Add case settings
Case settings include external connection details, custom fields, and templates. Connectors are used to interface with external systems. You must create a connector before you can use it in your cases. If you set a default connector, it is automatically selected when you create cases in Kibana. If you use the create case API, however, you must still specify all of the connector details. You must have all
privileges for the Cases feature in the Management, Observability, or Security section of the Kibana feature privileges, depending on where you are creating cases.
string Required Indicates whether a case is automatically closed when it is pushed to external systems (
) or not automatically closed (close-by-user
).Values are
. -
object Required An object that contains the connector configuration.
Additional properties are allowed.
array[object] Custom fields case configuration.
At least
but not more than10
elements. -
string Required The application that owns the cases: Stack Management, Observability, or Elastic Security.
Values are
, orsecuritySolution
. -
array[object] Technical preview
curl \
--request POST https://localhost:5601/api/cases/configure \
--header "Authorization: $API_KEY" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31" \
--header "kbn-xsrf: string"
"owner": "cases",
"connector": {
"id": "5e656730-e1ca-11ec-be9b-9b1838238ee6",
"name": "my-jira-connector",
"type": ".jira",
"fields": null
"templates": [
"key": "505932fe-ee3a-4960-a661-c781b5acdb05",
"name": "template-1",
"tags": [
"Template tag 1"
"caseFields": {
"tags": [
"Default case tag"
"title": "Default case title",
"category": "Default-category",
"assignees": [
"uid": "u_mGBROF_q5bmFCATbLXAcCwKa0k8JvONAwSruelyKA5E_0"
"description": "A default description for cases.",
"customFields": [
"key": "d312efda-ec2b-42ec-9e2c-84981795c581",
"type": "text",
"value": "A text field value for the template."
"description": "A description of the template."
"closure_type": "close-by-user",
"customFields": [
"key": "d312efda-ec2b-42ec-9e2c-84981795c581",
"type": "text",
"label": "my-text-field",
"required": false,
"defaultValue": "My custom field default value."
"id": "4a97a440-e1cd-11ec-be9b-9b1838238ee6",
"error": null,
"owner": "cases",
"version": "WzIwNzMsMV0=",
"mappings": [
"source": "title",
"target": "summary",
"action_type": "overwrite"
"source": "description",
"target": "description",
"action_type": "overwrite"
"source": "comments",
"target": "comments",
"action_type": "append"
"source": "tags",
"target": "labels",
"action_type": "overwrite"
"connector": {
"id": "5e656730-e1ca-11ec-be9b-9b1838238ee6",
"name": "my-jira-connector",
"type": ".jira",
"fields": null
"templates": [
"key": "505932fe-ee3a-4960-a661-c781b5acdb05",
"name": "template-1",
"tags": [
"Template tag 1"
"caseFields": {
"tags": [
"Default case tag"
"title": "Default case title",
"category": "Default-category",
"assignees": [
"uid": "u_mGBROF_q5bmFCATbLXAcCwKa0k8JvONAwSruelyKA5E_0"
"description": "A default description for cases.",
"customFields": [
"key": "d312efda-ec2b-42ec-9e2c-84981795c581",
"type": "text",
"value": "A text field value for the template."
"description": "A description of the template."
"created_at": "2024-07-01T17:07:17.767Z",
"created_by": {
"email": "null,",
"username": "elastic",
"full_name": null,
"profile_uid": "u_mGBROF_q5bmFCATbLXAcCwKa0k8JvONAwSruelyKA5E_0"
"updated_at": null,
"updated_by": null,
"closure_type": "close-by-user",
"customFields": [
"key": "d312efda-ec2b-42ec-9e2c-84981795c581",
"type": "text",
"label": "my-text-field",
"required": false,
"defaultValue": "My custom field default value."
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "string",
"statusCode": 401