Building Your Own Beat Dashboards
editBuilding Your Own Beat Dashboards
editIf you want to modify a dashboard that comes with a Beat, it’s better to modify a copy of the dashboard because the Beat overwrites the dashboards during the setup phase in order to have the latest version. For duplicating a dashboard, just use the Clone
button from the top of the page.
Before building your own dashboards or customizing the existing ones, you need to load:
- the Beat index pattern, which specifies how Kibana should display the Beat fields
- the Beat dashboards that you want to customize
For the Elastic Beats, the index pattern is available in the Beat package under
. The index-pattern is automatically generated from the fields.yml
file, available in the Beat package. For more details
check the generate index pattern section.
After creating your own dashboards in Kibana, you can export the Kibana dashboards to a local directory, and then archive the dashboards in order to be able to share the dashboards with the community.
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