Pin/unpin an event

PATCH /api/pinned_event

Pin/unpin an event to/from an existing Timeline.


Body Required

The pinned event to add or unpin, along with additional metadata.

  • eventId string Required

    The _id of the associated event for this pinned event.

  • pinnedEventId string | null

    The savedObjectId of the pinned event you want to unpin.

  • timelineId string Required

    The savedObjectId of the timeline that you want this pinned event unpinned from.


  • 200 application/json

    Indicates the event was successfully pinned to or unpinned from the Timeline.

    One of:
    Hide attributes Show attributes
    • created number | null

      The time the pinned event was created, using a 13-digit Epoch timestamp.

    • createdBy string | null

      The user who created the pinned event.

    • updated number | null

      The last time the pinned event was updated, using a 13-digit Epoch timestamp

    • updatedBy string | null

      The user who last updated the pinned event

    • eventId string Required

      The _id of the associated event for this pinned event.

    • timelineId string Required

      The savedObjectId of the timeline that this pinned event is associated with

    • pinnedEventId string Required

      The savedObjectId of this pinned event

    • version string Required

      The version of this pinned event

PATCH /api/pinned_event
curl \
 --request PATCH http://localhost:5622/api/pinned_event \
 --header "Authorization: $API_KEY" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"eventId":"d3a1d35a3e84a81b2f8f3859e064c224cdee1b4bc","pinnedEventId":"10r1929b-0af7-42bd-85a8-56e234f98h2f3","timelineId":"15c1929b-0af7-42bd-85a8-56e234cc7c4e"}'
Request examples
  "eventId": "d3a1d35a3e84a81b2f8f3859e064c224cdee1b4bc",
  "pinnedEventId": "10r1929b-0af7-42bd-85a8-56e234f98h2f3",
  "timelineId": "15c1929b-0af7-42bd-85a8-56e234cc7c4e"
Response examples (200)
  "created": 1587468588922,
  "createdBy": "casetester",
  "updated": 1741344876825,
  "updatedBy": "casetester",
  "eventId": "d3a1d35a3e84a81b2f8f3859e064c224cdee1b4bc",
  "timelineId": "15c1929b-0af7-42bd-85a8-56e234cc7c4e",
  "pinnedEventId": "10r1929b-0af7-42bd-85a8-56e234f98h2f3",
  "version": "WzQ2LDFe"
  "unpinned": true