Beats version 5.0.0-alpha2


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Breaking changes


Affecting all Beats

  • On DEB/RPM installations, the binary files are now found under /usr/share/{{beat_name}}/bin, not in /usr/bin. 1385
  • The logs are written by default to self rotating files, instead of syslog. 1371
  • Remove deprecated host option from elasticsearch, logstash and redis outputs. 1474


  • Configuration of redis topology support changed. 1353
  • Move all Packetbeat configuration options under the packetbeat namespace 1417


  • Default location for the registry file was changed to be data/registry from the binary directory, rather than .filebeat in the current working directory. This affects installations for zip/tar.gz/source, the location for DEB and RPM packages stays the same. 1373



Affecting all Beats

  • Drain response buffers when pipelining is used by Redis output. 1353
  • Unterminated environment variable expressions in config files will now cause an error 1389
  • Fix issue with the automatic template loading when Elasticsearch is not available on Beat start. 1321
  • Fix bug affecting -cpuprofile, -memprofile, and -httpprof CLI flags 1415
  • Fix race when multiple outputs access the same event with logstash output manipulating event 1410 1428
  • Seed random number generator using crypto.rand package.{1503]
  • Fix beats hanging in -configtest 1213
  • Fix kafka log message output 1516


  • Improvements in registrar dealing with file rotation. 1281
  • Fix issue with JSON decoding where @timestamp or type keys with the wrong type could cause Filebeat to crash. 1378
  • Fix issue with JSON decoding where values having null as values could crash Filebeat. 1466
  • Multiline reader normalizing newline to use \n. 1552


  • Fix panic when reading messages larger than 32K characters on Windows XP and 2003. 1498
  • Fix panic that occurs when reading a large events on Windows Vista and newer. 1499



Affecting all Beats

  • Add support for TLS to Redis output. 1353
  • Add SOCKS5 proxy support to Redis output. 1353
  • Failover and load balancing support in redis output. 1353
  • Multiple-worker per host support for redis output. 1353
  • Added ability to escape ${x} in config files to avoid environment variable expansion 1389
  • Configuration options and CLI flags for setting the home, data and config paths. 1373
  • Configuration options and CLI flags for setting the default logs path. 1437
  • Update to Go 1.6.2 1447
  • Add Elasticsearch template files compatible with Elasticsearch 2.x. 1501
  • Add scripts for managing the dashboards of a single Beat 1359


  • Fix compile issues for OpenBSD. 1347


  • Updated elastic/gosigar version so Topbeat can compile on OpenBSD. 1403