APM sourcemaps

Configure APM source maps.


Connectors provide a central place to store connection information for services and integrations with Elastic or third party systems. Alerting rules can use connectors to run actions when rule conditions are met.

Delete a connector

DELETE /api/actions/connector/{id}

WARNING: When you delete a connector, it cannot be recovered.


  • kbn-xsrf string Required

    A required header to protect against CSRF attacks

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    An identifier for the connector.


  • Indicates a successful call.

DELETE /api/actions/connector/{id}
curl \
 --request DELETE https://localhost:5601/api/actions/connector/{id} \
 --header "kbn-xsrf: true"

Update data view fields metadata

POST /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}/fields

Update fields presentation metadata such as count, customLabel, customDescription, and format.


  • kbn-xsrf string Required

    Cross-site request forgery protection

Path parameters

  • viewId string Required

    An identifier for the data view.


Body Required

  • fields object Required

    The field object.

    Additional properties are allowed.


  • 200 application/json

    Indicates a successful call.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
  • 400 application/json

    Bad request

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
POST /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}/fields
curl \
 --request POST https://localhost:5601/api/data_views/data_view/ff959d40-b880-11e8-a6d9-e546fe2bba5f/fields \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --header "kbn-xsrf: string" \
 --data '{"fields":{"field1":{"count":123,"customLabel":"Field 1 label"},"field2":{"customLabel":"Field 2 label","customDescription":"Field 2 description"}}}'
Request example
  "fields": {
    "field1": {
      "count": 123,
      "customLabel": "Field 1 label"
    "field2": {
      "customLabel": "Field 2 label",
      "customDescription": "Field 2 description"
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true
Response examples (400)
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 400

Delete a runtime field from a data view

DELETE /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}/runtime_field/{fieldName}

Path parameters

  • fieldName string Required

    The name of the runtime field.

  • viewId string Required

    An identifier for the data view.


  • Indicates a successful call.

  • 404 application/json

    Object is not found.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
DELETE /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}/runtime_field/{fieldName}
curl \
 --request DELETE https://localhost:5601/api/data_views/data_view/ff959d40-b880-11e8-a6d9-e546fe2bba5f/runtime_field/hour_of_day
Response examples (404)
  "error": "Not Found",
  "message": "Saved object [index-pattern/caaad6d0-920c-11ed-b36a-874bd1548a00] not found",
  "statusCode": 404

Get agent tags

GET /api/fleet/agents/tags

[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-agents-read].

Query parameters


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
  • 400 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
GET /api/fleet/agents/tags
curl \
 --request GET https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/agents/tags
Response examples (200)
  "items": [
Response examples (400)
  "error": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 42.0

Check permissions

GET /api/fleet/check-permissions


  • 200 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • error string


    • success boolean Required
  • 400 application/json
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
GET /api/fleet/check-permissions
curl \
 --request GET https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/check-permissions
Response examples (200)
  "error": "MISSING_SECURITY",
  "success": true
Response examples (400)
  "error": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 42.0

Get settings

GET /api/fleet/settings

[Required authorization] Route required privileges: ALL of [fleet-settings-read].


GET /api/fleet/settings
curl \
 --request GET https://localhost:5601/api/fleet/settings
Response examples (200)
  "item": {
    "delete_unenrolled_agents": {
      "enabled": true,
      "is_preconfigured": true
    "has_seen_add_data_notice": true,
    "id": "string",
    "output_secret_storage_requirements_met": true,
    "preconfigured_fields": [
    "prerelease_integrations_enabled": true,
    "secret_storage_requirements_met": true,
    "use_space_awareness_migration_started_at": "string",
    "use_space_awareness_migration_status": "pending",
    "version": "string"
Response examples (400)
  "error": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 42.0
Response examples (404)
  "message": "string"

Machine learning

Machine learning

Search for saved objects Deprecated

GET /api/saved_objects/_find

Retrieve a paginated set of Kibana saved objects.

Query parameters

  • aggs string

    An aggregation structure, serialized as a string. The field format is similar to filter, meaning that to use a saved object type attribute in the aggregation, the savedObjectType.attributes.title: "myTitle" format must be used. For root fields, the syntax is savedObjectType.rootField. NOTE: As objects change in Kibana, the results on each page of the response also change. Use the find API for traditional paginated results, but avoid using it to export large amounts of data.

  • The default operator to use for the simple_query_string.

  • fields string | array

    The fields to return in the attributes key of the response.

  • filter string

    The filter is a KQL string with the caveat that if you filter with an attribute from your saved object type, it should look like that: savedObjectType.attributes.title: "myTitle". However, if you use a root attribute of a saved object such as updated_at, you will have to define your filter like that: savedObjectType.updated_at > 2018-12-22.

  • Filters to objects that do not have a relationship with the type and identifier combination.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • The operator to use for the has_no_reference parameter. Either OR or AND. Defaults to OR.

  • Filters to objects that have a relationship with the type and ID combination.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • The operator to use for the has_reference parameter. Either OR or AND. Defaults to OR.

  • page integer

    The page of objects to return.

  • per_page integer

    The number of objects to return per page.

  • search_fields string | array

    The fields to perform the simple_query_string parsed query against.

  • Sorts the response. Includes "root" and "type" fields. "root" fields exist for all saved objects, such as "updated_at". "type" fields are specific to an object type, such as fields returned in the attributes key of the response. When a single type is defined in the type parameter, the "root" and "type" fields are allowed, and validity checks are made in that order. When multiple types are defined in the type parameter, only "root" fields are allowed.

  • type string | array Required

    The saved object types to include.


  • 200 application/json

    Indicates a successful call.

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • 400 application/json

    Bad request

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
GET /api/saved_objects/_find
curl \
 --request GET https://localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/_find?type=string
Response examples (200)
Response examples (400)
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 400

Preview rule alerts generated on specified time range

POST /api/detection_engine/rules/preview

Query parameters


Body object Required

An object containing tags to add or remove and alert ids the changes will be applied

Any of:
  • actions array[object]
    Hide actions attributes Show actions attributes object
    • action_type_id string Required

      The action type used for sending notifications.

    • Additional properties are allowed.

    • The action frequency defines when the action runs (for example, only on rule execution or at specific time intervals).

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide frequency attributes Show frequency attributes object
      • notifyWhen string Required

        The condition for throttling the notification: onActionGroupChange, onActiveAlert, or onThrottleInterval

        Values are onActiveAlert, onThrottleInterval, or onActionGroupChange.

      • summary boolean Required

        Action summary indicates whether we will send a summary notification about all the generate alerts or notification per individual alert

      • throttle string | null Required

        Defines how often rule actions are taken.

        One of:

        Values are no_actions or rule.

    • group string

      Optionally groups actions by use cases. Use default for alert notifications.

    • id string Required

      The connector ID.

    • params object Required

      Object containing the allowed connector fields, which varies according to the connector type.

      Additional properties are allowed.

    • uuid string(nonempty)

      A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

      Minimum length is 1.

  • Values are savedObjectConversion or savedObjectImport.

  • author array[string]
  • Determines if the rule acts as a building block. By default, building-block alerts are not displayed in the UI. These rules are used as a foundation for other rules that do generate alerts. Its value must be default.

  • description string Required

    Minimum length is 1.

  • enabled boolean

    Determines whether the rule is enabled.

  • exceptions_list array[object]
    Hide exceptions_list attributes Show exceptions_list attributes object
    • id string(nonempty) Required

      A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

      Minimum length is 1.

    • list_id string(nonempty) Required

      A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

      Minimum length is 1.

    • namespace_type string Required

      Determines the exceptions validity in rule's Kibana space

      Values are agnostic or single.

    • type string Required

      The exception type

      Values are detection, rule_default, endpoint, endpoint_trusted_apps, endpoint_events, endpoint_host_isolation_exceptions, or endpoint_blocklists.

  • false_positives array[string]
  • from string(date-math)

    Time from which data is analyzed each time the rule runs, using a date math range. For example, now-4200s means the rule analyzes data from 70 minutes before its start time. Defaults to now-6m (analyzes data from 6 minutes before the start time).

  • interval string

    Frequency of rule execution, using a date math range. For example, "1h" means the rule runs every hour. Defaults to 5m (5 minutes).

  • Schema for fields relating to investigation fields. These are user defined fields we use to highlight in various features in the UI such as alert details flyout and exceptions auto-population from alert. Added in PR #163235 Right now we only have a single field but anticipate adding more related fields to store various configuration states such as override - where a user might say if they want only these fields to display, or if they want these fields + the fields we select. When expanding this field, it may look something like:

    const investigationFields = z.object({
      field_names: NonEmptyArray(NonEmptyString),
      override: z.boolean().optional(),

    Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide investigation_fields attribute Show investigation_fields attribute object
    • field_names array[string(nonempty)] Required

      A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

      At least 1 element. Minimum length of each is 1.

  • license string

    The rule's license.

  • Minimum value is 1.

  • meta object

    Additional properties are allowed.

  • name string Required

    Minimum length is 1.

  • Has no effect.

  • note string

    Notes to help investigate alerts produced by the rule.

  • outcome string

    Values are exactMatch, aliasMatch, or conflict.

  • output_index string Deprecated

    (deprecated) Has no effect.

  • references array[string]
  • required_fields array[object]
    Hide required_fields attributes Show required_fields attributes object
    • name string(nonempty) Required

      A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

      Minimum length is 1.

    • type string(nonempty) Required

      A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

      Minimum length is 1.

  • response_actions array[object]
    One of:
    Hide attributes Show attributes
  • risk_score integer Required

    Risk score (0 to 100)

    Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100.

  • risk_score_mapping array[object]

    Overrides generated alerts' risk_score with a value from the source event

    Hide risk_score_mapping attributes Show risk_score_mapping attributes object
  • rule_id string

    Could be any string, not necessarily a UUID

  • Sets the source field for the alert's signal.rule.name value

  • setup string
  • severity string Required

    Severity of the rule

    Values are low, medium, high, or critical.

  • severity_mapping array[object]

    Overrides generated alerts' severity with values from the source event

    Hide severity_mapping attributes Show severity_mapping attributes object
    • field string Required
    • operator string Required

      Value is equals.

    • severity string Required

      Severity of the rule

      Values are low, medium, high, or critical.

    • value string Required
  • tags array[string]

    String array containing words and phrases to help categorize, filter, and search rules. Defaults to an empty array.

  • threat array[object]
    Hide threat attributes Show threat attributes object
    • framework string Required

      Relevant attack framework

    • tactic object Required

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide tactic attributes Show tactic attributes object
      • id string Required

        Tactic ID

      • name string Required

        Tactic name

      • reference string Required

        Tactic reference

    • technique array[object]

      Array containing information on the attack techniques (optional)

      Hide technique attributes Show technique attributes object
      • id string Required

        Technique ID

      • name string Required

        Technique name

      • reference string Required

        Technique reference

      • subtechnique array[object]

        Array containing more specific information on the attack technique

        Hide subtechnique attributes Show subtechnique attributes object
        • id string Required

          Subtechnique ID

        • name string Required

          Subtechnique name

        • reference string Required

          Subtechnique reference

  • throttle string | null

    Defines how often rule actions are taken.

    One of:

    Values are no_actions or rule.

  • Timeline template ID

  • Timeline template title

  • Sets the time field used to query indices

  • Disables the fallback to the event's @timestamp field

  • to string
  • version integer

    The rule's version number.

    Minimum value is 1.

  • language string Required

    Query language to use

    Value is eql.

  • query string Required

    EQL query to execute

  • type string Required Discriminator

    Rule type

    Value is eql.

  • Additional properties are allowed.

    Hide alert_suppression attributes Show alert_suppression attributes object
    • duration object

      Additional properties are allowed.

      Hide duration attributes Show duration attributes object
      • unit string Required

        Values are s, m, or h.

      • value integer Required

        Minimum value is 1.

    • group_by array[string] Required

      At least 1 but not more than 3 elements.

    • Describes how alerts will be generated for documents with missing suppress by fields: doNotSuppress - per each document a separate alert will be created suppress - only alert will be created per suppress by bucket

      Values are doNotSuppress or suppress.

  • filters array
  • index array[string]
  • Sets a secondary field for sorting events

  • Contains the event timestamp used for sorting a sequence of events

  • invocationCount integer Required
  • timeframeEnd string(date-time) Required


  • 200 application/json

    Successful response

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • isAborted boolean
    • logs array[object] Required
      Hide logs attributes Show logs attributes object
      • duration integer Required

        Execution duration in milliseconds

      • errors array[string(nonempty)] Required

        A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

        Minimum length of each is 1.

      • requests array[object]
        Hide requests attributes Show requests attributes object
        • description string(nonempty)

          A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

          Minimum length is 1.

        • duration integer
        • request string(nonempty)

          A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

          Minimum length is 1.

        • request_type string(nonempty)

          A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

          Minimum length is 1.

      • startedAt string(nonempty)

        A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

        Minimum length is 1.

      • warnings array[string(nonempty)] Required

        A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

        Minimum length of each is 1.

    • previewId string(nonempty)

      A string that does not contain only whitespace characters

      Minimum length is 1.

  • 400 application/json

    Invalid input data response

    One of:
    Hide attributes Show attributes
  • 401 application/json

    Unsuccessful authentication response

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
  • 500 application/json

    Internal server error response

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
POST /api/detection_engine/rules/preview
curl \
 --request POST https://localhost:5601/api/detection_engine/rules/preview \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"actions":[{"action_type_id":"string","alerts_filter":{},"frequency":{"notifyWhen":"onActiveAlert","summary":true,"throttle":"no_actions"},"group":"string","id":"string","params":{},"uuid":"string"}],"alias_purpose":"savedObjectConversion","alias_target_id":"string","author":["string"],"building_block_type":"string","description":"string","enabled":true,"exceptions_list":[{"id":"string","list_id":"string","namespace_type":"agnostic","type":"detection"}],"false_positives":["string"],"from":"string","interval":"string","investigation_fields":{"field_names":["string"]},"license":"string","max_signals":42,"meta":{},"name":"string","namespace":"string","note":"string","outcome":"exactMatch","output_index":"string","references":["string"],"related_integrations":[{"integration":"string","package":"string","version":"string"}],"required_fields":[{"name":"string","type":"string"}],"response_actions":[{"action_type_id":".osquery","params":{"ecs_mapping":{"additionalProperty1":{"field":"string","value":"string"},"additionalProperty2":{"field":"string","value":"string"}},"pack_id":"string","queries":[{"ecs_mapping":{"additionalProperty1":{"field":"string","value":"string"},"additionalProperty2":{"field":"string","value":"string"}},"id":"string","platform":"string","query":"string","removed":true,"snapshot":true,"version":"string"}],"query":"string","saved_query_id":"string","timeout":42.0}}],"risk_score":42,"risk_score_mapping":[{"field":"string","operator":"equals","risk_score":42,"value":"string"}],"rule_id":"string","rule_name_override":"string","setup":"string","severity":"low","severity_mapping":[{"field":"string","operator":"equals","severity":"low","value":"string"}],"tags":["string"],"threat":[{"framework":"string","tactic":{"id":"string","name":"string","reference":"string"},"technique":[{"id":"string","name":"string","reference":"string","subtechnique":[{"id":"string","name":"string","reference":"string"}]}]}],"throttle":"no_actions","timeline_id":"string","timeline_title":"string","timestamp_override":"string","timestamp_override_fallback_disabled":true,"to":"string","version":42,"language":"eql","query":"string","type":"eql","alert_suppression":{"duration":{"unit":"s","value":42},"group_by":["string"],"missing_fields_strategy":"doNotSuppress"},"data_view_id":"string","event_category_override":"string","filters":[],"index":["string"],"tiebreaker_field":"string","timestamp_field":"string","invocationCount":42,"timeframeEnd":"2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00"}'
  "actions": [
      "action_type_id": "string",
      "alerts_filter": {},
      "frequency": {
        "notifyWhen": "onActiveAlert",
        "summary": true,
        "throttle": "no_actions"
      "group": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "params": {},
      "uuid": "string"
  "alias_purpose": "savedObjectConversion",
  "alias_target_id": "string",
  "author": [
  "building_block_type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": true,
  "exceptions_list": [
      "id": "string",
      "list_id": "string",
      "namespace_type": "agnostic",
      "type": "detection"
  "false_positives": [
  "from": "string",
  "interval": "string",
  "investigation_fields": {
    "field_names": [
  "license": "string",
  "max_signals": 42,
  "meta": {},
  "name": "string",
  "namespace": "string",
  "note": "string",
  "outcome": "exactMatch",
  "output_index": "string",
  "references": [
  "related_integrations": [
      "integration": "string",
      "package": "string",
      "version": "string"
  "required_fields": [
      "name": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "response_actions": [
      "action_type_id": ".osquery",
      "params": {
        "ecs_mapping": {
          "additionalProperty1": {
            "field": "string",
            "value": "string"
          "additionalProperty2": {
            "field": "string",
            "value": "string"
        "pack_id": "string",
        "queries": [
            "ecs_mapping": {
              "additionalProperty1": {
                "field": "string",
                "value": "string"
              "additionalProperty2": {
                "field": "string",
                "value": "string"
            "id": "string",
            "platform": "string",
            "query": "string",
            "removed": true,
            "snapshot": true,
            "version": "string"
        "query": "string",
        "saved_query_id": "string",
        "timeout": 42.0
  "risk_score": 42,
  "risk_score_mapping": [
      "field": "string",
      "operator": "equals",
      "risk_score": 42,
      "value": "string"
  "rule_id": "string",
  "rule_name_override": "string",
  "setup": "string",
  "severity": "low",
  "severity_mapping": [
      "field": "string",
      "operator": "equals",
      "severity": "low",
      "value": "string"
  "tags": [
  "threat": [
      "framework": "string",
      "tactic": {
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "reference": "string"
      "technique": [
          "id": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "reference": "string",
          "subtechnique": [
              "id": "string",
              "name": "string",
              "reference": "string"
  "throttle": "no_actions",
  "timeline_id": "string",
  "timeline_title": "string",
  "timestamp_override": "string",
  "timestamp_override_fallback_disabled": true,
  "to": "string",
  "version": 42,
  "language": "eql",
  "query": "string",
  "type": "eql",
  "alert_suppression": {
    "duration": {
      "unit": "s",
      "value": 42
    "group_by": [
    "missing_fields_strategy": "doNotSuppress"
  "data_view_id": "string",
  "event_category_override": "string",
  "filters": [],
  "index": [
  "tiebreaker_field": "string",
  "timestamp_field": "string",
  "invocationCount": 42,
  "timeframeEnd": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00"
  "actions": [
      "action_type_id": "string",
      "alerts_filter": {},
      "frequency": {
        "notifyWhen": "onActiveAlert",
        "summary": true,
        "throttle": "no_actions"
      "group": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "params": {},
      "uuid": "string"
  "alias_purpose": "savedObjectConversion",
  "alias_target_id": "string",
  "author": [
  "building_block_type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": true,
  "exceptions_list": [
      "id": "string",
      "list_id": "string",
      "namespace_type": "agnostic",
      "type": "detection"
  "false_positives": [
  "from": "string",
  "interval": "string",
  "investigation_fields": {
    "field_names": [
  "license": "string",
  "max_signals": 42,
  "meta": {},
  "name": "string",
  "namespace": "string",
  "note": "string",
  "outcome": "exactMatch",
  "output_index": "string",
  "references": [
  "related_integrations": [
      "integration": "string",
      "package": "string",
      "version": "string"
  "required_fields": [
      "name": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "response_actions": [
      "action_type_id": ".osquery",
      "params": {
        "ecs_mapping": {
          "additionalProperty1": {
            "field": "string",
            "value": "string"
          "additionalProperty2": {
            "field": "string",
            "value": "string"
        "pack_id": "string",
        "queries": [
            "ecs_mapping": {
              "additionalProperty1": {
                "field": "string",
                "value": "string"
              "additionalProperty2": {
                "field": "string",
                "value": "string"
            "id": "string",
            "platform": "string",
            "query": "string",
            "removed": true,
            "snapshot": true,
            "version": "string"
        "query": "string",
        "saved_query_id": "string",
        "timeout": 42.0
  "risk_score": 42,
  "risk_score_mapping": [
      "field": "string",
      "operator": "equals",
      "risk_score": 42,
      "value": "string"
  "rule_id": "string",
  "rule_name_override": "string",
  "setup": "string",
  "severity": "low",
  "severity_mapping": [
      "field": "string",
      "operator": "equals",
      "severity": "low",
      "value": "string"
  "tags": [
  "threat": [
      "framework": "string",
      "tactic": {
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "reference": "string"
      "technique": [
          "id": "string",
          "name": "string",
          "reference": "string",
          "subtechnique": [
              "id": "string",
              "name": "string",
              "reference": "string"
  "throttle": "no_actions",
  "timeline_id": "string",
  "timeline_title": "string",
  "timestamp_override": "string",
  "timestamp_override_fallback_disabled": true,
  "to": "string",
  "version": 42,
  "type": "query",
  "alert_suppression": {
    "duration": {
      "unit": "s",
      "value": 42
    "group_by": [
    "missing_fields_strategy": "doNotSuppress"
  "data_view_id": "string",
  "filters": [],
  "index": [
  "saved_id": "string",
  "language": "kuery",
  "query": "string",
  "invocationCount": 42,
  "timeframeEnd": "2025-05-04T09:42:00+00:00"
  "actions": [
      "action_type_id": "string",
      "alerts_filter": {},
      "frequency": {
        "notifyWhen": "onActiveAlert",
        "summary": true,
        "throttle": "no_actions"
      "group": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "params": {},
      "uuid": "string"
  "alias_purpose": "savedObjectConversion",
  "alias_target_id": "string",
  "author": [
  "building_block_type": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "enabled": true,
  "exceptions_list": [
      "id": "string",
      "list_id": "string",
      "namespace_type": "agnostic",
      "type": "detection"
  "false_positives": [
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Response examples (200)
  "isAborted": true,
  "logs": [
      "duration": 42,
      "errors": [
      "requests": [
          "description": "string",
          "duration": 42,
          "request": "string",
          "request_type": "string"
      "startedAt": "string",
      "warnings": [
  "previewId": "string"
Response examples (400)
  "error": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 42
  "message": "string",
  "status_code": 42
Response examples (401)
  "error": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 42
Response examples (500)
  "message": "string",
  "status_code": 42

Set a detection alert status

POST /api/detection_engine/signals/status

Set the status of one or more detection alerts.


Body object Required

An object containing desired status and explicit alert ids or a query to select alerts

One of:
  • signal_ids array[string(nonempty)] Required

    List of alert ids.

    At least 1 element. Minimum length of each is 1.

  • status string Required

    The status of an alert, which can be open, acknowledged, in-progress, or closed.

    Values are open, closed, acknowledged, or in-progress.


POST /api/detection_engine/signals/status
curl \
 --request POST https://localhost:5601/api/detection_engine/signals/status \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"status":"closed","signal_ids":["80e1383f856e67c1b7f7a1634744fa6d66b6e2ef7aa26d226e57afb5a7b2b4a1"]}'
Request examples
  "status": "closed",
  "signal_ids": [
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      "must": [],
      "filter": [
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          "@timestamp": {
            "gte": "2024-10-23T07:00:00.000Z",
            "lte": "2025-01-21T20:12:11.704Z",
            "format": "strict_date_optional_time"
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                "filter": [
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                      "lte": "2025-01-21T20:12:11.704Z",
                      "format": "strict_date_optional_time"
                "should": [],
                "must_not": [
                    "exists": {
                      "field": "kibana.alert.building_block_type"
      "should": [],
      "must_not": []
  "status": "closed",
  "conflicts": "proceed"
Response examples (200)
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  "throttled_until_millis": 0
Response examples (400)
  "error": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 42
  "message": "string",
  "status_code": 42
Response examples (401)
  "error": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 42
Response examples (500)
  "message": "string",
  "status_code": 42