Add a case comment or alert

POST /api/cases/{caseId}/comments

You must have all privileges for the Cases feature in the Management, Observability, or Security section of the Kibana feature privileges, depending on the owner of the case you're creating. NOTE: Each case can have a maximum of 1,000 alerts.


  • kbn-xsrf string Required

    Cross-site request forgery protection

Path parameters

  • caseId string Required

    The identifier for the case. To retrieve case IDs, use the find cases API. All non-ASCII characters must be URL encoded.


Body object Required

The add comment to case API request body varies depending on whether you are adding an alert or a comment.

One of:

Defines properties for case comment requests when type is alert.

  • alertId string | array[string] Required

    The alert identifiers. It is required only when type is alert. You can use an array of strings to add multiple alerts to a case, provided that they all relate to the same rule; index must also be an array with the same length or number of elements. Adding multiple alerts in this manner is recommended rather than calling the API multiple times. This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

  • index string | array[string] Required

    The alert indices. It is required only when type is alert. If you are adding multiple alerts to a case, use an array of strings; the position of each index name in the array must match the position of the corresponding alert identifier in the alertId array. This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

  • owner string Required

    The application that owns the cases: Stack Management, Observability, or Elastic Security.

    Values are cases, observability, or securitySolution.

  • rule object Required Technical preview

    The rule that is associated with the alerts. It is required only when type is alert. This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

    Hide rule attributes Show rule attributes object
    • id string

      The rule identifier.

    • name string

      The rule name.

  • type string Required Discriminator

    The type of comment.

    Value is alert.


  • 200 application/json

    Indicates a successful call.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • assignees array[object] | null

      An array containing users that are assigned to the case.

      Not more than 10 elements.

      Hide assignees attribute Show assignees attribute object
      • uid string Required

        A unique identifier for the user profile. These identifiers can be found by using the suggest user profile API.

    • category string | null

      The case category.

    • closed_at string(date-time) | null Required
    • closed_by object | null Required
      Hide closed_by attributes Show closed_by attributes object | null
    • comments array[object] Required

      An array of comment objects for the case.

      Not more than 10000 elements.

      One of:
      Hide attributes Show attributes
    • connector object Required

      One of:

      Defines properties for connectors when type is .none.

      Hide attributes Show attributes
      • fields string | null Required

        An object containing the connector fields. To create a case without a connector, specify null. To update a case to remove the connector, specify null.

      • id string Required

        The identifier for the connector. To create a case without a connector, use none. To update a case to remove the connector, specify none.

      • name string Required

        The name of the connector. To create a case without a connector, use none. To update a case to remove the connector, specify none.

      • type string Required Discriminator

        The type of connector. To create a case without a connector, use .none. To update a case to remove the connector, specify .none.

        Value is .none.

    • created_at string(date-time) Required
    • created_by object Required
      Hide created_by attributes Show created_by attributes object
    • customFields array[object]

      Custom field values for the case.

      Hide customFields attributes Show customFields attributes object
      • key string

        The unique identifier for the custom field. The key value must exist in the case configuration settings.

      • type string

        The custom field type. It must match the type specified in the case configuration settings.

        Values are text or toggle.

      • value string | null | boolean

        The custom field value. If the custom field is required, it cannot be explicitly set to null. However, for cases that existed when the required custom field was added, the default value stored in Elasticsearch is undefined. The value returned in the API and user interface in this case is null.

        One of:

        Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 160.

    • description string Required
    • duration integer | null Required

      The elapsed time from the creation of the case to its closure (in seconds). If the case has not been closed, the duration is set to null. If the case was closed after less than half a second, the duration is rounded down to zero.

    • external_service object | null Required
      Hide external_service attributes Show external_service attributes object | null
    • id string Required
    • owner string Required

      The application that owns the cases: Stack Management, Observability, or Elastic Security.

      Values are cases, observability, or securitySolution.

    • settings object Required

      An object that contains the case settings.

      Hide settings attribute Show settings attribute object
      • syncAlerts boolean Required

        Turns alert syncing on or off.

    • severity string Required

      The severity of the case.

      Values are critical, high, low, or medium. Default value is low.

    • status string Required

      The status of the case.

      Values are closed, in-progress, or open.

    • tags array[string] Required
    • title string Required
    • totalAlerts integer Required
    • totalComment integer Required
    • updated_at string(date-time) | null Required
    • updated_by object | null Required
      Hide updated_by attributes Show updated_by attributes object | null
    • version string Required
  • 401 application/json

    Authorization information is missing or invalid.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
POST /api/cases/{caseId}/comments
curl \
 --request POST http://localhost:5622/api/cases/9c235210-6834-11ea-a78c-6ffb38a34414/comments \
 --header "Authorization: $API_KEY" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "kbn-xsrf: string" \
 --data '{"type":"user","owner":"cases","comment":"A new comment."}'
Request example
  "type": "user",
  "owner": "cases",
  "comment": "A new comment."
Response examples (200)
  "id": "293f1bc0-74f6-11ea-b83a-553aecdb28b6",
  "tags": [
    "tag 1"
  "owner": "cases",
  "title": "Case title 1",
  "status": "open",
  "version": "WzIzMzgsMV0=",
  "category": null,
  "comments": [
      "id": "8af6ac20-74f6-11ea-b83a-553aecdb28b6",
      "type": "user",
      "owner": "cases",
      "comment": "A new comment.",
      "version": "WzIwNDMxLDFd",
      "created_at": "2022-10-02T00:49:47.716Z",
      "created_by": {
        "email": null,
        "username": "elastic",
        "full_name": null
  "duration": null,
  "settings": {
    "syncAlerts": false
  "severity": "low",
  "assignees": [],
  "closed_at": null,
  "closed_by": null,
  "connector": {
    "id": "none",
    "name": "none",
    "type": ".none",
    "fields": null
  "created_at": "2022-03-24T00:37:03.906Z",
  "created_by": {
    "email": null,
    "username": "elastic",
    "full_name": null,
    "profile_uid": "u_mGBROF_q5bmFCATbLXAcCwKa0k8JvONAwSruelyKA5E_0"
  "updated_at": "2022-06-03T00:49:47.716Z",
  "updated_by": {
    "email": null,
    "username": "elastic",
    "full_name": null,
    "profile_uid": "u_mGBROF_q5bmFCATbLXAcCwKa0k8JvONAwSruelyKA5E_0"
  "description": "A case description.",
  "totalAlerts": 0,
  "customFields": [
      "key": "d312efda-ec2b-42ec-9e2c-84981795c581",
      "type": "text",
      "value": "Field value"
      "key": "fcc6840d-eb14-42df-8aaf-232201a705ec",
      "type": "toggle",
      "value": true
  "totalComment": 1,
  "external_service": null
Response examples (401)
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 401