Isolate an endpoint

POST /api/endpoint/action/isolate

Isolate an endpoint from the network. The endpoint remains isolated until it's released.


Body Required

  • The host agent type (optional). Defaults to endpoint.

    Values are endpoint, sentinel_one, crowdstrike, or microsoft_defender_endpoint.

  • alert_ids array[string(nonempty)]

    A list of alerts ids.

    At least 1 element. Minimum length of each is 1.

  • case_ids array[string]

    Case IDs to be updated (cannot contain empty strings)

    At least 1 element. Minimum length of each is 1.

  • comment string

    Optional comment

  • endpoint_ids array[string] Required

    List of endpoint IDs (cannot contain empty strings)

    At least 1 element. Minimum length of each is 1.

  • Optional parameters object

    Additional properties are allowed.


  • 200 application/json


    Additional properties are allowed.

POST /api/endpoint/action/isolate
curl \
 --request POST https://localhost:5601/api/endpoint/action/isolate \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"agent_type":"endpoint","alert_ids":["string"],"case_ids":["string"],"comment":"string","endpoint_ids":["string"],"parameters":{}}'
Request examples
  "agent_type": "endpoint",
  "alert_ids": [
  "case_ids": [
  "comment": "string",
  "endpoint_ids": [
  "parameters": {}
Response examples (200)