Beats version 8.1.3


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Affecting all Beats

  • Load data stream during setup, so users do not need extra permissions during publishing. 30647 31048
  • Add ecs container fields 31020
  • Fix docs reference for syslog processor 31087
  • Fix AWS config initialization issue when using a role 30999 31014


  • Prevent logic race on clearing data during request in httpjson. 30730
  • Prevents filestream inputs from being stuck while being created. 31240


  • Recover CEF extensions from messages with invalid/incomplete headers. 30757 30938
  • Fix panic in filestream input when copy_truncate log rotation strategy is used 29024 31041
  • Fix Azure signinlogs authentication_requirement_policies field type and several missing fields. 31062
  • Cyberark PAS: Fix error ingesting events with a single entry in the CAProperties field. 31094
  • Fix Azure activitylogs identity field type and several missing fields. 31170
  • checkpoint: Fix ingest error when a message contains trailing spaces 31197


  • Fix delay in perfmon counters collection 30686 #30861





Affecting all Beats

  • Add FIPS configuration option for all AWS API calls. 28899
  • Add support for kafka message headers. 29940
  • Add support for non-unique Kafka headers for output messages. 30369
  • Add syslog parser and processor. 30139 30541
  • Add action_input_type for the .fleet-actions-results 30562
  • Add cronjob metadata by default 30637
  • New option setup.template.json.data_stream is added to indicate if the JSON index template is a data stream. 31048


  • Retry EvtSubscribe from start if fails with strict mode. 29793 30155