
Alerting enables you to define rules, which detect complex conditions within your data. When a condition is met, the rule tracks it as an alert and runs the actions that are defined in the rule. Actions typically involve the use of connectors to interact with Kibana services or third party integrations.

Delete a rule Beta

DELETE /api/alerting/rule/{id}


  • kbn-xsrf string Required

    A required header to protect against CSRF attacks

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    The identifier for the rule.


  • Indicates a successful call.

  • Indicates an invalid schema or parameters.

  • Indicates that this call is forbidden.

  • Indicates a rule with the given ID does not exist.

DELETE /api/alerting/rule/{id}
curl \
 --request DELETE https://<KIBANA_URL>/api/alerting/rule/{id} \
 --header "kbn-xsrf: true"