Supported technologies


The Elastic APM Ruby Agent has built-in support for many frameworks and libraries. Generally, we want to support all of the most popular libraries. If your favorite is missing, feel free to request it in an issue, or better yet, create a pull request.



We follow Ruby’s own maintenance policy and officially support all currently maintained versions per Ruby Maintenance Branches.

Web Frameworks and Libraries


We have automatic support for Ruby on Rails and all Rack compatible web frameworks.

We test against all supported minor versions of Rails, Sinatra, and Grape.

Ruby on Rails


We currently support all versions of Rails since 4.2. This follows Rails' own Security policy.

See Getting started with Rails.



We currently support all versions of Sinatra since 1.0.

See Getting started with Rack.



We currently support all versions of Grape since 1.2.

See Grape example.



We automatically instrument database actions using:

  • ActiveRecord (v4.2+)
  • DynamoDB (v1.0+)
  • Elasticsearch (v0.9+)
  • Mongo (v2.1+)
  • Redis (v3.1+)
  • Sequel (v4.35+)

External HTTP requests


We automatically instrument and add support for distributed tracing to external requests using these libraries:

  • net/http
  • Http.rb (v0.6+)
  • Faraday (v0.2.1+)

Note: These libraries usually assume localhost if no Host is specified, so the agent does as well.

Background Processing


We automatically instrument background processing using:

  • DelayedJob
  • Sidekiq
  • Shoryuken
  • Sneakers (v2.12.0+) (Experimental, see #676)
  • Resque (v2.0.0+)
  • SuckerPunch (v2.0.0+)



To make the agent work with Resque, you need to require elastic_apm/resque before you boot your Resque worker process.

For example in your Rakefile:

require 'resque'
require 'elastic_apm'
require 'elastic_apm/resque'

When you start Resque, you should see a series of messages like the following in the Resque logs:

I, [XXX #81227]  INFO -- : Starting worker main
D, [XXX #81227] DEBUG -- : Registered signals
I, [XXX #81227]  INFO -- : Running before_first_fork hooks
D, [XXX #81227] DEBUG -- : Starting ElasticAPM agent

Also be sure to set the Resque environment variable RUN_AT_EXIT_HOOKS to true. Otherwise, the fork may be terminated before the agent has a chance to send all the fork’s events to the APM server.



Asynchronously executed jobs in SuckerPunch are automatically instrumented.

Note that errors raised in the user-defined JobClass#perform method will be first handled by the SuckerPunch exception handler before being handled by the agent. The handler is accessed/set via SuckerPunch.exception_handler in version 2.0. The agent transaction will be marked as successful unless you re-raise the error in the exception handler. You can also explicitly report the error via in a custom SuckerPunch exception handler.



We automatically instrument gRPC using the grpc gem. Note that this is experimental, as the grpc gem’s support for Interceptors is experimental as of version 1.27.0.

To instrument a client, add the ElasticAPM::GRPC::ClientInterceptor as an interceptor at Stub creation.
  interceptors: []

To instrument a server, add the ElasticAPM::GRPC::ServerInterceptor. [])