecurity_exception: unable to authenticate user [elastic] for REST request [/_security/_authenticate]]: unable to authenticate user [elastic] for REST request [/_security/_authenticate]",
"statusCode": 401
"error": "Forbidden",
"message": "API [POST /api/lists] is unauthorized for user, this action is granted by the Kibana privileges [lists-all]",
"statusCode": 403
"message": "list id: \"keyword_custom_format_list\" already exists",
"status_code": 409
"message": "Internal Server Error",
"status_code": 500
Export value list items
Export list item values from the specified value list.
Query parameters
Value list's
to export.Minimum length is
200 application/ndjson
Successful response
file containing list items from the specified list -
400 application/json
Invalid input data response
401 application/json
Unsuccessful authentication response
403 application/json
Not enough privileges response
404 application/json
List not found response
500 application/json
Internal server error response
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/lists/items/_export?list_id=21b01cfb-058d-44b9-838c-282be16c91cd
"error": "Bad Request\",\"message\":\"[request query]: list_id: Required",
"statusCode": 400
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "[security_exception\\n\\tRoot causes:\\n\\t\\tsecurity_exception: unable to authenticate user [elastic] for REST request [/_security/_authenticate]]: unable to authenticate user [elastic] for REST request [/_security/_authenticate]",
"statusCode": 401
"error": "Forbidden",
"message": "API [POST /api/lists/items/_export?list_id=ips.txt] is unauthorized for user, this action is granted by the Kibana privileges [lists-read]",
"statusCode": 403
"message": "string",
"status_code": 42
"message": "Internal Server Error",
"status_code": 500
Query parameters
The name of the file to export
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/timeline/_export?file_name=string \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"ids":["string"]}'
"ids": [
"body": "string",
"statusCode": 42.0