Beats version 8.5.0


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Breaking changes


Affecting all Beats

  • Upgrade to Go 1.18. Certificates signed with SHA-1 are now rejected. See the Go 1.18 release notes for details. 32493
  • Fix formatting of MAC hardware addresses populated by the add_host_metadata processor. 32264 32265



Affecting all Beats

  • Fix metric namespacing for self-monitoring to correct some process incorrectly reading as zero. 32336


  • Fix rendering of MAC addresses to conform to ECS. 32621 32622


  • Fix rendering of MAC addresses to conform to ECS. 32621 32622
  • Import dashboards from CEF integration. 32766
  • Fix how to handle IPv6 addresses in the fileset nginx/ingress_controller for Filebeat. 32989
  • Fix requestID parsing in AWS cloudtrail fileset. 33143
  • Fix input metrics not being unregistered when an input closes. This led to panics when configuration was reloaded for the aws-s3, aws-cloudwatch, and lumberjack inputs. 33259
  • Add handling of AAA operations for Cisco ASA module. 32257 32789
  • Fix gc.log always shipped even if gc fileset is disabled 30995
  • Fix handling of Cisco 302020 messages in ASA and FTD modules. 33089

Heartbeat - Fix bug affecting Let’s Encrypt and other users of cross-signed certs, where cert expiration was incorrectly calculated. 33215 - Fix broken disable feature for Kibana-configured monitors. 33293


  • Fix GCP storage field naming 32806
  • In module/windows/perfmon, changed collection method of the second counter value required to create a displayable value 32305
  • Change max query size for GetMetricData API to 500 and add RecentlyActive for ListMetrics API call. 33105
  • Add GCP CloudSQL region filter. 32943
  • Fix Logstash cgroup mappings. 33131
  • Remove unused elasticsearch.node_stats.indices.bulk.avg_time.bytes mapping. 33263


  • Fix formatting of debug logs. 32698
  • Fix rendering of MAC addresses to conform to ECS. 32621 32622


  • Reduce severity of message salvage failure logging. 32697



Filebeat - Import dashboard from Fortinet Fortigate firewall integration. 19810 33003

Heartbeat - Add new states field for internal use by new synthetics app. 30632

Packetbeat - Add option to allow sniffer to change device when default route changes. 31905 32681 - Add option to allow sniffing multiple interface devices. 31905 32933 - Bump Windows Npcap version to v1.71. 33164 33172



Heartbeat - Deprecate zip_url and local monitor options. 33123