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Aug 16, 2024


Fleet and alerting API additions (v8)

We've added the 8.15.0 Fleet and alerting APIs and updated the authentication options.

215 structure changes including:
113 Additions
102 Modifications
Modified 102
DELETE /api/actions/action/{actionId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/configure
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/configure/connectors/_find
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/reporters
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/status
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/tags
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/{caseId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/{caseId}/alerts
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/{caseId}/comments
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/{caseId}/comments/_find
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/{caseId}/comments/{commentId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/{caseId}/user_actions
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/{caseId}/user_actions/_find
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/data_views
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}/runtime_field/{fieldName}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/data_views/default
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/ml/saved_objects/sync
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/saved_objects/_find
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/saved_objects/resolve/{type}/{id}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/saved_objects/{type}/{id}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/status
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
PATCH /api/cases
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
PATCH /api/cases/configure/{configurationId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
PATCH /api/cases/{caseId}/comments
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/actions
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
DELETE /api/actions/connector/{connectorId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
DELETE /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
DELETE /api/alerts/alert/{alertId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
DELETE /api/cases
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
DELETE /api/cases/{caseId}/comments
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
DELETE /api/cases/{caseId}/comments/{commentId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
DELETE /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
DELETE /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}/runtime_field/{fieldName}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/actions
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/actions/action/{actionId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/actions/connector/{connectorId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/actions/connector_types
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/actions/connectors
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/actions/list_action_types
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/alerting/_health
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/alerting/rule_types
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/alerting/rules/_find
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/alerts/alert/{alertId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/alerts/alerts/_find
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/alerts/alerts/_health
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/alerts/alerts/list_alert_types
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/apm/services/{serviceName}/annotation/search
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/_find
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
GET /api/cases/alerts/{alertId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/actions/action/{actionId}/_execute
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/data_views/data_view
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}/fields
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}/runtime_field
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}/runtime_field/{fieldName}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/data_views/default
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/data_views/swap_references
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/data_views/swap_references/_preview
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/encrypted_saved_objects/_rotate_key
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/saved_objects/_bulk_create
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/saved_objects/_bulk_delete
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/saved_objects/_bulk_get
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/saved_objects/_bulk_resolve
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/saved_objects/_bulk_update
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/saved_objects/_export
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/saved_objects/_import
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/saved_objects/_resolve_import_errors
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/saved_objects/{type}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/saved_objects/{type}/{id}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
PUT /api/actions/action/{actionId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
PUT /api/actions/connector/{connectorId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
PUT /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
PUT /api/alerts/alert/{alertId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
PUT /api/data_views/data_view/{viewId}/runtime_field
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
PUT /api/saved_objects/{type}/{id}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/actions/connector
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/actions/connector/{connectorId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/actions/connector/{connectorId}/_execute
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerting/rule
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}/_disable
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}/_enable
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}/_mute_all
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}/_unmute_all
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}/_update_api_key
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}/alert/{alertId}/_mute
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerting/rule/{ruleId}/alert/{alertId}/_unmute
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/cases/{caseId}/connector/{connectorId}/_push
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/cases/{caseId}/comments
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/cases/configure
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/cases
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/apm/services/{serviceName}/annotation
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/apm/agent_keys
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerts/alert/{alertId}/alert_instance/{alertInstanceId}/_unmute
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerts/alert/{alertId}/alert_instance/{alertInstanceId}/_mute
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerts/alert/{alertId}/_unmute_all
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerts/alert/{alertId}/_mute_all
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerts/alert/{alertId}/_enable
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerts/alert/{alertId}/_disable
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
POST /api/alerts/alert/{alertId}
  • Authentication
  • Api key auth, Basic auth authentication methods Added
Added 113
PUT /settings
PUT /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}
PUT /proxies/{itemId}
PUT /package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
PUT /outputs/{outputId}
GET /agents/{agentId}/uploads
GET /data_streams
GET /enrollment-api-keys
GET /enrollment-api-keys/{keyId}
GET /enrollment_api_keys
GET /enrollment_api_keys/{keyId}
GET /epm/categories
GET /epm/packages
GET /epm/packages/limited
GET /epm/packages/{pkgName}/stats
GET /epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
GET /epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/{filePath}
GET /epm/packages/{pkgkey}
GET /epm/templates/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/inputs
GET /epm/verification_key_id
GET /fleet_server_hosts
GET /fleet_server_hosts/{itemId}
GET /kubernetes
GET /outputs
GET /outputs/{outputId}
GET /outputs/{outputId}/health
GET /package_policies
GET /package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
GET /proxies
GET /proxies/{itemId}
GET /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos
GET /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}
DELETE /agent_download_sources/{sourceId}
DELETE /agents/files/{fileId}
DELETE /agents/{agentId}
DELETE /enrollment-api-keys/{keyId}
DELETE /enrollment_api_keys/{keyId}
DELETE /epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
DELETE /epm/packages/{pkgkey}
DELETE /fleet_server_hosts/{itemId}
DELETE /outputs/{outputId}
DELETE /package_policies/{packagePolicyId}
DELETE /proxies/{itemId}
DELETE /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}
GET /agent-status
GET /agent_download_sources
GET /agent_download_sources/{sourceId}
GET /agent_policies
GET /agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
GET /agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/download
GET /agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/full
GET /agent_status
GET /agent_status/data
GET /agents
GET /agents/action_status
GET /agents/files/{fileId}/{fileName}
GET /agents/setup
GET /agents/tags
GET /agents/{agentId}
POST /epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
POST /epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}/transforms/authorize
POST /epm/packages/{pkgkey}
POST /fleet_server_hosts
POST /health_check
POST /logstash_api_keys
POST /outputs
POST /package_policies
POST /package_policies/_bulk_get
POST /package_policies/delete
POST /package_policies/upgrade
POST /package_policies/upgrade/dryrun
POST /proxies
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/_delete_instances
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}/_reset
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}/disable
POST /s/{spaceId}/api/observability/slos/{sloId}/enable
POST /service-tokens
POST /service_tokens
POST /setup
PUT /agent_download_sources/{sourceId}
PUT /agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}
PUT /agents/{agentId}
PUT /agents/{agentId}/reassign
PUT /epm/packages/{pkgName}/{pkgVersion}
PUT /fleet_server_hosts/{itemId}
GET /settings
GET /settings/enrollment
GET /uninstall_tokens
GET /uninstall_tokens/{uninstallTokenId}
POST /agent_download_sources
POST /agent_policies
POST /agent_policies/_bulk_get
POST /agent_policies/delete
POST /agent_policies/{agentPolicyId}/copy
POST /agents
POST /agents/bulk_reassign
POST /agents/bulk_request_diagnostics
POST /agents/bulk_unenroll
POST /agents/bulk_update_agent_tags
POST /agents/bulk_upgrade
POST /agents/setup
POST /agents/{agentId}/actions
POST /agents/{agentId}/actions/{actionId}/cancel
POST /agents/{agentId}/reassign
POST /agents/{agentId}/request_diagnostics
POST /agents/{agentId}/unenroll
POST /agents/{agentId}/upgrade
POST /enrollment-api-keys
POST /enrollment_api_keys
POST /epm/bulk_assets
POST /epm/packages
POST /epm/packages/_bulk