Elastic Logging Plugin usage examples


Elastic Logging Plugin usage examples


This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

The following examples show common configurations for the Elastic Logging Plugin.

Send Docker logs to Elasticsearch


Docker run command:

docker run --log-driver=elastic/elastic-logging-plugin:7.10.2 \
           --log-opt endpoint="myhost:9200" \
           --log-opt user="myusername" \
           --log-opt password="mypassword" \
           -it debian:jessie /bin/bash

Daemon configuration:

  "log-driver" : "elastic/elastic-logging-plugin:7.10.2",
  "log-opts" : {
    "endpoint" : "myhost:9200",
    "user" : "myusername",
    "password" : "mypassword",

Send Docker logs to Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud


Docker run command:

docker run --log-driver=elastic/elastic-logging-plugin:7.10.2 \
           --log-opt cloud_id="MyElasticStack:daMbY2VudHJhbDekZ2NwLmN4b3VkLmVzLmliJDVkYmQwtGJiYjs0NTRiN4Q5ODJmNGUwm1IxZmFkNjM5JDFiNjdkMDE4MTgxMTQzNTM5ZGFiYWJjZmY0OWIyYWE5" \
           --log-opt cloud_auth="myusername:mypassword" \
           -it debian:jessie /bin/bash

Daemon configuration:

  "log-driver" : "elastic/elastic-logging-plugin:7.10.2",
  "log-opts" : {
    "cloud_id" : "MyElasticStack:daMbY2VudHJhbDekZ2NwLmN4b3VkLmVzLmliJDVkYmQwtGJiYjs0NTRiN4Q5ODJmNGUwm1IxZmFkNjM5JDFiNjdkMDE4MTgxMTQzNTM5ZGFiYWJjZmY0OWIyYWE5",
    "cloud_auth" : "myusername:mypassword",
    "output.elasticsearch.index" : "elastic-log-driver-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"

Specify a custom index and template


Docker run command:

docker run --log-driver=elastic/elastic-logging-plugin:7.10.2 \
           --log-opt endpoint="myhost:9200" \
           --log-opt user="myusername" \
           --log-opt password="mypassword" \
           --log-opt index="eld-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}" \
           -it debian:jessie /bin/bash

Daemon configuration:

  "log-driver" : "elastic/elastic-logging-plugin:7.10.2",
  "log-opts" : {
    "endpoint" : "myhost:9200",
    "user" : "myusername",
    "index" : "eld-%{[agent.version]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}",
    "password" : "mypassword",