Set the default data view Beta

POST /api/data_views/default


  • kbn-xsrf string Required

    Cross-site request forgery protection

application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31

Body Required

  • data_view_id string | null Required

    The data view identifier. NOTE: The API does not validate whether it is a valid identifier. Use null to unset the default data view.

  • force boolean

    Update an existing default data view identifier.

    Default value is false.


  • 200 application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31

    Indicates a successful call.

    Hide response attribute Show response attribute object
  • 400 application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31

    Bad request

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
POST /api/data_views/default
curl \
 -X POST https://localhost:5601/api/data_views/default \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json; Elastic-Api-Version=2023-10-31" \
 -H "kbn-xsrf: string"
Request example
  "force": true,
  "data_view_id": "ff959d40-b880-11e8-a6d9-e546fe2bba5f"
Response examples (200)
  "acknowledged": true
Response examples (400)
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "message": "string",
  "statusCode": 400