Update uptime settings

PUT /api/uptime/settings

Update uptime setting attributes like heartbeatIndices, certExpirationThreshold, certAgeThreshold, defaultConnectors, or defaultEmail. You must have all privileges for the uptime feature in the Observability section of the Kibana feature privileges. A partial update is supported, provided settings keys will be merged with existing settings.



  • The number of days after a certificate is created to trigger an alert.

    Default value is 730.

  • The number of days before a certificate expires to trigger an alert.

    Default value is 30.

  • A list of connector IDs to be used as default connectors for new alerts.

    Default value is [] (empty).

  • The default email configuration for new alerts.

    Hide defaultEmail attributes Show defaultEmail attributes object
    • bcc array

      Default value is [] (empty).

    • cc array

      Default value is [] (empty).

    • to array

      Default value is [] (empty).

  • An index pattern string to be used within the Uptime app and alerts to query Heartbeat data.

    Default value is heartbeat-*.


  • 200 application/json

    Indicates a successful call

PUT /api/uptime/settings
curl \
 --request PUT http://localhost:5622/api/uptime/settings \
 --header "Authorization: $API_KEY" \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '"{\n    \"heartbeatIndices\": \"heartbeat-8*\",\n    \"certExpirationThreshold\": 30,\n    \"certAgeThreshold\": 730,\n    \"defaultConnectors\": [\n        \"08990f40-09c5-11ee-97ae-912b222b13d4\",\n        \"db25f830-2318-11ee-9391-6b0c030836d6\"\n    ],\n    \"defaultEmail\": {\n        \"to\": [],\n        \"cc\": [],\n        \"bcc\": []\n    }\n}"'
Request examples
Run `PUT api/uptime/settings` to update multiple Uptime settings.
    "heartbeatIndices": "heartbeat-8*",
    "certExpirationThreshold": 30,
    "certAgeThreshold": 730,
    "defaultConnectors": [
    "defaultEmail": {
        "to": [],
        "cc": [],
        "bcc": []
Run `PUT api/uptime/settings` to update a single Uptime setting.
    "heartbeatIndices": "heartbeat-8*",
Response examples (200)
A successful response from `PUT api/uptime/settings`.
    "heartbeatIndices": "heartbeat-8*",
    "certExpirationThreshold": 30,
    "certAgeThreshold": 730,
    "defaultConnectors": [
    "defaultEmail": {
        "to": [],
        "cc": [],
        "bcc": []