Beats version 6.0.0-rc1


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Affecting all Beats

  • Fix the /usr/bin/beatname script to accept -d "*" as a parameter. 5040
  • Combine fields.yml properties when they are defined in different sources. 5075
  • Keep Docker & Kubernetes pod metadata after container dies while they are needed by processors. 5084
  • Fix fields.yml lookup when using export template with a custom path.config param. 5089
  • Remove runner creation from every reload check 5141
  • Fix add_kubernetes_metadata matcher registry lookup. 5159


  • Fix a memory allocation issue where more memory was allocated than needed in the windows-perfmon metricset. 5035
  • Don’t start metricbeat if external modules config is wrong and reload is disabled 5053
  • The MongoDB module now connects on each fetch, to avoid stopping the whole Metricbeat instance if MongoDB is not up when starting. 5120
  • Fix kubernetes events module to be able to index time fields properly. 5093
  • Fixed cmd_set and cmd_get being mixed in the Memcache module. 5189



Affecting all Beats

  • Enable flush timeout by default. 5150
  • Add @metadata.version to events send to Logstash. 5166


  • Changed the number of shards in the default configuration to 3. 5095
  • Add support for receiving audit events using a multicast socket. 4850


  • Changed the number of shards in the default configuration to 3. 5095
  • Don’t start filebeat if external modules/prospectors config is wrong and reload is disabled 5053
  • Add filebeat.registry_flush setting, to delay the registry updates. 5146


  • Changed the number of shards in the default configuration to 1. 5095


  • Changed the number of shards in the default configuration to 3. 5095


  • Changed the number of shards in the default configuration to 3. 5095