Search cases
You must have read
privileges for the Cases feature in the Management, Observability, or Security section of the Kibana feature privileges, depending on the owner of the cases you're seeking.
Query parameters
assignees string | array[string]
Filters the returned cases by assignees. Valid values are
or unique identifiers for the user profiles. These identifiers can be found by using the suggest user profile API. -
category string | array[string]
Filters the returned cases by category.
defaultSearchOperator string
he default operator to use for the simple_query_string.
Default value is
. -
from string
Returns only cases that were created after a specific date. The date must be specified as a KQL data range or date match expression.
owner string | array[string]
A filter to limit the response to a specific set of applications. If this parameter is omitted, the response contains information about all the cases that the user has access to read.
page integer
The page number to return.
Default value is
. -
perPage integer
The number of items to return. Limited to 100 items.
Maximum value is
. Default value is20
. -
reporters string | array[string]
Filters the returned cases by the user name of the reporter.
search string
An Elasticsearch simple_query_string query that filters the objects in the response.
searchFields string | array[string]
The fields to perform the simple_query_string parsed query against.
severity string
The severity of the case.
Values are
, ormedium
. -
sortField string
Determines which field is used to sort the results.
Values are
, orseverity
. Default value iscreatedAt
. -
sortOrder string
Determines the sort order.
Values are
. Default value isdesc
. -
status string
Filters the returned cases by state.
Values are
, oropen
. -
to string
Returns only cases that were created before a specific date. The date must be specified as a KQL data range or date match expression.
curl \
--request GET https://localhost:5601/api/cases/_find
"page": 1,
"cases": [
"id": "abed3a70-71bd-11ea-a0b2-c51ea50a58e2",
"tags": [
"owner": "cases",
"title": "Case title",
"status": "open",
"version": "WzExMCwxXQ==",
"category": null,
"comments": [],
"duration": null,
"settings": {
"syncAlerts": true
"severity": "low",
"assignees": [],
"closed_at": null,
"closed_by": null,
"connector": {
"id": "none",
"name": "none",
"type": ".none",
"fields": null
"created_at": "2023-10-12T00:16:36.371Z",
"created_by": {
"email": null,
"username": "elastic",
"full_name": null,
"profile_uid": "u_mGBROF_q5bmFCATbLXAcCwKa0k8JvONAwSruelyKA5E_0"
"updated_at": "2023-10-12T00:27:58.162Z",
"updated_by": {
"email": null,
"username": "elastic",
"full_name": null,
"profile_uid": "u_mGBROF_q5bmFCATbLXAcCwKa0k8JvONAwSruelyKA5E_0"
"description": "Case description",
"totalAlerts": 0,
"customFields": [
"key": "d312efda-ec2b-42ec-9e2c-84981795c581",
"type": "text",
"value": "My field value"
"key": "fcc6840d-eb14-42df-8aaf-232201a705ec",
"type": "toggle",
"value": null
"totalComment": 1,
"external_service": null
"total": 1,
"per_page": 5,
"count_open_cases": 1,
"count_closed_cases": 0,
"count_in_progress_cases": 0
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 401