Initialize an Entity Engine

POST /api/entity_store/engines/{entityType}/init

Path parameters

  • entityType string Required

    The entity type of the engine (either 'user' or 'host').

    Values are user, host, or service.


Body Required

Schema for the engine initialization

  • delay string

    The delay before the transform will run.

    Format should match the following pattern: [smdh]$. Default value is 1m.

  • The number of documents per second to process.

  • Interval in which enrich policy runs. For example, "1h" means the rule runs every hour. Must be less than or equal to half the duration of the lookback period,

    Format should match the following pattern: ^[1-9]\d*[smh]$.

  • The number of historical values to keep for each field.

    Default value is 10.

  • filter string
  • The frequency at which the transform will run.

    Format should match the following pattern: [smdh]$. Default value is 1m.

  • The amount of time the transform looks back to calculate the aggregations.

    Format should match the following pattern: [smdh]$. Default value is 24h.

  • timeout string

    The timeout for initializing the aggregating transform.

    Format should match the following pattern: [smdh]$. Default value is 180s.

  • The field to use as the timestamp for the entity type.

    Default value is @timestamp.


  • 200 application/json

    Successful response

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
  • Invalid request

POST /api/entity_store/engines/{entityType}/init
curl \
 --request POST http://localhost:5622/api/entity_store/engines/{entityType}/init \
 --header "Authorization: $API_KEY" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"delay":"1m","docsPerSecond":42,"enrichPolicyExecutionInterval":"1h","fieldHistoryLength":10,"filter":"string","frequency":"1m","indexPattern":"string","lookbackPeriod":"24h","timeout":"180s","timestampField":"@timestamp"}'
Request examples
  "delay": "1m",
  "docsPerSecond": 42,
  "enrichPolicyExecutionInterval": "1h",
  "fieldHistoryLength": 10,
  "filter": "string",
  "frequency": "1m",
  "indexPattern": "string",
  "lookbackPeriod": "24h",
  "timeout": "180s",
  "timestampField": "@timestamp"
Response examples (200)
  "delay": "1m",
  "docsPerSecond": 42,
  "error": {},
  "fieldHistoryLength": 42,
  "filter": "string",
  "frequency": "1m",
  "indexPattern": "string",
  "lookbackPeriod": "24h",
  "status": "installing",
  "timeout": "180s",
  "timestampField": "string",
  "type": "user"