Beats version 5.1.1


View commits

Breaking changes



  • Change data structure of experimental haproxy module. 3003


  • If a file is falling under ignore_older during startup, offset is now set to end of file instead of 0. With the previous logic the whole file was sent in case a line was added and it was inconsistent with files which were harvested previously. 2907
  • tail_files is now only applied on the first scan and not for all new files. 2932



Affecting all Beats

  • Fix empty benign errors logged by processor actions. 3046


  • Calculate the fsstat values per mounting point, and not filesystem. 2777



Affecting all Beats

  • Add add_cloud_metadata processor for collecting cloud provider metadata. 2728
  • Added decode_json_fields processor for decoding fields containing JSON strings. 2605
  • Add Tencent Cloud provider for add_cloud_metadata processor. 4023
  • Add Alibaba Cloud provider for add_cloud_metadata processor. 4111


  • Add experimental Docker module. Provided by Ingensi and @douaejeouit based on dockbeat.
  • Add a sample Redis Kibana dashboard. 2916
  • Add support for MongoDB 3.4 and WiredTiger metrics. 2999
  • Add experimental kafka module with partition metricset. 2969
  • Add raw config option for mysql/status metricset. 3001
  • Add command fields for mysql/status metricset. 3251


  • Add command line option -once to run Filebeat only once and then close. 2456
  • Only load matching states into prospector to improve state handling 2840
  • Reset all states ttl on startup to make sure it is overwritten by new config 2840
  • Persist all states for files which fall under ignore_older to have consistent behaviour 2859
  • Improve shutdown behaviour with large number of files. 3035


  • Add event_logs.batch_read_size configuration option. 2641