Update a rule

PUT /api/alerting/rule/{id}


  • kbn-xsrf string Required

    A required header to protect against CSRF attacks

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    The identifier for the rule.



  • actions array[object]

    An action that runs under defined conditions.

    Default value is [] (empty).

    Hide actions attributes Show actions attributes object
    • Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide alerts_filter attributes Show alerts_filter attributes object
      • query object

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide query attributes Show query attributes object
        • dsl string

          A filter written in Elasticsearch Query Domain Specific Language (DSL).

        • filters array[object] Required

          A filter written in Elasticsearch Query Domain Specific Language (DSL) as defined in the kbn-es-query package.

          Hide filters attributes Show filters attributes object
          • $state object

            Additional properties are NOT allowed.

            Hide $state attribute Show $state attribute object
            • store string Required

              A filter can be either specific to an application context or applied globally.

              Values are appState or globalState.

          • meta object Required

            Additional properties are allowed.

          • query object

            Additional properties are allowed.

        • kql string Required

          A filter written in Kibana Query Language (KQL).

      • Defines a period that limits whether the action runs.

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide timeframe attributes Show timeframe attributes object
        • days array[integer] Required

          Defines the days of the week that the action can run, represented as an array of numbers. For example, 1 represents Monday. An empty array is equivalent to specifying all the days of the week.

          Values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.

        • hours object Required

          Defines the range of time in a day that the action can run. If the start value is 00:00 and the end value is 24:00, actions be generated all day.

          Additional properties are NOT allowed.

          Hide hours attributes Show hours attributes object
          • end string Required

            The end of the time frame in 24-hour notation (hh:mm).

          • start string Required

            The start of the time frame in 24-hour notation (hh:mm).

        • timezone string Required

          The ISO time zone for the hours values. Values such as UTC and UTC+1 also work but lack built-in daylight savings time support and are not recommended.

    • Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide frequency attributes Show frequency attributes object
      • notify_when string Required

        Indicates how often alerts generate actions. Valid values include: onActionGroupChange: Actions run when the alert status changes; onActiveAlert: Actions run when the alert becomes active and at each check interval while the rule conditions are met; onThrottleInterval: Actions run when the alert becomes active and at the interval specified in the throttle property while the rule conditions are met. NOTE: You cannot specify notify_when at both the rule and action level. The recommended method is to set it for each action. If you set it at the rule level then update the rule in Kibana, it is automatically changed to use action-specific values.

        Values are onActionGroupChange, onActiveAlert, or onThrottleInterval.

      • summary boolean Required

        Indicates whether the action is a summary.

      • throttle string | null Required

        The throttle interval, which defines how often an alert generates repeated actions. It is specified in seconds, minutes, hours, or days and is applicable only if notify_when is set to onThrottleInterval. NOTE: You cannot specify the throttle interval at both the rule and action level. The recommended method is to set it for each action. If you set it at the rule level then update the rule in Kibana, it is automatically changed to use action-specific values.

    • group string

      The group name, which affects when the action runs (for example, when the threshold is met or when the alert is recovered). Each rule type has a list of valid action group names. If you don't need to group actions, set to default.

    • id string Required

      The identifier for the connector saved object.

    • params object

      The parameters for the action, which are sent to the connector. The params are handled as Mustache templates and passed a default set of context.

      Default value is {} (empty). Additional properties are allowed.

    • Indicates whether to use alert data as a template.

    • uuid string

      A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the action.

  • Indicates that an alert occurs only when the specified number of consecutive runs met the rule conditions.

    Additional properties are NOT allowed.

    Hide alert_delay attribute Show alert_delay attribute object
    • active number Required

      The number of consecutive runs that must meet the rule conditions.

  • flapping object | null

    When flapping detection is turned on, alerts that switch quickly between active and recovered states are identified as “flapping” and notifications are reduced.

    Additional properties are NOT allowed.

    Hide flapping attributes Show flapping attributes object | null
    • look_back_window number Required

      The minimum number of runs in which the threshold must be met.

      Minimum value is 2, maximum value is 20.

    • The minimum number of times an alert must switch states in the look back window.

      Minimum value is 2, maximum value is 20.

  • name string Required

    The name of the rule. While this name does not have to be unique, a distinctive name can help you identify a rule.

  • notify_when string | null

    Indicates how often alerts generate actions. Valid values include: onActionGroupChange: Actions run when the alert status changes; onActiveAlert: Actions run when the alert becomes active and at each check interval while the rule conditions are met; onThrottleInterval: Actions run when the alert becomes active and at the interval specified in the throttle property while the rule conditions are met. NOTE: You cannot specify notify_when at both the rule and action level. The recommended method is to set it for each action. If you set it at the rule level then update the rule in Kibana, it is automatically changed to use action-specific values.

    Values are onActionGroupChange, onActiveAlert, or onThrottleInterval.

  • params object

    The parameters for the rule.

    Default value is {} (empty). Additional properties are allowed.

  • schedule object Required

    Additional properties are NOT allowed.

    Hide schedule attribute Show schedule attribute object
    • interval string Required

      The interval is specified in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

  • tags array[string]

    The tags for the rule.

    Default value is [] (empty).

  • throttle string | null

    Use the throttle property in the action frequency object instead. The throttle interval, which defines how often an alert generates repeated actions. NOTE: You cannot specify the throttle interval at both the rule and action level. If you set it at the rule level then update the rule in Kibana, it is automatically changed to use action-specific values.


  • 200 application/json

    Indicates a successful call.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • actions array[object] Required
      Hide actions attributes Show actions attributes object
      • Defines a period that limits whether the action runs.

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide alerts_filter attributes Show alerts_filter attributes object
        • query object

          Additional properties are NOT allowed.

          Hide query attributes Show query attributes object
          • dsl string

            A filter written in Elasticsearch Query Domain Specific Language (DSL).

          • filters array[object] Required

            A filter written in Elasticsearch Query Domain Specific Language (DSL) as defined in the kbn-es-query package.

            Hide filters attributes Show filters attributes object
            • $state object

              Additional properties are NOT allowed.

              Hide $state attribute Show $state attribute object
              • store string Required

                A filter can be either specific to an application context or applied globally.

                Values are appState or globalState.

            • meta object Required

              Additional properties are allowed.

            • query object

              Additional properties are allowed.

          • kql string Required

            A filter written in Kibana Query Language (KQL).

        • Additional properties are NOT allowed.

          Hide timeframe attributes Show timeframe attributes object
          • days array[integer] Required

            Defines the days of the week that the action can run, represented as an array of numbers. For example, 1 represents Monday. An empty array is equivalent to specifying all the days of the week.

            Values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.

          • hours object Required

            Additional properties are NOT allowed.

            Hide hours attributes Show hours attributes object
            • end string Required

              The end of the time frame in 24-hour notation (hh:mm).

            • start string Required

              The start of the time frame in 24-hour notation (hh:mm).

          • timezone string Required

            The ISO time zone for the hours values. Values such as UTC and UTC+1 also work but lack built-in daylight savings time support and are not recommended.

      • connector_type_id string Required

        The type of connector. This property appears in responses but cannot be set in requests.

      • Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide frequency attributes Show frequency attributes object
        • notify_when string Required

          Indicates how often alerts generate actions. Valid values include: onActionGroupChange: Actions run when the alert status changes; onActiveAlert: Actions run when the alert becomes active and at each check interval while the rule conditions are met; onThrottleInterval: Actions run when the alert becomes active and at the interval specified in the throttle property while the rule conditions are met. NOTE: You cannot specify notify_when at both the rule and action level. The recommended method is to set it for each action. If you set it at the rule level then update the rule in Kibana, it is automatically changed to use action-specific values.

          Values are onActionGroupChange, onActiveAlert, or onThrottleInterval.

        • summary boolean Required

          Indicates whether the action is a summary.

        • throttle string | null Required

          The throttle interval, which defines how often an alert generates repeated actions. It is specified in seconds, minutes, hours, or days and is applicable only if 'notify_when' is set to 'onThrottleInterval'. NOTE: You cannot specify the throttle interval at both the rule and action level. The recommended method is to set it for each action. If you set it at the rule level then update the rule in Kibana, it is automatically changed to use action-specific values.

      • group string

        The group name, which affects when the action runs (for example, when the threshold is met or when the alert is recovered). Each rule type has a list of valid action group names. If you don't need to group actions, set to default.

      • id string Required

        The identifier for the connector saved object.

      • params object Required

        The parameters for the action, which are sent to the connector. The params are handled as Mustache templates and passed a default set of context.

        Additional properties are allowed.

      • Indicates whether to use alert data as a template.

      • uuid string

        A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the action.

    • active_snoozes array[string]

      List of active snoozes for the rule.

    • Indicates that an alert occurs only when the specified number of consecutive runs met the rule conditions.

      Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide alert_delay attribute Show alert_delay attribute object
      • active number Required

        The number of consecutive runs that must meet the rule conditions.

    • Indicates whether the API key that is associated with the rule was created by the user.

    • api_key_owner string | null Required

      The owner of the API key that is associated with the rule and used to run background tasks.

    • consumer string Required

      The name of the application or feature that owns the rule. For example: alerts, apm, discover, infrastructure, logs, metrics, ml, monitoring, securitySolution, siem, stackAlerts, or uptime.

    • created_at string Required

      The date and time that the rule was created.

    • created_by string | null Required

      The identifier for the user that created the rule.

    • enabled boolean Required

      Indicates whether you want to run the rule on an interval basis after it is created.

    • execution_status object Required

      Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide execution_status attributes Show execution_status attributes object
      • error object

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide error attributes Show error attributes object
        • message string Required

          Error message.

        • reason string Required

          Reason for error.

          Values are read, decrypt, execute, unknown, license, timeout, disabled, or validate.

      • Duration of last execution of the rule.

      • last_execution_date string Required

        The date and time when rule was executed last.

      • status string Required

        Status of rule execution.

        Values are ok, active, error, warning, pending, or unknown.

      • warning object

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide warning attributes Show warning attributes object
        • message string Required

          Warning message.

        • reason string Required

          Reason for warning.

          Values are maxExecutableActions, maxAlerts, maxQueuedActions, or ruleExecution.

    • flapping object | null

      When flapping detection is turned on, alerts that switch quickly between active and recovered states are identified as “flapping” and notifications are reduced.

      Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide flapping attributes Show flapping attributes object | null
      • look_back_window number Required

        The minimum number of runs in which the threshold must be met.

        Minimum value is 2, maximum value is 20.

      • The minimum number of times an alert must switch states in the look back window.

        Minimum value is 2, maximum value is 20.

    • id string Required

      The identifier for the rule.

    • is_snoozed_until string | null

      The date when the rule will no longer be snoozed.

    • last_run object | null

      Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide last_run attributes Show last_run attributes object | null
      • alerts_count object Required

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide alerts_count attributes Show alerts_count attributes object
        • active number | null

          Number of active alerts during last run.

        • ignored number | null

          Number of ignored alerts during last run.

        • new number | null

          Number of new alerts during last run.

        • recovered number | null

          Number of recovered alerts during last run.

      • outcome string Required

        Outcome of last run of the rule. Value could be succeeded, warning or failed.

        Values are succeeded, warning, or failed.

      • outcome_msg array[string] | null

        Outcome message generated during last rule run.

      • Order of the outcome.

      • warning string | null

        Warning of last rule execution.

        Values are read, decrypt, execute, unknown, license, timeout, disabled, validate, maxExecutableActions, maxAlerts, maxQueuedActions, or ruleExecution.

    • Additional properties are allowed.

    • Monitoring details of the rule.

      Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide monitoring attribute Show monitoring attribute object
      • run object Required

        Rule run details.

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide run attributes Show run attributes object
        • calculated_metrics object Required

          Calculation of different percentiles and success ratio.

          Additional properties are NOT allowed.

          Hide calculated_metrics attributes Show calculated_metrics attributes object
        • history array[object] Required

          History of the rule run.

          Hide history attributes Show history attributes object
          • duration number

            Duration of the rule run.

          • outcome string

            Outcome of last run of the rule. Value could be succeeded, warning or failed.

            Values are succeeded, warning, or failed.

          • success boolean Required

            Indicates whether the rule run was successful.

          • timestamp number Required

            Time of rule run.

        • last_run object Required

          Additional properties are NOT allowed.

          Hide last_run attributes Show last_run attributes object
          • metrics object Required

            Additional properties are NOT allowed.

            Hide metrics attributes Show metrics attributes object
            • duration number

              Duration of most recent rule run.

            • gap_duration_s number | null

              Duration in seconds of rule run gap.

            • gap_range object | null

              Additional properties are NOT allowed.

              Hide gap_range attributes Show gap_range attributes object | null
              • gte string Required

                End of the gap range.

              • lte string Required

                Start of the gap range.

            • Total number of alerts created during last rule run.

            • Total number of alerts detected during last rule run.

            • Total time spent indexing documents during last rule run in milliseconds.

            • Total time spent performing Elasticsearch searches as measured by Kibana; includes network latency and time spent serializing or deserializing the request and response.

          • timestamp string Required

            Time of the most recent rule run.

    • mute_all boolean Required

      Indicates whether all alerts are muted.

    • muted_alert_ids array[string] Required

      List of identifiers of muted alerts.

    • name string Required

      The name of the rule.

    • next_run string | null

      Date and time of the next run of the rule.

    • notify_when string | null

      Indicates how often alerts generate actions. Valid values include: onActionGroupChange: Actions run when the alert status changes; onActiveAlert: Actions run when the alert becomes active and at each check interval while the rule conditions are met; onThrottleInterval: Actions run when the alert becomes active and at the interval specified in the throttle property while the rule conditions are met. NOTE: You cannot specify notify_when at both the rule and action level. The recommended method is to set it for each action. If you set it at the rule level then update the rule in Kibana, it is automatically changed to use action-specific values.

      Values are onActionGroupChange, onActiveAlert, or onThrottleInterval.

    • params object Required

      The parameters for the rule.

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • revision number Required

      The rule revision number.

    • rule_type_id string Required

      The rule type identifier.

    • running boolean | null

      Indicates whether the rule is running.

    • schedule object Required

      Additional properties are NOT allowed.

      Hide schedule attribute Show schedule attribute object
      • interval string Required

        The interval is specified in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

    • Identifier of the scheduled task.

    • snooze_schedule array[object]
      Hide snooze_schedule attributes Show snooze_schedule attributes object
      • duration number Required

        Duration of the rule snooze schedule.

      • id string

        Identifier of the rule snooze schedule.

      • rRule object Required

        Additional properties are NOT allowed.

        Hide rRule attributes Show rRule attributes object
        • byhour array[number] | null

          Indicates hours of the day to recur.

        • byminute array[number] | null

          Indicates minutes of the hour to recur.

        • bymonth array[number] | null

          Indicates months of the year that this rule should recur.

        • bymonthday array[number] | null

          Indicates the days of the month to recur.

        • bysecond array[number] | null

          Indicates seconds of the day to recur.

        • bysetpos array[number] | null

          A positive or negative integer affecting the nth day of the month. For example, -2 combined with byweekday of FR is 2nd to last Friday of the month. It is recommended to not set this manually and just use byweekday.

        • byweekday array[string | number] | null

          Indicates the days of the week to recur or else nth-day-of-month strings. For example, "+2TU" second Tuesday of month, "-1FR" last Friday of the month, which are internally converted to a byweekday/bysetpos combination.

        • byweekno array[number] | null

          Indicates number of the week hours to recur.

        • byyearday array[number] | null

          Indicates the days of the year that this rule should recur.

        • count number

          Number of times the rule should recur until it stops.

        • dtstart string Required

          Rule start date in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

        • freq integer

          Indicates frequency of the rule. Options are YEARLY, MONTHLY, WEEKLY, DAILY.

          Values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.

        • interval number

          Indicates the interval of frequency. For example, 1 and YEARLY is every 1 year, 2 and WEEKLY is every 2 weeks.

        • tzid string Required

          Indicates timezone abbreviation.

        • until string

          Recur the rule until this date.

        • wkst string

          Indicates the start of week, defaults to Monday.

          Values are MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, or SU.

      • skipRecurrences array[string]

        Skips recurrence of rule on this date.

    • tags array[string] Required

      The tags for the rule.

    • throttle string | null Deprecated

      Deprecated in 8.13.0. Use the throttle property in the action frequency object instead. The throttle interval, which defines how often an alert generates repeated actions. NOTE: You cannot specify the throttle interval at both the rule and action level. If you set it at the rule level then update the rule in Kibana, it is automatically changed to use action-specific values.

    • updated_at string Required

      The date and time that the rule was updated most recently.

    • updated_by string | null Required

      The identifier for the user that updated this rule most recently.

    • Relative URL to view rule in the app.

  • Indicates an invalid schema or parameters.

  • Indicates that this call is forbidden.

  • Indicates a rule with the given ID does not exist.

  • Indicates that the rule has already been updated by another user.

PUT /api/alerting/rule/{id}
curl \
 --request PUT http://localhost:5622/api/alerting/rule/{id} \
 --header "Authorization: $API_KEY" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "kbn-xsrf: true" \
 --data '{"name":"new name","tags":[],"params":{"index":[".updated-index"],"aggType":"avg","groupBy":"top","aggField":"sheet.version","termSize":6,"termField":"name.keyword","threshold":[1000],"timeField":"@timestamp","timeWindowSize":5,"timeWindowUnit":"m","thresholdComparator":"\u003e"},"actions":[{"id":"96b668d0-a1b6-11ed-afdf-d39a49596974","group":"threshold met","params":{"level":"info","message":"Rule {{rule.name}} is active for group {{context.group}}:\n\n- Value: {{context.value}}\n- Conditions Met: {{context.conditions}} over {{rule.params.timeWindowSize}}{{rule.params.timeWindowUnit}}\n- Timestamp: {{context.date}}"},"frequency":{"summary":false,"notify_when":"onActionGroupChange"}}],"schedule":{"interval":"1m"}}'
Request example
Update an index threshold rule that uses a server log connector to send notifications when the threshold is met.
  "name": "new name",
  "tags": [],
  "params": {
    "index": [
    "aggType": "avg",
    "groupBy": "top",
    "aggField": "sheet.version",
    "termSize": 6,
    "termField": "name.keyword",
    "threshold": [
    "timeField": "@timestamp",
    "timeWindowSize": 5,
    "timeWindowUnit": "m",
    "thresholdComparator": ">"
  "actions": [
      "id": "96b668d0-a1b6-11ed-afdf-d39a49596974",
      "group": "threshold met",
      "params": {
        "level": "info",
        "message": "Rule {{rule.name}} is active for group {{context.group}}:\n\n- Value: {{context.value}}\n- Conditions Met: {{context.conditions}} over {{rule.params.timeWindowSize}}{{rule.params.timeWindowUnit}}\n- Timestamp: {{context.date}}"
      "frequency": {
        "summary": false,
        "notify_when": "onActionGroupChange"
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "1m"
Response examples (200)
The response for successfully updating an index threshold rule.
  "id": "ac4e6b90-6be7-11eb-ba0d-9b1c1f912d74",
  "name": "new name",
  "tags": [],
  "params": {
    "index": [
    "aggType": "avg",
    "groupBy": "top",
    "aggField": "sheet.version",
    "termSize": 6,
    "termField": "name.keyword",
    "threshold": [
    "timeField": "@timestamp",
    "timeWindowSize": 5,
    "timeWindowUnit": "m",
    "thresholdComparator": ">"
  "actions": [
      "id": "96b668d0-a1b6-11ed-afdf-d39a49596974",
      "uuid": "07aef2a0-9eed-4ef9-94ec-39ba58eb609d",
      "group": "threshold met",
      "params": {
        "level": "info",
        "message": "Rule {{rule.name}} is active for group {{context.group}}:\n\n- Value: {{context.value}}\n- Conditions Met: {{context.conditions}} over {{rule.params.timeWindowSize}}{{rule.params.timeWindowUnit}}\n- Timestamp: {{context.date}"
      "frequency": {
        "summary": false,
        "throttle": null,
        "notify_when": "onActionGroupChange"
      "connector_type_id": ".server-log"
  "enabled": true,
  "running": false,
  "consumer": "alerts",
  "last_run": {
    "outcome": "succeeded",
    "warning": null,
    "outcome_msg": null,
    "alerts_count": {
      "new": 0,
      "active": 0,
      "ignored": 0,
      "recovered": 0
  "mute_all": false,
  "next_run": "2024-03-26T23:23:51.316Z",
  "revision": 1,
  "schedule": {
    "interval": "1m"
  "throttle": null,
  "created_at": "2024-03-26T23:13:20.985Z",
  "created_by": "elastic",
  "updated_at": "2024-03-26T23:22:59.949Z",
  "updated_by": "elastic",
  "rule_type_id": ".index-threshold",
  "api_key_owner": "elastic",
  "muted_alert_ids": [],
  "execution_status": {
    "status": "ok",
    "last_duration": 52,
    "last_execution_date": "2024-03-26T23:22:51.390Z"
  "scheduled_task_id": "4c5eda00-e74f-11ec-b72f-5b18752ff9ea",
  "api_key_created_by_user": false