Create your deployment


Deployments are Elastic products that you can spin up quickly and manage in the same user interface. There are preconfigured solutions for specific use cases, such as search, observability, or security. If you need something else, you can customize the Elastic Stack for whatever you can dream up, using one of our hardware profiles as a starting point.

To get up and running with your deployment quickly:

  1. From the Cloud UI, click Create deployment.
  2. Optimize your deployment for your use case by selecting a solution.

    Solution options are:

    • Elastic Enterprise Search

      Elastic Enterprise Search comprises two products:

      • App Search enables you to build a customized and powerful search experience in your applications.
      • Workplace Search lets you easily consolidate all of your document sources into one organizational search tool.

        This solution includes an application server to manage queries and the search application, together with worker nodes to manage data indexing and analytics. What’s included …​

    • Elastic Observability

      Elastic Observability includes any combination of data ingestion for Application Performance Monitoring (APM), logs, or metrics. What’s included …​

    • Elastic Security

      Elastic Security combines SIEM threat detection features with endpoint prevention and response capabilities. <<ece-getting-started-security,What’s included …​>

    • Elastic Stack

      If you select Elastic Stack, you will also have the option to select from a number of hardware profiles. Elastic Cloud Enterprise includes the following hardware profiles:

      A template to get you started and for backwards compatibility with existing deployments. The default template is suitable for search and general all-purpose workloads that don’t require more specialized resources. What’s included …​
      Cross Cluster Search
      A lightweight hub to manage remote connections for running Elasticsearch queries across multiple deployments and indices. What’s included …​
      Hot-Warm Architecture
      Use for time-series analytics and logging workloads that benefit from automatic index curation. What’s included …​

    To use this template effectively, you must tag your allocators, so that ECE knows where to send hot and warm data.

    After a deployment is spun up, you can scale the size and add other features; however, the instance configuration and computing ratios cannot be changed. If you need to change an existing deployment to another template, we recommend migrating your data.

  3. Change your deployment settings by clicking Expand in the Deployment settings section.

    + .. Pick your Elastic Stack version, and optionally choose to restore an Elasticsearch snapshot from another deployment.

    + Restoring a snapshot can help with major version upgrades by creating a separate, non-production deployment where you can test, for example. Or, make life easier for your developers by providing them with a development environment that is populated with real data.

  4. Enable additional features, such as:

    Ship your metrics to a dedicated deployment by enabling monitoring and selecting a pre-existing deployment.
    Connect to your virtual private cloud (VPC) and/or whitelist your IP addresses by enabling traffic filtering and adding traffic filters.
  5. Give your deployment a name if you prefer a name other than the one that has been pre-populated for you.
  6. At this point, you can:

    • Click Create deployment to get started right away. Recommended if you are a trial user or new to the Elastic Stack.
    • Click Customize deployment to tweak the performance of the Elastic Stack by changing the size of your instances, including of your Elasticsearch clusters, for example. You can also change the level of fault tolerance, configure additional features, and much more. Learn more …​
  7. After your deployment is ready, write down the password for the elastic user (or the admin user for version 2.x) and keep it somewhere safe. You need the password to connect to your Elasticsearch cluster, Kibana, and App Search. (Missed it? Reset the password.)

That’s it! Now that you are up and running, start exploring with Kibana, our open-source visualization tool. If you’re not familiar with adding data, yet, Kibana can show you how to index your data into Elasticsearch, or try our basic steps for working with Elasticsearch.

Want to take Kibana for a test ride first? In Kibana 6.4.0 and later, you can use the one-click sample data, which allows you to use Kibana without loading your own data. For more information, refer to Explore Kibana using the Flight dashboard.