Initialize the Entity Store

POST /api/entity_store/enable

Body Required

Schema for the entity store initialization

  • delay string

    The delay before the transform will run.

    Format should match the following pattern: [smdh]$. Default value is 1m.

  • The number of documents per second to process.

  • Interval in which enrich policy runs. For example, "1h" means the rule runs every hour.

    Format should match the following pattern: ^[1-9]\d*[smh]$.

  • entityTypes array[string]

    Values are user, host, service, or universal.

  • The number of historical values to keep for each field.

    Default value is 10.

  • filter string
  • The frequency at which the transform will run.

    Format should match the following pattern: [smdh]$. Default value is 1m.

  • The amount of time the transform looks back to calculate the aggregations.

    Format should match the following pattern: [smdh]$. Default value is 24h.

  • timeout string

    The timeout for initializing the aggregating transform.

    Format should match the following pattern: [smdh]$. Default value is 180s.

  • The field to use as the timestamp.

    Default value is @timestamp.


  • 200 application/json

    Successful response

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
POST /api/entity_store/enable
curl \
 --request POST https://localhost:5601/api/entity_store/enable \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"delay":"1m","docsPerSecond":42,"enrichPolicyExecutionInterval":"1h","entityTypes":["user"],"fieldHistoryLength":10,"filter":"string","frequency":"1m","indexPattern":"string","lookbackPeriod":"24h","timeout":"180s","timestampField":"@timestamp"}'
Request examples
  "delay": "1m",
  "docsPerSecond": 42,
  "enrichPolicyExecutionInterval": "1h",
  "entityTypes": [
  "fieldHistoryLength": 10,
  "filter": "string",
  "frequency": "1m",
  "indexPattern": "string",
  "lookbackPeriod": "24h",
  "timeout": "180s",
  "timestampField": "@timestamp"
Response examples (200)
  "engines": [
      "delay": "1m",
      "docsPerSecond": 42,
      "error": {},
      "fieldHistoryLength": 42,
      "filter": "string",
      "frequency": "1m",
      "indexPattern": "string",
      "lookbackPeriod": "24h",
      "status": "installing",
      "timeout": "180s",
      "timestampField": "string",
      "type": "user"
  "succeeded": true