Beat stats metricset
editBeat stats metricset
editThis is the stats metricset of the beat module.
For a description of each field in the metricset, see the exported fields section.
Here is an example document generated by this metricset:
{ "@timestamp": "2017-10-12T08:05:34.853Z", "beat": { "id": "c4c9bc08-e990-4529-8bf5-715c00fa6615", "elasticsearch": { "cluster": { "id": "foobar" } }, "stats": { "beat": { "host": "2963d991095f", "name": "2963d991095f", "type": "metricbeat", "uuid": "c4c9bc08-e990-4529-8bf5-715c00fa6615", "version": "7.12.0" }, "cpu": { "system": { "ticks": 60, "time": { "ms": 65 } }, "total": { "ticks": 170, "time": { "ms": 178 }, "value": 170 }, "user": { "ticks": 110, "time": { "ms": 113 } } }, "handles": { "limit": { "hard": 1024, "soft": 1024 }, "open": 17 }, "info": { "ephemeral_id": "16f5a19a-8ed6-4bfa-ae0a-85530262b63e", "uptime": { "ms": 3260 } }, "libbeat": { "config": { "running": 3, "starts": 3, "stops": 0, "reloads": 1 }, "output": { "events": { "acked": 0, "active": 0, "batches": 0, "dropped": 0, "duplicates": 0, "failed": 0, "toomany": 0, "total": 0 }, "read": { "bytes": 0, "errors": 0 }, "type": "elasticsearch", "write": { "bytes": 0, "errors": 0 } }, "pipeline": { "clients": 10, "events": { "active": 11, "dropped": 0, "failed": 0, "filtered": 0, "published": 11, "retry": 0, "total": 11 }, "queue": { "acked": 0, "max_events": 0 } } }, "memstats": { "gc_next": 16263952, "memory": { "alloc": 12278440, "total": 31749920 }, "rss": 83816448 }, "runtime": { "goroutines": 63 }, "system": { "cpu": { "cores": 12 }, "load": { "1": 2.14, "15": 1.5, "5": 1.44, "norm": { "1": 0.1783, "15": 0.125, "5": 0.12 } } }, "uptime": { "ms": 3260 } }, "type": "metricbeat" }, "event": { "dataset": "beat.stats", "duration": 115000, "module": "beat" }, "metricset": { "name": "stats", "period": 10000 }, "service": { "address": "", "name": "beat", "type": "beat" } }